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dual roles
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2022 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Huanqing Zhang ◽  
Honggang Sun ◽  
Qiutong Li ◽  
Li Wang

The local structures of U-Co melts have been studied by first-principle calculations. Two sub-peaks are observed in the first peaks of U-U pair distribution functions. The Voronoi polyhedral analyses also show two separate core-shell U-U distances. Therefore, the calculated results propose that U atoms will play dual roles, “chemical” and “topological”, in the local structures of U-Co melts. In addition, the chemical effect of U atoms will be strengthened when containing more U atoms. The interaction of Co and U atoms is slightly affected by the compositions. The Co-centered clusters are mostly prism-like or antiprism-like polyhedral, which can be predicted by the solute-solvent model. The distribution of the coordinated numbers of Co atoms is much narrower than that of U atoms, showing relatively stable Co-centered clusters. The chemical and topological roles of U atoms are intuitively observed in the electron density of U-Co melts, which presents both metallic and covalent bonding characteristics for U-U bonds. In the end, we conclude that the partial localization of U 5f-electron is responsible for the dual roles of U atoms. The present results provide a theoretical understanding of the origin of the local structures of U-Co melts.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Yuzhu Lu ◽  
Jia Zeng ◽  
Qiaoquan Liu

Rice Growth-Regulating Factors (GRFs) were originally identified to be gibberellin (GA)-induced, but the nature of GA induction has remained unknown because most reports thereafter focused on revealing their roles in growth-promoting activities. GRFs have the WRC (Trp, Arg, Cys) domain to target DNA and contain the QLQ (Gln, Leu, Gln) domain to interact with GRF-Interacting Factor (GIF), which recruits ATP-dependent DNA translocase Switch/Sucrose Non-fermenting (SWI/SNF) for chromatin remodeling. Both GRFs and GIFs exhibit transcriptional activities but GIFs lack a DNA-binding domain. So, GRFs act like a navigator in the GRF-GIF-SWI/SNF complex, determining when and where the complex should work on. The levels of most rice GRFs can be sensitively regulated by miR396, which responds to many developmental and environmental factors. Recent clues from several studies highlight the original question of how GRFs participate in GA signaling. DELLA (contain DELLA motif) protein plays dual roles in controlling the level of GRFs by regulating the level of miR396 and interacting with GRFs. Here we address the question of why this complex plays an essential role in controlling plant growth focusing on the action of GA signaling pivot, DELLA.

Sarwahita ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (02) ◽  
pp. 137-145
Widya Parimita ◽  
Munawaroh ◽  
Intan Maulida Rizaldy Rizaldy

Many women today have two roles at the same time, the domestic role in charge of taking care of the household and the role of the public who are in charge outside the home or work to meet the needs of family life. The dual role as a woman in this case must be handled wisely and must maximize her duties in both aspects. The partners of this program are representatives of education personnel of The State University of Jakarta with a female gender. The purpose of this devotion is for women to have an overview and input about online business and to invite partners to become independent women through dual roles as housewives and maximize their ability to help the family economy in online business activities as career women. Classic methods with lecture and discussion approaches are applied in this activity. The end result achieved from this activity is increased motivation and knowledge of partners to double role, namely becoming a housewife and becoming a career woman through online business activities.   Abstrak Perempuan masa kini banyak yang memiliki dua peran sekaligus, yakni peran domestik yang bertugas mengurus rumah tangga dan peran publik yang bertugas di luar rumah atau bekerja untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup keluarga. Peran ganda sebagai perempuan dalam hal ini harus disikapi dengan bijak serta harus memaksimalkan tugasnya dikedua aspek tersebut. Mitra program ini adalah perwakilan tenaga kependidikan Universitas Negeri Jakarta berjenis kelamin perempuan. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini agar wanita mempunyai gambaran dan masukan tentang bisnis online serta untuk mengajak mitra menjadi wanita yang mandiri melalui peran ganda sebagai ibu rumah tangga dan memaksimalkan kemampuan yang dimilikinya untuk membantu perekonomian keluarga dalam kegiatan bisnis online sebagai wanita karir. Metode klasikal dengan pendekatan ceramah dan diskusi diterapkan dalam kegiatan ini. Hasil akhir yang dicapai dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatnya motivasi dan pengetahuan mitra untuk berperan ganda yaitu menjadi ibu rumah tangga serta menjadi wanita karir melalui kegiatan bisnis online.

2022 ◽  
Anirban Das ◽  
Sumedha Sudhaman ◽  
Daniel Morgenstern ◽  
Ailish Coblentz ◽  
Jiil Chung ◽  

AbstractCancers arising from germline DNA mismatch repair deficiency or polymerase proofreading deficiency (MMRD and PPD) in children harbour the highest mutational and microsatellite insertion–deletion (MS-indel) burden in humans. MMRD and PPD cancers are commonly lethal due to the inherent resistance to chemo-irradiation. Although immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have failed to benefit children in previous studies, we hypothesized that hypermutation caused by MMRD and PPD will improve outcomes following ICI treatment in these patients. Using an international consortium registry study, we report on the ICI treatment of 45 progressive or recurrent tumors from 38 patients. Durable objective responses were observed in most patients, culminating in a 3 year survival of 41.4%. High mutation burden predicted response for ultra-hypermutant cancers (>100 mutations per Mb) enriched for combined MMRD + PPD, while MS-indels predicted response in MMRD tumors with lower mutation burden (10–100 mutations per Mb). Furthermore, both mechanisms were associated with increased immune infiltration even in ‘immunologically cold’ tumors such as gliomas, contributing to the favorable response. Pseudo-progression (flare) was common and was associated with immune activation in the tumor microenvironment and systemically. Furthermore, patients with flare who continued ICI treatment achieved durable responses. This study demonstrates improved survival for patients with tumors not previously known to respond to ICI treatment, including central nervous system and synchronous cancers, and identifies the dual roles of mutation burden and MS-indels in predicting sustained response to immunotherapy.

Molecules ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 311
Zhengyin Gao ◽  
Weng I Lei ◽  
Leo Tsz On Lee

Neuropeptides are autocrine and paracrine signalling factors and mainly bind to G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) to trigger intracellular secondary messenger release including adenosine 3′, 5′-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP), thus modulating cancer progress in different kind of tumours. As one of the downstream effectors of cAMP, exchange proteins directly activated by cAMP (EPACs) play dual roles in cancer proliferation and metastasis. More evidence about the relationship between neuropeptides and EPAC pathways have been proposed for their potential role in cancer development; hence, this review focuses on the role of neuropeptide/GPCR system modulation of cAMP/EPACs pathways in cancers. The correlated downstream pathways between neuropeptides and EPACs in cancer cell proliferation, migration, and metastasis is discussed to glimmer the direction of future research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (48) ◽  
pp. 13964-13968
Junwei Zheng ◽  
Linli Zhang ◽  
Chaoren Shen ◽  
Kaiwu Dong

2021 ◽  
Jiali Zhang ◽  
Erwei Zuo ◽  
Minfang Song ◽  
Li Chen ◽  
Zhenzhou Jiang ◽  

THEMIS plays an indispensable role in T cells, but its mechanism of action is highly controversial. Using the systematic proximity labeling methodology PEPSI, we identified THEMIS as an uncharacterized substrate for the phosphatase SHP1. Saturated mutagenesis analysis revealed that THEMIS phosphorylation at the evolutionally conserved Tyr34 residue was oppositely regulated by SHP1 and the kinase LCK. Like THEMIS-/- mice, THEMIS Y34F/Y34F knock-in mice showed a significant decrease in CD4 thymocytes and mature CD4 T cells, but a normal thymic development and peripheral homeostasis of CD8 T cells. Mechanistically, phosphorylated THEMIS induced by TCR activation acts as a "priming substrate" to bind SHP1 and convert its phosphatase activity from basal level to nearly fully activated level, ensuring an appropriate negative regulation of TCR signaling. However, cytokine signaling in CD8 T cells failed to elicit THEMIS Y34 phosphorylation, revealing both phosphorylation-dependent and -independent roles of THEMIS in controlling T cell maturation and expansion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 45 (1) ◽  
Wenbo Tang ◽  
Shantanu P. Jadhav

When navigating through space, we must maintain a representation of our position in real time; when recalling a past episode, a memory can come back in a flash. Interestingly, the brain's spatial representation system, including the hippocampus, supports these two distinct timescale functions. How are neural representations of space used in the service of both real-world navigation and internal mnemonic processes? Recent progress has identified sequences of hippocampal place cells, evolving at multiple timescales in accordance with either navigational behaviors or internal oscillations, that underlie these functions. We review experimental findings on experience-dependent modulation of these sequential representations and consider how they link real-world navigation to time-compressed memories. We further discuss recent work suggesting the prevalence of these sequences beyond hippocampus and propose that these multiple-timescale mechanisms may represent a general algorithm for organizing cell assemblies, potentially unifying the dual roles of the spatial representation system in memory and navigation. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Neuroscience, Volume 45 is July 2022. Please see http://www.annualreviews.org/page/journal/pubdates for revised estimates.

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