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steppe zone
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2022 ◽  
Vol 354 (11-12) ◽  
pp. 82-87
A. L. Toygildin ◽  
M. I. Podsevalov ◽  
I. A. Toygildina ◽  
V. N. Austin

In the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of the Volga region, winter wheat occupies the largest area among grain crops, which is associated with its relatively high productivity, economic efficiency and the ability to unload the peaks of field work in the spring. Winter wheat makes fuller use of the bioclimatic potential of productivity, especially in the arid conditions of the region. Despite the fact that the adaptive-integrated approach to the joint use of agricultural techniques and chemicalization means when growing grain crops provides significant and stable yield increases, they require regular study to adjust agricultural technologies. The article presents the results of 3-year studies in a stationary field experiment to assess the influence of predecessors, methods of basic soil cultivation and plant protection on the spread of diseases and weeds, as well as on the yield of winter wheat. Studies have shown that the placement of winter wheat after clean fallow helps to reduce the infestation of crops, and after cruciferous predecessors (white mustard, spring rape)— the spread of root rot (Bipolaris sorokiniana (Helmintosporium sativum)) and leaf rust (Puccinia recondita). Winter wheat yield after different predecessors varied from 5.16 t/ha for pure fallow to 3.77–4.04 t/ha after nonfallow predecessors with a significant increase in adaptive-integrated plant protection by 0.37 t/ha (9.2%) and insignificant — for combined tillage in crop rotation — by 0.19 t/ha (4.6%).

2022 ◽  
Vol 354 (11-12) ◽  
pp. 104-108
T. V. Voloshenkova ◽  
V. K. Dridiger ◽  
R. F. Epifanova ◽  
A. A. Kalashnikova ◽  
A. A. Ogandzhanyan

Relevance. The rate of destruction of chernozems in the steppe zone as a result of deflation is very high. There is a threat of their loss of the humus horizon. To optimize the complex of protective measures, it is necessary to establish the regularities of the formation of wind resistance of these soils.Methods. The seasonal dynamics of the structure of the upper layer (0–5 cm) of chernozems of the steppe zone of the Lower Volga region and the Central Pre-Caucasus in the network of forest belts is studied. The aggregate composition was determined by fractionation of an air dry sample. The wind resistance of the soil was assessed by the total content of particles with a diameter of less than 1 mm.Results. It has been established that the open surface of southern carbonate chernozems is deflationary dangerous at any time of the year. Two spraying peaks were revealed — in early spring and before harvesting grain crops. In the first period, the content of particles with a diameter of less than 1 mm was 33–47%, in the second — 60–61%. Shelter forest belts reduced soil spraying in the zone of effective influence. A change in the internal structure of the deflationally dangerous fraction was detected during the year. The disintegration of large aggregates and an increase in the volume of smaller ones were observed. By the harvesting period, the number of particles with a diameter of 0.5–1.0 mm decreased by 1.7–2.6 times compared to the spring. Number of aggregates with a diameter of 0.1–0.5 mm, most strongly blown by the wind, increased by 1.3–1.8 times. The total dispersion of ordinary chernozem is almost two times lower than that of southern chernozem. However, the amount of particles with a diameter of 0.1–0.5 mm in the deflationary dangerous fraction of southern carbonate chernozem in the spring period is 37%, during the harvesting period — 50–56%. And in ordinary chernozem, already since the spring, there are more than 55% of such particles, in the future their number increases to 60%. As a result, by the harvesting period, the danger of a fraction with a diameter of less than 1 mm becomes the same for both subtypes of chernozems. This requires adjusting the complex of protective measures.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 15-18
Nadezhda Kasatkina ◽  
Zhanna Nelyubina

Meadow clover remains the main forage crop in the middle Urals with great potential. An urgent problem is the development and improvement of the technology of this crop cultivation, including the search for adapted varieties. The aim of the research is to estimate the fodder and seed productivity recommended by the originators of meadow clover varieties of Russian and foreign selection VIK 77, Diplo, Lestris, Ranniy 2, Kudesnik in the Middle Ural region. The studies were carried out in 2017-2019 in the forest-steppe zone of the Udmurt Republic on sod-medium-podzolic medium loamy soil. The Dymkovsky variety included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements in the Volga-Vyatka region was used as a standard. Clover varieties were sown in 2017, comprehensive study in 2018-2019. The meteorological conditions of the growing seasons during the study years were different: 2017 and 2019 - over moistened (hydrothermal coefficient – 1.97 and 1.73), 2018 - dry (hydrothermal coefficient – 0.89). Winter hardiness of meadow clover varieties was estimated at 4.5 points. Varieties Diplo, Lestris and Ranniy 2 reached mowing ripeness in 58-63 days, varieties Dymkovsky, VIK 77 and Kudesnik – in 66-70 days. The varieties Diplo, Ranniy 2 and Kudesnik provided a dry matter yield of 6.2-6.8 t/ha, on average for two years of using meadow clover grass-stand. The highest yield of metabolizable energy (51.2 and 55.0 GJ/ha), digestible protein (0.44 and 0.46 t/ha) and feed units (3.79 and 4.09 thousand feed units/ha) was found in the standard variety Dymkovskiy and the tetraploid variety Kudesnik. Seed productivity of cultivars of meadow clover of the 1st year of use was at the level of 137-314 kg/ha, the highest - 314 kg/ha in the standard variety Dymkovsky

2022 ◽  
Vol 962 (1) ◽  
pp. 012008
Yu A Bazhenov

Abstract The article provides information on the synanthropic rodent fauna of Eastern Transbaikalia. In 2017–2020 the city of Chita, the town of Baley and small settlements of Zabaykalsky krai were surveyed. True synanthropes: the house mouse and the brown rat are most abundant in residential landscapes. Natural populations of the house mouse are typical for coastal biotopes of the steppe zone, and the brown rat is typical for forest-steppe zone of Zabaykalsky krai. In Chita (administrative centre of Zabaykalsky krai) the share of the brown rat in rodent communities has considerably increased in recent decades. There is an extension of the brown rat’s habitat in the area of Baikal-Amur Mainline. Optional synanthropes: striped field mouse, striped dwarf hamster, Maximowicz’s vole, and narrow-headed vole are less important in residential landscapes of the region. In the beginning of the 21st century the field mouse is extending its habitat to the disjunct zone to the west of Transbaikalia: it is now common in the residential area of the town of Baley. Penetration of another optional synanthropic species recorded in the neighbouring Siberian regions – the East European vole – has not been detected.

2022 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 02011
A.G. Amaeva ◽  
N. L. Adaev ◽  
V. N. Bagrintseva ◽  
J. H. Aiskhanova ◽  
K.M. Salamova

The article presents the results of studying the bioresource potential of the medium-late hybrid of corn Beshtau at the All-Russian Research Institute of corn on dry land and at the Chechen Research Institute of Agriculture on irrigation. In the steppe zone of the republic, against the background of the use of irrigation, the application of mineral fertilizers at a dose of N90P120K60 in combination with pre-sowing seed treatment with the agrochemical Bioplant Flora (1.0 l / t) and foliar top dressing with a tank fertilizer mixture Kristalon (3 kg / ha) + Brexil Zn (0, 15 kg / ha) + urea (7 kg / ha) showed high efficiency in realizing the potential of the Beshtau hybrid. Due to irrigation and the use of these fertilizers, it turned out to be possible to increase the grain yield of the Beshtau corn hybrid to 12 t / ha. The application of mineral fertilizers to the soil at a dose of N90P120K60 in combination with foliar feeding of plants with the agrochemical Bioplant Flora at a dose of 1.0 l / ha in 5 leaves and 2.0 l / ha in 8 leaves increased the starch content in the grain from 62.63 to 72.08%, protein - from 10.65 to 12.28%.

2022 ◽  
Vol 962 (1) ◽  
pp. 012002
E Yu Afonina ◽  
N A Tashlykova

Abstract Barun-Torey and Zun-Torey lakes are located in the arid steppe zone of the Central (Inner) Asia, Eastern Siberia, Russia. The Torey lakes are characterizes unstable hydrological regime. The water level variation is explained by the periodic filling and drying of the lakes due to cyclical climatic changes in humidity and temperature. We conducted our studies various water level phases of the climatic cycle: from high water level (1999, 2003) to drying out and the initial filling phase (2007, 2011, 2014, 2016, 2018, and 2020). The aim of this paper is to present long-term research results on changes in the plankton biocenoses of the Torey lakes during a climate cycle, the drying and initial filling of basins. Succession of plankton dominant species is in the direction of: diatoms+green algae and rotifers+crustaceans → green algae and crustaceans → green algae+cyanobacteria and crustaceans → no planktonic algae and invertebrates → cyanobacteria+diatoms+green algae and rotifers+cladocerans+copepods.

В.А. Усольцев ◽  
В.Ф. Ковязин ◽  
И.С. Цепордей

В связи с глобальным потеплением климата оценка углеродного цикла в лесных экосистемах приобрела особое значение. Один из методов определения депонированного в лесах углерода основан на использовании конверсионных коэффициентов биомассы (ККБ) и данных Государственного учета лесного фонда (ГУЛФ). Путем объединения моделей ККБ с данными ГУЛФ в двух экорегионах России – таежном и лесостепном – было установлено, что за 20–25- летний период накопление органического углерода в таежной зоне значительно меньше (5%) по сравнению с лесостепной зоной (39%). Несмотря на существующие риски стихийных бедствий в лесостепном экотоне, за четверть века наблюдается значительный рост депонированного углерода. Это произошло вследствие высокой доли молодняков в начале анализируемого периода, обладающих повышенным приростом по отношению к спелым древостоям. Сопоставимые результаты были получены одним и тем же методом в разных экорегионах планеты: от 8% за 5 лет в Китае до 68% за 50 лет в Японии. Сравнение результатов, полученных предложенным методом и методом IIASA (Австрия), показало минимальное расхождение (3%), что дает основание считать полученные оценки депонирования углерода близкими к реальности. Однако сохраняется неопределенность, связанная с качеством данных ГУЛФ и депонированием углерода в почве. Due to the global warming of the climate, the assessment of the carbon cycle in forest ecosystems has become particularly important. One method for determining deposited carbon is based on the use of biomass expansion factors (BEF) and State Forest Inventory (SFI) data. By combining BEF models with SFI data in two ecoregions of Russia – taiga and forest-steppe – it was found that over a 20–25-year period, accumulating the carbon deposition in the taiga zone is significantly less (5%) compared to the forest-steppe zone (39%). Despite the existing risks of natural disasters in the forest-steppe ecotone, there is a significant increase in carbon deposition over a quarter of a century. This was due to the high proportion of young stands at the beginning of the analyzed period, which have increased growth in relation to old stands. Comparable results were obtained by the same method in different ecoregions of the planet (from 8% in 5 years in China to 68% in 50 years in Japan). A comparison of the results obtained by the proposed method and the IIASA (Austria) method showed a minimal discrepancy (3%), which gives reason to consider the above estimates of carbon deposition close to reality. However, uncertainties remain related to the quality of the SFI data and the carbon deposition in the soil.

Oleksandr Nadvirniak ◽  
Oleg Pogorilets

In autumn 2009, 33 whole and 3 fragmented аntoniniani were discovered and collected within the object of the Late Roman Age - Pereginka (Balakiri)2. According to available information, mostly the coins were concentrated in a limited area with sides of about 15 by 10 meters, and only a few ones were spread by plowing equipment at a distance of up to 30 meters. The distribution of coins and the general state of preservation suggests the collected аntoniniani may have been a part of the deposit, which lay at a depth of 25-40 cm, and was made on the day surface due to the use of more powerful attachments that is used in recent years in the cultivation of agricultural land. In the following years, another five whole and three fragmented аntoniniani were found. The total number of discovered coins is 44 copies. Chronologically, the complex is determined by the lower date – 238 A.D. – the issues of Gordian III: «IOVI CONCERVATORI» and «PROVIDENTIA AVG»; and the upper – 251-253 A.D. – the issues of Trebonianus Gallus «PIETAS AVGG» and Voluzian «PAX AVGG». The chronological framework of the complex's emissions is a relatively short period – about 15 years. The complex became the first fixed and attributed deposit of аntoniniani in the forest-steppe zone of South-Eastern Europe and it is extremely important for understanding the processes of formation of Chernyakhiv culture, as well as, further analysis and development of socio-economic relations of the Roman Empire and «Barbarian» communities in the east of the Danube Limes line. At the same time, the limited source base makes no sense to draw any conclusions about the ethnicity or social status of the deposit holder, as well as about possible ways of entering аntoniniani from the complex Perehinka (Balakiri) 2 on the territory of the Ukrainian Forest-Steppe. To receive conditions close to reality it is possible under the condition of detectiono of the closed complex (or its additional inspection) at carrying out full-fledged archeological researches of the given object. Undoubtedly, one can declare working hypotheses: the аntoniniani came here as prey captured by the «barbarians» during the fighting of 247-251 A.D.; or as a part of the ransom payments promised by Trebonianus Gallus to the «barbaric» tribal or military elite. It can be assumed that the аntoniniani belonged to one of the soldiers of the legions stationed in Moesia, who rebelled and joined the coalition of «barbarian» tribes during the «Scythian» wars, we can appeal to the testimony of Zosimus (Zos., I, 28) about a successful campaign of the Roman units in 253 A.D. those were led by Aemilian, during which not only the detachments of «barbarians» led by Kniva were defeated, but also a successful raid was carried out in their land. It is possible to consider assumptions that the complex could be a part of monetary maintenance of the serviceman or the veteran of regular or federal divisions… But – concerning each of the above-stated hypotheses it will be possible to find and express equal argumentation «for» and «against». As with the typology, the deposit is classified as a single-nominal or mixed treasure, as not only denarii but also sesterces and provincial issues are found on the site. We should also pay attention to another key point. The оbject Perehinka (Balakiri) 2, territorially belonging to the upper reaches of the Southern Bug, is located in a region characterized not only by high density and extreme saturation of monuments those belong to the Chernyakhiv culture, but also as one of the main areas its formation. It is here the objects represented by artifacts attesting to their belonging to the early stage of the Chernyakhiv culture are concentrated: Ruzhychanka, Cherneliv-Rusky, Berezhanka, Lepesivka, Luka-Vrublivetska, Chankiv I, and others. If we take into account the chronology of the early stage of Chernyakhiv culture- the so-called «ruzhychanka phase» (according to E. Gorokhovsky) – 230-270 A.D.; the «first phase» (according to I. Bazhan and A. Gay), which are generally synchronized with phase C1 of the Central-European chronological system – 220-260 A.D. – then the complex of аntoniniani from Pereginka (Balakiri)2 can be one of its chronological benchmarks, as an example, and аntoniniani Valerian and Trajan Decius (for Gerenia Etruscilla) in one of the burials of the Chernyakhiv necropolis of Talalayevka (Khrystynivskyi district, Cherkasy region).

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 313-325
Vitaly Yu. Skorokhodov

The goal of the study was to determine the infl nce of forecrops on spring durum wheat productivity and content of soil potassium in monoculture, double-cropping and six-year crop rotation at two types of nutrient statuses. The information obtained as a result of long-term experiments is of great interest, since systematic determination of nutrient elements in soil gives a correct assessment of the effect of the longterm use of fertilizers on soil fertility. Content of available forms of potassium in soil under spring durum wheat depending on different forecrops and nutrient statuses was studied. The best forecrops for durum wheat in 31-year experiments were black, soil-protecting and green fallows. The yield of durum wheat after black fallow was 1.20 t/ha under fertilization and 1.27 t/ha without using fertilizers. Vegetative mass of cropped fallow ploughed into soil and use of mineral fertilizers led to an increase in content of soil potassium. The use of mineral fertilizers has a positive effect on yield of durum wheat; the yield increase was 0.10 t/ha after soil protecting fallow, 0.11 t/ha after common wheat and 0.13 t/ha after winter rye. Content of soil potassium was higher in six-year crop rotation and it increased durum wheat productivity compared to double-cropping and monoculture.

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