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complex salt
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Geophysics ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 1-51
Peter Lanzarone ◽  
Xukai Shen ◽  
Andrew Brenders ◽  
Ganyuan Xia ◽  
Joe Dellinger ◽  

We demonstrated the application of full-waveform inversion (FWI) guided velocity model building to an extended wide-azimuth towed streamer (EWATS) seismic data set in the Gulf of Mexico. Field data were collected over a historically challenging imaging area, colloquially called the “grunge zone” due to the formation of a compressional allosuture emplaced between two colliding salt sheets. These data had a poor subsalt image below the suture with conventional narrow-azimuth data. Additional geologic complexities were observed including high-velocity carbonate carapace near the top of salt and multiple intrasalt sedimentary inclusions. As such, improved seismic imaging was required to plan and execute wells targeting subsalt strata. Significant improvements to the velocity model and subsalt image were evident with wide-azimuth towed streamer and later EWATS data using conventional top-down velocity model building approaches. Then, high-impact improvements were made using EWATS data with an FWI velocity model building workflow; this study represented an early successful application of FWI used to update salt body geometries from streamer seismic data, in which many past applications were limited to improving sedimentary velocities. Later petrophysical data verified the new FWI-derived model, which had significantly increased confidence in the structural and stratigraphic interpretation of subsalt reservoir systems below the grunge zone.

Д.С. Ильясов ◽  
С.Г. Ильясов

Исследовано взаимодействие комплексной соли хлорида никеля (II) с диаминомочевиной в присутствии глиоксаля. Получены различные комплексные соли катионного типа на основе никеля (II) с диаминомочевиной и на их основе были синтезированы соответствующие макроциклические соединения. Полученные комплексы и макроциклы исследованы физико-химическими методами анализа. The interaction of a complex salt of nickel (II) chloride with diamino urea in the presence of glyoxal was studied. Various complex salts of the cationic type based on nickel (II) with diamino urea were obtained and the corresponding macrocyclic compounds were synthesized on their basis. The resulting complexes and macrocycles were studied by physicochemical methods of analysis.

Sabina Yasmin ◽  
Saswata Rabi ◽  
Avijit Chakraborty ◽  
Huey Chong Kwong ◽  
Edward R. T. Tiekink ◽  

The title CuII macrocyclic complex salt tetrahydrate, [Cu(C22H46N6O2)](C2H3O2)2·4H2O, sees the metal atom located on a centre of inversion and coordinated within a 4 + 2 (N4O2) tetragonally distorted coordination geometry; the N atoms are derived from the macrocycle and the O atoms from weakly associated [3.2048 (15) Å] acetate anions. Further stability to the three-ion aggregate is provided by intramolecular amine-N—H...O(carboxylate) hydrogen bonds. Hydrogen bonding is also prominent in the molecular packing with amide-N—H...O(amide) interactions, leading to eight-membered {...HNCO}2 synthons, amide-N—H...O(water), water-O—H...O(carboxylate) and water-O—H...O(water) hydrogen bonds featuring within the three-dimensional architecture. The calculated Hirshfeld surfaces for the individual components of the asymmetric unit differentiate the water molecules owing to their distinctive supramolecular association. For each of the anion and cation, H...H contacts predominate (50.7 and 65.2%, respectively) followed by H...O/O...H contacts (44.5 and 29.9%, respectively).

2021 ◽  
Tang Baoyu ◽  
Zhang Long ◽  
Yu Zaiqian

Abstract Rice husk ash derived from the rice husk, a renewable waste biomass resource from rice production can be used to produce high value-added silica materials with various applications. But present technologies suffer the shortages of using inorganic acid as the precipitating agent, complex salt-containing wastewater post-treatment, higher production cost, lower product quality, and without the recycling of process additives. In this paper, improved clean chemical precipitation characterizing of recycling the by-product and surfactant used is developed with the highest silica product yield of 99.3%, pore size (21-35 nm), and specific surface area (196-462 m2/g). After the by-product solution is reused 5 times, the yield of silica can still reach 99.1%. The recovery yield of surfactant is 95.3%. The properties of the prepared silica meet the standard of silica for specific applications. The process characterized the recycling of the by-product and surfactant in the process, greener CO2 precipitant, ensuring the greenness, process efficiency, and low production cost. This opens up a new industrialization practical way for up-grading utilization of waste biomass and CO2 containing industrial effluents.

2021 ◽  
Hua Yan ◽  
Weibo Li ◽  
Rui Xiang ◽  
Guangfeng Dong ◽  
Zhen Wang ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (18) ◽  
pp. 3683
David Vargas ◽  
Ivan Vasconcelos ◽  
Matteo Ravasi ◽  
Nick Luiken

Multidimensional deconvolution constitutes an essential operation in a variety of geophysical scenarios at different scales ranging from reservoir to crustal, as it appears in applications such as surface multiple elimination, target-oriented redatuming, and interferometric body-wave retrieval just to name a few. Depending on the use case, active, microseismic, or teleseismic signals are used to reconstruct the broadband response that would have been recorded between two observation points as if one were a virtual source. Reconstructing such a response relies on the the solution of an ill-conditioned linear inverse problem sensitive to noise and artifacts due to incomplete acquisition, limited sources, and band-limited data. Typically, this inversion is performed in the Fourier domain where the inverse problem is solved per frequency via direct or iterative solvers. While this inversion is in theory meant to remove spurious events from cross-correlation gathers and to correct amplitudes, difficulties arise in the estimation of optimal regularization parameters, which are worsened by the fact they must be estimated at each frequency independently. Here we show the benefits of formulating the problem in the time domain and introduce a number of physical constraints that naturally drive the inversion towards a reduced set of stable, meaningful solutions. By exploiting reciprocity, time causality, and frequency-wavenumber locality a set of preconditioners are included at minimal additional cost as a way to alleviate the dependency on an optimal damping parameter to stabilize the inversion. With an interferometric redatuming example, we demonstrate how our time domain implementation successfully reconstructs the overburden-free reflection response beneath a complex salt body from noise-contaminated up- and down-going transmission responses at the target level.

Vincent Wicker ◽  
Mary Ford

Detailed structural and stratigraphic field mapping is used to reconstruct the Jurassic to Late Cretaceous diapiric and tectonic evolution of the Toulon Fault Zone, eastern Beausset Syncline and Toulon Belt, southern France, which represents the easternmost vestige of the Pyrenean orogen in Provence. This complex salt-rich area records a complete history from Jurassic-early Cretaceous subsidence and Aptian-Albian oblique rifting to Late Cretaceous Pyrenean-Provençal shortening. Halokinetic sequences and geometries were preserved principally on the northern flank of the Mont Caume salt diapir sourced from the Upper Triassic Keuper unit. Our field observations are best explained by a model where halokinetic activity interacted with regional deviatoric stresses from early-Jurassic to Santonian/Campanian times. Halokinetic wedges of Jurassic and Early Cretaceous carbonates thin toward the diapir, recording early salt mobilisation. Inverted relics of Apto-Albian rift depocenters are aligned along the northern margin of the Toulon Belt and the adjacent Bandol belt that lies to the west. The Turonian-Coniacian Revest depocenter developed due to localized strong asymmetrical growth of the Mont Caume diapir. The three-dimensional form and growth of the diapir controlled lateral migration of the Revest depocenter, thickness variations, progressive unconformities, and the westward increase in stratal overturning of a flap. A component of N-S compression with related accelerated halokinetic activity can explain our observations and can be considered as the earliest expression of N-S convergence in the Provencal fold belt. Further west, the overturned Beausset klippe can be interpreted as the remnant of a megaflap on the northern flank of the Bandol diapir. The Toulon belt salt structures are excellent field analogues to others observed in the external Alps and Pyrenees.

2021 ◽  
Junxiao Li ◽  
Herurisa Rusmanugroho ◽  
Farah Syazana Dzulkefli ◽  
Mahesh Kalita

2021 ◽  
Yesser HajNasser

Abstract Accurate delineation of salt bodies is essential for the characterization of hydrocarbon accumulation and seal efficiency in offshore reservoirs. The interpretation of these subsurface features is heavily dependent on visual picking. This in turn could introduce systematic bias into the task of salt body interpretation. In this study, we introduce a novel machine learning approach of a deep neural network to mimic an experienced geophysical interpreter's intellect in interpreting salt bodies. Here, the benefits of using machine learning are demonstrated by implementing the MultiResU-Net network. The network is an improved form of the classic U-Net. It presents two key architectural improvements. First, it replaces the simple convolutional layers with inception-like blocks with varying kernel sizes to reconcile the spatial features learned from different seismic image contexts. Second, it incorporates residual convolutional layers along the skip connections between the downsampling and the upsampling paths. This aims at compensating for the disparity between the lower-level features coming from the early stages of the downsampling path and the much higher-level features coming from the upsampling path. From the primary results using the TGS Salt Identification Challenge dataset, the MultiResU-Net outperformed the classic U-Net in identifying salt bodies and showed good agreement with the ground truth. Additionally, in the case of complex salt body geometries, the MultiResU-Net predictions exhibited some intriguing differences with the ground truth interpretation. Although the network validation accuracy is about 95%, some of these occasional discrepancies between the neural network predictions and the ground truth highlighted the subjectivity of the manual interpretation. Consequently, this raises the need to incorporate these neural networks that are prone to random perturbations to QC manual geophysical interpretation. To bridge the gap between the human interpretation and the machine learning predictions, we propose a closed-loop-machine-learning workflow that aims at optimizing the training dataset by incorporating both the consistency of the neural network and the intellect of an experienced geophysical interpreter.

Mario Pacheco ◽  
Natalia Alvarez ◽  
Alicia Cuevas ◽  
Antonio Romerosa ◽  
Francesc Lloret ◽  

A new RuII–ReII complex salt, μ-cyanido-κ2 C:N-bis[(η5-cyclopentadienyl)bis(3,5,7-triazaphosphaadamantane-κP)ruthenium(II)] tetrabromido(ethanol/methanol-κO)nitrosylrhenate(II), [Ru(CN)(C5H5)2(C6H12N3P)4][ReBr4(NO)(CH4O)0.5(C2H6O)0.5] or [RuCp(PTA)2–μ-CN–1κC:2κ2 N-RuCp(PTA)2][Re(NO)Br4(EtOH)0.5(MeOH)0.5] (PTA = 3,5,7-triazaphosphaadamantane) was obtained and characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, elemental analysis and infrared spectroscopy. The title salt was obtained by liquid–liquid diffusion of methanol/DMSO solutions of (NBu4)[Re(NO)Br4(EtOH)] and [(PTA)2CpRu–μ-CN–1κC:2κ2 N-RuCp(PTA)2](CF3SO3). The RuII and ReII independent moieties correspond to a binuclear and mononuclear complex ion, respectively. A deep geometrical parameter analysis was performed, and no significant differences were found with earlier reports containing similar molecules. The magnetic properties were investigated in the temperature range 2.0–300 K, and the complex behaves as a quasi-magnetically isolated spin doublet with weak antiferromagnetic interactions.

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