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Sharra Mae B. Fernandez ◽  

This experimental research study determined and compared the webpage browsing performance of proprietary and open source operating systems on wireless networks. It was intended to reveal the significant differences in the webpage browsing performance between proprietary and open source operating systems on wireless networks when classified as to hardware specifications and type’s web content. The researchers used the JavaScript Console of the Google Chrome web browser application to determine the time of the webpage to fully load. Operating system was the independent variable. Hardware specifications which were classified as old system and new system and types of web content which was also classified as static and dynamic webpages were the intervening variables. Webpages browsing performance was the dependent variable. The statistical tools used were arithmetic mean, and t-test. It also revealed that there were significant differences in the webpage browsing performance between proprietary and open source operating system on wireless networks when classified as to hardware specification and web content. The proprietary and open source operating systems were statistically different when classified as to hardware specifications and type of web content.

К.Г. Резников ◽  
С.Н. Медведев

Представлена реализация программного обеспечения для построения трехмерных поверхностей с использованием трассировки лучей, выполняемого в веб-браузере персонального компьютера или смартфона. Подход веб-приложений стал широко применим в последние годы из-за развития сети Интернет. Современные веб-браузеры имеют достаточную вычислительную мощность для реализации сложных веб-приложений, а не ограничиваются только веб-сайтами. В процессе разработки были изучены различные методы построения поверхностей и методы визуализации, чтобы подобрать наиболее оптимальные для реализации веб-приложения. Были проанализированы и представлены базовые способы создания трехмерных поверхностей. Выделены ключевые различия каркасного и полигонального способа задания поверхности. Рассмотрен ряд моделей с процедурно вычисляемыми поверхностями. Подробно описан кинематический способ образования поверхностей, а также описан разработанный алгоритм для преобразования кинематических моделей в поверхность с использованием полигональной сетки. Подробно описан процесс визуализации и метод трассировки лучей. Продемонстрирован способ работы с видеочипом и распараллеливанию вычислений для оптимизации веб-приложения с помощью библиотеки GPU.js. Представлена структура веб-приложения с описанием главных каталогов проекта. Структура проекта основана на фреймворке Vue.js, благодаря чему функционал веб-приложения позволяет безгранично расширять. Для демонстрации работы веб-приложения представлен пример пошагового задания кинематической поверхности и визуализации на сцене с применением графических эффектов, таких как закраска и освещение, а также представлен пример с визуализацией множества объектов на сцене The article presents the implementation of software for rendering 3D-surfaces using ray tracing, running in a web browser of computers or smartphones. The web application approach has become widespread in recent years due to the development of the Internet. Modern web browsers have enough processing power to run complex web applications and are not limited to just websites. During the development process, various methods for constructing surfaces and visualization methods were analyzed to choose the most optimal solution for web applications. We analyzed and presented basic methods of creating 3D surfaces. We highlighted the key differences between wireframe and polygonal methods of surface definition. We considered several models with dynamic surface computation. We described the kinematic method of surface formation in detail and the developed algorithm for transforming kinematic models into a surface using a polygonal mesh. We described in detail the rendering process and ray tracing method. We demonstrated a way of working with a video chip and parallelizing computations to optimize a web application using the GPU.js library. We presented the structure of a web application with a description of the main project directories. The project structure is based on the Vue.js framework. The framework allows one to endlessly expand the functionality of a web application. The article presents how the web application works and example of step-by-step creation of a kinematic surface and rendering on a scene using graphic effects such as shading and lighting. Also it contains an example of rendering many objects on a scene

Qibin Zhou ◽  
Qinggang Su ◽  
Peng Xiong

The assisted download is an effective method solving the problem that the coverage range is insufficient when Wi-Fi access is used in VANET. For the low utilization of time-space resource within blind area and unbalanced download services in VANET, this paper proposes an approximate global optimum scheme to select vehicle based on WebGIS for assistance download. For WebGIS, this scheme uses a two-dimensional matrix to respectively define the time-space resource and the vehicle selecting behavior, and uses Markov Decision Process to solve the problem of time-space resource allocation within blind area, and utilizes the communication features of VANET to simplify the behavior space of vehicle selection so as to reduce the computing complexity. At the same time, Euclidean Distance(Metric) and Manhattan Distance are used as the basis of vehicle selection by the proposed scheme so that, in the case of possessing the balanced assisted download services, the target vehicles can increase effectively the total amount of user downloads. Experimental results show that because of the wider access range and platform independence of WebGIS, when user is in the case of relatively balanced download services, the total amount of downloads is increased by more than 20%. Moreover, WebGIS usually only needs to use Web browser (sometimes add some plug-ins) on the client side, so the system cost is greatly reduced.

2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-23
Rizwan Ur Rahman ◽  
Lokesh Yadav ◽  
Deepak Singh Tomar

Phishing attack is a deceitful attempt to steal the confidential data such as credit card information, and account passwords. In this paper, Phish-Shelter, a novel anti-phishing browser is developed, which analyzes the URL and the content of phishing page. Phish-Shelter is based on combined supervised machine learning model.Phish-Shelter browser uses two novel feature set, which are used to determine the web page identity. The proposed feature sets include eight features to evaluate the obfuscation-based rule, and eight features to identify search engine. Further, we have taken eleven features which are used to discover contents, and blacklist based rule. Phish-Shelter exploited matching identity features, which determines the degree of similarity of a URL with the blacklisted URLs. Proposed features are independent from third-party services such as web browser history or search engines result. The experimental results indicate that, there is a significant improvement in detection accuracy using proposed features over traditional features.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. e0262145
Olatunji Johnson ◽  
Claudio Fronterre ◽  
Peter J. Diggle ◽  
Benjamin Amoah ◽  
Emanuele Giorgi

User-friendly interfaces have been increasingly used to facilitate the learning of advanced statistical methodology, especially for students with only minimal statistical training. In this paper, we illustrate the use of MBGapp for teaching geostatistical analysis to population health scientists. Using a case-study on Loa loa infections, we show how MBGapp can be used to teach the different stages of a geostatistical analysis in a more interactive fashion. For wider accessibility and usability, MBGapp is available as an R package and as a Shiny web-application that can be freely accessed on any web browser. In addition to MBGapp, we also present an auxiliary Shiny app, called VariagramApp, that can be used to aid the teaching of Gaussian processes in one and two dimensions using simulations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 195-199
Hardi Putra Atyasa ◽  
Nugroho Suharto ◽  
Azam Muzakhim Imammuddin

Karena panjangnya lahan tanaman di jalan biasanya banyak tanaman yanglayu atau rusak karena tidak terkontrol penyiramannya. Petugas penyiram tanaman di jalan biasanya menyiram tanaman tersebut secara berkala. Penyiraman tanaman jalan kadang menimbulkan kemacetan kecil dan ada bagian tanaman yang tidak tersiram karena dilakukan secara manual.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat rancang bangun sistem kendalipenyiram tanaman jalan berbasis kelembaban menggunakan sensor soil moisture, nodeMCU, modul relay, regulator voltage, dan dynamo sprayer. Hasil kinerja perangkat ini berpengaruh dari waktu jadwal penyiraman dan kadar kelembabantanah pada tanaman. Hasil Perancangan dan pengujian alat diperoleh rancangan sistem penyiramtanaman secara otomatis dan dapat memonitor kelembaban tanah tanaman dengan platform thingspeak melalui web browser. Penyiraman akan dilakukan otomatis saat masuk waktu jadwal penyiraman dan kelembaban tanah kering. Hasil pembacaan sensor soil terhadap kelembaban tanah berupa range nilai ADC sebesar500 – 900 saat kondisi sensor basah sedangkan 901 - 1023 saat sensor dalam keadaan kering. Nilai delay pengiriman data hasil sistem monitoring kelembaban tanah sebesar 0.473 ms pada node 1, 0.433 ms pada node 2, dan 0.245 pada node 3. Dimana nilai delay tiap node tersebut dikategorikan baik (0 – 150 ms) sesuai standar ITUT.

2021 ◽  
Brian Hu ◽  
Evan Gunnell ◽  
Yu Sun

The outbreak of the Covid 19 pandemic has forced most schools and businesses to use digital learning and working. Many people have repetitive web browsing activities or encounter too many open tabs causing slowness in surfing the websites. This paper presents a tab predictor application, a Chrome browser extension that uses Machine Learning (ML) to predict the next URL to open based on the time and frequency of current and previous tabs. Nowadays, AI technology has expanded in people’s daily lives like self-driving cars and assistive-type robots. The AI ML module in our application is more basic and is built using Python and Scikit-Learn (Sklearn) machine learning libraries. We use JavaScript and Chrome API to collect the browser tab data and store it in a Firebase Cloud Firestore. The ML module then loads data from the Firebase, trains datasets to adapt to a user’s patterns, and predicts URLs to recommend opening new URLs. For Machine Learning, we compare three ML models and select the Random Forest Classifier. We also apply SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique) to make the data-set more balanced, thus improving the prediction accuracy. Both manual tests and Cross Validation are performed to verify the predicted URLs. As a result, using the Smart Tab Predictor application will help students and business workers manage the web browser tabs more efficiently in their daily routine for online classes, online meetings, and other websites.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-105
Rudi Antoro

Objektif. KWT Rahayu Jurug saat ini mempunyai persaingan bisnis yang disebabkan oleh perkembangan dunia yang semakin modern, sehingga perlu dilakukannya peningkatan dalam hal pemasaran. Website dapat menyajikan informasi dalam berbagai bentuk yang mempunyai tujuan sebagai media informasi, dan publikasi yang dapat mempengaruhi persepsi pelanggan terhadap produk yang ditawarkan. Dalam Standard ISO 9126 telah mengusulkan beberapa karakteristik untuk melakukan pengujian terhadap kualitas sebuah perangkat lunak.Metode. Berdasarkan hal tersebut perlunya perbaikan pada dalam segi kualitas penjualan agar mencapai kepuasan bagi pelanggan secara optimal maka dibutuhkan metode Waterfall untuk mendesain layout website untuk sesuai keinginan dari pihak KWT dan ISO 9126 digunakan untuk menguji standarisasi kualitas dari website.Hasil. Setelah meleati pengujian maka didapatkan hasil nilai Functionality bernilai 1 yang dapat dikatakan baik. Pada Efficiency dengan menggunakan Page Speed Inserts sebesar 75% dan GTMatrix sebesar 67%. Pada Realibility persentase keberhasilan sebesar 96%. Pada Usability hasil scala likert mimiliki ranks netral hingga setuju, pada Sistem Usability Scala (SUS) mendapatkan 71,5%, pada pengujian Validitas dan Reabilitas pada respon 10 responden terhadap 14 pertanyaan dinyatakan valid dan reliabel. Pada Portability terdapat pengujian website dengan menggunakan web browser komputer dan android, pada pengujian tersebut telah diuji hasil tersebut bahwa Website dan aplikasi KWT memenuhi kriteria faktor kualitas portability.Kesimpulan. Dari hasil analisis dan pembahasan sebelunya dapat disimpulkan bahwa perancangan system informasi penjualan E-Commerce berbasis web dengan menggunakan metode waterfall dengan mengunakan pengujian standarisasi ISO 9126 pada KWT Rahayu Jurug dapat terpenuhi segala aspek karakteristiknya.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. e0260569
Frode Eika Sandnes

Background To ensure the privacy of participants is an ethical and legal obligation for researchers. Yet, achieving anonymity can be technically difficult. When observing participants over time one needs mechanisms to link the data from the different sessions. Also, it is often necessary to expand the sample of participants during a project. Objectives To help researchers simplify the administration of such studies the CANDIDATE tool is proposed. This tool allows simple, unique, and anonymous participant IDs to be generated on the fly. Method Simulations were used to validate the uniqueness of the IDs as well as their anonymity. Results The tool can successfully generate IDs with a low collision rate while maintaining high anonymity. A practical compromise between integrity and anonymity was achieved when the ID space is about ten times the number of participants. Implications The tool holds potential for making it easier to collect more comprehensive empirical evidence over time that in turn will provide a more solid basis for drawing reliable conclusions based on research data. An open-source implementation of the tool that runs locally in a web-browser is made available.

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