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hierarchical classification
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Rifiana Arief ◽  
Achmad Benny Mutiara ◽  
Tubagus Maulana Kusuma ◽  
Hustinawaty Hustinawaty

<p>This research proposed automated hierarchical classification of scanned documents with characteristics content that have unstructured text and special patterns (specific and short strings) using convolutional neural network (CNN) and regular expression method (REM). The research data using digital correspondence documents with format PDF images from pusat data teknologi dan informasi (technology and information data center). The document hierarchy covers type of letter, type of manuscript letter, origin of letter and subject of letter. The research method consists of preprocessing, classification, and storage to database. Preprocessing covers extraction using Tesseract optical character recognition (OCR) and formation of word document vector with Word2Vec. Hierarchical classification uses CNN to classify 5 types of letters and regular expression to classify 4 types of manuscript letter, 15 origins of letter and 25 subjects of letter. The classified documents are stored in the Hive database in Hadoop big data architecture. The amount of data used is 5200 documents, consisting of 4000 for training, 1000 for testing and 200 for classification prediction documents. The trial result of 200 new documents is 188 documents correctly classified and 12 documents incorrectly classified. The accuracy of automated hierarchical classification is 94%. Next, the search of classified scanned documents based on content can be developed.</p>

2022 ◽  
Vol 40 ◽  
Érica Patrícia Cunha Rosa Schmitz ◽  
Eliziane Costa da Silva ◽  
Ozeas de Lima Lins Filho ◽  
Margarida Maria de Castro Antunes ◽  
Kátia Galeão Brandt

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze scientific evidence on the use of blenderized tube feeding in children regarding nutritional composition, family satisfaction, and health outcomes. Data source: Survey was conducted in the PubMed, Scopus, Embase, and Virtual Health Library (VHL) databases using the following search terms: blenderized tube feeding OR blended tube feeding OR homemade OR pureed AND enteral nutrition AND enteral tube. The methodological quality of the selected articles was evaluated using the Critical Appraisal Skill Programme and Hierarchical Classification of Evidence. Data synthesis: After analysis, 11 articles were included in the present review. Most studies demonstrated improvements in health outcomes and greater family satisfaction after replacing the commercial enteral feeding with blenderized tube feeding. Conclusions: When guided and monitored by the healthcare team, a blenderized tube feeding ensures an adequate nutritional composition. The use of this method is also associated with positive health outcomes such as reductions in gastrointestinal symptoms and hospitalizations. Moreover, a high frequency of family satisfaction was verified.%

2022 ◽  
Vol 75 (1) ◽  
Iria Barbara de Oliveira ◽  
Aida Maris Peres ◽  
Maria Manuela Martins ◽  
Elisabeth Bernardino ◽  
Maria do Carmo Fernandez Lourenço Haddad ◽  

ABSTRACT Objectives: to understand the work process dimensions related to innovative actions developed by nurses in Primary Health Care. Methods: qualitative, descriptive study, developed in Primary Health Care in a city in the Southern Region of Brazil. Seventy-six nurses, who worked in management and assistance, participated in this study through semi-structured interviews. After data processing by IRAMUTEQ software, the textual analysis occurred by descending hierarchical classification. Results: forty-two innovative actions, considered by the participants as new ways of working, were identified. There was a predominance of innovative actions related to the Management and Assist dimensions; we noticed the fragility of the actions to contemplate all the nurse’s work process dimensions. Final Considerations: the predominance of innovative actions was related to users’ assistance and better conditions in the teamwork process, besides highlighting the role of nurses in the perspective of a new way of working in health services.

2022 ◽  
Vol 75 (3) ◽  
Andreia Chaves Farias ◽  
Evanira Rodrigues Maia ◽  
Milena Silva Costa ◽  
Maria Rosilene Cândido Moreira ◽  
Joseph Dimas de Oliveira ◽  

ABSTRACT Objectives: to identify the outlining of therapeutic itineraries of families of children with disabilities in the professional health care subsystem. Methods: qualitative research carried out in two specialized services in the state of Ceará, with 41 family members interviewed using the life path technique and reports submitted to descending hierarchical classification and similitude analysis, with the help of the IRaMuTeQ software and the theoretical framework of health care systems. Results: the classes described the families’ itineraries in five paths, related to faith, support structures, medical behaviors, professionals, and health services. The professional subsystem stood out as deficient in outlining the therapeutic itinerary for access to health care for children with disabilities, without promoting integration between services in the Care Network. Final considerations: the families’ therapeutic itineraries showed homogeneous discourse with themes related to the care of professionals and spiritual aspects.

2022 ◽  
Vol 75 (3) ◽  
Marialda Moreira Christoffel ◽  
Ana Leticia Monteiro Gomes ◽  
Cássia Leoneuza Augusto Julio ◽  
Julia Florentino de Barros ◽  
Elisa da Conceição Rodrigues ◽  

ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze the perception of health professionals about exclusive breastfeeding in Family Health Strategy units in the city of Macaé. Methods: qualitative study carried out in four units of the Family Health Strategy in the city of Macaé, Rio de Janeiro. Thirty health professionals were interviewed from March to May 2019. Textual contents were processed in the IRaMuTeQ® software by the Descending Hierarchical Classification. Results: professionals use different strategies for actions to promote, protect and support breastfeeding in prenatal consultations, but social and cultural determinants are important issues that interfere in this process, the involvement of the family being essential for the success of this practice. Final Considerations: health professionals, including nurses, need training and qualification to strengthen the support and social network of pregnant women and insert the family in the different strategies used to improve adherence to exclusive breastfeeding.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (4 supplement) ◽  
pp. 1488-1500
Stanislava R. PASIEKA ◽  
Olga H. MOROZOVA ◽  

Assessment of the potential of tourist and recreational clusters and objects of tourist activity remains relevant and still underdeveloped direction in tourism. The article aims to consider the peculiarities of the formation of the regional protentional of tourist and recreational clusters of the member state of the European Union. The methodological paradigm of the formation of potential of tourist and recreational clusters and a technique of its estimation based on systematics of tools and components, which essentially expand a network of the tourist and recreational industry, are substantiated. Methods of hierarchical classification were used. Results and interpretation of the study consists of the components of the competitiveness index for determining the regional level of potential of tourist and recreation clusters in countries in the areas of travel and tourism are presented. Indicators of competitiveness of the regional potential of tourist and recreational clusters are determined. The indicator of the integrated level of efficiency of the formation of regional protentional of tourist and recreational clusters offered. The number of tourists and recreational clusters on the EU member states has been determined. The share of regional potential of tourism and recreation clusters in terms of their total contribution to national income is calculated, as well as the average growth of national income from the projected value of regional potential of tourists and recreation clusters in EU member states.

E. V. Shemyakin ◽  
L. G. Vartapetov ◽  
A. G. Larionov ◽  

The results of bird route censuses, conducted on the territory of the Aldan Highland in the first half of summer and generally covering the period from 2000 to 2019, were analyzed. The total length of the routes was about 2815 km. A total of 116 initial variants of the bird population were used. Based on the results of multivariate factor analysis for 160 species registered in these censuses, a hierarchical classification of their preference for habitats was drawn up. The classification showed that 45 % of birds prefer forests, woodlands and burned areas, 26.2 % - water bodies and their banks, 13.8 % - bogs and meadows, 9.4 % - villages and cities, 5.6 % - mountain tundra. A comparative analysis with a similar classification for the Altai Highland has been performed. The main differences in the territorial distribution of bird species in the Aldan Highland and Altai lie in a smaller number of identified types of preferences in our region. Due to the homogeneity of forest biotopes and the absence of the steppe, forest-steppe, subnival, and nival zones in the Aldan Highland, the corresponding landscapes are not represented here, which determines the absence of the steppe, forest-meadow-steppe, meadow-bog, and subnival types. Similarly to Altai, the forest, tundra and synanthropic types of preference are distinguished in the Aldan Highland.

S. A. Soloviev ◽  
L. G. Vartapetov ◽  

According to the results of bird counts carried out in 138 habitats over 12 years, a hierarchical classification and a structural graph of the similarity of ornithocomplexes in the plain southwestern part of Western Siberia and Northern Kazakhstan have been compiled in the period from 1982 till 2002. The hierarchical classification contains six types of bird populations. The similarity graph is built at the level of types and is represented by three rows (trends). One row consists of bird complexes of residential and recreational areas; the second, of wetlands; and the third, of forest, forest-field, and steppe habitats. The classification taxa characteristics contain information on the three most numerous bird species (leaders in abundance), their share in the community, population density, and the background species wealth. Based on the assessment of the similarity coincidence degree for the of bird communities and environmental factors, a hierarchy of the impact of the main anthropogenic and natural factors, determining the bird population formation, has been established.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 258
Angeli Ambayya ◽  
Anthony V. Moorman ◽  
Jameela Sathar ◽  
Jeyanthy Eswaran ◽  
Sarina Sulong ◽  

Hitherto, no data describing the heterogeneity of genetic profiles and risk stratifications of adult acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) in Southeast Asia are reported. This study assessed genetic profiles, Moorman’s hierarchical classification, and ELN 2017-based risk stratifications in relation to age, gender, and ethnicity in Malaysian adult AML patients. A total of 854 AML patients: male (52%), female (48%) were recruited comprising three main ethnic groups: Malays (59%), Chinese (32%) and Indians (8%). Of 307 patients with abnormal karyotypes: 36% exhibited translocations; 10% deletions and 5% trisomies. The commonest genotype was FLT3-ITD-NPM1wt (276/414; 66.7%). ELN 2017 risk stratification was performed on 494 patients, and 41% were classified as favourable, 39% as intermediate and 20% as adverse groups. More females (47%) were in the favourable risk group compared to males (37%), whereas adverse risk was higher in patients above 60 (24%) of age compared to below 60 (18%) patients. We observed heterogeneity in the distribution of genetic profiles and risk stratifications between the age groups and gender, but not among the ethnic groups. Our study elucidated the diversity of adult AML genetic profiles between Southeast Asians and other regions worldwide.

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