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community health center
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2022 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 1-2
Bao Vincent K. Ho ◽  
Jessica Ferguson ◽  
Brittani Reme ◽  
Jadesola Akinwuntan ◽  
Edward W. Seger ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 202-208
Balqis Dwiyanti Haedar ◽  
Rauly Ramadhani ◽  
Andi Sitti Rahma

Exclusive breastfeeding is a condition in which infants are only given breast milk without the addition of other fluids and foods. until the baby reaches 6 months old. Breast milk strengthen the immune system in infants so they can avoid various diseases including diarrhea. This study aims to determine the relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and the incidence of diarrhea in infants aged 0-6 months in the Sudiang Community Health Center. This research is an analytical survey research with a cross-sectional design. This research was conducted at the Sudiang Health Center, Makassar City in the period November 1st to December 31st, 2019. The total respondents were 89 mothers with babies aged 0-6 months. The results showed that most of the respondents were mothers with male babies (61%), most of the mothers' education was high school graduates (46%), housewives (75%) with low economic background (56%). Exclusive breastfeeding related to the incidence of diarrhea in children aged 0-6 months in the Sudiang Community Health Center with a value of p <0.05 (p = 0.001). In addition, no significant relationship on maternal nipple hygiene to diarrhea in children aged 0-6 months p <0.05 (p = 0.075). In conclusion, this study showed there is a relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and the incidence of diarrhea in children aged 0-6 months in Sudiang Health Center. There is a relationship between hand hygiene and the incidence of diarrhea in children aged 0-6 months in Sudiang Health Center, Makassar.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-20
Meti Patimah ◽  
Tatu Septiani Nurhikmah ◽  
Noorhayati Novayanti ◽  
Ratni N ◽  
Adila Fitria ◽  

Problems related to the stagnation of the family planning program in Indonesia are thought to be caused by the level of contraceptive use and unmet need for family planning, a decrease in fertility or fertility rates, an increase in the proportion of early marriage, limited knowledge of reproductive health, and sexual activity outside of marriage which leads to Total Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR). The purpose of this activity is to implement the ¨KOPIKu¨ application. This community partnership service is carried out in Cilamajang Village. Kawalu District, Tasikmalaya City, which is the working area of ??the Karanganyar Community Health Center for 35 primigravida III trimester pregnant women. This activity is an application of the ¨KOPIKu¨ My Choice of Contraception which is installed on a smartphone. The results show that the knowledge of mothers before using the KOPIKu application was mostly in the less category at 85.7%, while the mother's knowledge after using the ¨KOPIKu aplikasi application was mostly in the good category at 82.9%.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-88
Syahrida Wahyu Utami

The immunization program is carried out so that the baby gets all five types of immunizations in full, so that the baby is protected from diseases that can endanger the baby's health. Knowledge about immunization is very important for mothers, especially mothers who have just given birth to their babies. Immunization is giving vaccines to toddlers so that the immunity of the toddler's body can be increased and immune to disease. The research objective to be achieved based on the above problem formulation is to determine the relationship of knowledge and attitudes of parents with basic immunization for infants at the Alalak Selatan Health Center in Banjarmasin City in 2018. The research design used in this study is descriptive analytic research. using an accidental sampling technique approach by taking respondents who came to the South Alalak Health Center. The sample used in this study were 79 respondents, with data analysis using the Chi Square test. The results showed the relationship between knowledge and immunization based on chi square test data regarding the relationship of knowledge with basic immunization, obtained a significance of 0.004 < 0.05, this concludes that there is a relationship between knowledge and basic immunization. the relationship between parental attitudes with basic immunization based on the chi square test output data obtained significant by 0,000 < 0.05 meaning that there is a relationship between parental attitudes and basic immunization. Alalak Selatan Community Health Center should increase socialization on the importance of basic immunization for children through electronic media as well as health center staff and health networks under its auspices.

Lonnie R. Snowden ◽  
Eli Michaels

Abstract Federally Qualified Community Health Centers (FQHCs), serving Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs), are fixtures of the healthcare safety net and are central to healthcare delivery for African Americans and other marginalized Americans. Anti-African American bias, tied to anti- “welfare” sentiment and to a belief in African Americans’ supposed safety net dependency, can suppress states’ willingness to identify HPSAs and to apply for and operate FQHCs. Drawing on data from n = 1,084,553 non-Hispanic White Project Implicit respondents from 2013–2018, we investigated associations between state-level implicit and explicit racial bias and availability of FQHCs and with HPSA designations. After controlling for states’ sociopolitical conservatism, wealth, health status, and acceptance of the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion, greater racial bias was correlated with fewer FQHC delivery sites and fewer HPSA designations. White’s bias against African Americans is associated with fewer FQHC opportunities for care and fewer identifications of treatment need for African Americans and other low-income people lacking healthcare options, reflecting bias-influenced neglect.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 697-702
Ruwayda Ruwayda ◽  
Dewi Nopiska Lilis ◽  
M Dody Izhar

At the posyandu for youth, the IEC includes providing information about adolescent reproductive organs, puberty, the process of pregnancy, menstruation, family planning, sexually transmitted diseases, gender and maturity of marriage age. HIV / AIDS includes providing information about transmission, prevention and symptoms. Based on data from the Health Office of Muaro Jambi Regency, in the area of ??Puskesmas Penyengat Olak, the target number of adolescents aged 10-18 years is 1,959 males and 1,903 females. This large number is an opportunity to form a youth posyandu. Community service activities will be carried out in Penyengat Olak Village, Muaro Jambi Regency. This community service aims to increase the capacity of youth as cadres of the village post at Penyengat Olak district. Muaro Jambi. Target adolescents aged 10-18 years who are in the area of ??olak stinger health centers. There are activities in the form of advocacy to puskesmas and the community in establishing youth Posyandu, recruiting cadres and holding youth Posyandu cadres training, implementing youth Posyandu formation in stinging olak villages. The output of community service activities is the formation of cadres to care for reproductive health in pilot youth Posyandu for the work area of ??the Pengegat Olak Community Health Center in Muaro Jambi Regency. olak stinger. Through this training activity it is very important to increase the coverage of adolescent reproductive health services and it is hoped that the support of the puskesmas and village officials is expected.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 134-148
Siti Mar'atus Sholikah ◽  
Sri Anggraeni ◽  
Ari Tri Rahayu

ABSTRAK Indikator keteraturan pemeriksaan kehamilan menggambarkan kualitas pelayanan Program Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (KIA). Pada tahun 2019 di Puskesmas Kalitidu cakupan Kunjungan Kehamilan (K4) di Puskesmas Kalitidu belum mencapai target 100% yaitu tercapai 91%. Komplikasi kehamilan targetnya 15-20%, tercapai 40.96% dan komplikasi persalinan 44,17%. Angka Kematian Bayi (AKB) sebesar 8,13/1000 KH. Sedangkan Bidan di wilayah Puskesmas Kalitidu yang belum mengikuti pelatihan KIP/K sebesar 20 orang (90,91%) dari 22 bidan.Tujuan umum untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan Bidan  melalui pelatihan bidan tentang Komunikasi Interpersonal dan Konseling (KIP/K) dalam upaya peningkatan kualitas ANC. Pelatihan ini dilaksanakan selama tiga hari di Puskesmas Kalitidu, diikuti 22 bidan dengan metode ceramah tanya jawab,demonstrasi dan praktik KIP/K. Hasil kegiatan adalah peningkatan kualitas Bidan dalam KIP/K yaitu peningkatan pengetahuan dengan nilai rata-rata post tes 94,55 %, keterampilan KIP/K nilai rata-rata 82,50%, terbentuknya Komitmen Bersama Bidan dalam mendukung mensukseskan kegiatan Bidan tentang KIP&K dalam upaya peningkatan kualitas ANC. Luarannya peningkatan kualitas Bidan, HKI, Modul dan jurnal. Saran: sosialisasi KIP/K pada Bidan yang belum mengikuti pelatihan dan 7 hak ibu hamil pada pelayanan ANC serta menerapkannya dalam pelayanan ANC. Kata kunci: Bidan, KIP/K, Pengabmas, pelatihan.  ABSTRACT The indicators of regularity for antenatal care describe the quality of services for the Maternal and Child Health Program (MCH). In 2019 at the Kalitidu Health Center cThe coverage of Pregnancy Visits (K4) at the Kalitidu Health Center has not reached the 100% target, which is 91%. The target for pregnancy complications is 15-20%, achieved 40.96% and delivery complications 44.17%. The Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) is 8.13/1000 KH. Meanwhile, 20 midwives in the Kalitidu Community Health Center have not attended KIP/K training (90.91%) out of 22 midwives. ANC quality. This training was held for three days at the Kalitidu Health Center, attended by 22 midwives with a question and answer lecture method, demonstration, and KIP/K practice. The result of the activity is an increase in the quality of Midwives in KIP/K, namely an increase in knowledge with an average post-test score of 94.55%, KIP/K skills an average score of 82.50%, the formation of a Joint Commitment of Midwives in supporting the success of Midwives' activities on KIP&K in an effort to improve the quality of ANC. The output is improving the quality of midwives, HKI, modules, and journals. Suggestion: socialization of KIP/K to midwives who have not attended training and 7 rights of pregnant women in ANC services and apply them in ANC services. Keywords: Midwife, KIP/K, Community Service, training.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-62
Jenny Marlindawani Purba ◽  
Sri Eka Wahyuni ◽  
Mahnum Lailan Nasution ◽  
Evi Karota Bukit

ABSTRAKPeningkatan kasus COVID 19 dan penerapan pemberlakuan pembatasan kegiatan masyarakat di Kota Medan mengakibatkan kegiatan pelayanan kesehatan jiwa masyarakat terhenti. Salah satu prioritas masalah di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Sunggal adalah gangguan jiwa. Situasi saat ini banyak penderita yang tidak teratur minum obat, tidak kontrol ke puskesmas atau rumah sakit, mengalami kekambuhan dan tidak mematuhi protokol kesehatan bila keluar rumah serta tidak produktif. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan fungsi sosial dan keterampilan orang dengan gangguan jiwa. Target khusus yang ingin dicapai adalah perubahan perilaku dari ODGJ dan keluarga di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Sunggal Medan. Metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah, diskusi dan tanya jawab, home visit, pengembangan bakat dan minat pasien berupa pelatihan dan pendampingan pembuatan sabun cair. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan ini adalah 12 orang dari 15 ODGJ (80%) dapat mengontrol gejala pskotik, kontrol teratur ke puskesmas sebelum obat habis dan mempunyai keterampilan membuat sabun cair serta mampu mengembangkan keterampilan lainnya sesuai dengan minat dan bakat masing-masing. Rehabilitasi psikosoial memberikan dampak positif bagi peningkatan fungsi kognitif, psikomotor dan afektif orang dengan gangguan jiwa. Keberhasilan program ini membutuhkan partisipasi aktif dari semua pihak. Kata Kunci : Rehabilitasi, psikososial, orang dengan gangguan jiwa, bermartabat  ABSTRACTThe increase in cases of COVID 19 and the implementation of restrictions on community activities in the city of Medan resulted in community mental health service activities being stopped. One of the priority problems in the work area of the Sunggal Health Center is mental disorders. The current situation was people with mental illness did not regularly take medication, did not go to the community health center or hospital to see the Doctor, experience relapses and did not comply with health protocols when leaving the house, and was unproductive. The activity aims to improve the social functioning and skills of people with mental disorders. The specific target to be achieved is to change the behavior of ODGJ and their families in the working area of the Sunggal Community Health Center, Medan. The methods used were lectures, discussions and questions and answers, home visits, identifying talents and interests of patients in the form of training and assistance in making liquid soap. The results of the activities were 12 from 15 of people with mental illness (80@) can control psychotic symptoms, regularly visit "the puskesmas" before the drugs run out and have the skills to make liquid soap, and are able to develop other skills according to their respective interests and talents. Psychosocial rehabilitation has a positive impact on improving the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective functions of people with mental disorders. The success of this program requires the active participation of all parties. Keywords: rehabilitation, psychosocial, people with mental illness, dignity

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