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financial difficulties
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2022 ◽  
Vol 124 ◽  
pp. 207-238
Elżbieta Nowosielska

This article discusses serialised novels published before 1918 in the Polish émigré press in the United States of America. These works were a popular feature of dailies and weeklies, but the periodicals’ regular financial difficulties meant that it was books published several years or indeed several decades earlier in Europe which were most often serialised. Consequently, most of the works that appeared in the periodicals failed to reflect contemporary literary trends while also overlooking subjects relevant to the everyday lives of Poles abroad. Still, the prevailing patriotic and historical themes complemented the values that many editorial boards subscribed to.

Perspektif ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 284-289
Rizal Al Haque

Abstrak Sejak awal COVID-19 menyebar sampai Indonesia hampir semua bidang lumpuh. Terlebih lagi bidang media dan komunikasi. Radio Silaturahmi 720 AM Bekasi menjadi salah satu lembaga media dan komunikasi yang terkena dampak COVID-19. Radio Silaturahmi membuat strategi-strategi dan kebijakan agar bisa tetap bertahan untuk berkegiatan seperti siaran, liputan dan kegiatan lainnya. Meskipun kesulitan finansial, pihak Radio Silaturahmi (Rasil) tidak merumahkan atau memecat karyawan/kru dan juga tidak memotong gaji mereka. Rasil dalam hal ini pemilik mengalihkan status kepemilikan asetnya menjadi wakaf sepenuhnya. Hal ini dilakukan agar Rasil leluasa mengajak pendengar untuk sama-sama membiayai operasional Rasil dengan cara berdonasi. Dalam hal proses siaran, Rasil tetap menyajikan siaran-siarannya yang dikaitkan COVID-19. Akan tetapi proses siarannya tidak tatap muka langsung dan menggunakan aplikasi Zoom dengan tujuan untuk menjaga kesehatan dan keselamatan narasumber dan krunya. Abstract Since the beginning of the spread of COVID-19 to Indonesia, almost all fields have been paralyzed. Especially in the area of media and communication. Radio Silaturahim 720 AM Bekasi has become one of the media and communication institutions affected by COVID-19. Silaturahim Radio makes strategies and policies to stay afloat for broadcasting, coverage and other activities. Radio Silaturahim (Rasil) did not lay off or fire employees/crew and did not deduct their salaries despite financial difficulties. Rasil, in this case, the owner transfers the ownership status of his assets to a full wakaf so that Rasil is free to invite listeners to finance Rasil's operations by donating jointly. In terms of the broadcast process, Rasil presents his broadcasts related to COVID-19. However, the broadcast process is not face-to-face and uses the Zoom application to maintain the health and safety of the sources and crew.

Rev Rene ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 23 ◽  
pp. e71133
Eliana Aparecida Carlos ◽  
José Adriano Borgato ◽  
Danielle Cristina Garbuio

Objective: to assess the quality of life of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Methods: a cross-sectional study carried out in the chemotherapy sector with 51 patients able to answer the data collection instruments. For the analyses, we adopted the variance analysis and Student’s t. Results: the health score indicated moderate quality of life and the symptoms nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and dyspnea were the most present. The scores of the global health scale showed differences between age groups and presence of metastasis; diarrhea and financial difficulties showed differences with respect to gender; pain was more cited by those who did not undergo surgery; insomnia and nausea and vomiting were related to the time of treatment. Conclusion: participants had moderate overall health scores and the main functional levels affected by the treatment were social and emotional.

2022 ◽  
Vol 75 (suppl 3) ◽  
Nádia Cristine Coelho Eugenio Pedrosa ◽  
Carolina Almeida de Oliveira ◽  
Maria Izabel Tentes Côrtes ◽  
Renan Alves Silva ◽  
Marina Nolli Bittencourt ◽  

ABSTRACT Objectives: to understand the determinants involved in the mental suffering of schoolchildren on the French-Brazilian border. Methods: a qualitative study was conducted with children from 6 to 12 years of age from four State schools in the municipality of Oiapoque, located on the French-Brazilian border. The data were obtained through interviews, analyzed by the IRAMUTEQ software, and interpreted in the light of the Dahlgren and Whitehead’s social determinants of health model. Results: data indicate that the mental suffering experienced by children, especially characterized by anxious symptoms, such as concern of becoming fat and worries, were permeated by social situations that children went through daily, such as family abandonment, domestic violence, and bullying. Final Considerations: social determinants can be predictors of mental suffering in children, especially in environments of extreme vulnerability, such as the border, in a context of financial difficulties, domestic violence, and absence of parenting.

2022 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
Miriam Fernanda Sanches Alarcon ◽  
Bruna Carvalho Cardoso ◽  
Caroline Borges Ala ◽  
Daniela Garcia Damaceno ◽  
Viviane Boacnin Yoneda Sponchiado ◽  

ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the structure, development, and functionality of the family of the elderly victim of violence. Method: Descriptive research with a qualitative approach, based on the Calgary Family Assessment Model. Four elderly people who suffered violence and their family members were assessed at home, from October to November 2019. Data analysis was based on the genogram and ecomap, as proposed in the model. Results: It was found that the members of the four families had low schooling and financial difficulties. As for the social support network, the neighbors, the health unit and the Church stood out. The members of each family nucleus expressed feelings of fear, insecurity, anger, nervousness, sadness and impotence, resulting from the conflict between the couple. Final considerations: In the assessed families, weaknesses and potentialities in the structure, development and functioning are highlighted, which must be considered in the elaboration of the care plan.

BMJ Open ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. e053094
Jane C Falkingham ◽  
Maria Evandrou ◽  
Min Qin ◽  
Athina Vlachantoni

ObjectivesCOVID-19 is having a disproportionate impact on Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) groups and women. Concern over direct and indirect effects may also impact on sleep. We explore the levels and social determinants of self-reported sleep loss among the UK population during the pandemic, focusing on ethnic and gender disparities.SettingThis prospective longitudinal study analysed data from seven waves of the Understanding Society: COVID-19 Study collected from April 2020 to January 2021 linked to prepandemic data from the 2019 mainstage interviews, providing baseline information about the respondents prior to the pandemic.ParticipantsThe analytical sample included 8163 respondents aged 16 and above who took part in all seven waves with full information on sleep loss, defined as experiencing ‘rather more’ or ‘much more’ than usual sleep loss due to worry, providing 57 141 observations.Primary outcome measuresSelf-reported sleep loss. Mixed-effects regression models were fitted to consider within-individual and between-individual differences.ResultsWomen were more likely to report sleep loss than men (OR 2.1, 95% CI 1.9 to 2.4) over the 10-month period. Being female, having young children, perceived financial difficulties and COVID-19 symptoms were all predictive of sleep loss. Once these covariates were controlled for, the bivariate relationship between ethnicity and sleep loss (1.4, 95% CI 1.6 to 2.4) was reversed (0.7, 95% CI 0.5 to 0.8). Moreover, the strength of the association between gender and ethnicity and the risk of sleep loss varied over time, being weaker among women in July (0.6, 95% CI 0.5 to 0.7), September (0.7, 95% CI 0.6 to 0.8), November (0.8, 95% CI 0.7 to 1.0) and January 2021 (0.8, 95% CI 0.7 to 0.9) compared with April 2020, but positively stronger among BAME individuals in May (1.4, 95% CI 1.0 to 2.1), weaker only in September (0.7, 95% CI 0.5 to 1.0).ConclusionsThe pandemic has widened sleep deprivation disparities, with women with young children, COVID-19 infection and BAME individuals experiencing sleep loss, which may adversely affect their mental and physical health.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (6) ◽  
pp. 3461
Gustavo Aiex Lopes ◽  
Amarildo Da Cruz Fernandes ◽  
Estevão Freire

A publicação do novo marco legal do saneamento básico no Brasil – LEI Nº 14.026, de 15 de julho de 2020 definiu novos prazos iminentes para encerramento dos 3326 “lixões” e aterros controlados no território nacional. A importância do fim das atividades ou s adequação das áreas de disposição irregular de RSU é primordial para a eliminação/redução da contaminação dos compartimentos ambientais. Com as dificuldades financeiras e índices de avaliação de qualidade de áreas de disposição subjetivos – IQR (CETESB) e IQDR (INEA) pouco foi feito pelos gestores municipais nessas áreas. A fim de superar a subjetividade na utilização desses índices e direcionar ações efetivas, este trabalho propõe um novo Índice de Qualidade de Áreas de Disposição Irregular de RSU (IQUADI), baseada na Análise Hierárquica de Processo (AHP), definindo-se intervalos específicos para os critérios selecionados a partir de levantamento bibliográfico e documental. Os resultados finais mostram aos responsáveis pelos passivos ambientais se as atividades na área serão encerradas ou continuarão e quais medidas a serem adotadas. Verificaram-se divergências legais nos limites usualmente utilizados e novos limites foram propostos para os critérios componentes do IQUADI. A aplicação comparativa (estudo de caso) do IQUADI e do IQR no aterro controlado de Volta Redonda permitiu concluir que o IQR apresenta 58% de subjetividade para a seleção dos pesos de cada critério, ao contrário do IQUADI que apresentou valores específicos para cada intervalo selecionado integrante dos critérios. Subjectivity reduction in the MSW disposal areas classification through a new index applying Hierarchical Process Analysis: Quality Index of Irregular MSW Disposal Areas – IQUADIA B S T R A C TThe new legal framework publication for basic sanitation in Brazil in July 2020 defined new imminent deadlines for the closure of the 3326 “dumps” and controlled landfills in the national territory. The importance of the end of activities or the adequacy of MSW irregular disposal areas is essential for the elimination / reduction of contamination of environmental compartments. With the financial difficulties and the subjectivity of the quality assessment indexes of disposal areas - IQR (CETESB) and IQDR (INEA), little has been accomplished by municipal managers in these areas. In order to overcome the subjectivity in the use of these indices and direct effective actions, this work proposes a new Quality Index for MSW Irregular Disposal Areas (IQUADI), based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), defining specific intervals for the selected criteria from a bibliographic and documentary survey. The final results show those responsible for environmental liabilities whether activities in the area will be closed or will continue and what measures must be performed. Legal differences have been identified in the limits usually used and new values were proposed for the criteria that compose IQUADI. The comparative application (case study) of  IQUADI and IQR in the controlled landfill of Volta Redonda allowed us to conclude that the IQR presents 58% subjectivity for the selection of the weights of each criterion, in contrast to the IQUADI which presented specific values for each interval selected integral to the criterion.Keywords: municipal solid waste, closure, quality index, analytical hierarchy process.

2021 ◽  
Vol Volume II (December 2021) ◽  
pp. 46-59
Aristeidis Bitzenis

In the years of the financial and sovereign debt crisis in Greece, many viable businesses that are facing financial difficulties are led to liquidation rather than timely restructuring, with very few entrepreneurs having a second chance. This corporate failure faced by Greek companies in recent years may have been caused by either endogenous or exogenous factors or a combination of these two. In this paper we investigate the factors (economic, social and political) that will help to facilitate entrepreneurs' access to a second and third opportunity, taking also into account socially vulnerable groups such as disabled people and women entrepreneurs. Moreover, we try to find the characteristics that would encourage honest bankrupt entrepreneurs to a second business venture and the sectors where a second chance may have increased chances of sustainability in Greece. The aim of our research is to lead Greece to higher levels of self-employment, reduction in unemployment, and exit from the crisis.

Mustafa Kan ◽  
Arzu Kan ◽  
Memduha Yaman

This study aimed to reveal the situation of young women farmers (YWFs) who benefited from cattle farming support for three years in Kırıkkale, one of the provinces where the study was carried out. In Kırıkkale province, 397 young farmers were supported and 250 of them were YWFs. The projects with the highest grant support were cattle farming projects, and they constituted 62.22% of the projects (247 units). The rate of YWF who benefited from cattle farming support for three years was higher than young men farmers (YMF) and was determined as 59.51%. In this study, face-to-face survey questionnaires were filled in the 2020 year with 36 YWFs and 36 YMFs. As a result of the study, it was determined that YMFs have more experience in cattle breeding than YWFs. It is seen that especially YWFs are married and their families have high non-agricultural income; their husbands support especially YWFs at the application stage. 52.78% of YWFs and 69.44% of YMFs stated that they want to expand their farms with the given support. As a result of the study, it was determined that there was a significant increase in the number of animals after the given support to the young farmers, and it was revealed that the most important problem of the young farmers was that they had financial difficulties in the supply of production inputs. It is seen that this project, which has both social and economic aspects, encourages YWFs to take more part in agricultural activities. However, it is important to determine more effective criteria at the selection stage, follow up and supervise the beneficiaries of the incentives both during and after the project, and support the successful ones to grow their farms. Keywords: Young women farmers, young farmers project support, rural development, kırıkkale-Turkiye.

2021 ◽  
Yaoyu Guo ◽  
Bang Hu ◽  
Hui Peng ◽  
Hongcheng Lin ◽  
Yongcheng Chen ◽  

Abstract BackgroundNeoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy (nCRT) is a widely accepted regimen for patients with locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC). This compared the long-term prognosis and postoperative quality of life (QoL) between patients with low-lying LARC receiving nCRT and primary surgery.MethodPatients underwent nCRT or primary surgery for low-lying LARC between 2010 and 2016 were identified. Five-year local recurrence (LR) and disease free survival (DFS) were compared between groups. Quality of life (QoL) of patients who were disease-free was investigated using European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer QoL questionnaire core-30 (EORTC QLQ-C30) and QLQ-Colorectal Cancer module (CR29).ResultsA total of 304 patients were included in this study. Differences in 5-year LR and DFS between groups showed no statistical significance. In terms of QoL, apart from less stoma care problem, nCRT patients showed unsatisfactory social function and worse symptoms including diarrhoea, financial difficulties, buttock pain, fecal incontinence, embarrassment and impotence compared with primary surgery group. Intergroup analysis indicated that the QoL of patients receiving nCRT with preserved sphincter was relatively inferior compared with other subgroups, as reflected in higher symptom scores including financial difficulties and those related to low anterior resection syndrome (LARS) such as diarrhea, stool frequency, flatulence and fecal incontinence.ConclusionFor patients with low-lying LARC, nCRT has no advantage in terms of 5-year survival and QoL. NCRT with sphincter preserving surgery should be conducted meticulously considering its limited benefits for patients.

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