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performance problem
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Hangguan Qian ◽  
Lin You

Blockchain technology has always been plagued by performance problems. Given this problem, many scaling schemes have been put forward. A layer 2 network is a technology that solves the performance problem of blockchain. Connected parties in this network can set up channels to send digital currency to each other. Since the interaction with the blockchain is only required when the channel is established and closed, a large number of transactions do not need to be recorded on the blockchain, thus reducing the blockchain capacity. Due to the special structure of the payment channel, the distribution of funds in the channel is often unbalanced, which limits the route payment to a certain extent. This paper improves the original payment method in the second layer network by introducing new scripts. The new payment scheme supports proof of payment which is integral to the nature of the lightning network and divides the payment into several subpayments, so the large payment can be divided into relatively small payments. Due to the capacity limitation of the payment channel, theoretically, the success rate of the micropayment route is higher. This paper tests the new payment scheme on the simulated network and validates the nature of this solution to have a high routing success rate while supporting proof of payment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (12) ◽  
pp. 243-248
Ashenafi Reta ◽  
Ashebir Alyew ◽  

Performance indicators of construction project are used to measure overall performance in construction projects. These indicators can then be used for benchmarking purposes, and will be a key element of any organization’s move towards attaining quality practice in order to overcome performance problem. The results of a questionnaire survey done to determine factors affecting the performance of construction projects in Ethiopia’s Wolaita zone are presented in this paper. Personnel from consultants, owners, and contractors involved in construction projects were among the survey’s respondents. The outcome of the study outlines Availability of personnel with high experience and qualification, Availability of resources as planned through project duration, Average delay because of closures and materials shortage, Conformance to specification and Leadership skills for project manager as the top ranked key factors that affect performance of construction project.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 116
Yohanes Hugo Maur ◽  
Andi Wahju Rahardjo Emanuel

Abstract. Information technology architecture planning for Baubau Village using TOGAF ADM. Babau Village is a village located in Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Currently, Babau Village has implemented information technology as a centre for information and administrative services. To improve the quality of service to the community, existing information technology needs to be further developed because the amount of information in the system will continue to increase along with population growth. The problem faced if information technology is not developed is a system performance problem. For further development to be more focused, research on an information technology architecture design for Babau Village. The design using TOGAF ADM is a blueprint and a roadmap for the development of advanced information technology services. The aim is that the existing business processes within the Babau Village related to information and administrative services continue to develop according to the needs of the community and the organizational management of Babau Village.Keywords: enterprise architecture planning, TOGAF, ADM, Babau VillageAbstrak. Kelurahan Babau adalah sebuah kelurahan yang terletak di Kabupaten Kupang, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Saat ini Kelurahan Babau sudah menerapkan teknologi informasi sebagai pusat pelayanan informasi dan administrasi. Demi meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kepada masyarakat, teknologi informasi yang ada perlu dikembangkan lebih lanjut karena jumlah informasi yang ada dalam sistem akan terus meningkat seiring pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk. Masalah yang dihadapi apabila teknologi informasi tidak dikembangkan ialah masalah kinerja sistem. Agar pengembangan tahap lanjut lebih terarah, penelitian mengenai sebuah perancangan arsitektur teknologi informasi untuk Kelurahan Babau. Perancangan yang menggunakan TOGAF ADM tersebut merupakan blueprint dan juga roadmap untuk pengembangan pelayanan teknologi informasi tahap lanjut. Tujuannya ialah proses bisnis yang ada didalam Kelurahan Babau terkait pelayanan informasi dan administrasi terus berkembang sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat dan pengurus organisasi Kelurahan Babau.Kata Kunci: arsitektur teknologi informasi, TOGAF, ADM, Kelurahan Babau

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (16) ◽  
pp. 7609
Kyung-Min Lee ◽  
Chi-Ho Lin

In this paper, we propose a boosted 3-D PCA algorithm based on an efficient analysis method. The proposed method involves three steps that improve image detection. In the first step, the proposed method designs a new analysis method to solve the performance problem caused by data imbalance. In the second step, a parallel cross-validation structure is used to enhance the new analysis method further. We also design a modified AdaBoost algorithm to improve the detector accuracy performance of the new analysis method. In order to verify the performance of this system, we experimented with a benchmark dataset. The results show that the new analysis method is more efficient than other image detection methods.

Rafael F Pinheiro ◽  
Diego Colón

The goal of this paper is to present a different approach to the analysis of the absolute stability of Lurie type systems in the single-input-single-output (SISO) case using robust control theory. The proposed technique enables the design of controllers via [Formula: see text] mixed-sensitivity (S/KS/T), where, besides making the system absolutely stable, the performance problem can also be solved. In addition, it is also demonstrated that it is possible to make use of this new approach in time-delay Lurie type systems. Thus, through a new methodology, this work paves the way to the study of the absolute stability of multiple-inputs-multiple-outputs (MIMO) systems, aiming at a better generalization of the theory and enabling applications in other areas, such as neural networks. Examples, numerical simulations and application in Chua’s circuit are given to illustrate the results.

Dr. Anadi Gayen

Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is a tool designed by the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), Government of India, being useful for development of knowledge and skills of the officials of an organization. TNA can be undertaken for an organization as a whole, or for a particular section or function. It may include analysis of an organization’s current performance problems, or in anticipation of changes that are likely to require training. TNA focuses attention on ‘performance’ to identify training needs, along with other, non-training implications. Once performance problems have been identified and analyzed, they can be reviewed according to their priorities. After establishing the priorities, further, more detailed analysis can be done to identify precise training needs. These needs should concern everybody associated with a particular performance problem, irrespective of their status or number. TNA has been applied to solve the performance problem of the Hydrogeologists of Central Ground Water Board (CGWB), Northern Region, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. The TNA encompasses the components like Terms of Reference (ToR), SWOT analysis, SPIO analysis, Responsibility Mapping, EMB factors, PEST analysis, and Fishbone analysis followed by diagnosis of the collected data and recommendations. The proper identification of performance problem is a key to address the organizational development goals in right manner. Many performance problems in the hydrogeological discipline of client organization related to environmental, motivational and behavioural (EMB) factors influencing desired performance of CGWB, NR were identified during the interaction with the client and stakeholders and also through interview with set of questionnaire. To achieve the vision and mission of client organization and to improve its performance, training and non-training implications, Training Plan, Priority List and design brief have been proposed.

2021 ◽  
John Mendy

HRM professionals’ reliance on using teamwork, organisational planning and managerially- controlled appraisal measures within the framework of High Performance Organisation (HPO) and High Performance Work Systems (HPWS) has outlived its useful applicability and sustainability in today’s SME crisis-ridden environment. This chapter highlights the gap between the HRM discipline, whose measures to resolve the organisational performance problem have instead resulted in a deepening of the performance crisis in resource-constrained SMEs and an urgent need to address such a fundamental problem through the creation, development and sustenance of more innovative measures. A critique of HPO and HPWS’s structural and systemic approach to solve the effective organisational performance implementation gap led to an additional discovery, which is how to solve the performance problem competently and sustainably such that SMEs have a more strategically viable future. The study’s interpretivism paradigm backed up by a survey of 85 management and staff respondents in a longitudinal study spanning 7 years in the UK highlighted 6 important themes. These were combined to develop a new ‘Strategic Workforce Resilience Management Model’ as a way to solve the SME performance quagmire. This fills the performance implementation and strategic sustainability gaps and introduces resilience characteristics into the way HRM professionals should be managing the performance problem. The limitations, the implications and future research areas are discussed.

Pardeep Mehta ◽  

Cloud computing—delivering infrastructure, services, and software on demand via the network—offers attractive advantages to the public sector. It has the potential to reduce information and communications technology (ICT) costs by virtualizing capital assets like disk storage and processing cycles into a readily available, affordable operating expense. Unfortunately, architects more often than not assume that simply adding another server into the mix can fix any performance problem and security issues. Cloud is a platform shuffle that enables a fierce and contentious debate on the issues of security and performance surrounding how to secure information and instantiate trust in an increasingly open and assumed-hostile web operating environment. When you start adding new hardware/update existing hardware in a web cloud, the complexity starts increasing which affects performance and hence security. Here we will define the algorithms to keep both performance and data secure but flexible enough to allow for expandability. In this paper, we have highlighted the following critical issues for the leading Cloud Computing such as Characteristics of cloud computing, threats and performance analysis. This paper specifically discuss about the below-mentioned in detail.

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