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emission spectra
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2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 922
Małgorzata B. Różanowska ◽  
Bartosz Różanowski

Retinal lipofuscin accumulates with age in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), where its fluorescence properties are used to assess retinal health. It was observed that there is a decrease in lipofuscin fluorescence above the age of 75 years and in the early stages of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The purpose of this study was to investigate the response of lipofuscin isolated from human RPE and lipofuscin-laden cells to visible light, and to determine whether an abundant component of lipofuscin, docosahexaenoate (DHA), can contribute to lipofuscin fluorescence upon oxidation. Exposure of lipofuscin to visible light leads to a decrease in its long-wavelength fluorescence at about 610 nm, with a concomitant increase in the short-wavelength fluorescence. The emission spectrum of photodegraded lipofuscin exhibits similarity with that of oxidized DHA. Exposure of lipofuscin-laden cells to light leads to a loss of lipofuscin granules from cells, while retaining cell viability. The spectral changes in fluorescence in lipofuscin-laden cells resemble those seen during photodegradation of isolated lipofuscin. Our results demonstrate that fluorescence emission spectra, together with quantitation of the intensity of long-wavelength fluorescence, can serve as a marker useful for lipofuscin quantification and for monitoring its oxidation, and hence useful for screening the retina for increased oxidative damage and early AMD-related changes.

Nanomaterials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 259
Natalia Pawlik ◽  
Barbara Szpikowska-Sroka ◽  
Tomasz Goryczka ◽  
Ewa Pietrasik ◽  
Wojciech A. Pisarski

The synthesis and characterization of multicolor light-emitting nanomaterials based on rare earths (RE3+) are of great importance due to their possible use in optoelectronic devices, such as LEDs or displays. In the present work, oxyfluoride glass-ceramics containing BaF2 nanocrystals co-doped with Tb3+, Eu3+ ions were fabricated from amorphous xerogels at 350 °C. The analysis of the thermal behavior of fabricated xerogels was performed using TG/DSC measurements (thermogravimetry (TG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)). The crystallization of BaF2 phase at the nanoscale was confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and the changes in silicate sol–gel host were determined by attenuated total reflectance infrared (ATR-IR) spectroscopy. The luminescent characterization of prepared sol–gel materials was carried out by excitation and emission spectra along with decay analysis from the 5D4 level of Tb3+. As a result, the visible light according to the electronic transitions of Tb3+ (5D4 → 7FJ (J = 6–3)) and Eu3+ (5D0 → 7FJ (J = 0–4)) was recorded. It was also observed that co-doping with Eu3+ caused the shortening in decay times of the 5D4 state from 1.11 ms to 0.88 ms (for xerogels) and from 6.56 ms to 4.06 ms (for glass-ceramics). Thus, based on lifetime values, the Tb3+/Eu3+ energy transfer (ET) efficiencies were estimated to be almost 21% for xerogels and 38% for nano-glass-ceramics. Therefore, such materials could be successfully predisposed for laser technologies, spectral converters, and three-dimensional displays.

2022 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-21
Bambang Kusmayadi Gunawan ◽  
Kukuh Nirmala ◽  
Dinar Tri Soelistyowati ◽  
Daniel Djokosetiyanto ◽  
Wildan Nurussalam

This study aimed to evaluate the effect of light spectrum on growth and color performance of giant giant gourami Padang strain. The experiment used a completely randomized design (RAL) with four light emitting diode (LED) treatments in  different emission spectra (white, red, green, and blue) at 550 Lux intensity, compared to the control treatment (light room with white tubular lamp at 50 Lux intensity). The irradiation was carried out for 12 hours of photoperiod. The fish used had the total length of 82.90±4.2 mm and body weight of 9.87 ± 0.99 g. The highest growth performance was found in blue LED treatment with the specific growth rate of  2.73 ± 0.2% and feed efficiency of 86.26 ± 2.71%. The best color performance was found in red LED treatment with the RGB ratio of 44.57 ± 0.62% in dorsal fin, 38.41 ± 1.36% in pectoral fins, and 45.33 ± 2.25% in anal fin with the chromatophore cell concentration at 1.973±58 cells/mm2.   Keywords : Osphronemus gouramy, blue LED, spectrum, chromatophore, light   ABSTRAK   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh spektrum cahaya terhadap kinerja pertumbuhan dan warna ikan gurami strain Padang. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan cahaya lampu light emitting diodes (LED)  yang memiliki spektrum panjang gelombang berbeda (putih, merah, hijau dan biru) intensitas 550 Lux dan kontrol (cahaya ruang berasal dari lampu tubular putih intensitas 50 Lux). Penyinaran dilakukan selama 12 jam mengikuti fotoperiod. Ikan uji yang digunakan memiliki panjang total 82,90 ± 4,2 mm, dengan bobot 9,87 ± 0,99 g. Kinerja pertumbuhan terbaik terdapat pada perlakuan LED biru dengan laju pertumbuhan spesifik sebesar 2,73 ± 0,2% dan efisiensi pakan sebesar 86,26 ± 2,71%. Performa warna terbaik terdapat pada perlakuan LED merah dengan rasio warna merah pada RGB bagian dorsal sebesar 44,57 ± 0,62%, sirip pektoral sebesar 38,41 ± 1,36%, dan sirip anal sebesar 45,33 ±  2,25% dengan jumlah sel kromatofor sebanyak 1973 sel/mm2.   Kata kunci : Osphronemus gouramy, LED biru, spektrum, kromatofor, cahaya        

2022 ◽  
Zaid Abdul Khalik ◽  
Zeyad Saleh ◽  
Mazin Ali

Abstract In this research paper, a method built on UV/VIS spectrofluorophotometer and spectrophotometer by finding the fluorescence of glycyrrhizic acid in licorice root. Glycyrrhizic acid is an imperative active component present in licorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch). Solvent effect had been studied in different solvents like deionized water and methanol. The differences between them were explored by the glycyrrhizic acid absorption and emission spectra. Under work conditions, i.e. 100% methanol solvent, a liquid ratio concentration 10−2 to 10−5 g /mL and second solvent with same conditions 100% deionized water in the same concentrations ,was done. The effect of the solvent was significant by change the value for λmax. The result was validated for parameters confines for Ex (λ Excitation) in different solvents. The results of absorption spectra obey Beer-Lambert's law. Because of the same property of these solvents (protic), the absence of a significant difference in the absorption spectra are shown. From florescence spectra, the spectrum at concentration 10−4 is the best for both solvents..

Inorganics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Andrey A. Knyazev ◽  
Aleksandr S. Krupin ◽  
Yuriy G. Galyametdinov

Recent studies in development of near-infrared luminophores focus on overcoming their disadvantages such as low quantum efficiency, limited emission power, and broad emission spectra. Rare earth (RE) elements are promising compounds in this respect as they offer a unique set of optical properties that provide narrow emission spectra and large Stokes shifts. This work reports the results of synthesis and characterization of new anisometric complexes of lanthanide(III) tris(b-diketonates) and 1,10-phenanthroline. These complexes possess light emitting-properties in the near-infrared range. Due to their structural features, these complexes allow production of homogeneous films by spin coating. These films are transparent in the visible and near-infrared ranges (transmission up to 99%). This paper demonstrates advantages of Yb(III), Er(III), and Nd(III) complexes as potential components of highly efficient light-transforming NIR coatings.

2022 ◽  
pp. 002215542110649
Joshua T. Dodge ◽  
Andrew D. Doyle ◽  
Ana C. Costa-da-Silva ◽  
Christopher T. Hogden ◽  
Eva Mezey ◽  

Multiplex immunofluorescence (mIF) is an effective technique for the maximal visualization of multiple target proteins in situ. This powerful tool is mainly limited by the spectral overlap of the currently available synthetic fluorescent dyes. The fluorescence excitation wavelengths ranging between 405 and 488 nm are rarely used in mIF imaging and serve as a logical additional slot for a fluorescent probe. In the present study, we demonstrate that the addition of 2,3,4,5,6-pentafluoroaniline to Atto 465 NHS ester, creating Atto 465-pentafluoroaniline (Atto 465-p), generates a bright nuclear stain in the violet-blue region of the visible spectrum. This allows the 405 nm excitation and emission, classically used for nuclear counterstains, to be used for the detection of another target protein. This increases the flexibility of the mIF panel and, with appropriate staining and microscopy, enables the quantitative analysis of at least six targets in one tissue section. (J Histochem Cytochem XX: XXX–XXX, XXXX)

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Yu Bai ◽  
Yahui Chuai ◽  
Yang Wang ◽  
Yingzhi Wang

Photons trapped in the form of waveguide (WG) modes associated with the organic–organic interface and in the form of surface plasmon polariton (SPP) modes associated with the metallic electrode–organic interface result in a large energy loss in organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs). Introducing gratings onto the metallic electrode is especially crucial for recovering the power lost to the associated SPP modes. In our research, we demonstrate the efficient outcoupling of SPP modes in TE mode by two-dimensional (2D) grating, which cannot excited in one-dimensional (1D) grating OLED. This causes a 62.5% increase in efficiency from 2D grating OLED than 1D grating OLED. The efficient outcoupling of the WG and SPP modes is verified by the numerical simulation of both the emission spectra and the field distribution.

T. Zhezhera ◽  
P. Gluchowski ◽  
M. Nowicki ◽  
M. Chrunik ◽  
A. Majchrowski ◽  

Abstract An efficient near-infrared quantum cutting process by cooperative down-conversion of active Bi3+ and Nd3+ ions was demonstrated in Bi3TeBO9:Nd3+ phosphors. In particular, the near-infrared emission of Nd3+ ions enhanced by Bi3+ ions of a series of novel Bi3TeBO9:Nd3+ microcrystalline powders doped with Nd3+ ions in various concentrations was investigated. In order to investigate the luminescent properties of BTBO:Nd3+ powders, the excitation and emission spectra and the fluorescence decay time were measured and analyzed. In particular, the emission of Bi3TeBO9:Nd3+ at 890 and 1064 nm was excited at 327 nm (via energy transfer from Bi3+ ions) and at 586.4 nm (directly by Nd3+ ions). The highest intensity emission bands in near-infrared were detected in the spectra of Bi3TeBO9:Nd3+ doped with 5.0 and 0.5 at.% of Nd3+ ions upon excitation in ultraviolet and visible spectral range, respectively. The fluorescence decay lifetime monitored at 1064 nm for Bi3TeBO9:Nd3+ powders shows the single- or double-exponential character depending on the concentrations of Nd3+ ions. The possible mechanisms of energy relaxation after excitation Bi3TeBO9:Nd3+ powders in ultraviolet or visible spectral range were discussed. The investigated Bi3TeBO9:Nd3+ phosphors efficiently concentrate the ultraviolet/visible radiation in the near-infrared spectral range and can be potentially used as effective spectral converters. Graphical abstract

2022 ◽  
Mattias A. Turner ◽  
Pradeep Parajuli ◽  
Waruna D. Kulatilaka ◽  
Eric L. Petersen

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