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field method
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2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Zheng Fang ◽  
Xifeng Liang

Purpose The results of obstacle avoidance path planning for the manipulator using artificial potential field (APF) method contain a large number of path nodes, which reduce the efficiency of manipulators. This paper aims to propose a new intelligent obstacle avoidance path planning method for picking robot to improve the efficiency of manipulators. Design/methodology/approach To improve the efficiency of the robot, this paper proposes a new intelligent obstacle avoidance path planning method for picking robot. In this method, we present a snake-tongue algorithm based on slope-type potential field and combine the snake-tongue algorithm with genetic algorithm (GA) and reinforcement learning (RL) to reduce the path length and the number of path nodes in the path planning results. Findings Simulation experiments were conducted with tomato string picking manipulator. The results showed that the path length is reduced from 4.1 to 2.979 m, the number of nodes is reduced from 31 to 3 and the working time of the robot is reduced from 87.35 to 37.12 s, after APF method combined with GA and RL. Originality/value This paper proposes a new improved method of APF, and combines it with GA and RL. The experimental results show that the new intelligent obstacle avoidance path planning method proposed in this paper is beneficial to improve the efficiency of the robotic arm. Graphical abstract Figure 1 According to principles of bionics, we propose a new path search method, snake-tongue algorithm, based on a slope-type potential field. At the same time, we use genetic algorithm to strengthen the ability of the artificial potential field method for path searching, so that it can complete the path searching in a variety of complex obstacle distribution situations with shorter path searching results. Reinforcement learning is used to reduce the number of path nodes, which is good for improving the efficiency of robot work. The use of genetic algorithm and reinforcement learning lays the foundation for intelligent control.

Materials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 542
Sujjaid Khan ◽  
Longbang Qing ◽  
Iftikhar Ahmad ◽  
Ru Mu ◽  
Mengdi Bi

Aligning steel fibers is an effective way to improve the mechanical properties of steel fiber cementitious composites (SFRC). In this study, the magnetic field method was used to prepare the aligned hooked-end steel fiber cementitious composites (ASFRC) and the fracture behavior was investigated. In order to achieve the alignment of steel fibers, the key parameters including the rheology of the mixture and magnetic induction of electromagnetic field were theoretically analyzed. The results showed that, compared with SFRC, the cracking load and the ultimate load of ASFRC were increased about 24–55% and 51–86%, respectively, depending on the fiber addition content. In addition, the flexural tensile strength and residual flexural strength of ASFRC were found to increase up to 105% and 100%, respectively. The orientation of steel fibers also has a significant effect on energy consumption. The fracture energy of ASFRC was 56–70% greater than SFRC and the reinforcement effect of hooked-end steel fiber was higher than straight steel fiber. The fibers in the fracture surface showed that not only was the number of fibers of ASFRC higher than that of SFRC, but also the orientation efficiency factor of ASFRC was superior to SFRC, which explains the improvement of fracture behavior of ASFRC.

Molecules ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 302
Luca Bizzocchi ◽  
Silvia Alessandrini ◽  
Mattia Melosso ◽  
Víctor M. Rivilla ◽  
Cristina Puzzarini

Phosphorous-containing molecules have a great relevance in prebiotic chemistry in view of the fact that phosphorous is a fundamental constituent of biomolecules, such as RNA, DNA, and ATP. Its biogenic importance has led astrochemists to investigate the possibility that P-bearing species could have formed in the interstellar medium (ISM) and subsequently been delivered to early Earth by rocky bodies. However, only two P-bearing molecules have been detected so far in the ISM, with the chemistry of interstellar phosphorous remaining poorly understood. Here, in order to shed further light on P-carriers in space, we report a theoretical spectroscopic characterisation of the rotational spectrum of POH in its 3A″ ground electronic state. State-of-the-art coupled-cluster schemes have been employed to derive rotational constants, centrifugal distortion terms, and most of the fine and hyperfine interaction parameters, while the electron spin–spin dipolar coupling has been investigated using the multi-configuration self-consistent-field method. The computed spectroscopic parameters have been used to simulate the appearance of triplet POH rotational and ro-vibrational spectra in different conditions, from cold to warm environments, either in gas-phase experiments or in molecular clouds. Finally, we point out that the predicted hyperfine structures represent a key pattern for the recognition of POH in laboratory and interstellar spectra.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 233-246
Nida Faizatul Mustofa ◽  
Ratna Yunita

One of the government's efforts to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic which has affected several sectors, one of which is the economic sector, is by launching the Government Assistance for Micro Enterprises (BPUM) program. This BPUM aims to support and maintain the sustainability of micro-enterprises as well as a form of saving the national economy during the COVID-19 pandemic that threatens the national economy. This program was only issued during the 2019 covid pandemic, so it is still very new and there is still not much research on this program. The problem in this research is how the effectiveness of achieving the objectives, integration, and adaptation of the Government Assistance for Micro Enterprises (BPUM) program is. This research program uses a field method using a qualitative approach and uses a descriptive type of research. The results of the research are, firstly, the measure of achieving the goals has not been effective because the targets have not been fully accurate and the management of aid funds is still not in accordance with the objectives. Second, the integration measure has not been effective because there is no socialization from related parties to the prospective recipients of the BPUM program. And third, the adaptation measure has not been effective either because the implementing party did not conduct monitoring before or after receiving this assistance program. Salah satu upaya pemerintah dalam mengatasi pendemi covid-19 yang mengakibatkan beberapa sektor terdampak, salah satunya sektor perekonomian yaitu dengan mencanangkan program Bantuan Pemerintah bagi Usaha Mikro (BPUM). BPUM ini bertujuan untuk mendukung dan menjaga keberlangsungan usaha mikro serta sebagai bentuk penyelamatan ekonomi Nasional pada masa pandemi covid-19 yang mengancam perekonomian Nasional. Program ini baru dikeluarkan pada saat pandemi covid tahun 2019, sehingga masih sangat baru dan masih belum banyak penelitan tentang program ini. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana efektivitas pencapaian tujuan, integrasi, dan adaptasi program Bantuan Pemerintah bagi Usaha Mikro (BPUM). Program Penelitian ini menggunakan metode lapangan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Hasil penelitian yaitu, pertama pada ukuran pencapaian tujuan belum efektif dikarenakan target sasaran belum sepenuhnya tepat serta pengelolaan dana bantuan yang masih belum sesuai dengan tujuan. Kedua, pada ukuran integrasi belum efektif karena tidak adanya sosialisasi dari pihak terkait terhadap calon penerima program BPUM. Dan ketiga, pada ukuran adaptasi juga belum efektif karena pihak pelaksana tidak melakukan pemantauan sebelum maupun sesudah menerima program bantuan ini.

Виктор Михайлович Юров ◽  
Владимир Иванович Гончаренко ◽  
Владимир Станиславович Олешко ◽  
Сергей Алексеевич Гученко

В работе рассмотрены вопросы анизотропии поверхностного слоя и анизотропии поверхностной энергии кубических кристаллов рутения. В основе этого рассмотрения лежит эмпирическая модель атомарно-гладких кристаллов, толщина поверхностного слоя которых зависит от одного фундаментального параметра -атомного объема элемента. Расчеты кристаллов рутения показали, что толщина поверхностного слоя кристаллов рутения во всех направлениях не превышает d (I) < 10 нм и они представляют собой наноструктуру. Кристаллы рутенийалюминий, рутенийгафний, рутенийтитан, рутенийцирконий имеют ơ > 3 Дж/м в направлении (100) . Нами рассмотрена задача о диффузии газа в нанометровой пластине рутения. В отличие от классической задачи в полученном уравнении появляется логарифмический член. Это приводит к расходимости в начале координат. Поэтому граничные условия нужно задавать не при x = 0, а при x = d (0) - длине де Бройлевской волны электронов. Только в этом случае имеют смысл классические уравнения диффузии. Существенно также, что, согласно полученному уравнению, диффузии нанопластины зависит как от материала пластины через коэффициент диффузии массивного образца, так и от размерного фактора. В классическом случае такой зависимости нет. Для описания фазовых переходов в наноструктурах предложены различные модели, среди которых можно отметить метод среднего поля Ландау, в котором используется параметр порядка. Мы воспользуемся теорией Ландау, заменяя температуру T на координату h . The paper deals with the anisotropy of the surface layer and the anisotropy of the free surface energy of cubic ruthenium crystals. This consideration is based on an empirical model of atomically smooth crystals, the thickness of the surface layer of which depends on single fundamental parameter - the atomic volume of an element. Calculations of ruthenium crystals showed that the thickness of the surface layer of ruthenium crystals in all directions does not exceed d(I)< 10 nm and they represent a nanostructure. Crystals of ruthenium aluminum, ruthenium hafnium, ruthenium titanium, ruthenium zirconium have ơ > 3 J/m in the (100) direction. We have considered the problem of gas diffusion in a nanometer ruthenium plate. In contrast to the classical problem, a logarithmic term appears in the resulting equation. This leads to divergence at the origin. Therefore, the boundary conditions must be specified not at x = 0, but at x = d (0) - the de Broglie wavelength of electrons. Only in this case the classical diffusion equations are meaningful. It is also important that, according to the obtained equation, the diffusion of the nanoplate depends both on the material of the plate through the diffusion coefficient of the bulk sample and on the size factor. In the classical case, there is no such dependence. Various models have been proposed to describe phase transitions in nanostructures, among which we can mention the Landau mean field method, in which the order parameter is used. We will use Landau's theory, replacing the temperature T with the coordinate h.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Kiyohiro Iwama ◽  
Toshihiko Noguchi

This paper describes an interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM) based on a new adjustable field method. The proposed PM motor achieved magnetic field control utilizing magnetic saturation. In this paper, a back electromotive force (e.m.f.) measurement test and a load test using the prototype motor were conducted to clarify if the proposed motor had a wide operation range. In the back e.m.f. measurement test, it was confirmed that the proposed motor had a wide magnetic field controllable range of 51.7%. In addition, it was revealed, through the load test, that the proposed motor had a wide operating range, including both low-speed high-torque and high-speed low-torque driving conditions. Moreover, based on electromagnetic field analysis, the magnetic field control performance of the proposed adjustable field method was compared with the conventional field weakening control and other adjustable field methods. As a comparison result, it was verified that the proposed motor had less copper loss for the magnetic field control and fewer losses in the high-speed operating range.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
Hongxin Zhang ◽  
Jiaming Li ◽  
Rongzijun Shu ◽  
Hongyu Wang ◽  
Guangsen Li

Background: With the development of robotics, more and more robots are used in manufacturing. However, in actual work, safety accidents happen to robots from time to time. How to ensure the safe operation of robots in a limited and complex working environment is the key to improve robot technology. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the dynamic obstacle avoidance of robots in complex environment for improving the intelligence and safety of robots, and the application of human-robot collaboration. Objective: The primary purpose of this paper is to improve the traditional artificial potential field method, including he disadvantages that the improved target is inaccessible and easily plunged into local optimal solution of the drawback of the improved method, second. Secondly, the background difference method based on binocular vision and Kalman filtering algorithm, and the environmental map containing the static and dynamic obstacles is obtained. After obtaining the position information of static and dynamic obstacles, the robot arm can make good use of the improved artificial potential field method to plan its own trajectory, thus realizing the dynamic obstacle avoidance of the robot arm in complex environment. Methodology: The background difference method and the Kalman filtering algorithm based on binocular vision were introduced to track the dynamic obstacles, and the improved artificial potential field method for path planning was applied to the dynamic obstacle avoidance path planning of the manipulator. Finally, the simulation and experimental results show that under the complex environment with dynamic obstacles exist, robot arm can realize independent dynamic obstacle avoidance. Results: By using background difference method and Kalman filtering algorithm to track the target in real time, the result showed that the target could be detected and tracked well. By improving the defect that the traditional artificial potential field method is easy to fall into local optimum, the improved algorithm can well realize the dynamic obstacle avoidance of the manipulator. Conclusions: For the development requirements of the industrial robots in the future, this paper based on binocular vision, which can make the manipulator realize more intelligent industrial production activities in complex working environment, meet the needs of future industrial development, and make this technology play an important role in production activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 137 (1) ◽  
José Ignacio Illana ◽  
José María Pérez-Poyatos

AbstractWe inspect the Littlest Higgs model with T-parity, based on a global symmetry SU(5) spontaneously broken to SO(5), in order to elucidate the pathologies it presents due to the non-trivial interplay between the gauge invariance associated to the heavy modes and the discrete T-parity symmetry. In particular, the usual Yukawa Lagrangian responsible for providing masses to the heavy ‘mirror’ fermions is not gauge invariant. This is because it contains an SO(5) quintuplet of right-handed fermions that transforms nonlinearly under SU(5), hence involving in general all SO(5) generators when a gauge transformation is performed and not only those associated to its gauge subgroup. Part of the solution to this problem consists of completing the right-handed fermion quintuplet with T-odd ‘mirror partners’ and a gauge singlet, what has been previously suggested for other purposes. Furthermore, we find that the singlet must be T-even, the global symmetry group must be enlarged, an additional nonlinear sigma field should be introduced to parametrize the spontaneous symmetry breaking and new extra fermionic degrees of freedom are required to give a mass to all fermions in an economic way while preserving gauge invariance. Finally, we derive the Coleman–Weinberg potential for the Goldstone fields using the background field method.

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