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programming languages
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2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Alexandru Paler ◽  
Robert Basmadjian

Quantum circuits are difficult to simulate, and their automated optimisation is complex as well. Significant optimisations have been achieved manually (pen and paper) and not by software. This is the first in-depth study on the cost of compiling and optimising large-scale quantum circuits with state-of-the-art quantum software. We propose a hierarchy of cost metrics covering the quantum software stack and use energy as the long-term cost of operating hardware. We are going to quantify optimisation costs by estimating the energy consumed by a CPU doing the quantum circuit optimisation. We use QUANTIFY, a tool based on Google Cirq, to optimise bucket brigade QRAM and multiplication circuits having between 32 and 8,192 qubits. Although our classical optimisation methods have polynomial complexity, we observe that their energy cost grows extremely fast with the number of qubits. We profile the methods and software and provide evidence that there are high constant costs associated to the operations performed during optimisation. The costs are the result of dynamically typed programming languages and the generic data structures used in the background. We conclude that state-of-the-art quantum software frameworks have to massively improve their scalability to be practical for large circuits.

2022 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-54
Maria I. Gorinova ◽  
Andrew D. Gordon ◽  
Charles Sutton ◽  
Matthijs Vákár

A central goal of probabilistic programming languages (PPLs) is to separate modelling from inference. However, this goal is hard to achieve in practice. Users are often forced to re-write their models to improve efficiency of inference or meet restrictions imposed by the PPL. Conditional independence (CI) relationships among parameters are a crucial aspect of probabilistic models that capture a qualitative summary of the specified model and can facilitate more efficient inference. We present an information flow type system for probabilistic programming that captures conditional independence (CI) relationships and show that, for a well-typed program in our system, the distribution it implements is guaranteed to have certain CI-relationships. Further, by using type inference, we can statically deduce which CI-properties are present in a specified model. As a practical application, we consider the problem of how to perform inference on models with mixed discrete and continuous parameters. Inference on such models is challenging in many existing PPLs, but can be improved through a workaround, where the discrete parameters are used implicitly , at the expense of manual model re-writing. We present a source-to-source semantics-preserving transformation, which uses our CI-type system to automate this workaround by eliminating the discrete parameters from a probabilistic program. The resulting program can be seen as a hybrid inference algorithm on the original program, where continuous parameters can be drawn using efficient gradient-based inference methods, while the discrete parameters are inferred using variable elimination. We implement our CI-type system and its example application in SlicStan: a compositional variant of Stan. 1

2022 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-48
Darya Melicher ◽  
Anlun Xu ◽  
Valerie Zhao ◽  
Alex Potanin ◽  
Jonathan Aldrich

Effect systems have been a subject of active research for nearly four decades, with the most notable practical example being checked exceptions in programming languages such as Java. While many exception systems support abstraction, aggregation, and hierarchy (e.g., via class declaration and subclassing mechanisms), it is rare to see such expressive power in more generic effect systems. We designed an effect system around the idea of protecting system resources and incorporated our effect system into the Wyvern programming language. Similar to type members, a Wyvern object can have effect members that can abstract lower-level effects, allow for aggregation, and have both lower and upper bounds, providing for a granular effect hierarchy. We argue that Wyvern’s effects capture the right balance of expressiveness and power from the programming language design perspective. We present a full formalization of our effect-system design, showing that it allows reasoning about authority and attenuation. Our approach is evaluated through a security-related case study.

2022 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-25
Ryan Williams ◽  
Tongwei Ren ◽  
Lorenzo De Carli ◽  
Long Lu ◽  
Gillian Smith

IoT firmware oftentimes incorporates third-party components, such as network-oriented middleware and media encoders/decoders. These components consist of large and mature codebases, shipping with a variety of non-critical features. Feature bloat increases code size, complicates auditing/debugging, and reduces stability. This is problematic for IoT devices, which are severely resource-constrained and must remain operational in the field for years. Unfortunately, identification and complete removal of code related to unwanted features requires familiarity with codebases of interest, cumbersome manual effort, and may introduce bugs. We address these difficulties by introducing PRAT, a system that takes as input the codebase of software of interest, identifies and maps features to code, presents this information to a human analyst, and removes all code belonging to unwanted features. PRAT solves the challenge of identifying feature-related code through a novel form of differential dynamic analysis and visualizes results as user-friendly feature graphs . Evaluation on diverse codebases shows superior code removal compared to both manual feature deactivation and state-of-art debloating tools, and generality across programming languages. Furthermore, a user study comparing PRAT to manual code analysis shows that it can significantly simplify the feature identification workflow.

2022 ◽  
Vol 54 (8) ◽  
pp. 1-36
Maxime Lamothe ◽  
Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc ◽  
Weiyi Shang

Recent software advances have led to an expansion of the development and usage of application programming interfaces (APIs). From millions of Android packages (APKs) available on Google Store to millions of open-source packages available in Maven, PyPI, and npm, APIs have become an integral part of software development. Like any software artifact, software APIs evolve and suffer from this evolution. Prior research has uncovered many challenges to the development, usage, and evolution of APIs. While some challenges have been studied and solved, many remain. These challenges are scattered in the literature, which hides advances and cloaks the remaining challenges. In this systematic literature review on APIs and API evolution, we uncover and describe publication trends and trending topics. We compile common research goals, evaluation methods, metrics, and subjects. We summarize the current state-of-the-art and outline known existing challenges as well as new challenges uncovered during this review. We conclude that the main remaining challenges related to APIs and API evolution are (1) automatically identifying and leveraging factors that drive API changes, (2) creating and using uniform benchmarks for research evaluation, and (3) understanding the impact of API evolution on API developers and users with respect to various programming languages.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (POPL) ◽  
pp. 1-29
Qianchuan Ye ◽  
Benjamin Delaware

Secure computation allows multiple parties to compute joint functions over private data without leaking any sensitive data, typically using powerful cryptographic techniques. Writing secure applications using these techniques directly can be challenging, resulting in the development of several programming languages and compilers that aim to make secure computation accessible. Unfortunately, many of these languages either lack or have limited support for rich recursive data structures, like trees. In this paper, we propose a novel representation of structured data types, which we call oblivious algebraic data types, and a language for writing secure computations using them. This language combines dependent types with constructs for oblivious computation, and provides a security-type system which ensures that adversaries can learn nothing more than the result of a computation. Using this language, authors can write a single function over private data, and then easily build an equivalent secure computation according to a desired public view of their data.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (POPL) ◽  
pp. 1-28
Matthias Eichholz ◽  
Eric Hayden Campbell ◽  
Matthias Krebs ◽  
Nate Foster ◽  
Mira Mezini

Programming languages like P4 enable specifying the behavior of network data planes in software. However, with increasingly powerful and complex applications running in the network, the risk of faults also increases. Hence, there is growing recognition of the need for methods and tools to statically verify the correctness of P4 code, especially as the language lacks basic safety guarantees. Type systems are a lightweight and compositional way to establish program properties, but there is a significant gap between the kinds of properties that can be proved using simple type systems (e.g., SafeP4) and those that can be obtained using full-blown verification tools (e.g., p4v). In this paper, we close this gap by developing Π4, a dependently-typed version of P4 based on decidable refinements. We motivate the design of Π4, prove the soundness of its type system, develop an SMT-based implementation, and present case studies that illustrate its applicability to a variety of data plane programs.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (POPL) ◽  
pp. 1-28
Yizhou Zhang ◽  
Nada Amin

Metareasoning can be achieved in probabilistic programming languages (PPLs) using agent models that recursively nest inference queries inside inference queries. However, the semantics of this powerful, reflection-like language feature has defied an operational treatment, much less reasoning principles for contextual equivalence. We give formal semantics to a core PPL with continuous distributions, scoring, general recursion, and nested queries. Unlike prior work, the presence of nested queries and general recursion makes it impossible to stratify the definition of a sampling-based operational semantics and that of a measure-theoretic semantics—the two semantics must be defined mutually recursively. A key yet challenging property we establish is that probabilistic programs have well-defined meanings: limits exist for the step-indexed measures they induce. Beyond a semantics, we offer relational reasoning principles for probabilistic programs making nested queries. We construct a step-indexed, biorthogonal logical-relations model. A soundness theorem establishes that logical relatedness implies contextual equivalence. We demonstrate the usefulness of the reasoning principles by proving novel equivalences of practical relevance—in particular, game-playing and decisionmaking agents. We mechanize our technical developments leading to the soundness proof using the Coq proof assistant. Nested queries are an important yet theoretically underdeveloped linguistic feature in PPLs; we are first to give them semantics in the presence of general recursion and to provide them with sound reasoning principles for contextual equivalence.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (POPL) ◽  
pp. 1-32
Vikraman Choudhury ◽  
Jacek Karwowski ◽  
Amr Sabry

The Pi family of reversible programming languages for boolean circuits is presented as a syntax of combinators witnessing type isomorphisms of algebraic data types. In this paper, we give a denotational semantics for this language, using weak groupoids à la Homotopy Type Theory, and show how to derive an equational theory for it, presented by 2-combinators witnessing equivalences of type isomorphisms. We establish a correspondence between the syntactic groupoid of the language and a formally presented univalent subuniverse of finite types. The correspondence relates 1-combinators to 1-paths, and 2-combinators to 2-paths in the universe, which is shown to be sound and complete for both levels, forming an equivalence of groupoids. We use this to establish a Curry-Howard-Lambek correspondence between Reversible Logic, Reversible Programming Languages, and Symmetric Rig Groupoids, by showing that the syntax of Pi is presented by the free symmetric rig groupoid, given by finite sets and bijections. Using the formalisation of our results, we perform normalisation-by-evaluation, verification and synthesis of reversible logic gates, motivated by examples from quantum computing. We also show how to reason about and transfer theorems between different representations of reversible circuits.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (POPL) ◽  
pp. 1-31
Yue Niu ◽  
Jonathan Sterling ◽  
Harrison Grodin ◽  
Robert Harper

We present calf , a c ost- a ware l ogical f ramework for studying quantitative aspects of functional programs. Taking inspiration from recent work that reconstructs traditional aspects of programming languages in terms of a modal account of phase distinctions , we argue that the cost structure of programs motivates a phase distinction between intension and extension . Armed with this technology, we contribute a synthetic account of cost structure as a computational effect in which cost-aware programs enjoy an internal noninterference property: input/output behavior cannot depend on cost. As a full-spectrum dependent type theory, calf presents a unified language for programming and specification of both cost and behavior that can be integrated smoothly with existing mathematical libraries available in type theoretic proof assistants. We evaluate calf as a general framework for cost analysis by implementing two fundamental techniques for algorithm analysis: the method of recurrence relations and physicist’s method for amortized analysis . We deploy these techniques on a variety of case studies: we prove a tight, closed bound for Euclid’s algorithm, verify the amortized complexity of batched queues, and derive tight, closed bounds for the sequential and parallel complexity of merge sort, all fully mechanized in the Agda proof assistant. Lastly we substantiate the soundness of quantitative reasoning in calf by means of a model construction.

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