In the present study, canal depth, velocity and weather monitoring sensors are designed and implemented in the field irrigation laboratory, Aditya Engineering College, Surampalem, Andhra Pradesh, India. The depth sensor which is used in this project is HC-SR04 sensor and the velocity sensor is YF-S403. A method of data acquisition and transmission based on ThingSpeak IOT is proposed. To record weather data (i.e., temperature, humidity, rainfall depth and wind speed) DHT11 sensor, ultrasonic sensor and IR sensors are used. The purpose of this project is to evaluate the performance of real time canal and weather monitoring devices. A structure of real time weather monitoring devices based on sensors and ThingSpeak IOT, a design was developed to realize the independent operation of sensors and wireless data transmission can help in minimizing the error in data collection. Arduino UNO is connected with canal depth and velocity sensor to generate the output, similarly NodeMCU is connected with weather monitoring device. The results revealed that observed sensor data showed good results when compared/calibrated with the existing conventional measurement system. In order to decrease the time and to get accurate value, it is recommended to consider the sensors for the proper use and to access weather data easily. The developed device worked satisfactorily with minimum or no errors.