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2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 146-160
K. N. Evdokimova

Turning to this topic, one cannot but take into account the fact that some thinkers and philosophers who understand the philosophy of J.-P. Sartre, agreeing with him, are the young intellectuals of France, namely, Hervé Bazin, Pierre Courtade and others. Others do quite the opposite: they are categorically critical in their works, for example, Henri Lefebvre, "L'Existentialisme" (1946), Henri Muzhin "La Sainte famille existentialiste" (1947), Jean Canap "L'Existentialisme n'est pas un humanisme" (1947), Georg Lukacs "Existentialisme ou marxisme?" (1948) and others. In this situation, the question arises of where J.-P. Sartre was a follower of Marxism and where not. Besides, researchers usually do not fully take into account all stages of the development of J.-P. Sartre’s philosophy. Sartre. However, this is a necessary condition for understanding how Marxism influenced the last stage of Sartre's work (we define it as starting from about 1950). The lack of agreement between researchers on the Marxist component of Sartres’s work demonstrates, in our opinion, a lack of attention to all its stages. Of course, the volume of our article does not allow us to make up for this deficiency in full. But we tried, at least briefly, to take into account all the essential points that determine the specifics of the Marxist component in the work of J.-P. Sartre.

2022 ◽  
Constantinos Eleftheriou

The goal of this protocol is to assess visuomotor learning and motor flexibility in freely-moving mice, using the Visiomode touchscreen platform. It modifies the original protocol's (dx.doi.org/10.17504/protocols.io.bumgnu3w) last stage by replacing forelimb reaching with a reversal learning paradigm

Serhii Yevseiev ◽  
Alla Havrylova ◽  
Olha Korol ◽  
Oleh Dmitriiev ◽  
Oleksii Nesmiian ◽  

The transfer of information by telecommunication channels is accompanied by message hashing to control the integrity of the data and confirm the authenticity of the data. When using a reliable hash function, it is computationally difficult to create a fake message with a pre-existing hash code, however, due to the weaknesses of specific hashing algorithms, this threat can be feasible. To increase the level of cryptographic strength of transmitted messages over telecommunication channels, there are ways to create hash codes, which, according to practical research, are imperfect in terms of the speed of their formation and the degree of cryptographic strength. The collisional properties of hashing functions formed using the modified UMAC algorithm using the methodology for assessing the universality and strict universality of hash codes are investigated. Based on the results of the research, an assessment of the impact of the proposed modifications at the last stage of the generation of authentication codes on the provision of universal hashing properties was presented. The analysis of the advantages and disadvantages that accompany the formation of the hash code by the previously known methods is carried out. The scheme of cascading generation of data integrity and authenticity control codes using the UMAC algorithm on crypto-code constructions has been improved. Schemes of algorithms for checking hash codes were developed to meet the requirements of universality and strict universality. The calculation and analysis of collision search in the set of generated hash codes was carried out according to the requirements of a universal and strictly universal class for creating hash codes

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 801-806
Muhammad Zid ◽  
Asma Irma ◽  
Ode Sofyan Hardi ◽  
Sony Nugratama Hijrawadi

The varied natural potential makes Bogor Regency has a lot of natural tourism potential. Its location in the highlands adds to the attraction of tourists to visit. One of the natural tourist destinations in Bogor Regency is Cipamingkis waterfall, the location of this waterfall is in Wargajaya Village, Sukamakmur District, Bogor Regency. Sukamakmur district actually has several tourist attractions, such as the Kahyangan villa and the Ciherang waterfall. However, the existence of this tourist attraction has not had a significant impact on the villagers, most of the villagers still rely on agricultural fields as their livelihood. In addition, the village youth have not played a role in the management of tourism objects. They prefer to work outside the village rather than develop their village. Therefore, this community service activity aims to provide training in managing and developing tourism objects in Sukamakmur district, the concept of community-based tourism management or better known as Community Based Tourism (CBT). The training was carried out in three stages, including program socialization, group discussions, and the last stage was tourism management planning. The results of these activities, in the socialization stage, the youth of Sukamakmur district actually have the motivation to manage and develop tourism objects in Sukamakmur district. However, it is constrained by limited knowledge about the management of tourism objects. The second stage of activity tries to dig up information on the existence of the tourist attraction, so that several alternative tourism development plans are obtained. In the last stage, it is activated to try alternative tourism objects that can be developed in Sukamakmur district with the hope that Sukamakmur district becomes a Tourism Village and residents get a positive impact.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 861-866
Vidya Shania Devi ◽  
Kadek Devi Kalfika Anggria Wardani ◽  
Dewa Ayu Putu Adhiya Garini Putri

Fish Farmer Group "Mina Kumala Sari" is a fish farming group located in Jehem Village, Tembuku District, Bangli Regency and is engaged in fisheries, especially koi fish. Based on observations, it is known that this group still has problems in marketing the product. By using digital marketing through social media, it is hoped that they can reach the target market of the "Mina Kumala Sari" Fish Farmer Group. The purpose of this community service is to find out the use of digital marketing as a marketing strategy for the cultivation of the Fish Farmer Group "Mina Kumala Sari" Jehem Village. The implementation method begins at the observation stage, then conducts interviews with the group leader to gather information, followed by a literature study to collect data from literature and the last stage is documentation in the form of photos and videos. Based on the results of the service, it can be concluded that utilizing social media as a means to market products is quite effective because before the promotion was carried out many people did not know the existence of this group and after promotion through social media and direct and online promotions with groups or communities of ornamental fish lovers caused the Farmers Group Fish "Mina Kumala Sari" is increasingly recognized by the wider community.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Antonija Šarić

In this paper, the author attempts to identify the most common errors that occur in the interlanguage of students at the Faculty of Food Technology when formulating indirect questions in English language. According to Processability theory (PT), language is acquired in a predictable way, in six stages, the last stage being acquiring word order in subordinate clauses, i.e. cancelling inversion. Since interlanguage presents a dynamic language system that retains some features of the first language or generalizes the second language rules in speech or writing, the origin of errors can be found in mother tongue or in the misapplication of the rules when adopting a second language. Although PT is not concerned with the errors made by the second language learners, this paper will try to identify the origin of errors that appear in the students' interlanguage and the acquisition of the last stage, i.e. the word order in subordinate clauses. In that way, it will be determined whether the errors (inter- or intralingual) made by the students prevent them from acquiring the last stage of PT.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Putu Shinta Noviaty ◽  
Eka Ayu Purnama Lestari ◽  
Komang Trisnadewi

Time development will affect the changing needs of graduates. Using teaching materials as one of the factors supporting the learning process is an absolute thing to do so that learning becomes directed. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct this research to prepare highly competitive human resources. This research is a development that aims to produce materials oriented towards analyzing the needs of graduate users. The ADDIE method includes analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. It was chosen as the basis for developing teaching materials for STMIK STIKOM Indonesia students on Information Technology. The analysis stage is the stage carried out to describe what the learner will learn. Next is the design stage. The purpose of learning, strategies, learning resources, tests are designed. It becomes a supporting factor for the learning process. Development is the next stage where the process of making materials is carried out according to a predetermined design. The next stage is implementation. Submission of material by the results of the development is carried out at this stage. The last stage is the evaluation stage. The revision process is carried out at this stage to assess the designed learning program.Time development will affect the changing needs of graduates. Using teaching materials as one of the factors supporting the learning process is an absolute thing to do so that learning becomes directed. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct this research to prepare highly competitive human resources. This research is a development that aims to produce materials oriented towards analyzing the needs of graduate users. The ADDIE method includes analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. It was chosen as the basis for developing teaching materials for STMIK STIKOM Indonesia students on Information Technology. The analysis stage is the stage carried out to describe what the learner will learn. Next is the design stage. The purpose of learning, strategies, learning resources, tests are designed. It becomes a supporting factor for the learning process. Development is the next stage where the process of making materials is carried out according to a predetermined design. The next stage is implementation. Submission of material by the results of the development is carried out at this stage. The last stage is the evaluation stage. The revision process is carried out at this stage to assess the designed learning program.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 60-67
Lusiana Handayani ◽  
Basyirah Ainun ◽  
M. Yassir Fahmi

Islamic financial literacy and financial inclusion are important for improving the living condition of people. Combination of Islamic financial literacy understanding and high financial inclusion index will affect the behavioral ability of people in making financial planning. In Indonesia, Islamic financial literacy and inclusion are still low, not only for youngsters but also among adults. Even though good knowledge and access to Islamic finance will help millennials to be able to identify financial products and services as their financial planning. The aim of this study is to describe the influence of Islamic financial literacy and financial inclusion on financial planning by using financial behaviour as a intervening variable. This study is descriptive quantitative research. 96 respondents are involved in the study directly through a survey method. This study used 2 (two) stages of analysis. The first stage is to find the level of respondent Islamic financial literacy. The last stage is path analysis to determine the influence of each variable. Analysis results have shown that Islamic financial literacy has no direct impact on financial planning. However, Islamic financial literacy and financial inclusion have a significant impact on financial behaviour. Furthermore, the financial behaviour has mediated the relationship between Islamic financial literacy and financial inclusion with financial planning. It shows this affects toward financial planning is 26,4%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 180
Rona Almos

This article is about noun phrases that basically consists of a noun. The data used in this article is taken from the novel "Imaji Terindah" by Sitta Karina with a generative transformation approach. The theory of generative transformation is a system of rules consisting of a limited set of rules but capable of generating or creating a limited number of sentences. There are three stages followed in this research method, namely the stage of providing data. In this step, the listening method is used. Then in analyzing the data analysis, the author uses the distributional method. And the last stage presenting the results of data analysis. At this stage the author uses a formal method. The characteristic of noun phrases in this novel is the noun as the main element. Noun phrases is functioned the subject, predicate, and object. Based on the characteristics of noun phrases in this novel, the elements of noun phrases are grouped into two types, namely primary elements and modifier elements. In the novel "The most beautiful image" by Sitta Karina, there are many sentences using the 'yang' relator.

Ayu Latifah ◽  
Ridwan Setiawan ◽  
Arfan Muharam

In Islamic religious education, especially in the procedures for purification where ablution and tayammum are very important because these are mandatory requirements in carrying out prayers. Often the procedures for ablution and tayammum are not understood properly and correctly because the process of delivering the material is still using conventional methods with media in the form of books that are less interesting and interactive. The purpose of making an application for purification procedures using Augmented Reality as a visual learning medium that can be understood by users, namely early childhood and emphasizes the importance of ablution and tayammum in Islam. The Multimedia Development Life Cycle method is used in making this application with six stages carried out starting from concept generation, design, material collection, manufacture, alpha and beta testing and the last stage in the form of distribution of applications that have been built. The results of this study can be used as an alternative learning media with interactive features using augmented reality which discusses how to perform ablution and tayammum properly and correctly in worship according to Islamic law.

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