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2021 ◽  
Kiemute Oyibo ◽  
Plinio Pelegrini Morita

BACKGROUND The COVID-19 pandemic, which began in the first quarter of 2020, necessitated the imposition of public health restrictions and the shutting down of the global economy. To slow down the spread of the coronavirus, governments worldwide rolled out nationwide contact tracing apps (CTAs) to notify people that may have been exposed to COVID-19. The emergence of new variants of COVID-19, which can cause breakthrough infections, necessitate the continued use of CTAs. However, the uptake of these apps has been low and slow worldwide. Some experts have argued that the low adoption rate of CTAs can be attributed to their minimalist design and lack of motivational features, trust- and privacy-related issues aside. However, there is little to no research to show that the incorporation of persuasive principles in the design of CTAs has the potential of increasing their effectiveness and adoption. OBJECTIVE The objective of this article is to uncover how the persuasive design of CTAs influences their effectiveness by focusing on three key user interfaces: no-exposure status, exposure status, and diagnosis report. METHODS We conducted an empirical study on Amazon Mechanical Turk to investigate the effect of persuasive design in CTAs using the Government of Canada’s exposure notification app (“COVID Alert”) as a case study. Our study is based on 204 participants (comprising adopters and non-adopters) resident in Canada and two app designs: persuasive and control. RESULTS Regarding the willingness to download the COVID Alert app, our three-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) shows there is an interaction between adoption status and app design. Among adopters, there is no significant difference between the persuasive and the control design. However, among non-adopters, there is an effect of app design (p < 0·001), with participants being more likely to download the app using the persuasive design (M = 5·37) than the control design (M = 4·57). Similarly, regarding the intention to report COVID-19 diagnosis, there is an interaction between adoption status and app design. Among non-adopters, there is no significant difference between the persuasive design and the control design. However, among adopters, there is an effect of app design (p < 0·01), with participants being more likely to report their diagnosis using the persuasive design (M = 6·00) than the control design (M = 5·03). CONCLUSIONS The results show that non-adopters are more likely to download the persuasive version of a CTA (equipped with self-monitoring) than the control version. Moreover, adopters are more likely to report their COVID-19 diagnosis using the persuasive version of a CTA (equipped with social-learning) than the control version. Overall, the percentage of non-adopters willing to download the COVID-Alert app from the app stores increased by over 10% due to the incorporation of persuasive features in its interface design. In a nutshell, the study shows that CTAs are more likely to be effective and adopted if equipped with persuasive features.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (Supplement_1) ◽  
C Lazaridis ◽  
D Mouselimis ◽  
C Bakogiannis ◽  
A Tsarouchas ◽  
A Antoniadis ◽  

Abstract Funding Acknowledgements Type of funding sources: None. Background The emergence of digital health has revolutionized most aspects of healthcare. Meanwhile, atrial fibrillation (AF) remains the most common sustained arrhythmia associated with high morbidity and impaired quality of life. Patient-perceived treatment burden can be further optimized by digital health interventions utilizing smartphone technology.  The MyAlgos platform is an integrated software system designed to enhance the remote management and communication between the patient and the healthcare practitioner. The mobile application encourages patient self-management through educational modules and tools to improve medication adherence. The web-based platform allows the health care practitioner to receive live updates on patient status and design personalized self-care management plans. Purpose  To investigate whether the use of the MyAlgos platform by AF patients is safe and improves the quality of self-care, quality of life (QoL), and hospitalization rate. Methods We designed a single-center, randomized, controlled, prospective, open-label, pilot study to compare the effect of the use of the full-feature MyAlgos platform version versus a stripped-down control version of the platform on the QoL, medication adherence and hospitalization rate in patients with paroxysmal AF.  The full version of the e-medicine platform includes active patient education, communication with the medical team, medication reminders as well as the full record of clinically significant data such as heart rate and blood pressure. Specialized algorithms monitor patient data and alert physicians for potential AF episodes. The control version only allows the recording of patient’s heart rate. Results A total of 80 patients with paroxysmal AF were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to receive either the full or the control version of the MyAlgos Platform. The mean age of all patients, 53 (66%) male, was 58.1 ± 9.1 years. Hypertension and diabetes were present in 47 (59%) and 7 (9%) respectively. At baseline, the majority of patients had AF-related symptoms classified as European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) I (45%) or EHRA II (24%), while the mean Atrial Fibrillation Effect on QualiTy-of-Life (AFEQT) score was 70.1 ± 17.0.  Between the two groups, there were no statistically significant differences in the baseline characteristics of the participants. Conclusion The emPOWERD trial will provide data on the impact of a novel e-medicine platform on the QoL, medication adherence and hospitalizations of patients with paroxysmal AF. We anticipate better outcomes for the subjects receiving the full version of the MyAlgos platform, allowing it to positively affect the further management of paroxysmal AF. Abstract Figure. The MyAlgos e-medicine Platform

2021 ◽  
Natalia Mistratova ◽  
Elena Savinich ◽  
Anna Samarokova

This study examined the use of foliar treatment with solutions of macro- and microelements when growing garden strawberries of the varieties Elista, Pervoklassnitsa, Zephyr, and Solnechnaya Polyanka in the conditions of the Krasnoyarsk forest. The agrochemical background of the soil when planting garden strawberry bushes in the open ground indicated its high fertility in terms of a set of indicators. At the same time, there was a shortage of micronutrient elements in the soil at the experimental site: Cd (0.2 mg/kg), Cu (0.5 mg/kg), Zn (1.3 mg/kg), Co (0.6 mg/kg) and Cr (0.3 mg/kg). Availability of manganese (65.4 mg/kg) and lead (2.0 mg/kg) was average. The Elista variety was distinguished in the control version of the experiment in the accumulation of copper in the berries (0.9 mg/kg). After foliar treatments with Cu 1% + 8 microelements, the highest Cu content was observed in the berries of the Solnechnaya Polyanka (1.1 mg/kg) and Pervoklassnitsa (1.0 mg/kg) varieties. The Zephyr variety had the lowest copper content in its berries: 0.4 mg/kg. The control variant of the Zephyr variety was distinguished in its iron content (4.6 m/ kg). After foliar treatments with Fe 2% + 8 micronutrient elements, the maximum amount of iron in the berries was recorded in the Solnechnaya Polyanka variety: 4.4 mg/kg. The Elista and Zephyr varieties had a rich biochemical composition without treatment with micronutrient elements. The Pervoklassnitsa and Solnechnaya Polyanka varieties were responsive to foliar feeding with micronutrient elements. Keywords: Strawberries, non-root top-dressing, biochemical composition of berries

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 26-31
L.T. Fahrtdinova ◽  
M.K. Sadigova ◽  
T.V. Kirillova ◽  
Yu. T. Saidullaeva ◽  

The article presents the results of a study on the development of a recipe for semi‑finished custard based on gluten‑free raw materials. The ratio of components in the gluten‑free mixture was optimized using the regression analysis method. The influence of gluten‑free raw materials on the rheological properties of the semi‑ finished product is studied. The variants of the experiment differed in the composition of the composite mixture (the ratio of corn, rice flour and corn starch). The chemical composition and the ratio of the components of the mixture determine the rheological properties of the semi‑finished product. The experimental version with the ratio of rice flour, corn flour and corn starch 50:40:10 most corresponds to the rheological properties of the control version and is characterized by high consumer properties.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 51
Kaitlin Fitzgerald ◽  
Melanie C. Green ◽  
Elaine Paravati

Restorative narratives are stories that highlight how people recover from adversity. Researchers have proposed that this storytelling approach may provide a way to share negative news without emotionally overwhelming audiences. Instead, restorative narratives may decrease the need for emotion regulation processes and as a result, increase the willingness to help those in need. In Study 1, a restorative narrative elicited more positive emotions and an increased willingness to volunteer compared to a negative and control version of the same story. In Study 2, the restorative narrative again evoked more positive emotions and higher hypothetical donations to a relevant charity. Study 2 also varied the narrative ending and found that restorative narratives may need to end positively to maintain their effects.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (10) ◽  
pp. 164-168
R. Guliyeva

An application of inorganic and organic fertilizers under winter wheat plant affected the increase of the straw product along with the grain to a considerable extent. So, as a result of an application of fertilizers under the winter wheat plant, the highest straw crow was obtained 86.7 centner per hectare under the variant of NPK as in grain product, the increase was 36.9 centner per hectare or 74.1%; than the control version; manure was 82.9 centner per hectare; 33.0 centner per hectare or 66.3% under the version of 30 ton per hectare. We can come to such a conclusion that there is a need for an application of mineral fertilizer to the winter wheat within the norm. Bat it is enough to apply 30 ton per hectare. If so the straw productivity of the wheat plant was higher. Fertilizers restores the soil fertility along with increase of productivity of the winter wheat plant and improves the quality indicators of the crop establishing ecological pure product.

2020 ◽  
Nigel Robb ◽  
Bo Zhang

Dynamic difficulty adjustment (DDA) in video games involves altering the level of challenge provided based on real-time feedback from the player. Some approaches to DDA use measurements of player performance, such as success rate or score. Such performance-based DDA systems aim to provide a bespoke level of challenge to each player, so that the game is neither too hard nor too easy. Previous research on performance-based DDA shows that it is linked to better player performance, but finds mixed results in terms of player experience (e.g., enjoyment). Also, while the concept of flow is regarded as an important aspect of video game experience, little research has considered the effects of performance-based DDA on flow. We conducted an experiment on the effects of performance-based DDA on player performance, enjoyment, and experience of flow in a video game. DDA was achieved using a generalised algorithm. 221 participants played either the DDA version of the game, a control version (difficulty remained constant), or an incremental version (difficulty increased regardless of performance). Results show that the DDA group performed significantly better. However, there were no significant differences in terms of enjoyment or experience of flow.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 241-244
A. Aliyeva

The aim of the work was to study the use of organic fertilizers on the growth and development of pepper culture. Work was carried out on the territory of the Guba district of Azerbaijan, on meadow–forest soils in 2027–2018. The compost Guba-Khachmaz was used. Pilot sites with various composting options were laid. As a result of the work, it was found that in the version of 20 t/ha of compost with every 100 centners of the crop, nitrogen — 36 kg, phosphorus — 13 kg, potassium — 42 kg are removed from the soil. In the control version, these indicators were respectively: 31, 10, 34 kg. In conclusion, it was concluded that the application of compost significantly affected the utilization of nutrients.

2020 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 46-50
Olga V. Eliseeva ◽  

This paper presents the study of the chemical composition of Petrovskaya variety of turnip after the non-root treatment of vegetating plants with the solution of trivalent chromium. The treatment has been performed with the solutions of chromic potassium sulphate with chromium concentrations of 0.002% and 0.005%. The experiment has been conducted according to the following scheme: 1. NPK (background) – control version; 2. NPK + HO Cr 0.002%; 3. NPK + HO Cr 0.005%. Nitroammophoska was used as the background macro fertiliser during the sowing at the rate of 30 g/m2. In the control versions plants have been treated with the distilled water. The content of chromium in root vegetables has been assessed using the method of atomic absorption spectroscopy. It is shown that after the treatment with the solution of chromic potassium sulphate the average content of chromium in root vegetables increased by 31.3% in NPK + Cr 0.002% version and by 55.6% in NPK + Cr 0.005% version in comparison with the control version. At the chromium concentration of 0.002% the content of dry matter in turnip remained at the level of control version, the content of dry soluble matters and ascorbic acid decreased down to 5.9% and 28.60 mg/100 g, the level of nitrates in root vegetables increased up to 286.0 mg/kg of wet mass. At the chromium concentration of 0.005% the content of dry matter in turnip decreased down to 10.4%, the content of dry soluble matters increased up to 7.3%, the content of ascorbic acid and nitrates decreased down to 27.81 mg/100 g and 210.2 mg/kg of wet mass, respectively.

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