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literary process
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Literatūra ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 63 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-42
Jūratė Sprindytė

In the period of 1989-2020 Lithuanian literature experienced a very dynamic literary development. The aim of the article is to highlight specifics of the new cycle and to analyze the prose trends of each decade of regained independence. The author discusses the literary process more synchronically than diachronically. The first period, i.e. the transition from the Soviet regime to the new system, was especially outstanding as the censorship was eliminated, the previously banned works of deportees and resisters were legalized, the postwar émigré writers returned back to culture and opportunities for innovation opened up.The role of writer as a cultural hero diminished. Former writers loyal to the Soviet regime described this situation as crisis, while the younger generation developed postmodernist way of writing. Many works were based on the cultural and historical memory reckoning with the Soviet era. All genres underwent certain transformations, such as emergence of peculiar essay genre, spread of ego-documentaries, revival of short stories, and flourishing popular literature.Serious changes took place after 2004 when Lithuania joined the European Union, which led to economic emigration and encouraged changes in mentality and expanse of local contexts. Mobile, “transit” type of Lithuanian character emerged who changed his place of residence but felt lonely in the global world. This is a huge innovation, bearing in mind the sedentary agrarian Lithuanian culture and the confines of the iron curtain during the Soviet era. Increased quantity of published books decreased their quality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 39-49
Elena M. Lepisheva

The article focuses on the features of the dramatic process in Belarus and Russia, studied in a comparative aspect of the Soviet (1970s-1980s) and post-Soviet (1990s 2010s) periods. Our goal is to identify common and different in the dramaturgical systems of related literatures through the prism of thekey topos of the artistic structure of the works of Russian and Belarusian authors hero, conflict, chronotope. Methods of comparative studies (comparative analysis of the literary process), as well as historical and literary methods are used to implement the tasks set. The material includes the works of more than 200 Belarusian and Russian playwrights. Russian literature (A. Vampilov, L. Petrushevskaya, N. Kolyada) and Belarusian literature (A. Makayonok, E. Popova, A. Dudarev), separate directions (new wave of Russian dramaturgy of the 1970s-1980s), stages of dramaturgical life (new drama of the 1990s-2010s), aesthetically controversial development intentions (dramaturgical practice of netuteyshy in Belarusian post-Soviet dramaturgy) are given special attention. The scientific novelty of the research is predetermined by the fact that for the first time in literary studies, a comparative analysis of the dynamics of the dramatic process in Belarus and Russia has been undertaken for such a long time the last four decades.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 654-662
Valentina Aleksandrovna Limerova

The works of Mikhail Fedorovich Istomin (1821-1862) are part of the unexplored and, until recently, not included in the history of Komi literature material - essays created by Komi writers of the XIX century in Russian language. Meanwhile, the work of M. Istomin is very representative both in terms of the formation of General regional characteristic of all the literature of the North, and the ways of familiarizing Komi intelligentsia to literary work. The analysis of works of M. Istomin made in this work, allows to judge about actual for the writer-“foreigner” of the XIX century connection to all-regional and all-Russian literary process, and also about a problem of creation of a native literary portrait for different people of the North. The description of the territory, its geographical and climatic features, the creation of descriptions of places was chosen by the writer as a priority, the most important task of creativity. This allows him to embody fragments of the Northern world through the focus of view of autochthon, to identify and record the most important, especially important for the northerner, locations and objects of environment. The writer paid special attention to the rivers as the most important geographical and natural attractions of the region. In essence, the North in the essays of M. Istomin takes the form of world saturated with many waters. The writer is far from symbolizing natural objects, does not endow their images with figurative meanings, at the same time, many descriptions of different rivers in his essays indicate the movement of regional and Komi literature by the way of creation its own concept of the North as a natural environment-centered world.

M. Moklytsia

The relevance of the study is due to the need to include the novel "Ulysses" by J. Joyce in university and, if possible, school curricula in foreign literature, as well as the need for its interpretation, despite the excessive complexity of the text and difficulty of perception. It is also important to return the legacy of D. Vikonska, a writer, critic, art critic and literary critic, to modern Ukrainian culture. Research methodology: a model of analysis of the modernist novel "Ulysses", created on the basis of the research work of D. Vikonska “James Joyce. The secret of his artistic face” (1934). Scientific novelty: for the first time the analysis of the novel "Ulysses" is carried out with the broad involvement of the half-forgotten studio of D. Vikonska, which has not lost its relevance, clearly articulates the modernist nature of the work, including surreal style. The purpose of the study: to draw attention to the outstanding figure of D. Vikonska as the founder of Ukrainian Joyce studies, to include her in the modern literary process, to show with her help the significant role of Joyce's novel "Ulysses". Conclusions. The answer to the question why Joyce's novel Ulysses is considered a landmark work of modernism should be concise but convincing, based on macro- and microanalysis of the text. First of all, it is a unique example of the author's self-expression, extreme subjectivism (the whimsy of Joyce's nature), transformed into universalism. No one is as subjective as Joyce is, no one is as universal as he is. Such can only be a conscious modernist who has passed the difficult path of search outside, in the world of culture, and inside, looking into the irrational depths of his own psyche. This is the most rational, intellectual and at the same time irrational, or visionary, according to K.G. Jung, type of creativity. Second: this is the boldest (revolutionary, in the words of Vikonska) challenge to tradition (or Cultural Canon, according to K.G. Jung), which manifested itself in the ironic parody of almost all known literary forms and narrative means, many moral and ethical norms. Third: it is a brilliant example of the author's style, a variant of surrealism, which grows out of naturalism and turns into neomythologism. Joyce's style is characterized by the following features: associative metaphorical writing, author's dictionary, which includes numerous innovations, narrative reception of the flow of consciousness; use of dreams, delusions, other boundary conditions; a bizarre intertwining of past and present, when dead and living characters are equal in meaning; consistent reflection of the external in the internal and vice versa; a labyrinth of human wanderings in search of pleasures, meaning, cognition and self-knowledge. Joyce modeled the next stage in the development of culture – the transition from modernism to postmodernism, from an ironic re-reading of tradition to playing with it.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 311-316
Alexey Yu. Ovcharenko

The review article presents various views on the periodization of Russian literature in the 1920s and 1930s and provides arguments in favor of new, refined approaches to the boundaries of the period. Particularly noteworthy are the works of those authors who point to the need for an expanded understanding of the twenties. The concept of the Big Twenties is of particular value in connection with the centenary of the magazine Krasnaya Nov , which made a significant contribution to the literary process of that time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S1) ◽  
pp. 1640-1648
Kholmuradova Leyla Eshkuvvatovna ◽  
Maya Sultanova Tuychievna ◽  
Sharofova Diyora Furkatovna ◽  
Mamarizaeva Farangiz Zohidjon Qizi

At present, in connection with globalization, the language is especially interested in cross-cultural understanding. Today, the interest in the study of original and translations of the text "Silence" in the world literary process is attracting the attention of orientalists and translators around the world. The scientific study of the content and phrase logical aspects of the novel "Silence" by world scholars, such as the creative personality, the writer's creative method, artistic skills, allows to identify and evaluate the features of the development of literature. According to structure of phrases, a phrase is a lexical unit that is equivalent to a sentence, semantically whole, has a generalized meaning, is not created in the speech process, but is ready to be introduced into the speech. According to the linguist Mamatov, phrases are a separate unit of language, which, according to their structure, is a free connection or equivalent to a sentence, fully or partially semantically reconstructed figurative, stable phrases. Phrases are specific figurative expressions of people's conclusions based on observation of life events, assessment of acceptable and unacceptable actions in society, generalization of life experiences. Writers are often not content to select and use phrases appropriate to the purpose of the image.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 349-362
Gulchira T. Garipova

The article analyzes the specifics of the receptive impact of the artistic Messianic concept of F. Dostoevsky, which influences providential contexts in the cultural philosophy of the ХХth century. The possibility to identify the features of the artistic embodiment of the Russian Messianic problems in cultural philosophy and literature of the ХХth century determines the relevance of this study. The analysis of the strategy of modeling possible worlds in Dostoevskys work, which referentially determines the development of Russian utopian / dystopian providence, determines the novelty of the study. The concepts of the Christological axiosphere, which reflects Dostoevsky's Messianic concept, determine the most important coordinates of the providential receptive trends of the ХХth century. They are objects of analysis in the article. It is proved that the semiotics of messianic motifs in Russian literature of the XXth century is connected, first of all, with the Abrahamic religious context, which is built into the most complex providential concept of the anthropological Christology of F. Dostoevsky. According to the principles of fractal logic, the writer generates the Abrahamic canon in the key messianic world-modeling metametaphors. Dostoevsky's messianic pretext is referentially manifested in Russian literature of the twentieth century - in the work of Russian Symbolists, who understand the Messiah as a divine-existential personality, in the works of writers of the late XXth century, who interprete the messiah as a collective personality - a substitutionary sacrifice. In our opinion, the chiliastic aspiration of messianic Christology and anthropology is also connected with the influence of Dostoevsky. However, we should talk about the dissipative variability of messianic concepts due to the contextual reference of messianic ideas of eastern origin, in particular, the Zoroastrian, Sufi and Islamic contexts are found. The artistic idea of messianism in Russian literature of the XXth century can also be considered as a semiotic sign system that reveals historiosophical and socio-political meanings, modeling the tendencies of anthropologization and ontologization of the literary process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-82
Anastasia Valerievna Sebeleva

This article proceeds from the fact that the problem of interaction and mutual influence is quite acute in literary studies. In this regard, the relevance of the research is due, firstly, to the correspondence to the priority direction of modern literary studies associated with the comparative analysis of the text, and secondly, to the need to disclose the deep theoretical and artistic content of creative communication of such artistic personalities of the XX century as M. Tsvetaeva and B. Pasternak, whose legacy still contains many lacunae. The methodological basis of the research is an integrated approach, including comparative-historical, historical-literary, comparative-typological, system-analytical and biographical methods, as well as the method of comparative studies, which allows to study literary analogies and connections of different national literatures, their refraction in the texts of the authors studied. Hermeneutics contributed to the mental comprehension of the analyzed texts, the mental processing of textual information. An important episode in the history of world poetry was the correspondence-dialogue of iconic poets for their time: M. Tsvetaeva and B. Pasternak. Correspondence is valuable not only because it shows us the life of poets in relation to time. The creative aspect of correspondence is very important. The rapprochement manifested in it and at the same time the repulsion was deeply creative and left deep traces in the legacy of all its participants. Poets, albeit to varying degrees, concentrated and passionately, sought to define for themselves the essence of life and poetry. In the course of the research, the author of the article comes to the conclusion that, firstly, the literary process is characterized by a systematic nature in which authors and their works are in certain relationships to each other. Secondly, the thirteen-year correspondence of M. Tsvetaeva with B. Pasternak was very significant for literature. Thanks to mutual communication, creative interaction, the poets created unique, emotionally deep works.

Litera ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 25-33
Iskander Rasulevich Saitbattalov

The subject of this research is the literary-aesthetic characteristics of interpretation of Manzil written by Bashkir theologians Bahadirshah al-Qaynawi and Taj ad-Din ibn Yalchigul: the presence of coherent narratives based on the authorial approach towards the interpreted text, literary-aesthetic interpretations of plots and images reflected in the Quranic text directly, intertextual connections of interpretations with the works in other genres. The goal of this article lies in determination and description of the meaningful literary-aesthetic characteristics of interpretations of Manzil. The following tasks are resolved within the framework of this research: 1) determination of the key characteristics of the Tafsir genre, 2) revelation of the role of works under review for the tradition of the Turkic-language interpretation of Quran, 3) description of the literary-aesthetic characteristics of the interpretations by Bahadirshah al-Qaynawi and Taj ad-Din ibn Yalchigu, 4) translation of fragments of their interpretations that are significant from the perspective of literature into the Russian language. The scientific novelty and practical importance of this publication lies in introduction into the scientific discourse of two previously unexplored literary monuments that have not been translated into the Russian language. This significantly broadens the knowledge on the literary process in Bashkiria of the early XIX century. The author concludes that the interpretation of Quran fragments should be viewed in the context of evolution of Bashkir literature of the pre-national period. This opens great potential for studying their intertextual correlations with Turkic-language literary of the earlier period in the genres of “chronicles”, “history of the prophets”, and “miracles of the created”, as well as with sententious literature of the later period.

Litera ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 34-47
Arina Rafail'evna Shevchenko

The object of this article is the English-language multicultural prose of the late XX – early XXI centuries. The subject is the clash of cultures. The research material is based on individual short stories by the contemporary US-Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie published in the book “The Thing Around Your Neck” (2009). The goal of this article lies in determination and analysis of the peculiarities of artistic expression and functionality of the situation of clash of cultures in the writer’s short stories. The relevance is substantiated by the following factors: 1) clash of cultures is typical for the relationships in modern multipolar world during the globalization era, this it is relevant in literary works of the XX–XXI centuries;  2) literary studies currently indicate heightened interest in covering various aspects of fictional multicultural prose; 3) Adichie is a remarkable figure in modern literary process. The short stories by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie are unique in their reference to signal trends in the development of the English-language literature, and thus are a relevant in the context of studying the designated topic. Unlike the works of multicultural writers of the second half of the XX century, which have repeatedly been the object of scientific research, the multicultural prose of the late XX – early XXI centuries is poorly studied. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that the analysis of short stories from the collection “The Thing Around Your Neck” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, which is not translated into the Russian language, is carried out for the first time within the Russian literally studies. The conclusion is made that the situation of clash of cultures in Adichie’s stories becomes the factor that induces mental crisis in the minds of the characters. There is no constructive dialogue of cultures, and their clash leads the characters to either the loss or substitution of identity.

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