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federal districts
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2022 ◽  
pp. 39-46
N. A. Gerasimenko

The dynamics of indicators of innovation activities of Russia’s federal districts over 2005– 2019 has been studied. During this period, there has been an increase in the number of organisations that carried out research activities, and also in the total domestic expenditure on research and development. The number of new production technologies and the volume of innovative products produced has increased, and the payback rate on research and development costs has risen in all regions. The trends of decreasing in the innovation activities of organisations and a significant reduction in the number of personnel employed in the field of research and development have been detected. The share of new products in the total volume of products shipped remains low. This situation requires national and regional authorities to take appropriate regulatory actions. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Olga Semenyuta ◽  
Irina Dubinina ◽  
Anton Degtyarev

The article researches the features of the synergy of the social functions of the state and the housing mortgage loan (HML) in order to develop a tool that allows determining guidelines and directions for strengthening the effectiveness of collaboration between the state and the private sector represented by commercial banks in solving the most important social problem—providing housing to the population. The authors show that the use of the proposed assessment tool by state structures and commercial banks increases the effectiveness of solutions to the housing problem in the country and enhances the synergetic effect of a comprehensive increase in the standard of living of the population when synchronizing actions. The main purpose of the research was to develop an algorithm that determines the key factors influencing the number of issued HML. The object of the study is the Russian HML market on the example of three federal districts. The developed algorithm is based on the use of statistical analysis methods ANOVA, mutual regression and recursive feature elimination. The approbation of the results obtained on three subjects of the Russian Federation allowed us to obtain a set of significant factors of influence, taking into account regional peculiarities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 90-99
L. S. Karpova ◽  
N. M. Popovtseva ◽  
T. P. Stolyarova ◽  
D. M. Danilenko

Aims. Show the ways of spreading influenza epidemics across the territory of Russia over a long period (1968–2019) and their influence on the incidence of influenza and ARVI in total and separately influenza A (H1N1), A (H3N2) and B in the Federal Districts in the period from 2009 to 2019.Materials and methods. The analysis of influenza epidemics was carried out according to the computer database of the National center for influenza.Results. A retrospective analysis of influenza epidemics shows the absence of inter-epidemic seasons after 1986, the increase in epidemics of mixed etiology and different routes of entry and spread of influenza viruses in Russia. During the circulation of the influenza A (H1N1)pdm09 virus, influenza epidemics were mainly of mixed etiology. The main causative agents of epidemics entered the territory of Russia more often from the west and in both ways, and from the west and from the east. In the next season, the main pathogen changed, and the path of the virus circulating in the previous season also changed. Influenza viruses of different types A and B usually diverged in time. Influenza viruses of the same type A, but of different subtypes, usually spread in different directions, with one of them having a limited distribution in the districts. The tendency of greater intensity of the epidemic process in the districts involved in the epidemic first is shown.Conclusions. 2009 to 2019 the incidence was higher in the Northwestern and Ural districts of the European part of Russia. One of the reasons for the high morbidity in these districts is the predominance of the western route of influenza viruses entering the territory of Russia and the high intensity of the epidemic process in the districts that were the first to be involved in the epidemic. 

Federalism ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 20-34
G. Y. Gagarina ◽  
R. O. Bolotov

The high level of interregional socio-economic inequality is one of the main problems of spatial development of the Russian Federation, which is enshrined in several state strategic planning documents. Such a situation requires constant monitoring of this inequality and the search for solutions to this problem. The article analyzes the current situation of interregional inequality in the Russian Federation according to a few key indicators of socio-economic development and assesses the dynamics of changes in inequality of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the period 2000–2019. In addition, the article decomposes interregional inequality using the Theil index and proves that differences between federal districts explain a relatively small part of interregional differentiation, while differences between regions within districts account for more than 80% of all regional variation.

Elena О. Mirgorodskaya ◽  
Sergey А. Sukhinin

The economic interaction of the constituent entities of Russian Federation is manifested in the strengthening of mutual trade contacts between them. An indicator of mutual trade between regions is intraregional trade turnover. The purpose of this article was to identify and substantiate the features of the intraregional trade turnover of Southern Federal District based on data on its levels, dynamics and structure. At the same time, the trade turnover was considered as a result of the development of mutual trade flows and an indicator of the effectiveness of trade and economic relations between regions. In the course of the study, the economic and statistical method prevailed, associated with the calculation, analysis and interpretation of relative statistical indicators, their visualization through graphic-analytical images. Based on the system of statistical indicators, the article examines the specific features of intraregional trade turnover of Southern Federal District in comparison with data from other federal districts of Russia and national levels. Southern Federal District occupies insignificant positions in the ranking of the federal districts of Russia in terms of retail and wholesale turnover, which does not correspond to its resource, production and demographic potential. The authors identified the following features of intraregional trade in Southern Federal District: the predominance of the segment of private trade enterprises in retail trade; a high share of the market and fair trade format in the sale of consumer goods; dominance of stationary outlets in retail turnover; expansion of network retail. The materials of this article have analytical significance and can be used as an information basis for making managerial decisions in the field of regional economic policy to activate mutual trade flows of the regions of Southern Federal District and expand mutual trade contacts between them.

Mira A. Kantemirova ◽  
Zaurbek L. Dzakoev

The results of the study of the dynamics of some of the main indicators of the standard of living of the population in the federal districts of Russia are presented. The relevance of the article is due to the need to improve the standard of living of the population, reduce the differentiation of socio-economic development of the federal districts of Russia. The purpose of the article is connected with the study and analysis of long-term trends reflecting certain indicators of the standard of living of the population. In the course of the study, the methods of analysis, comparative, regression, and correlation were used. The novelty of the results is determined by the identification of links between indicators and trends that reflect the standard of living of the population and the peculiarities of their inter-regional differentiation. This made it possible to identify groups of federal districts of Russia that have stable patterns of dynamics of indicators of the standard of living of the population. The hypothesis that regions that create large volumes of GRP are able to provide higher living standards of the population has been confirmed, which requires a balance of elements of the functioning of the socio-economic system and a certain perfection of the market mechanism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 71-81
Elena Ryumina

This article summarizes the results of the study on development and analysis of the typology of Russian regions according to criteria for the quality of human potential. Prior to this, ten clusters of this typology were studied separately, exceptions from the typical entry into clusters with neighboring regions were considered. Although among the qualitative characteristics of human potential there was not a single one, reflecting the territorial location of the regions, but in the typology they were distributed precisely on the basis of geography. Unobserved factors, whose effects on human potential are mediated by study-driven indicators, played a crucial role in clustering regions. Such a result naturally brought us to the works of L.N. Gumilev, which were studied in terms of the role played by geography of territories, landscapes and climate in the formation of human potential. In many ways, geographical conditions also determine the nature of economic activities, which form the abilities and skills of the population that characterize human potential. It was concluded that the typology of regions obtained on the characteristics of human potential corresponds to the composition of federal districts, with the exception of four small clusters, three of which — with a pronounced raw material specialization and one — with the financial advantages of two capital cities. Accordingly, this implies the expediency of using the administrations of federal districts to solve the problem of improving the quality of human potential. The protracted process of giving administrative status to federal districts can be completed by setting them the important social task of developing and implementing a strategy for improving the qualitative characteristic of population.

Irina Demina

This study extended the author's previous research in the field of scientometrics of media researchers on the topic “Mass information. Journalism. Mass media” in Russian electronic library and Russian Science Citation Index. The methodology was a census of the personalities of the first hundred authors ranked by the level of the h-index in 2020 compared to 2017, and in some aspects — from 2016. The study analyzed the changes in the h-index over the years under study, changes in the authors' geography by federal districts and cities of the Russian Federation, their academic position, the distribution of doctors and candidates of sciences in scientific majors in accordance with the awarded degree, as well as the distribution of rating personalities by actual scientific interests and taught courses in their affiliated scientific and educational organizations. The study revealed the importance of scientometric indicators for authors and scientific and educational organizations to determine their place in the academic community, the relevance of topics and authors’ research in the general academic landscape, and material incentives. At the same time, it was noted that the system of scientometric indicators is changing: perhaps the h-index the number of published works and the number of citations in the RSCI will remain as an object of research by historians of science to determine the common place of Russian (and Soviet) scientists in the science development, and in addition or to replace them there will be new indicators. One of them is the "percentile" recently introduced into the list of scientometric indicators. Studies of the values of scientometric indicators will remain relevant in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-83
G. A. Kliucharev ◽  
A. V. Chursina

The most important aspect of the transition to the knowledge society is the interaction of science and industry. The article considers the triple helix theory as a basis for managing the innovative economy. The interaction of science and business can provide Russia with larger incomes, especially provided the state participation in the countrys innovative economic development. The authors analyze official documents regulating the cooperation of universities, research institutions and innovative enterprises, and the features of financing this cooperation. The article is based on the databases of the monitoring research of the Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS Continuous education and knowledge- intensive industries: Institutions and practices of interaction which was conducted with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation. On the basis of 100 expert interviews conducted in 2017- 2019 in 12 regions of the Russian federal districts with key figures of innovation processes (chief engineers, leading designers, rectors, ministers, heads of development institutions, venture funds, technoparks and special economic zones), the authors describe the practices of interaction of scienceintensive companies with other participants of the innovative economy. In the framework of the triple helix theory, the authors consider the interaction of knowledge-intensive enterprises with higher educational institutions, the main challenges these enterprises face, investment legislation and risks of investment in scientific research. The authors argue that the state policy in this field needs a network of subjects that would ensure a dialogue between the state, science, business and education at different stages of creating and promoting innovative products. The authors also consider some issues of the development of innovation infrastructure, and possibilities of using the experience of other countries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 937 (2) ◽  
pp. 022031
I L Tretyakov ◽  
Yu B Shubnikov ◽  
E D Guseinova ◽  
G A Agayev

Abstract The paper is concerned with theoretical and practical aspects of the poaching phenomenon as national and transnational environmental crime. It critically examines Russian legislation on the use of biological resources in general and countering poaching in particular and presents a review of research con-ducted internationally and in Russia as well as statistical data provided by international organizations and state bodies of the Russian Federation. It also defines the concept of poaching and its legal characteristics, highlights key challenges to countering poaching both within Russia and at the transnational level. Particular emphasis is placed on poaching across the Russia-China border adjacent to the Far Eastern and Siberian Federal Districts which ac-count for the rarest flora and fauna species in Russia. The paper outlines challenges to regulating federal anti-poaching legislation and current pitfalls in combating illicit trafficking of species at the state level. It considers op-posing viewpoints of researchers engaged in this field, their strengths and weaknesses, and suggests possible solutions to the identified problems. The paper concludes that methods of combating poaching are still underdeveloped and require certain legislative improvements at the level of national legislation and international cooperation.л.

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