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grey forest soil
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2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 5-9
Vasiliy Blohin ◽  
Irina Nikiforova ◽  
Irina Ganieva ◽  
Igor Serzhanov

Four varieties and 3 promising lines of spring barley breeding by Tatar Research Institute of Agriculture were studied for grain nutrition to identify the most promising ones. The work was conducted in 2015-2017 in Predkamye Republic of Tatarstan. Grey forest soil, humus content 3.35-3.52 % (GOST 26213-91), alkaline-hydrolyzable nitrogen 85.0...94.0 mg/kg (by A.H. Kornfield), mobile phosphorus 251...287 and exchangeable potassium 149...167 mg/kg (by Kirsanov; GOST 26207-91). The predecessor is winter rye, the repetition is fourfold, the standard grade is Raushan. It was found that line k-295-12, on average over 3 years, significantly exceeded the standard by 27.77 g in crude protein content; by 20.0 g in digestible protein content and by 7.35 g in digestible protein content per feeding unit. The variability of sugar content in varieties was 30.67 ... 47.0 g, significantly exceeded the standard by 13.33 g variety Tevkech (47.0 g) and by 13.0 g line k-23-13 (46.67 g). The fat content was formed in the standard 19.03 g, varieties Kamashevsky, Endan and lines k-23-23, k-561-13 and k-295-12 exceeded it by 7.47; 5.77; 11.47; 9.84 and 5.67 g, respectively. The exchange energy content in grain ranged from 14.42 MJ of the variety Raushan, to 14.72 MJ of the line k-295-12, with no significant differences between genotypes. In the dry year of 2015, the crude and digestible protein content was 148.0...165.0 and 110.74...118.8 g, respectively, and in 2016 it was 129.00...164.4 and 92.88...118.37 g, respectively. In favorable 2017, the content of crude and digestible protein were lower, the varieties Raushan and Tevkech were characterized by the greatest decrease in crude and digestible protein (65.7 and 67.4 % to the level of 2015). On average over 3 years, the best line was k-295-12 for the set of indicators of grain nutrition

2021 ◽  
Vol 931 (1) ◽  
pp. 012015
P Zhang ◽  
V V Matichenkov ◽  
E A Bocharnikova ◽  
S M Sevostianov

Abstract Numerous investigations demonstrate that active forms of silicon (Si) enhance the plant tolerance against abiotic stresses by several mechanisms, including increasing the antioxidant activities and minimizing oxidative damage. Soil contamination with oil and oil products relates to abiotic stress that detrimentally affects soil microbial population and plant growth. Considering the crucial role of microorganisms and plants in bioremediation of oil-polluted areas, Si substances can be beneficial to acceleration of soil reclamation. In greenhouse experiment, wheat was grown in Grey Forest Soil contaminated with used motor oil. The effect of fumed silica and monosilicic acid on soil enzymatic activity and plant growth was studied. Both Si substances provided increasing the plant biomass and the activities of catalase and dehydrogenase. As regards the plant growth, the effect of Si was more pronounced in polluted soil, while the enzyme activity was higher affected in unpolluted soil. The activities of catalase and dehydrogenase were closely correlated to the water-soluble Si in soil (R=0.91-0.92). Silicon substances with high content of, plant-and microorganism-available Si might be promising for involvement in bioremediation technology for oil-contaminated soil.

2021 ◽  
pp. 50-53
Е. I. Isaeva ◽  
G. L. Yagovenko

The current paper has considered the study results of the productivity of the lupine-winter wheat rotation link with different methods of basic tillage. The study was carried out on grey forest soil in the south-west of the Blackearth part of the Bryansk region on the basis of the stationary trial of the All-Russian Research Institute of Lupine in 2015–2018. The purpose of the study was to characterize the productivity of the lupine – winter wheat crop rotation link with differ[1]ent methods of basic tillage. The scheme of the trial included four variants of the main tillage during the cultivation of winter wheat and lupine in a four crop rotation sequences, namely winter wheat – naked oats – winter triticale – lupine. During the period of the study, the highest productivity of the lupine-winter wheat rotation link was identified in the case of moldboard plowing with chisel tillage once every four years for lupine and amounted to 5.2 t/ha of grain units. With this method of tillage, winter wheat and lupine showed high rates of yield and nutritional value. These indicators turned out to be energetically beneficial in terms of energy flow in the agroecosystem. The lowest rates of yield of the link was obtained in the option with subsurface plowing to a depth of 16 cm and amounted to 3.9 t/ha of grain units; the energy cost per ton of grain was 6.7 GJ. With the option with traditional moldboard plowing, the productivity of the crop rotation link was 4.5 t/ha of grain units, and the energy cost was 5.9 GJ per ton of grain. All the presented options of the main tillage in this crop rotation can be used on farms with different levels of economic development and farming culture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 262 ◽  
pp. 04006
Aida Tamahina ◽  
Urfa Turan Ogly Turabov

The biotic cycle is based on the assessment of chemical elements in the production, degradation processes, during the deposition and resynthesis of organic compounds. The biotic cycle of agrophytocenoses, in contrast to natural ecosystems, is characterized by a significant imbalance of macro- and microelements. One way of solving this problem is to approximate the composition and structure of agrophytocenoses to natural plant communities. The objective of the research was to investigate the biotic cycle of elements in single- and mixed-seeded crops of Galega orientalis Lam., Inula helenium L., Symphytum asperum Lepech., urtica dioica L. The research was conducted in the mountainous zone of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic in 2015-2019 on grey forest soil. In mixed agrophytocenoses, the biotic balance becomes less negative compared to monoculture crops. The excess of consumption over the return of N, Ca, K, P to the soil averaged 3.96; 40.94; 334.02; 9.46 kg/ha, respectively, over 5 years. The inclusion of Galega orientalis in a mixture with nonlegurninous forage grasses increased the soil cultivation index from 0.87 to 0.90. The results show the high potential of a polyculture system based on the combined cultivation of legumes and non-legumes in increasing the sustainability of farming.

The main indicators of biological activity of grey forest soils of the Starodub and Bryansk Opolie in natural ecosystems, regular and intensive agroecosystems, including radioactively contaminated ones, were determined year by year. It is established that the radioactivity of the soils in the natural ecosystem catena of the Starodub Opolie is practically identical. In agroecosystems the radionuclides in soil catenas are redistributed. They are accumulated in the agrohorizons of soil cavities. In the natural ecosystem the total number of invertebrates and the absolute number of earthworms are higher in grey forest soils, having the second humus horizon cavities, than in the grey forest soils of the neighboring low ridge. In both soils of opolie the earthworms predominate among invertebrates, accounting for about 81 % of their total number. Radioactive contamination reduces the number of earthworms less than the intensification of crop cultivation technologies. In the grey forest soil of the regular agroecosystem, this figure is reduced by 56%, and in the grey forest soil with the second humus horizon by 76 %. In intensive agroecosystems the number of earthworms is reduced less, by 39 and 23 %, respectively. The biomass of the microbiota is significantly greater in the grey forest soils with the second humus horizon of the soil cavities than in the grey forest soils of the neighboring low ridge. Radioactive contamination of these soils reduces microbiota biomass less than intensification of crop cultivation technologies. In the grey forest soils of the agroecosystem, this figure is reduced by 50%, and in the grey forest soil with the second humus horizon by 61 %. In the intensive agroecosystem the biomass of microbiota decreases less intensively, by 30 and 46 %, respectively. In the incubation experiment on the grey forest soils of the Bryansk Opolje it is marked that soil enrichment with organic matter activates the soil microbiota more than 2 times. To a lesser extent, soil respiration increases with NPK application. This figure rises more than 5 times with the combined use of straw and NPK. In the field experiment, the cultivation of winter wheat in the crop rotation after annual grasses and mineral fertilization at the rate of NeoPeoKm+Neo activated the soil microbiota by 75-76 %. The biological cultivation technology on the background of the aftereffect of dung, straw and green manure without mineral fertilization causes a decrease in soil respiration and cellulolytic activity, as compared with the intensive technology.

2020 ◽  
pp. 181-191
M. Tkachenko ◽  
N. Borys ◽  
Ye. Kovalenko

The research aims to establish the eff ectiveness of granular chalk use produced by «Slavuta-Calcium» Ltd. under growing Poliska–90 winter wheat variety, changing the physicochemical properties of grey forest soil and the wheat productivity. It also aims to establish optimal dosis of «Slavuta-Calcium» granular chalk as the meliorant and mineral fertilizer for grey forest soil in the system of winter wheat fertilization. In the temporary fi eld studies, various doses of nutrients N60–90–120P30–45–60K60–90–120 combined with «Slavuta–Calcium» granular chalk in a dose of Ca230–460–690 kg/ha of the active substance were studied against the background of secondary plowing of rotation products – soybean biomass that averaged 2.34 t/ha. Granular chalk is a modern complex highly eff ective meliorant with the content of Ca – 37.7 and Mg – 0.2 %, the mass fraction of carbonates (CaCO3 + MgCO3) makes at least 95 %. It is characterized by a high level of solubility when interacting with moisture in soil. It has a form of white granules, the mass fraction of 4.0–6.0 mm in size granules makes not less than 90 % and the one of 1.0 mm in size makes less than 5 %. Reactivity – 97 %. The granular chalk is advisable to apply on acidic soils, as a highly concentrated calcium-magnesium fertilizer, with the former as the dominant fertilizer, to optimize the physicochemical properties of the soil, as well as the plant nutrition system, in particular, increasing the availability of an element for assimilation by plants and as long-term ameliorants. The eff ectiveness of the use of mineral fertilizers, in particular acidic nitrogen on highly and medium acidic soils, after chemical reclamation is increased by 30–50 %, and slightly acidic by 15–20 %. The increase in productivity of crops from the combined eff ects of nutrients and chalk granulated is usually higher than when separately applied. The eff ectiveness of the integrated action of these elements is manifested in the growth of plant productivity and the quality of the resulting products, as well as the optimization of physical chemical properties and soil buff ering in the long term. In order to optimize the physicochemical properties of the arable layer of gray forest soil and the productive nutrition of agricultural crops, winter wheat, in particular, biogenic elements should be used in doses N60-90-120P30-45- 60K60-90-120 with granulated chalk «Slavuta-Calcium» in doses of Ca230-460-690 kg/ha of active substance. Granulated chalk obtained as a result of industrial grinding of solid sedimentary carbonate rocks of natural origin, subsequently under the infl uence of the granulation process of the starting material contains Ca and Mg carbonates of at least 95 %, dense granules which facilitates convenient mechanized application, as well as chalk suitable for accurate metered application on the quest map. Key words: granular chalk, gray forest soil, chemical reclamation, crop productivity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 160-168
N. A. Kodochilova ◽  
T. S. Buzynina ◽  
L. D. Varlamova ◽  
E. A. Katerova

The studies on assessment of changes in the content and composition of soil organic matter under the influence of the systematic use of mineral fertilizers (NPK)1, (NPK)2, (NPK)3 against the background of the aftereffect of single liming in doses of 1.0 and 2.0 h. a. (control – variants without fertilizers and lime) were conducted in the conditions of the Nizhny Novgorod region in a long – term stationary experiment on light-grey forest soil. The research was carried out upon comple-tion of the fifth rotation of the eight-field crop rotation. The results of the study showed that for 40 years (from 1978 to 2018) the humus content in the soil (0-20 cm) decreased by 0.19-0.52 abs. % in variants as compared to the original (1.60 %); though, humus mineralization was less evident against the background of long-term use of mineral fertilizers compared to non-fertilized control. The higher humus content in the topsoil was noted in the variants with minimal (NPK)1 and increased (NPK)2 doses of fertilizer – 1.41 and 1.25 %, respectively. The humus content in non-fertilized soil and when applying high (NPK)3 doses of mineral fertilizers was almost identical – 1.08-1.09 %. The predominant group in the composition of humus were humic acids, the content of which in the experiment on average was 37.8 % of the total carbon with an evident decrease from 42.6 % in the control to 31.8% when applying increased doses of mineral fertilizers. The aftereffect of liming, carried out in 1978, was unstable and did not significantly affect the content and composition of soil organic matter.

Р.Н. Ушаков ◽  
А.О. Елизаров ◽  
Т.Ю. Амелина

Цель исследований – методом дискриминантного анализа оценить вклад абиотических (почвенные условия, осадки) и биотических (сорняки) факторов в формировании урожайности зерновых культур. Урожайность является производной множества условий, проявляющихся в двух результирующих факторах – климатических и почвенных с подчинением классическим законам земледелия. Реализация продукционного процесса сельскохозяйственных растений, его гомеостатические возможности зависят не только от наличия ресурсов жизнеобеспечения, но и от их доступности для растения. Материальными носителями, обуславливающими доступность ресурсов в почве, являются различные компоненты, которые генерируют разнообразные связи внутри почвы и в формате почва - растение. Чтобы хоть как-то разобраться со всей сложностью явления формирования урожайности, необходимо применять методы многомерного статистического анализа, в частности, дискриминантный анализ. Минимальное значение продуктивности севооборотов, с экономической точки зрения, не должно составлять ниже 25-30 ц з.ед/га. Массив данных по урожайности зерновых культур был разбит на группу 1 (урожайность ниже 25-30 ц з. ед/га) и группу 2 (больше 25-30 ц з. ед/га). Всего было определено 180 комбинаций. Это стало возможным благодаря многолетнему опыту, заложенному Л.В. Ильиной по комплексному окультуриванию агросерой почвы с внедрением систем удобрений, обработки, севооборотов. Дискриминация между группами была значима. В процедуре дискриминации наиболее желательным является присутствие переменной «Сорняки» (соответствует наибольшее значение Уилкса Лямбда). На данный факт указывает также значение частной лямбды (характеризует единичный вклад), именно переменная «Сорняки» дает наибольший вклад, вторая переменная по значению вклада – «Калий». Скорее всего, ощутимый вклад сорняков обусловлен конкуренцией с их стороны за использование одних и тех же экологических ресурсов, которые необходимы и культурным растениям. За счет более эффективной организации экологической ниши сорная растительность снижает потенциал реализации климатических и погодных условий. The aim of the studies is to assess the contribution of abiotic (soil conditions, precipitation) and biotic (weed) factors in the formation of crop yields by discriminatory analysis. Yield is a derivative of the many conditions evident in the resulting two factors - climatic and soil with submission to the classical laws of farming. The realization of the production process of agricultural plants, its homeostatic capabilities depend not only on the availability of life support resources, but also on their availability for the plant. The material carriers that make resources available in the soil are various components that generate a variety of connections within the soil and in soil-plant format. The methods of multidimensional statistical analysis, in particular discriminant analysis, allow to understand at least all the complexity of the phenomenon of yield formation. From an economic point of view, the minimum productivity of crop rotation should not be lower than 30 c z. piece/hectare. The crop yield data array was divided into group 0 (yield below 25-30 c z. Unit/ha) and group 1 (more than 25-30 c z. piece/hectare). A total of 180 combinations were determined. This was made possible by the long-term experience laid down by L. V. Ilina on the complex culturing of grey forest soil with the introduction of fertilizer systems, treatment, crop rotation. Discrimination between groups was significant. The presence of the Weeds variable in the discrimination procedure is most desirable (corresponding to Wilkes lambda 's greatest value). This is also indicated by the value of the private lambda (characterizes the unit contribution), i.e. the variable "Weeds" gives the contribution more than all, the variable. "Potassium" is the second most important contribution. The significant contribution of weeds seems to be due to competition on their part for the use of the same environmental resources as cultural plants. Due to more efficient organization of ecological niche, weed vegetation reduces the potential for realization of climatic and weather conditions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 98 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-24
S. Degodiuk ◽  
E. Degodiuk ◽  
O. Litvinova ◽  
Ju. Bodnar ◽  
N. Buslaieva

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 00117
Liliya M.-H. Bikkinina ◽  
Vladimir O. Ezhkov ◽  
Ramil N. Faizrakhmanov ◽  
Rasim R. Gazizov ◽  
Asiya M. Ezhkova

Local natural zeolite-containing rocks use efficiency in agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan was studied in the research. The research was conducted in the field on leached black soil applying mechanoactivated zeolites and in greenhouses on grey forest soil using nanostructured zeolite. Field experiments identified the soil deacidification of 0.4 pHsol, increase of assimilable phosphates of the 1st and 2nd groups (Ca-P1 и Ca-P2) – of 5.0 and 6.6 mg per 100 g of soil. Moreover, the research considered the increasing the mobile phosphorus available to plants – of 8.0 and 10.0 mg/kg and exchange potassium of 5.0 and 6.6 mg/kg according to the doses of zeolite of 10 and 15 t/ha. Improving the activity of microflora in rhizosphere and growth acceleration of microbial biomass to 15.5 mg per 100 g*h were observed. The average annual grain yield gain was 0.3 and 0.5 t/ha, and the payback of 1 ton of zeolite by additional harvest 0.11 and 0.09 t/ha in grain units respectively. Improvement in the reaction of the soil environment was stated in the vegetative conditions on gray forest soil using nanostructured zeolite in doses of 0.1 and 1.0 t/ha, a positive shift in pHsol, was 0.97 and 0.9 units respectively. Under the influence of mechanically activated celite at a dose of 15 t/ha, soil acidity decreased by 0.99 pHsol units. The use of nanostructured zeolite contributed to an increase of the reserves of ammonia nitrogen in the soil – by 0.8 and 2.4 mg/kg, mobile phosphorus – by 6.0 and 33.0 mg/kg, and exchangeable potassium – by 3.0 and 5.5 mg/kg respectively at doses of 0.1 and 1.0 t/ha respectively. The growth of microbial biomass was up to 24.0 mg/100 g*h. Additional grain gains were obtained: under the influence of mechanically activated zeolite at a dose of 15 t/ha – 8.6 g/vessel and nanostructured analog at a dose of 0.1 t/ha – 7.3 g/vessel, which were comparable at the consumption of the latter 150 times less.

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