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2022 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 80-89
Muhammad Basri ◽  
Suparman Arif ◽  
Heryandi Heryandi ◽  
Risma Margaretha Sinaga

Many papers have been published in recent years describing prospective teachers` generic and teaching skills. However, to our best knowledge, little is known about how they acquire and apply these skills in real-life situations outside of the classroom, among communities through student community service program in particular. In other words, because empirical evidence in the literature has failed to recognise the implementation of prospective teachers’ generic skills among communities, the question on this topic remains open. Therefore, our purpose was to explore and describe prospective teachers’ generic skills when taking part in a community service program. This study is qualitative in nature, with a total of 150 students consisting of 100 females (67%) and 50 males (33%) enrolled at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education in a public university in Indonesia participating by adopting a questionnaire and audio-recorded interviews for data collection. The data collected through questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive statistics, while the information collected through the interviews was evaluated and interpreted using content analysis through coding classification and theme or pattern identification, with the goal of providing thorough descriptive interpretations of social phenomena. The findings reveal that the prospective teachers under investigation strongly agree and agree that community service program has benefited them personally, socially, and professionally, as well as improved their generic skills. They could develop their generic skills while participating in a student community service program. The findings of this study provide clear evidence that generic skills and the development of these skills are deemed important by students enrolled at teacher training and education. Based on the findings, the implications and limitations of this present study with several suggestions for future research are also discussed.

2022 ◽  
pp. 727-734
SSM Sadrul Huda ◽  
Tanveer Kabir ◽  
Tanvir Alam Siddiq

This article aims to figure out the impact of civic engagement of students in Bangladesh. Developed countries are well aware about the importance of civic engagement of the student community nowadays. Their educational system is already structured in a manner which encourages civic engagement in educational life. There are a lot of studies in developed countries regarding student participation in civic engagement. It is seen that the educational system and curriculum in Bangladesh does not incorporate civic engagement. However, there is some skill sharing institutions that has started engaging students in civic activities. Students are learning leadership skills, gaining practical knowledge besides academic, experiencing innovation and becoming responsible citizens of the country. This article focuses on some practical scenarios through which students were engaged with civic activities, which, in turn, positively affect the academic and non-academic achievements of the students in Bangladesh.

2022 ◽  
pp. 111-137
Kamalendu Pal

This chapter describes the challenge to the higher education sector during the coronavirus pandemic. It also presents the lack of preparedness in crisis management and digital education responses of higher education teaching and learning practice. Given that higher education institutions and the student community faced distinct challenges, policy responses and their implications have valuable lessons to learn. The chapter highlights research gaps, including researching the impact on lesser-developed countries, the psychological impact of transition, and the essential role of management in handling the pandemic. It also highlights that the general objective should be to build more resilient higher education teaching and learning delivery systems that are responsive and adaptive to future crises. London's City University decided to move off-campus and into a digital work environment responding to the current pandemic. A case study in the application of an undergraduate software engineering team-based project teaching and learning practice follows.

Raquel Ochoa-Ornelas ◽  
María Isabel Álvarez-Hernández ◽  
David Velasco-Luján ◽  
Alma Janeth Vargas-De La Cruz

Objectives: Implement a mobile application to control COVID-19 in all its variants, containing or reducing the spread of the virus during the return to face-to-face classes at the ITCG. Methodology: The project was developed in Android Studio using different libraries and technological resources. You have access to a web server with a MySQL database. The application allows scanning the QR code of the visited site from the mobile application, reporting a positive case and vaccine reactions, monitoring any unusual adverse effects, as well as receiving notifications via SMS. Contribution: Contain the advance of the virus, avoiding saturating health systems, monitoring users in the event of any eventuality. The application was distributed to the student community of the Technological Institute of Ciudad Guzmán (ITCG) during the application of the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, to monitor any symptoms, as well as positive cases during the return to face-to-face classes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (02) ◽  
pp. 253-274
Tauseef Ahmad Parray

Writing on Islamand things Islamic has a long history in the West, but has seen a growth in 20thcentury and an unprecedented surgeafter the events of 9/11 (2001)—both because of Islam’s ‘global’ spread and ‘growing global impact’ as well as its diverse interpretations and explanations. Among this plethora of literature, a major portion is devoted to the Islamic historyand its inter-related aspects, in the form of ‘introductory’ reference books.These are primarily targeted for (under) graduate student community as well as for the general people interested in knowing about the faith and beliefs of 1.6 billion Muslims, living globally. This study, in this context, attempts to present an evaluation and brief content-analysis of four (4) latest works by the Western academics (mostly ‘Islamicists’) on Islamic history, published in between 2009 and 2016 (and referring to their latest editions as well). Theoretical in nature, following both descriptive and comparative methodological approaches, this study attempts to (i) get clues of the recent trends, tendencies and tenors in the English (predominantly  American) scholarship on Islamic history; and (ii) identify the main topics, themes and issues covered under the broader rubric ofIslamic history/ civilization in these works. The study agrues that such mins of appraisal and evaluation helps in understanding the main themes/ topics discussed under the broader rubric ofIslamic historyas well as helps in knowing and understanding the diverse scholarly approaches adopted in studying different aspects of Islamic history—from classical to contemporary eras.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-75
A. Shil ◽  
B. Bishayi ◽  
M. Sikdar (ne’e Bhakta)

Colonization of multiple antibiotic resistant Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) in nasal cavity is associated with heightened risk of infections. The emergence and spread of multiple antibiotic resistant community-associated (MAR-CA) S. aureus strains has worsened the situation. The aim of this study was to assess the rate of prevalence and patterns of antibiotic resistance in S. aureus strains isolated from members of the student community in Presidency University, Kolkata, India,.

Ta dib ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 87
Iredho Fani Reza

This study aims to find out hoaxes on social media and how the form of tabayyun and its implementation can be a method of preventing hoaxes spread on social media. Using this type of research mixed methods with the design of the Sequential Exploratory Strategy. The subjects in this study N Total = 514 who were Muslim students at universities in Palembang City which were determined using purposive sampling technique. The data collection method used an online survey. Data analysis using coding techniques (open coding, axial coding and selective coding) version 9 of the Atlas.ti program and product moment analysis and testing for level categorization of the IBM SPSS version 24 program. This study found, first, the form of hoaxes on social media: 1) News lie; 2) False information; 3) Does not match the facts. Second, students have not implemented tabayyun optimally in responding to news on social media. The form of the application of tabayyun is to seek the truth by thinking critically, observing and confirming the news and information obtained.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 180-188
N Karunakaran ◽  
T Bayavanda Chinnappa

Educational institutions worldwide are undergoing fundamental shifts in how they operate and interact with their “customers”, students, alumni, donors, and faculty members. Higher education, especially the management education has been changing rapidly and educational institutions are compelled to focus and shift their strategies on student community, faculty members, and industrial organizations so that they remain relevant to the society at large. A nation can remain competitive and its economy can continue grow, only if the quality of knowledge provided by higher education institutions becomes meaningful. Technological, economic, sociological, and governmental forces are altering education dramatically, impacting its institutions, teachers, students, funding sources, and basic function in society. To unlock potential and help talented people to gain advanced training, whatever their background, requires customer-centric approach to education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 816
Ani Yuliati ◽  
Laga Adhi Dharma ◽  
Nur Alifah Septiani ◽  
Adnin Kamil B. Hawa ◽  
Malinda Satya Ningrum

ABSTRAKDi era pandemi seperti sekarang ini semua bidang kehidupan mengalami perubahan atau pergeseran, tidak terkecuali juga bidang pendidikan. Hal ini dirasakan juga oleh sekolah menengah pertama (SMP) Muhammadiyah Nanggulan, Kulon Progo. Berbagai permasalahan yang ada di sekolah itu di antaranya minimnya sarana dan prasarana berkaitan dengan literasi digital dan rendahnya minat baca siswa. Berkaitan dengan dua hal tersebut, diadakanlah kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa penyuluhan program literasi digital bagi guru, siswa, dan karyawan SMP Muhammadiyah Nanggulan serta pembentukan semacam forum/komunitas siswa sebagai untuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasinya. Peningkatan literasi baca tulis siswa, guru, dan karyawan di SMP Muhammadiyah Nanggulan dilakukan pelatihan dan pendampingan serta pembentukan pojok baca dan pembentukan majalah sekolah “Sumunar” sebagai wadah bagi siswa, guru, dan karyawan untuk mengasah kemampuan literasinya. Kata kunci: literasi digital; SMP muhammadiyah nanggulan; kulon progo ABSTRACTIn the current pandemic era, all areas of life experience changes or shifts, including the field of education. This is also felt by the Muhammadiyah Nanggulan junior high school, Kulon Progo. Various problems that exist in the school include the lack of facilities and infrastructure related to digital literacy and the low interest in reading students. In connection with these two things, community service activities were held in the form of digital literacy program counseling for teachers, students, and employees of Muhammadiyah Nanggulan Junior High School and the establishment of a kind of forum/student community to improve their literacy skills. To improve the literacy of students, teachers, and employees at SMP Muhammadiyah Nanggulan, training and mentoring are carried out as well as the establishment of a reading corner and the establishment of the school magazine "Sumunar" as a forum for students, teachers, and employees to hone their literacy skills. Keywords: digital literacy; muhammadiyah nanggulan junior high school; kulon progo 

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