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sample test
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2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 712-716
S K Prabhakar ◽  
Oshin Middha ◽  
Feba Mary George ◽  
Uditi Pankaj Kothak ◽  
Prashansa Yadav

Study of steepening, flattening, clockwise, and counter-clockwise torque effect is indispensable to understand and design surgical induced astigmatism calculator. Hence, in this study by constructing a novel Microsoft Office Excel 2007 based astigmatic calculator following cataract surgery, analysis on the accuracy and predictability evaluated for the performance. Post-cataract surgery patients from May 2019 to January 2020 at a tertiary medical institution recruited for this present study. Based on Pythagoras principle, MS Excel calculator designed and the law of cousins for calculating the vector magnitude and axis respectively. Manual keratometry measurements for pre and postoperative horizontal (Kh) and vertical (Kv) curvatures established, and statistical analysis for the resultant SIA magnitude and axis deduced with Medcalc software comparing with the existing SIA 2.1 version calculator. A total of 29 eyes of 25 patients studied with a mean age of 62.55 (±8.08) years, males contributing to 14 (56%), and right laterally in 17 (58%) eyes. MS Excel and SIA 2.1 versions calculated a mean SIA magnitude of 0.66 (±0.47) D and 0.64 (±0.55) D respectively. Pearson coefficient correlation (r=-0.16, p=0.40), paired-two sample test (t value= 0.11, p= 0.91) and ROC curve analysis (AUC = 0.75, p= 0.34, 95% CI= 0.25 to 0.99) calculated. Regression equation (y = 0.75 + -0.14 x) and limits of agreements (95% CI -0.29 to 0.31) analyzed, and, 95% of data points distributed within ±1.96 SD of the line of equality on Bland-Altman difference plots.The present calculator proclaimed an acceptable accuracy and agreement with a prediction of 0.61 Diopter for every unit change in the magnitude of SIA 2.1 software in addition to consideration of interchangeability.

Mathematics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 228
Pablo Pincheira ◽  
Nicolas Hardy ◽  
Andrea Bentancor

We show that a straightforward modification of a trading-based test for predictability displays interesting advantages over the Excess Profitability (EP) test proposed by Anatolyev and Gerco when testing the Driftless Random Walk Hypothesis. Our statistic is called the Straightforward Excess Profitability (SEP) test, and it avoids the calculation of a term that under the null of no predictability should be zero but in practice may be sizable. In addition, our test does not require the strong assumption of independence used to derive the EP test. We claim that dependence is the rule and not the exception. We show via Monte Carlo simulations that the SEP test outperforms the EP test in terms of size and power. Finally, we illustrate the use of our test in an empirical application within the context of the commodity-currencies literature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (02) ◽  
pp. 51-57
Rahmat Hidayat ◽  
Syifa Nurjannah ◽  
Hilman Permana

The purpose of this research was to determine the used of molases as an additive in making banana jackfruit peel silage on crude fiber and crude protein. This research was conducted in Sirnaraja, Mandalasari village, Cikalongwetan district, West Bandung regency for 21 days, while the sample test carried out Balai Pengujian Mutu dan Keamanan Pakan/Bahan Pakan (BPMKP/BP) at the Cikole-Lembang. The method used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD), with four treatments (P0 : banana jackfruit peel silage with 0% molases), (P1 : banana jackfruit peel silage with 1% molases), (P2 : banana jackfruit peel silage with 3% molases), (P3 : banana jackfruit peel silage with 5% molases) and five replication. The data obtained were analyzed by ANOVA and Duncan’s multiple range test. The result show that the used of molases as an additive was significantly (P<0,05) of crude fiber and crude protein with average 8,79-31,61% and 8,79-9,55%. The used of 3% molases is the most optimal of the decrease crude fiber and increase crude protein.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 350-357
Verawati Parmah ◽  
Wardihan Sinrang ◽  
Suryani As’ad ◽  
Muh. Nasrum Massi ◽  
Mardiana Ahmad ◽  

Background: In pregnancy and nursing, zinc plays an important role, including fetal development and milk secretion. Zinc in the lactation process is a crucial modulator of the mammary gland, which is very important for successful lactation.  Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze the total of Lactobacillus Bifidus using Quantitative RT-PCR in the feces of breastfed infants from mothers who were given zinc tablets. Methods: This type of research was experimental using a quasi-experimental post-test only with a control design and a quantitative approach. This research was carried out at Antang Perumnas Public Health Center, Kassi-Kassi Health Center, Jumpanang Baru Health Center and Bara-Barayya Health center from March 22 to June 22, 2021. The Population in this study were all newborns from mother with normal zinc levels in 2021 in the Makassar City Health Center area as many as 62 people. The sampling technique used purposive sampling, about 12 samples per group. To avoid dropout and increase power, the sample was then added with an estimated drop out of about 30%, 12 + (30% x 12) = 15.6, rounded up to 16. Each group consisted of 16 samples for breastfed infants from mothers who obtained zinc tablets (intervention) and 16 samples for breastfed infants from mothers who did not obtain zinc tablets (control). This study uses an Independent Sample Test. Results: This study showed that the group of breastfed infants from mothers obtaining zinc tablets had a higher mean value of 2947625215.62 compared to the control group of 162374516.97. There was a difference in the number of Lactobacillus in the intervention group after being treated with a statistically significant difference in the mean of –2785250698.65 by the Independent sample test analysis, the value of p = 0.009 (α < 0.05), which means there was a significant difference between the intervention groups and control group. Conclusion: The highest number of Lactobacillus was the intervention group which indicated a difference of Lactobacillus in the feces of breastfed infants from mothers who obtained zinc tablets.

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 (6) ◽  
pp. 575-591
Aneta Viková ◽  
Zdeňka Bajgarová ◽  

Objectives. The study is aimed at describing attachment and coping strategies in the prison population, and relations between these two variables were tested. Sample and setting. The sample consisted of 122 men serving middle-security sentences mainly for property crime. The attachment was determined by the Czech version of the Experiences in Close Relationships Scale, and coping strategies were measured by The Stress Coping Style Questionnaire SVF 78. Hypotheses. The prisoners’ attachment and coping strategies were expected to be different from those of the normal population. The attachment anxiety and avoidance were expected to be related to coping strategies. Statistical analyses. One sample t-test and Wilcoxon one sample test were used for analyzing the differences in scores between the prison and normal population while the Pearson correlation and linear regression were used to test relations between variables. Results. Inmates were significantly different from the normal population both in their attachment and coping strategies. They exhibited higher attachment anxiety and avoidance compared to the normative sample, fearful avoidant attachment prevailed. Prisoners demonstrated higher Play Down, Distraction from Situation, Substitutional Satisfaction, Flight Tendency, Self-accusation, and Active Avoidance, they exhibited lower Guilt Denial and Rumination. Relational avoidance correlated negatively with positive coping strategies, relational anxiety correlated positively with negative coping strategies. Limitations. The main limitation of this study is the use of a non-representative sample and the self-assessment form of the methods employed.

Foristek ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Selviana Selviana ◽  
Mery Subito ◽  
Rizana Fauzi ◽  
Alamsyah Alamsyah

The design of this IoT (Internet of Things)-based post-stroke patient monitoring tool was built to monitor patient progress remotely. Flex sensor hardware was used to retrieve data from every movement of the patient's finger muscle strength, then processed by the NodeMCU ESP32 after that the data will be sent to the web server via the IoT platform using a local wireless network. The results of research on the development of post-stroke patients can be displayed to a web server in the form of a table plot of data values for the index finger, middle finger, and ring finger. The post-stroke patient monitoring system can be accessed on PC and Android devices. The results of the sample test from the device obtained the highest value of 3.26 MMT and the lowest value of 0.2 MMT so that the patient's finger muscle strength was declared unstable and frequent changes in muscle strength.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 214-231
Hilyah Ashoumi ◽  
Syahir Naashiruddin ◽  
Ahmad Ahsanul Khuluq

This research aims to develop teaching materials for google classroom sessions at MTs and MA Nizhamiyah Ploso Jombang. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, validation sheets, and pretest-posttest questions. Therefore, researchers used the R&D method to process questionnaires and the Pairet Sample Test to determine student learning outcomes and meaningful treatment in researching each variable. The research was conducted on 30 7th grade students of Islamic Cultural History subject MTs Nizhamiyah and 30 11th grade students of MA Nizhamiyah Fiqh subject. The results of the research conducted state that: (1) From the average of all the aspects asked in class 7 SKI subject is 69.6% and in class 11 Fiqh subject is 75%, both of which mean feasible It is concluded that learning using Google Classroom learning media at MTs and MA Nizhamiyah Ploso is said to be feasible. (2) The mean score of the pretest class 7 subject to SKI was 52.8, while the posttest score was 68.5 and the mean score of the pretest class 11 Subject Fiqh was 48.1, while the posttest score was 68.1. Based on the table of paired samples test, the significance value is <0.05, indicating that there is a significant influence on the differences in treatment given during the pretest and posttest in Islamic Cultural History subjects MTs Nizhamiyyah and Fiqih MA Nizhamiyyah Ploso Jombang.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-137
Meidawati Suswandari

This study aims to determine the effect of the scientific approach through the zoom meeting application on the learning activeness of students at Palur 3 Elementary School. The research method uses quantitative research. The research design used a pre post test from the control class and the experimental class. The independent variable in this study is a scientific approach through the zoom meeting application. The dependent variable in this study is student learning activeness. The research was conducted in grade V of the 3 Palur Elementary School. The data collection tool used was a questionnaire. The data analysis technique uses the analysis prerequisite test which includes the normality test and the homogeneity test which is then followed by the hypothesis test (t-test) using SPSS. The results showed that the scientific approach through the Zoom meeting media influenced the learning activeness of the fifth grade students of SD Negeri 3 Palur. This can be seen from the results of the analysis test using the Paired Sample Test, the tcount was 9,143 with Sig 2 tailed of 0,000 with a t-table value of 2.101, indicating that tcount> ttable was 9.143> 2.101.

Jurnal CIVILA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 245
Romadhon Romadhon ◽  
Salwa Nabilah

C Excavation mining activity in Banyakan District, Kediri Regency has been going on for a long time. It is needed to support the creation of good infrastructure and become one of the foundations for development progress, but in its implementation it must pay attention to the preservation of the natural environment. This study uses descriptive analysis method with a quantitative approach, and uses survey and interview methods for data collection. Afterward, the survey data were analyzed by non-parametric test using the free K-sample test, validity and reliability tests, and quantitative analysis using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Thereafter, with expert recommendations, a strategy for managing the impact was developed. The results of the discussion found that environmental damage due to C excavation activities that often occur and has a major impact in Tiron Village, Banyakan District, includes damage to road infrastructure, air pollution due to material transport vehicle traffic, and loss of rural feel. Therefore, all parties must work together to overcome this, several responses that can be taken to deal with these impacts include all parties having to allocate special funds for road infrastructure improvements, policies from the government that are in favor of the community and the environment, and reclamation of mining former lands to restore a rural feel and good air quality standards

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