<div>Figure 3. Layer A. Shaded relief map of the Gabbs Valley, Gillis, and Wassuk ranges, Nevada. Layer B. Simplified geologic map of the Gabbs Valley, Gillis, and Wassuk ranges. Sources of geologic mapping: Bingler (1978); Hardyman (1980); Stewart et al. (1981); Ekren and Byers (1985a, 1985b, 1986a, 1986b); Dilles (1992); Hoxey et al. (2020); this study. Layer C. Geographic names for major mountains, valleys, canyons, flats, washes, and lakes; fault names, and other labels. Layer D. Locations photographs (see Fig. 5), cross-section lines (see Fig. 6), and <sup>40</sup>Ar/<sup>39</sup>Ar sample locations with ages (see Table 1). Layers E–J. Southern paleovalley wall contacts and measured dextral offsets for paleovalley infilling units Obmg, Osp, Mrc, Mrl, and Mal, respectively. Layer I. Southern contact of unit Mlf and measured dextral offset. Layer K. Intersection line defined by normal fault–hanging-wall contact between units Mlf and Me and measured dextral offset. Maps, labels, and data sets are organized in a series of layers that may be viewed separately or in combination using the capabilities of the Acrobat (PDF) layering function (click “Layers” icon along vertical bar on left side of window for display of available layers; turn layers on or off by clicking the box that encompasses the layer label located within the gray box in the upper right part of the figure). Figure 3 is intended to be viewed at a width of 64 cm.<br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div>