The current study is conducted to explore the learning potential of students at the elementary level by using the scaffolding technique. The study aimed to measure the efficiency of the scaffolding teaching method provided to the students at the elementary level. As it was an experimental study, so, no population was defined. The sample was selected from Gov. Girls Higher Secondary SchoolModel Town A, Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan. All 6th classes of this school were included to analyze the effect of scaffolding as an intervention. Retention of learning after 3 months, the provision of scaffolding in comparison to the traditional method was assessed. After the posttest, there was a retention test as the final test from all four groups. Solomon's four-group design was used for this experiment in which there were 40 students in each group and 160 total participants. In the current study, Pretest, posttest, and after 3months retention test was conducted as research tools. To analyze the data, SPSS version 20 one-sample t-test were used to analyze the data. The Data revealed that scaffolding was proved to be a better strategy compared to the control group. Even the results of retention of learning skills were higher than the control group. Students showed good understanding, remembering, and better-solving processes in experimental groups. Study recommended that scaffolding teaching needs a highly structured supervised environment and may be conducted in controlled conditions. It is recommended that in teacher education, the prospective teachers may be prepared in the principles, procedures, and rules of scaffolding. A due consideration may be given to teaching strategies in all teacher education programs in the country as it is an innovative and progressive way of teaching.