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engineering design process
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Nyet Moi Siew

This research was conducted to explore the STEM imagination of Grade 10 students from one Malaysian rural secondary school that adopted the integration of the imagination process in an Engineering Design Process (EDP) through an outreach program in STEM. Four stages of the STEM imagination process were examined: initiation, dynamic adjustment, virtual implementation and implementation. A total of 50 students aged 16 participated in a 10-hour program which engaged them in designing and building two different prototypes. Data on students’ STEM imagination were captured through teachers’ field notes based on focus group interviews and observations. The findings reveal that students needed to draw from their lived experiences to brainstorm problems and solutions around a given scenario, and to arrive at a workable solution in order to move from the initiation to the implementation stage. The findings also suggested that the EDP approach is able to create a supportive environment for nurturing STEM imagination among rural secondary school students.

2022 ◽  
pp. 223-251
Martin Fislake

After more than 30 years of development, the designing, constructing, and programming of educational robots is still enjoying increasing popularity in formal, non-formal, and informal educational settings. Although building instructions and required technical components are easily available and accessible, the realization of own teaching projects is a special challenge and is subject to decisive influences. This includes the content-related training of teachers as well as their attitudes and ways of thinking and acting. Therefore, the first section of this chapter spans an arc from the didactic concept of the extracurricular project technikcamps related to robotics. The experiences gained from it and the consequences for teacher training to the philosophical roots of technical education follows. In connection with this, the main part deals with the technological basics of creating educational robots in general. It leads from manufacturing single parts through the creation of a support structure and automation to the application of the engineering design process.

2022 ◽  
pp. 824-857
Martin Fislake

The development and use of educational robotics offer almost unlimited chances for teaching design. In classrooms it results in numerous and continuously increasing possibilities for the promotion of competences and the differentiated and differentiating use of educational robots. Therefore, this paper reports long time experiences of the author and is intended to introduce into the history and the relevant literature of educational robotics in teaching settings, before it discusses the role of educational robots as technology artefacts, as educational technology and for technology education interconnected to coding and the engineering design process (edp). In addition, a structured overview is developed to provide orientation, discuss possible applications and offer basic assistance for teaching between coding and engineering.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (23) ◽  
pp. 116-126
Letícia Vasconcelos Morais Garcez ◽  
Ana Lya Moya Ferrari ◽  
Isabela Sousa Guimarães ◽  
Galdenoro Botura Jr

O presente estudo aborda questões metodológicas de projeto de design em que o usuário atua de maneira mais participativa, na etapa de teste. O objetivo dessa reflexão é apresentar uma experiência projetual de um aplicativo para smartphones que partiu de um exercício proposto em uma disciplina do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Design da Faculdade de Arquitetura, Artes e Comunicação e Design da Universidade Estadual Paulista, durante o primeiro semestre de 2019. A problemática levantada no presente estudo foi a gestão e o desperdício de alimentos em âmbito doméstico. Para o desenvolvimento do APP, utilizou-se em seu processo o Método das múltiplas convergências proposto por Barcellos (2020), que é uma adaptação e combinação ordenada entre o Design Process, Engineering Design Process, Double Diamond e Design Thinking. A metodologia direciona-se para o projeto-inovação, como uma ferramenta de avaliação e identificação de problemas e interação. Com isso, foram realizados durante o processo dois testes avaliativos diretamente com os usuários. Através dos feedbacks recebidos identificou-se algumas problemáticas e, requisitos projetuais foram alterados para atender com efetividade às diretrizes de UX. As mudanças realizadas puderam ser resolvidas antes do protótipo final do produto. Com relação a inovação do produto apresentado, (87,5%) participantes consideraram o produto muito inovador ou totalmente inovador, demonstrando boa adequação do produto proposto ao conceito e a problemática inicial do projeto. Entretanto, identifica-se que uma metodologia que apresente a etapa de criatividade, a entrega da ideia e o processo de testagem em pequenas partes, que são adicionadas e avaliadas de maneira frequente, acomodaria melhor o escopo do projeto em futuras etapas programáveis, se mostrando favorável para o aprofundamento desta pesquisa e de próximos estudos de caso.

Hardani Hardani

Mathematics is taught to equip students with the ability in using mathematical knowledge and skills to solve problems in life. The context of learning activities should develop the skills dealing with problem solving. Mathematics learning activities during the pandemic era are often carried out by providing material and discussion of the exercise items both online and offline mode. Learning achievements show that students' critical and creative thinking skills have not developed well. This study is the result of a literature review to examine the LowCost STEM approach in learning in grade 2 elementary schools. The results of the study conclude that Low Cost STEM learning can be carried out with activities both problem-based learning and project-based learning using the five stages of the Engineering Design Process. The final result of the learning is in the form of a bridge rope model product made of paper.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2145 (1) ◽  
pp. 012076
Supaluk Sasangbong ◽  
Jiradawan Huntula

Abstract The research aim was to develop creativity of grade 5 students through STEM education in electricity. There were 15 students of Grade 5 in Khon Kaen Province in 2020 participated in this study. The action research was implemented to this study with three loops of action research to improve creativity of students. The physics contents consisted of simple circuit, conductor, insulator, switch, connecting battery in a series circuit and a parallel circuit, series and parallel circuit and the motor connection. The fifteen lessons were separated into three loops of actions. Each loop of lessons consisted of three Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) lessons, and a lesson which is an Engineering design process lesson for designing product to improve student’s creativity in electricity. The students were fluent in designing various tasks to solve problems arising from a given classroom situation and had flexibility and elaboration in given reasons in selecting the materials to create the works. At the last lesson of the each action loops the data was collected to show how students improved their creativity. The student’s work and their presentation were evaluated by the creativity’s rubric scores in four dimensions of Originality, Fluency, Flexibility and Elaboration. The results show that student’s creativity were improve by STEM education in electricity. All dimension of creativity which are originality, fluency, flexibility and elaboration were improved from loop 1 to loop 3 of action research.

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