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tubular bones
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2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 43-47
S. V. Matyushechkin ◽  
R. M. Khairullin ◽  
A. V. Tishkov

The intensifying integration processes between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan update creation of databases and development of regression models that allow determining the body length by individual bones in representatives of both genders of this ethnic group.The aim of the study was to verify application of regression equations to determine the body length in Tajik children and adolescents, aged 6–17, according to the linear parameters of the short tubular bones of the hand.Material and methods. There were performed osteometric studies of 251 X-ray images of the right hand to determine the body length of the examined individuals. Linear regression analysis was carried out to identify dependence of the body length on linear parameters of the short tubular bones of the hand. The quality of the regression was assessed through the coefficient of determination R2 and significance by the F-criterion. There were considered coefficients of determination higher than 0.8.Results. It was found that for boys the linear parameter of the length of the tubular bones of the hand was the best to predict the body length. When applying regression equations to determine the body length according to the length of the hand rays in boys, it was determined that the best results were obtained when applying a model developed for the bones of the 2nd and 4th hand rays. For Tajik girls, regression models that included parameters of the length and width of the tubular bones of the hand were more reliable. More reliable results for identifying the body length of Tajik children were obtained when regression models were developed separately for individuals of different genders.Conclusion. The results obtained demonstrated that osteometric parameters of the short tubular bones of the hand can be used to assess the body length of Tajik children and adolescents of both genders.

Vestnik ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 360-366
М.У. Байдарбеков ◽  
А.А. Нурахметов ◽  
К.Т. Оспанов ◽  
А.С. Кожаков

В данной статье мы провели обзор литературы по проблеме лечения нарушений репаративной регенерации костной ткани длинных трубчатых костей. Широкий спектр существующих методик оперативного лечения псевдоартрозов длинных трубчатых костей до настоящего времени не решил проблемы регенеративной способности костных структур. Применение открытых хирургических методов связано с дополнительной травматизацией мягких тканей, сосудов поврежденной конечности и возможными осложнениями, что является их недостатком. В развитии клеточных технологий в лечении нарушений репаративной регенерации костной ткани решающую роль сыграло внедрение альтернативных методов замещения дефекта костной ткани для стимуляции регенерации кости, но недостатки различных костно-пластических материалов и имплантатов побуждают исследователей к поиску новых методов костной пластики и заменителей костных трансплантатов. В настоящее время основным направлением является разработка и внедрение в практику композитных биоматериалов с остеогенными и остеоиндуктивными свойствами, в состав которых входят стволовые или остеопрогениторные клетки человека, а также факторы роста. В связи с этим, в области тканевой инженерии активно проводятся исследования, направленные на создание остеоиндуктивных биоматериалов нового поколения, основанных на применении костных морфогенетических рекомбинантных белков, которые были одобрены, и в настоящее время уже применяются в клинической практике для восстановления несрастающихся переломов. Однако, несмотря на высокую эффективность рекомбинантных белков, до сих пор существуют некоторые проблемы, связанные с их клиническим применением. В первую очередь, это связано с коротким периодом жизни рекомбинантных белков. Введенные в участок повреждения белки теряют свою биологическую активность за короткий период времени и поэтому для того, чтобы добиться терапевтического эффекта в клинической практике используют большие дозы рекомбинантных белков. In this article, we reviewed literature on the treatment of bone repair disorders in the long tubular bones. A wide range of existing methods of long tubular bones pseudarthrosis surgical treatment has not yet solved the problem of the regenerative capacity of bone structures. The use of open surgical methods is associated with additional trauma to the soft tissues, vessels of the injured limb and possible complications, which is their disadvantage. The introduction of alternative methods of bone tissue defect replacement to stimulate bone regeneration played a decisive role in the development of cellular technologies in the treatment of disorders of reparative bone tissue regeneration, but the shortcomings of various osteoplastic materials and implants prompt researchers to search for new methods of bone grafting and bone transplant substitutes. Currently, the main direction is the development and implementation into practice of composite biomaterials with osteogenic and osteoinductive properties, which include human stem or osteoprogenitor cells, as well as growth factors. In this regard, in the field of tissue engineering, research is being actively pursued to create a new generation of osteoinductive biomaterials based on the use of bone morphogenetic recombinant proteins, which have been approved and are currently already being used in clinical practice for the restoration of nonuniting fractures. However, despite the high efficacy of recombinant proteins, there are still some clinical problems associated with their use. This is primarily due to the short lifetime of recombinant proteins. The proteins introduced into the site of injury lose their biological activity in a short period of time, and therefore, in order to achieve a therapeutic effect in clinical practice, large doses of recombinant proteins are used.

Oleg Oleynikov ◽  

The article summarizes available information on bone ice skates and presents the results of research and classification of the collection of skates of the 11th–15th centuries found by the Novgorod Expedition of the Institute of Archaeology RAS. Medieval ice skates are small bone runners made from the tubular bones of large domestic animals. All objects show traces of the specific processing of original bones: cut off epiphyses and a flattened plantar side (sliding surface). The amount of accumulated archaeological material, instrumental study of wear pattern on the working surface, experiments in the use and manufacture of skates, numerous ethnographic parallels in the use of bone skates in a number of countries almost up to the present day, as well as the fact of skating on bone shoes recorded in a 12th century source, make it safe to say that, in functional terms, ice skating was one of the forms of winter pastime and was a part of the Novgorod dwellers’ everyday life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
S. A. Tkachuk ◽  
O. S. Pasnichenko ◽  
L. B. Savchuk ◽  

Medical and biological sciences, including morphology, now require the introduction of the latest information technologies and mathematical methods to process the obtained and accumulated research results. To study the growth dynamics of body weight in domestic birds, classical growth models, Gompertz, were used for the purpose of quantitative description of the growth processes in biological objects, in particular for the growth and development of birds – Von Bertalanffy, Richards, and hyperbolastic models. The research material was tubular bones of the thoracic (humerus, ulna, and radius) and pelvic (femur, tibia, and tarsometatarsus) limbs in birds of meat production (broiler chickens and laying hens from the parent broiler flock of Cobb-500 strain) of different age groups during the postnatal period of ontogenesis. An appropriate regression analysis of experimental data based on known growth models was performed to solve the goal of obtaining growth curves and identifying special points (extremes, inflections, etc.), to build a picture of the overall development of the body as a whole and individual bones of the extremities. The most biologically suitable growth models for describing the growth dynamics of the body as a whole and individual studied bones were determined. The absence of a unified growth model of linear parameters of different tubular bones in meat producing chickens during the postnatal period of ontogenesis was established. This implies the need for a clear selection of growth models taking into account age, species, breed, keeping and feeding conditions of domestic birds. The growth model that best describes the body weight dynamics of broiler chickens is the hyperbolastic growth model of the H3 type, and in laying hens from the parent broiler flock – the Brody growth model.

Khromov A.A. ◽  
Gumanenko E.K. ◽  
Linnik S.A.

Severe combined injuries, and especially polytrauma, differ significantly from other types of injuries by high requirements for the organization of medical care at all its stages, miltidisciplinarity, high financial costs, poor short-term outcomes and long-term treatment results. Therefore, the search for new concepts, strategies and tactics for the treatment of victims is an urgent problem not only for surgeons, resuscitators and traumatologists, but also for healthcare in general. Fractures of long tubular bones accompanying severe combined injuries or polytrauma pose a lesser threat to the life of the victim than severe traumatic brain injuries or damage to internal organs, but they are the main cause of long-term treatment and disability. Such victims make up a significant group of patients-66.2%, therefore they represent a separate problem in traumatology and injury surgery. A modern solution to this problem, improving the results of treatment and the quality of life of victims after suffering a severe combined injury or polytrauma is possible on the basis of new approaches, as well as on the new ideology of osteosynthesis. In the present study, 392 minimally invasive osteosyntheses were performed in 274 patients with severe combined trauma and polytrauma. The indication was the need to fix fractures in order to create favorable conditions for rapid and lasting fusion, early functional treatment and rehabilitation of victims, and to achieve the highest possible level of quality of life after treatment. The possibility and duration of osteosynthesis were determined by the severity of the condition of the victims, assessed by objective methods: a simple clinical scale of VPH-SG or, much less often, specialized resuscitation scales of VPH-SS, SAPS or MODS. The surgical intervention was possible when the severity of the victim's condition reached the highest level of compensation: 16-30 points on the VPH-SG scale. The immediate outcomes of treatment of 274 patients with severe combined trauma and polytrauma after performing a full and final volume of surgery were good. There were no fatal outcomes. The frequency of mild local infectious complications in the field of surgical intervention was 4.0%. The average duration of inpatient treatment was 23.8±2.3 days: with closed intramedullary osteosynthesis - 19.8±0.3 days, with bone osteosynthesis - 24.2±1.2 days, with non - focal osteosynthesis-27.3±1.9 days. The long-term and anatomical and functional results of treatment were analyzed in 158 patients. There were no unsatisfactory long-term results of treatment. Good long-term results were achieved in 81.0%, satisfactory – in 19.0% of the victims. Thus, the results of the analysis of the immediate outcomes and long-term results of treatment of fractures of long tubular bones using the technology of minimally invasive osteosynthesis in patients with severe combined trauma and polytrauma demonstrated the high effectiveness of this surgical technology, on the one hand, and the direct dependence of the treatment outcomes on the severity of the injuries, the severity of the condition of the victims and the number of fractures in one victim, on the other hand.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 428-429
M. Friedland

The osteosynthesis operation for nonunited fractures of long tubular bones requires, according to the majority of modern surgeons, preliminary refreshing and freeing of the ends of the bone fracture from scar tissue.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Bolatbek Dossanov ◽  
Vitaliy Trofimchuk ◽  
Vassiliy Lozovoy ◽  
Sergey Khmyzov ◽  
Assem Dossanova ◽  

AbstractThe work aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the developed distraction system based on the rod external monolateral fixation mechanisms by comparing it with the classical technique of long tubular bones distraction based on the circular multi-axial system. The study included patients with a genetically confirmed diagnosis of achondroplasia. The experimental group consisted of 14 patients who underwent surgical limb lengthening by the rod monolateral external fixator with a distraction system developed by the authors. The lengthening was performed on 28 segments of tubular bones. The majority of the experimental group patients achieved the lengthening value close to the planned one and the deformation correction. The fixation period was averagely 83.8 ± 3.7 days, the regenerate length was 8.5 ± 0.6 cm, and the mechanical strength of the distraction regenerate was 10.3° ± 2.18°. The rod external fixator with a control distraction system developed by the authors has small dimensions and low weight of the external supporting elements of high durability. It is reported to provide a good psychological tolerance of the treatment process and significantly outperforms the circular multi-axis system. Considering the aforementioned, the proposed apparatus can grant good orthopedic care to patients with achondroplasia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 382-385
Dzhumabekov Sabyrbek Artisbekovich ◽  
Kubatbekov Almaz Anarbekovich ◽  
Borukeev Azamat Kyrzhybekovich

In an experiment in low-mountain conditions, the features of changes in the structure of bone tissue in the zone of a gunshot fracture of the shank diaphysis were studied. It was revealed that when using the compression-distraction method according to G.A. Ilizarov, a pronounced angiogenic effect is observed, an improvement in reparative processes. The results obtained confirm the need to use the method of extrafocal compression-distraction osteosynthesis to accelerate the healing of gunshot fractures of tubular bones.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 299-306
V.I. Shevtsov ◽  
A.P. Kirienko ◽  
N.G. Shikhaleva ◽  
K.I. Novikov ◽  

Introduction Hand surgery has its own history in each country which is done by outstanding doctors and scientists. Аcademician G.A. Ilizarov, the founder of transosseous osteosynthesis, is one of such personalities. Purpose of the work To analyze the stages of development and application of transosseous osteosynthesis in hand surgery, proposed by Academician G.A. Ilizarov. Methods The process of creation and development of transosseous osteosynthesis for short tubular bones was analyzed. We present the main designs and developers of the inventions related to extrafocal osteosynthesis of hand bones. The structural divisions of the Ilizarov Center, in which medical care was provided to the patients with hand pathology, were stated. Results The entire existence and active use of the Ilizarov mini-fixator can be represented by five periods, starting from the period of comprehending the need for its design. Currently, we are in the period of its combined use in conjunction with the reconstruction of hand soft tissues. Conclusion The names of scientists who have made a significant contribution to the development of the Ilizarov method of transosseous osteosynthesis for the hand surgery were given in the final summary. Thanks to the results of their work, we have the opportunity to further develop hand surgery in accordance with the contemporary scientific requirements

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 248-251
Dzhumabekov Sabyrbek Artisbekovich ◽  
Kubatbekov Almaz Anarbekovich ◽  
Borukeev Azamat Kyrzhybekovich

In an experiment in low-mountain conditions, the features of changes in the structure of bone tissue in the zone of a gunshot fracture of the shank diaphysis were studied. It was revealed that when using the compression-distraction method according to G.A. Ilizarov, a pronounced angiogenic effect is observed, an improvement in reparative processes. The results obtained confirm the need to use the method of extrafocal compression-distraction osteosynthesis to accelerate the healing of gunshot fractures of tubular bones.

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