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2022 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-39
Paula Johnston

With more people being diagnosed with diabetes and requiring insulin therapy as they live longer, an increasing number of individuals are needing access to blood and ketone monitoring that is simple to use and provides accurate results. Having access to a bolus advisor is equally important in order for people with diabetes to calculate accurate insulin doses based on the foods that they are eating. The use of app-based technology for healthcare purposes has increased over recent years and now includes the Diabetes:M application that can be used in conjunction with the 4SURE smart meters with no additional cost to the individual.

2022 ◽  
Cissoko Mady ◽  
Mady CISSOKO ◽  
Issaka Sagara ◽  
Jordi Landier ◽  
Abdoulaye Guindo ◽  

Abstract Background In malaria endemic countries, control interventions are performed during the high malaria transmission season using epidemiological surveillance data. One such intervention, seasonal chemoprevention (SMC), consists of the monthly administration of antimalarial drugs to children under 5 years. This study proposes an anticipating approach for adapting the timing of SMC interventions in Mali and the number of rounds. Our primary objective was to select the best approach for anticipating the onset of the high transmission season in the different health districts of Mali based on epidemiological surveillance and rainfall data. Our secondary objective was to evaluate the number of malaria cases, hospitalisations, and deaths in children under 5 years that could be prevented in Mali using the selected approach and the additional cost associated.Method Confirmed malaria cases and weekly rainfall data were collected for the 75 health districts of Mali for the 2014-2019 period. The onset of the rainy season, the onset of the high transmission season, the lag between these two events and the duration of the high transmission season were determined for each health district. Two approaches for anticipating the onset of the high transmission season in 2019 were evaluated. Results In 2014-2019, the onset of the rainy season ranged from W17 April to W34 August and that of the high transmission season from W25 June to W40 September. The lag between these two events ranged from 5 to 12 weeks. The duration of the high transmission season ranged from 3 to 6 months. The best approach anticipated the onset of the high transmission season 2019 in June in 2 districts, July in 46 districts, August in 21 districts and September in 6 districts. Using this approach over the 2014-2019 period would have led to changing the timing of SMC interventions in 36 health districts and would have prevented 43,819 cases, 1,943 hospitalisations and 70 deaths in children under 5 years. The additional cost of using our proposed approach is less than 5% of the current approach. Conclusion Adapting the timing of SMC interventions using our proposed approach would improve the prevention of malaria cases, hospitalisations, and deaths for a reasonable additional cost.

2022 ◽  
pp. 220-240
Vannie Naidoo

Mega-projects are crucial as they strive to provide infrastructural development and support growth and sustainability of a country's economy. Scheduling is an integral part of mega-projects, and special attention needs to be given to the planning of this activity. It is important that an experienced person in the project team be responsible for scheduling activities for the mega-project. In 2020, COVID-19 appeared and had devastating consequences on the world and all sectors of society including business, industry, and the economy. Mega-projects were also affected by COVID-19, a deadly pandemic that has caused a loss of millions of lives worldwide. The scheduling of mega-projects during lock-down proved problematic, causing major delays, backlogs, and additional cost and rescheduling of activities in the project. Disasters are also another factor that can hinder project performance. This chapter will unpack scheduling in mega-projects and how it is affected by COVID-19 and other disasters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 887
Wilsen Hartanto Lim ◽  
Arianti Sutandi

ABSTRACTThe planed duration of  construction Project X was 730 days with the upper structure targeted to be finished in July 2020. There was delay in the beginning of project implementation and the expected duration became 745 days,  the upper structure completion date pushed back to October 2020. In order to keep in line with target, one of the alternatives was to change the formwork material from conventional to aluminium. By applying this change, there was a need to study the effects to the project duration, the upper structure finish date, and the additional cost. To calculate the project duration, and the labour coefficient of productivity using the motion and time study method, the completion time of aluminium formwork work is required. From the calculation, it can be concluded that it was more effective to apply an 8-zone of formwork division in every storey,  which will result in 711 days of project duration and the upper structure finish date will be in August 2020. The costs for the aluminium formwork which consisted of materials and labour fees amounted to Rp 7,991,548,555 or higher by Rp 1,000,000,000 compared to conventional formwork. ABSTRAKTarget durasi pekerjaan konstruksi proyek X adalah 730 hari dengan target waktu selesai pekerjaan struktur atas pada bulan Juli 2020. Pada awal pelaksanaan proyek terjadi keterlambatan sehingga diperkirakan menghasilkan durasi proyek 745 hari dan waktu selesai pekerjaan struktur atas menjadi Oktober 2020. Untuk mengejar target proyek, salah satu alternatif yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan mengganti jenis material bekisting dari konvensional menjadi aluminium. Sehingga dengan penggantian tersebut perlu dilakukan studi pengaruh penggantian jenis bekisting terhadap durasi proyek, waktu selesai pekerjaan struktur atas, dan biaya pekerjaan bekisting. Untuk menghitung durasi proyek, dan koefisien tenaga kerja yang dilakukan dengan metode motion and time study diperlukan waktu pekerjaan bekisting aluminium. Dari perhitungan durasi proyek diperoleh waktu yang lebih efektif adalah dengan pembagian 8 zona yang menghasilkan durasi proyek 711 hari dan waktu selesai pekerjaan struktur atas adalah Agustus 2020. Untuk biaya pekerjaan bekisting aluminium yang terdiri dari biaya material dan biaya upah tenaga kerja didapatkan total biaya adalah Rp 7,991,548,555 atau lebih besar sekitar Rp 1,000,000,000 dibandingkan dengan bekisting konvensional. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 158-163
Young Gun Kim ◽  
Sang Jun Kim ◽  
Woo Yong Bae

Background and Objectives: The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of a combination of crushed cartilage and thin silastic sheet for patients with a risk of septal perforation during septoplasty.Materials and Methods: A total of 195 people who underwent septoplasty surgery at Dong-A University Hospital from January 2019 to December 2020 were enrolled retrospectively. Among 195 people, our surgical method was provided for those with damage to both septal mucosa. The cartilage was collected, crushed with the cartilage crusher, and inserted between perforated mucosa. After the cartilage insertion, a 0.254-mm-thin silastic sheet was designed to cover both sides of the perforated septal mucosa. Next, a penetrating suture was placed. After thin silastic was applied on both mucosa, a 1-mm-thick silastic sheet was inserted on both sides of the nasal cavity and penetrating sutures were placed on the anterior and inferior septum. The operation concluded after packing both sides of the nasal cavity using non-absorbable packing material. The packing was removed on the second day after the operation, and the nasal cavity condition was checked every week. Thick silastic sheets were removed 5 days after surgery, and thin silastic sheets were maintained until both septal mucosa healed.Results: Of nine total cases, only one 78-year-old male experienced septal perforation at the cartilage portion two months after surgery. In this case, no other action was taken to cover the perforation site because he reported no symptoms or discomfort during the 9 months after surgery. In the other eight cases, both septal mucosa healed completely, and there were no complications.Conclusion: This method with crushed cartilage and silastic sheets to fill the defect after septal surgery is thought to help prevent postoperative perforation at no additional cost, and further research is needed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. S102-S102
Marci Drees ◽  
Tabe Mase ◽  
Jennifer Garvin ◽  
Kimberly Miller

Abstract Background While splashes to the eyes, nose and mouth can often be prevented through appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) use, they continue to occur frequently when PPE is not used consistently. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we implemented universal masking and eye protection for all healthcare personnel (HCP) performing direct patient care and observed a subsequent decline in bloodborne pathogen (BBP) splash exposures. Methods Our healthcare system, employing >12,000 healthcare personnel (HCP), implemented universal masking in April 2020 and eye protection in June 2020. We required HCP to mask at all times, and use a face shield, safety glasses or goggles when providing direct patient care. Occupational Safety tracked all BBP exposures due to splashes to the eyes, nose, mouth and/or face, and compared exposures during 2020 to those in 2019. We estimated costs, including patient and HCP testing, related to splash exposures, as well as the additional cost of PPE incurred. Results In 2019, HCP reported 90 splashes, of which 57 (63%) were to the eyes. In 2020, splashes decreased by 54% to 47 (36 [77%] to eyes). In both years, nurses were the most commonly affected HCP type (62% and 72%, respectively, of all exposures). Physicians (including residents) had the greatest decrease in 2020 (10 vs. 1 splash exposures [90%]), while nurses had a 39% decrease (56 vs. 34 exposures). Nearly all of the most common scenarios leading to splash exposures declined in 2020 (Table). We estimated the cost of each BBP exposure as &2,940; this equates to a savings of &123,228. During 2020, we purchased 65,650 face shields, safety glasses and goggles (compared to 5303 similar items in 2019), for an additional cost of &238,440. Specific activities identified as leading to bloodborne pathogen splash exposures, 2019 vs. 2020. Conclusion We observed a significant decline in splash-related BBP exposures after implementing universal masking and eye protection for the COVID-19 pandemic. While cost savings were not observed, we were unable to incorporate the avoided pain and emotional trauma for the patient, exposed HCP, and coworkers. This unintended but positive consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic exemplifies the need for broader use of PPE, particularly masks and eyewear, for all patient care scenarios where splashes may occur. Disclosures All Authors: No reported disclosures

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 641-652
Febie Karmani Putra ◽  
Robiana Modjo ◽  
Fatma Lestari

CoronaVirus Disease 19 (COVID-19) berdampak luas pada semua industri. Penerbangan menjadi industri yang paling berdampak. PT X sebagai Perusahaan Sertifikat Operator Udara tertua di Indonesia harus menjalankan usahanya di masa pandemi ini. Perusahaan ini berupaya menerapkan Pencegahan dan Pengendalian COVID-19 untuk tetap bertahan. Kajian ini memberikan gambaran implementasi dan rekomendasi, strategi manajemen pencegahan dan pengendalian COVID-19 yang efektif. Desain penelitian adalah cross sectional study dengan menggunakan wawancara secara daring dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Penelitian dilakukan di Jakarta dengan menggunakan aplikasi online meeting pada bulan Februari 2021. Data akan dianalisis menggunakan metode Mix Ground Theory dan Analisis SWOT. Faktor Penghalang dan Tantangan seperti menjaga protokol kesehatan di daerah lokasi kerja, potensi risiko di daerah yang terbesar, sumber daya yang terbatas, terbatasnya operasionalnya penerbangan, kemudian Faktor Pendorong seperti adanya komitmen keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja serta keberlangsungan bisnis. Untuk Dampak yang dihasilkan, seperti rendahnya permintaan akan kebutuhan industri penerbangan, perubahan lingkungan kerja secara daring ­dan adanya tambahan biaya (additional cost) untuk tes COVID-19 didalam operasional penerbangan. Implementasi protokol kesehatan COVID-19 pada PT X secara umum sudah baik. PT X mengalami dampak yang cukup signifikan di operasional seperti pada umumnya perusahaan penerbangan lainnya.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Nathaniel Ayinde Olatunde ◽  
Imoleayo Abraham Awodele ◽  
Bosede Olajumoke Adebayo

Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on indigenous contractors in a developing economy with a view to enhancing their performance. Design/methodology/approach The study used a purposive sampling technique to select 37 indigenous contractors with ongoing construction contracts in Osun State, Nigeria who provided data for the study. A structured interview protocol was used to elicit the required information from the interviewees and frequency, percentage and content analysis were used for data analysis. Findings The results showed that the critical impact of COVID-19 on indigenous contractors in a developing economy is: time overrun, loss of profit and creation of dispute. Further results showed that other impacts are a disruption in supply of labour, locally sourced materials are with additional cost, the additional cost of implementing COVID-19 protocols, difficulty in sourcing imported materials and absence of new jobs with the corresponding retrenchment of workers. Practical implications The study recommended special palliatives for the indigenous contractors from the government so as to cushion the impact of the pandemic on them, thereby enhance their survival and performance. A special arbitration panel is set up in each state of the federation to look at disputes arising from the aftermath of the pandemic, this is with a view to adequately compensate indigenous contractors with genuine and properly compiled claims. inferring from the findings of the study, it suffices to say that the severity of the impact of the pandemic is very high on indigenous contractors in developing economies, as such a better preparedness strategy could lessen the impact of such pandemic in the future. Originality/value The study is an attempt to unearth the impact of COVID-19 on indigenous contractors with ongoing construction contracts in a developing economy. The study will be of value to construction stakeholders in providing the information needed to devise strategies to minimise the impact of a pandemic on indigenous contractors in future projects thereby enhance their performance.

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