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absolute age
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2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (4) ◽  
pp. 102-127
E. G. Mirlin ◽  
T. I. Lygina ◽  
E. I. Chesalova

The analysis of altimetric data in combination with bathymetry and gravimetry materials in the north-eastern and southern sectors of the Pacific Ocean, as well as detailed data on the underwater relief, the structure of the sedimentary cover, the composition and absolute age of basalts obtained within the area of domestic geological exploration for ferromanganese nodules (the Clarion-Clipperton zone) is carried out. Structural trends formed by local cone-shaped local structures of presumably volcanic nature, grouped along transform faults belonging to various stages of the kinematics of the Pacific Plate, have been traced in the structure of the oceanic lithosphere at various scale levels. The first trend corresponds to the extension of the fault system corresponding to the spreading system on the crest of the East Pacific rise before the restructuring of its planned geometry in the Paleocene-Eocene, the second coincides with their extension after the change in the relative movement of the Pacific Plate. The trends are characterized by planned disagreement, and an increase in the number of seamounts is observed in the areas of their intersection. Within the area of detailed studies, obvious signs of volcanic-tectonic activity were revealed: high dissection of the underwater relief, hills of different heights with steep slopes, whose volcanic nature is confirmed by differentiated basalts raised from their slopes, the absolute age of which indicates the multistage outpourings that occurred in an intraplate environment. The angular velocity of rotation of the spreading axis and the linear velocity of its advance with changes in the kinematics of the Pacific plate are estimated and possible reasons for changes in its relative motion are considered. An improved scheme of adaptation of the spreading zone to a change in the direction of relative plate movement is proposed, acc0ording to which an essential factor of intraplate volcanic-tectonic activity is the relaxation of stresses in the plate caused by external influence on it.

Radiocarbon ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Nabanita Naskar ◽  
Kaushik Gangopadhyay ◽  
Susanta Lahiri ◽  
Punarbasu Chaudhuri ◽  
Rajveer Sharma ◽  

ABSTRACT This study is on the absolute age dating of a multicultural site of Erenda, East Medinipur district, in coastal West Bengal, India. Charcoal samples were collected and measured using the accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) facility at the Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi, India. These samples were collected from secured stratigraphic context of two excavated trenches. A careful collection of samples from two trenches provided us with the first calendar dates, 950 BCE and 1979 BCE, of protohistoric sites in coastal West Bengal. These calibrated calendar dates not only have wider significance in terms of archaeology but also methodological implications to understand the relevance of application of AMS from the dynamic coastal landscape in the humid tropics during the late Holocene period.

Lithosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (1) ◽  
Ashley W. Provow ◽  
Dennis L. Newell ◽  
Carol M. Dehler ◽  
Alexis K. Ault ◽  
W. Adolph Yonkee ◽  

Abstract Constraining the depositional age of Neoproterozoic stratigraphy in the North American Cordilleran margin informs global connections of major climatic and tectonic events in deep time. Making these correlations is challenging due to a paucity of existing geochronological data and adequate material for absolute age control in key stratigraphic sequences. The late Ediacaran Browns Hole Formation in the Brigham Group of northern Utah, USA, provides a key chronological benchmark on Neoproterozoic stratigraphy. This unit locally comprises <140 m of volcaniclastic rocks with interbedded mafic-volcanic flows that lie within a 3500 m thick package of strata preserving the Cryogenian, Ediacaran, and the lowermost Cambrian history of this area. Prior efforts to constrain the age of the Browns Hole Formation yielded uncertain and conflicting results. Here, we report new laser-ablation-inductively-coupled-mass-spectrometry U-Pb geochronologic data from detrital apatite grains to refine the maximum depositional age of the volcanic member of the Browns Hole Formation to 613±12 Ma (2σ). Apatite crystals are euhedral and pristine and define a single date population, indicating they are likely proximally sourced. These data place new constraints on the timing and tempo of deposition of underlying and overlying units. Owing to unresolved interpretations for the age of underlying Cryogenian stratigraphy, our new date brackets two potential Brigham Group accumulation rate scenarios for ~1400 m of preserved strata: ~38 mm/kyr over ~37 Myr or ~64 mm/kyr over ~22 Myr. These results suggest that the origins of regional unconformities at the base of the Inkom Formation, previously attributed to either the Marinoan or Gaskiers global glaciation events, should be revisited. Our paired sedimentological and geochronology data inform the timing of rift-related magmatism and sedimentation near the western margin of Laurentia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 62 (11) ◽  
pp. 1285-1295
O.P. Smekalin ◽  
A.V. Chipizubov

Abstract —In order to determine the seismotectonic activity of faults in the Holocene, we performed trench studies of the ruptures produced by the catastrophic Mogod earthquake (5 January 1967, M = 7.5–7.8, I0 = 9–10) in the junction zone of the N–S striking Hulzhin Gol fault and the NW striking Tullet fault. Paleoseismic interpretation of seismic-deformation sections and radiocarbon dating of the samples allowed determining the kinematics and obtaining, for the first time, the absolute ages of paleoevents preceding the Mogod earthquake. Analysis of the tectonic conditions for realization of earthquake sources has shed light on the complex structure of ruptures in the area of the Mogod earthquake epicenter, within which three segments differing in the displacement amplitudes and kinematics have been identified. The research data indicate the repeated activation of the Tulet and Hulzhin Gol faults in the Late Pleistocene–Holocene. The absolute age of the latest activation is 596–994 AD for the Tulet fault and 11,379–6235 BC for the Hulzhin Gol fault. The cumulative deformation from paleoearthquakes in the trench sections in the Tulet fault zone points to at least two displacements of thrust kinematics, with the latest of them having an amplitude of 2.8 m. The paleoearthquake in the Hulzhin Gol fault zone is characterized by the presence of lateral slip. The amplitudes of deformations attest to earlier earthquakes similar in energy to the 1967 Mogod event or even stronger in the fault node. The obtained data on the timing of these earthquakes and the amplitudes of the accompanying displacements made it possible to estimate slip rates along the faults: 0.2–0.3 m/kyr horizontal-slip rates on the Hulzhin Gol fault and 0.5–0.7 m/kyr vertical-slip rates on the Tulet fault.

2021 ◽  
B. R. Permana

The basement igneous intrusive rock lithology in the South Sumatra Basin was previously suggested to be a solely granitic rock. It is also a common knowledge that the Miocene Baturaja Formation carbonates are one of the prolific reservoirs. However, after a comprehensive reservoir recharacterization had been conducted in the Suban Field, new insights regarding these two rock types were revealed. The basement lithology consists of a more complex metasediment containing Andesite, Granodiorite, and Gabbro and an Oligocene-age carbonate reservoir was also identified. The reservoir recharacterization was carried out by conducting an integrated analysis to reconstruct the complex reservoir configuration utilizing seismic data, core, cuttings, absolute age dating, and biostratigraphy. Seismic data was utilized as a general framework for reservoir architecture due to the resolution that allowed to describe the reservoir configuration in detail. Core and cuttings were used to identify the reservoir facies, and absolute age dating along with biostratigraphy were used to construct geochronology for each reservoir facies. Finally, well to well correlation was performed to reconstruct complex reservoir configurations. The result of the study indicated that the reservoir age in the field can be divided into two parts, pre-Tertiary (PRT) basement and Tertiary sediments. The PRT of Suban Field comprises several types of crystalline rock that will have different respond to the stresses and the Tertiary section that consists of clastic and several carbonate facies of different ages that vary across the study area. This study offers new insights regarding the basement configuration and the emerging carbonate play. Different igneous rock compositions reflect a complex magmatism process in South Sumatra. Oligocene carbonates that were identified in Suban could open the opportunity to discover a hydrocarbon-bearing Oligocene carbonate play in the South Sumatra Basin.

2021 ◽  
Anna Schultze ◽  
Emily Nightingale ◽  
David Evans ◽  
William J Hulme ◽  
Alicia Rosello ◽  

Background: Residents in care homes have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. We describe trends in risk of mortality among care home residents compared to residents in private homes in England. Methods: On behalf of NHS England, we used OpenSAFELY-TPP, an analytics platform running across the linked electronic health records of approximately a third of the English population, to calculate monthly age-standardised risks of death due to all causes and COVID-19 among adults aged >=65 years between 1/2/2019 and 31/03/2021. Care home residents were identified using linkage to the Care and Quality Commission. Findings: We included 4,329,078 people aged 65 years or older on the 1st of February 2019, 2.2% of whom were classified as residing in a care or nursing home. Age-standardised mortality risks were approximately 10 times higher among care home residents compared to non-residents in February 2019 residents (CMF = 10.59, 95%CI = 9.51, 11.81 among women, CMF = 10.82, 95%CI = 9.89, 11.84 among men). This increased to more than 17 times in April 2020 (CMF = 17.52, 95%CI = 16.38, 18.74 among women, CMF = 18.12, 95%CI = 17.17, 19.12 among men) before returning to pre-pandemic levels in June 2020. CMFs did not increase during the second wave, despite a rise in the absolute age-standardised COVID-19 mortality risks. Interpretation: The first COVID-19 wave had a disproportionate impact on care home residents in England compared to older private home residents. A degree of immunity, improved protective measures or changes in the underlying frailty of the populations may explain the lack of an increase in the relative mortality risks during the second wave. The care home population should be prioritised for measures aimed at controlling the spread of COVID-19.

2021 ◽  
Peter K. Bijl

Abstract. Mesozoic–Cenozoic organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) biostratigraphy is a crucial tool for relative and absolute age control in complex ancient sedimentary systems. However, stratigraphic ranges of dinocysts are found to be strongly diachronous geographically. A global compilation of state-of-the-art calibrated regional stratigraphic ranges could assist in quantifying regional differences and evaluate underlying causes. For this reason, DINOSTRAT is here initiated – an open source, iterative, community-fed database intended to house all regional chronostratigraphic calibrations of dinocyst events (https://github.com/bijlpeter83/DINOSTRAT.git). DINOSTRAT version 1.0 includes > 8500 entries of first and last occurrences (collectively called “events”) of > 1900 dinocyst taxa, and their absolute ties to the chronostratigraphic time scale of Gradstein et al., 2012. Entries are derived from 199 publications and 189 sedimentary sections. DINOSTRAT interpolates paleolatitudes of regional dinocyst events, allowing evaluation of the paleolatitudinal variability of dinocyst event ages. DINOSTRAT allows for open accessibility and searchability, on region, age, and taxon. This paper presents a selection of the data in DINOSTRAT: (1) the (paleo)latitudinal spread and evolutionary history of modern dinocyst species; (2) the evolutionary patterns and paleolatitudinal spread of dinoflagellate cyst (sub)families; (3) a selection of key dinocyst events which are particularly synchronous. Although several dinocysts show – at the resolution of their calibration – quasi-synchronous event ages, indeed many species have remarkable diachroneity. DINOSTRAT provides the data storage approach by which the community can now start to relate diachroneity to (1) inadequate tie to chronostratigraphic time scales; (2) complications in taxonomic concepts and (3) ocean connectivity and/or the affinities of taxa to environmental conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Ana Černok ◽  
Lee F. White ◽  
Mahesh Anand ◽  
Kimberly T. Tait ◽  
James R. Darling ◽  

AbstractImpact cratering on the Moon and the derived size-frequency distribution functions of lunar impact craters are used to determine the ages of unsampled planetary surfaces across the Solar System. Radiometric dating of lunar samples provides an absolute age baseline, however, crater-chronology functions for the Moon remain poorly constrained for ages beyond 3.9 billion years. Here we present U–Pb geochronology of phosphate minerals within shocked lunar norites of a boulder from the Apollo 17 Station 8. These minerals record an older impact event around 4.2 billion years ago, and a younger disturbance at around 0.5 billion years ago. Based on nanoscale observations using atom probe tomography, lunar cratering records, and impact simulations, we ascribe the older event to the formation of the large Serenitatis Basin and the younger possibly to that of the Dawes crater. This suggests the Serenitatis Basin formed unrelated to or in the early stages of a protracted Late Heavy Bombardment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 172-184
Gennady Aksenov ◽  

In the earth sciences, there is a persistent contradiction between modern ideas about the age of the planet and the concept of V.I. Vernadsky about the geological eternity of life. According to Vernadsky, the absolute age of the rock indicates only the time of its last metamorphism, but not the age of the Earth. It is no coincidence that the pregeological substance of a cosmic formation of the planet has not been found. Such substance does not exist because any mineral complex and rock begins to form in the hypergenesis zone. Vernadsky argued that geological history was equal in duration to the existence of the biosphere and its duration was measured by biological time. His concept is confirmed by current biogeochemistry. The history of the biosphere practically coincided with the "canonical" age of the Earth. In a cosmological sense, the picture of the universe cannot be built without the concept of the geological eternity of the biosphere.

2021 ◽  
pp. 101-119
Elena Leonova ◽  

The new radiocarbon dates were obtained from samples of the collections from the excavations by S.N. Zamyatnin in 1955–1957 of the Sosruko Rockshelter in the Elbrus region. The Sosruko Rockshelter is a multi-layered site containing cultural horizons of the Iron Age, Mesolithic and Late Upper Palaeolithic. Clear stratigraphy of the Stone Age layers and representative collections were used to create periodization schemes of the development and change of the lithic industries of the late Pleistocene — early Holocene of the Caucasus. But the lack of radiocarbon dating did not allow determining their absolute age. Three samples of faunal remains of layers M1, M2 and M3 were analyzed. Obtained four radiocarbon AMS dates are in agreement not only with the sequence of deposits in the Rockshelter, but also with the data obtained for similar typological collections of the North-West Caucasus synchronous sites.

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