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Mathematics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 161
Knut K. Aase

We consider risk sharing among individuals in a one-period setting under uncertainty that will result in payoffs to be shared among the members. We start with optimal risk sharing in an Arrow–Debreu economy, or equivalently, in a Borch-style reinsurance market. From the results of this model we can infer how risk is optimally distributed between individuals according to their preferences and initial endowments, under some idealized conditions. A main message in this theory is the mutuality principle, of interest related to the economic effects of pandemics. From this we point out some elements of a more general theory of syndicates, where in addition, a group of people are to make a common decision under uncertainty. We extend to a competitive market as a special case of such a syndicate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 177-194
Sogu Hong ◽  
Ejun Hong

“Lady General Hua Mulan” and Disney “Mulan” are created from the same source “Ballad of Mulan”, which is the oldest known version of Mulan’s story. Nevertheless, these two works differ in many ways, such as the characters, Mulan's personality, narrative structure, theme, etc. These differences also affect the mise-en-scène of the work, resulting in a different use of camera techniques and colours. In the process of developing the narrative structure, the director uses various camera techniques and colours to effectively convey specific messages and emotions to the audience. This work examines what the artist intends to present to the audience while changing the distance, angle, or the relationship between the camera and the object, which are the basic elements of the objective point-of-view shot. Regarding the study of colour, this study focuses on the influence of the differences in the narrative structure of the two films on the choice of colour. Also, this study explains how the director uses colour to effectively convey the main message of the narrative.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 14-25
Martiyani ◽  
Iman Krisdayanti Halawa ◽  
Firman Panjaitan

Mystical Theology of Hope for a Restoration: The Interpretation of Ezekiel 37: 1-14. Various problems in the world have made humans live in suffering, especially when facing a pandemic which is still ongoing today. Humans need strength and certainty to face these difficult times in order to rise from adversity and experience restoration that is able to bring life into hope. This article examines efforts to cultivate hope theologically by describing a mystical theological view of hope in Ezekiel 37: 1-14. By using qualitative methods, especially through the approach of textual interpretation that examines the text to find the core of the news, the main message is found in the view of the mystical theology of the hope of the Prophet Ezekiel regarding the picture of Israel's recovery in exile, through Ezekiel's vision of the condition of dry bones scattered in the valley. The final findings of this article reveal that restoration from God is both a physical and a spiritual one that is represented by the act of God's Spirit awakening the dry bones. This event contains a bright hope for Israel, and for humans who believe, that life will be restored as long as humans are willing to keep themselves faithful as God's people. Abstrak: Teologi Mistik Pengharapan bagi Sebuah Restorasi: Tafsir Yehezkiel 37:1-14. Berbagai persoalan di dunia telah menjadikan manusia hidup di dalam penderitaan, terkhusus ketika menghadapi pandemi yang masih berlangsung saat sekarang. Manusia membutuhkan kekuatan dan kepastian untuk menghadapi masa-masa sulit ini guna bangkit dari keterpurukan penderitaan dan mengalami restorasi yang mampu mengantar kehidupan ke dalam pengharapan. Artikel ini mengupas upaya menumbuhkan pengharapan secara teologis dengan menjabarkan sebuah pandangan teologi mistik pengharapan dalam Yehezkiel 37:1-14. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, khususnya melalui pendekatan tafsir tekstual yang meneliti teks untuk menemukan inti berita, ditemukan pesan utama dalam pandangan teologi mistik pengharapan Nabi Yehezkiel mengenai gambaran pemulihan Israel dalam pembuangan, melalui penglihatan Yehezkiel terhadap kondisi tulang-tulang kering yang berserakan di lembah. Temuan akhir dari artikel ini mengungkapkan bahwa pemulihan dari Allah merupakan pemulihan fisik dan sekaligus spiritual yang digambarkan melalui tindakan Roh Allah yang membangkitan tulang-tulang kering. Peristiwa ini berisi harapan yang cerah bagi Israel, dan manusia yang percaya, bahwa akan membuat pulih lagi kehidupan asalkan manusia mau tetap menjaga diri untuk setia sebagai umat kepunyaan Allah.  

2021 ◽  
Тимур Султанович Габазов

В данной статье приводятся примеры исторического искажения некоторых правовых институтов возникновения семейных правоотношений между чеченцами и возникшего в результате заблуждения. Выдающиеся российские кавказоведы второй половины XIX века относят широкое распространение левирата у чеченцев как одну из основных форм брака. Основным из посылов научного исследования будет являться постижение данной проблематики с учетом более глубокого критического изучения и анализа уже существующих работ в области кавказоведения, а также через прямые векторы информации - через непосредственных носителей информации, самих представителей традиционного общества. This article provides examples of the historical distortion of some legal institutions of the emergence of family legal relations between Chechens and the resulting delusion. Prominent Russian Caucasian scholars of the second half of the 19th century consider the widespread use of levirate among Chechens as one of the main forms of marriage. The main message of scientific research will be the comprehension of this problem, taking into account a deeper critical study and analysis of already existing works in the field of Caucasian studies, as well as through direct vectors of information - through direct carriers of information, representatives of traditional society themselves.

Brooke Schedneck

Buddhists missionize in distinct ways by building on historical models, such as a concern with bringing knowledge and spreading teachings, as opposed to formal conversion and renunciation of previous religious beliefs. Academic scholarship tends to treat Buddhist missionization as a historical phenomenon. Yet it continues to be an important component of the tradition for Buddhists in the 21st century, motivating them to travel to spread the Buddha’s teachings to those who demonstrate curiosity. Because of Buddhists’ interest in conveying the dharma, they have often aligned the teachings with modern discourses, resulting in what scholars have called modern Buddhism. Buddhist missionaries have also argued that the dharma fits within contexts of social justice, which has been labeled engaged Buddhism. Examples of missionaries from East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, and the West, and world-famous monks such as the Dalai Lama and Thich Nhat Hanh, demonstrate spreading the teachings is a major motivation. These figures formulate their message in modern or socially engaged frameworks, but the root of their activity is missionizing. The main message of contemporary Buddhist missionaries is that Buddhism is open and welcoming to everyone, one does not have to convert to practice within Buddhism, and the Buddhist teachings apply to everyone.

LingVaria ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2(32)) ◽  
pp. 237-244
Kinga Tutak

On Rachunek sumienia jako zadanie tłumacza [Examination of Conscience as a Translator’s Task] by Krystyna Pisarkowa The author of the article tries to reconstruct the way in which Krystyna Pisarkowa perceived confession and examination of conscience. Pisarkowa discussed those forms of confessing one’s sins in a series of lectures, in an article of 2002, and in a book published two years after her death. The main message of these works is the connection between the examination of conscience and translation according to the approach of Walter Benjamin. In the opinion of Pisarkowa, examination of conscience is a complex act of thought and internal speech that needs to be translated into a natural language. Also, Pisarkowa takes into account the second dimension of updating the examination of conscience, which is related to functioning of a certain genre in religious discourse. She provides some examples of old Polish confessions and she analyses them in terms of textology, which deserves our special attention.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 383-400
Radosław Sztyber

The sketch is an attempt to analyse chosen details noticed in Jacek Komuda’s novel cycle entitled Orły na Kremlu [Eagles at the Moscow Kremlin]. The discussed matters concern particularly two fragments of dialogues enriched with clear allusions to Wojciech Dembołęcki’s quite widely known treatise Wywód jedynowłasnego państwa świata [Treatise on the only country in the world] and an endnote — delivered by the author himself — on the aforementioned book (published in 1633) with additions: some brief characteristics of Dembołęcki and his output. As it appears, any observation or reference to the works of the Polish monk (who died in the mid-seventeenth century) is not extracted from archives, old prints, as Komuda assures us (describing his course of work in his interviews). They rather come both from articles or excerpts found in research books released by scholars. Besides, Komuda in his declared approach to literary work does intend to differentiate significantly from Henryk Sienkiewicz’s masterpiece (Trylogia [The Trilogy]), however many writings of Komuda deny such an idea, which has been proven thorough studies. Nevertheless, the Wywód’s quotations and its transparent paraphrases seem to be valuable in contemporary historical prose, for thanks to them the reader may be acquainted with peopleʼs (especially Polish noblemenʼs) mentality at the beginning of the seventeenth century. Unfortunately, the notes bring some meaningful misunderstandings revealing Komuda’s ignorance, because one may fail in correctly recognising the textʼs main message (Przewagi elearów polskich [The exploits of elears]) or the origin of rhymes cited by the novelist. The sketch closes with a few thoughts concentrated on a possible Samozwaniec qualification within Adam Mazurkiewicz’s typology proposal of historical prose published nowadays.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Kjersti Østen ◽  
Julia Menichetti ◽  
Jenny M. Nordfalk ◽  
Eirik H. Ofstad

Effective communication is essential for understanding and recall of hospital discharge information. This study aimed to explore discharge information, patient recall and patient involvement in discharge encounters. We conducted an explorative observational study at a secondary care level, observational ward. Patients discharged to their home were asked to participate. 34 patients were assessed for eligibility, of which 13 were included in the analysis. Multiple sources of data were collected: videotapes of discharge encounters, questionnaires to patients and physicians, and semi-structured interviews with patients 2 weeks after discharge. All patients were satisfied with the information received. Five of the eight patients discharged with more than one change in medication had only partial or no recall of these changes. In seven of the 13 encounters the patients and physicians did not agree on the main message most important information item. The patients were to a small extent involved in decision-making. Our findings highlight the gaps in the information exchange at discharge encounters and the resulting poor information recall among patients. Patients do not seem aware of these gaps. Greater provider awareness of patient involvement in the encounter and inclusion of the patient’s perspective may improve communication, and consequently understanding and recall.

2021 ◽  
pp. 329-340
Anna Kuparinen

Contemporary evolution that occurs across ecologically relevant time scales, such as a few generations or decades, can not only change phenotypes but also feed back to demographic parameters and the dynamics of populations. This chapter presents a method to make phenotypic traits evolve in mechanistic individual-based simulations. The method is broadly applicable, as demonstrated through its applications to boreal forest adaptation to global warming, eco-evolutionary dynamics driven by fishing-induced selection in Atlantic cod, and the evolution of age at maturity in Atlantic salmon. The main message of this chapter is that there may be little reason to exclude phenotypic evolution in analyses of population dynamics, as these can be modified by evolutionary changes in life histories. Future challenges will be to integrate rapidly accumulating genomic knowledge and an ecosystem perspective to improve population projections and to better understand the drivers of population dynamics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-166
M. Marovida Aziz

This article examines and analyzes the attitude that must be taken when family and property become enemies, obstacles and trials. To understand it, that family and property are inseparable, humans are born to have a family, while to meet the daily needs of a family requires property as a basic need such as clothing and food. This paper will explain that in having a family and managing wealth there are more or less trials and tests in it, so in the sura QS. al-Taghabun [64]: 14-15 explains vigilance towards family and property. By using the Ma'nā-cum-Maghzā approach formulated by Sahiron Syamsuddin, the author wants to see the meaning of the main message behind being vigilance of our family and property, by analyzing the language of the verse and looking at the historical context of the verse. With this step, it leads to a concrete conclusion that when dealing with wives and children who hinder us, we should not use violence, and when we get sustenance in the form of wealth we must be able to manage it well and in the right way.

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