“Lady General Hua Mulan” and Disney “Mulan” are created from the same source “Ballad of Mulan”, which is the oldest known version of Mulan’s story. Nevertheless, these two works differ in many ways, such as the characters, Mulan's personality, narrative structure, theme, etc. These differences also affect the mise-en-scène of the work, resulting in a different use of camera techniques and colours. In the process of developing the narrative structure, the director uses various camera techniques and colours to effectively convey specific messages and emotions to the audience. This work examines what the artist intends to present to the audience while changing the distance, angle, or the relationship between the camera and the object, which are the basic elements of the objective point-of-view shot. Regarding the study of colour, this study focuses on the influence of the differences in the narrative structure of the two films on the choice of colour. Also, this study explains how the director uses colour to effectively convey the main message of the narrative.