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semantic differential scale
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2021 ◽  
pp. 1420326X2110549
Kubulay Çağatay ◽  
Kemal Yıldırım ◽  
İpek Yıldırım ◽  
Kenan Başoğlu

This study aimed to determine how light direction, window proximity and window dimensions could affect students' perceptual evaluations in design studios. The design studios of the Nuh Naci Yazgan University in Kayseri were selected as the research setting. The ‘semantic differential scale’ composed of 10 adjective pairs was used for determining subjects’ perceptual evaluations of design studios having two different window dimensions. According to the results obtained, when making drawings, right-handed students who received light from a window on the left side were determined to perceive the physical environmental factors of design studios more positively compared to students who received light from a window on the right side. In addition, students sitting near a window in design studios were observed to generally perceive the physical environmental factors more positively than those sitting in the middle close to the window, in the middle away from the window and inside. Furthermore, students who sat in an area with floor to ceiling window were determined to perceive the place more positively compared to those who sat in an area with parapet to ceiling window. These results generally confirmed that light direction, window proximity and window dimensions in design studios are effective on students’ perceptual evaluations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 7138-7150
Williams Orlando Tapia Chavez

In science didactics the study of attitudes informs about the professional and socio-scientific profiles, for this reason this study has focused its analysis on Mexican, Colombian and Peruvian students to determine their attitudes towards the knowledge, teaching and learning of the natural Sciences. For this, a study was approached with a semantic differential scale allowing to conclude that the students have an intermediate level (between neutral and positive), finding only significant differences depending on the locality.   En didáctica de las ciencias el estudio de las actitudes informa sobre los perfiles profesiones y  socio-científicos, por ello este estudio ha centrado su análisis en estudiantes mexicanos, colombianos y peruanos para determinar sus actitudes hacia el conocimiento, la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las ciencias naturales. Para ello  se abordó un estudio con una escala de diferencial semántico permitiendo concluir que los estudiantes poseen un nivel intermedio (entre lo neutral y lo positivo), hallando sólo diferencias significativas en función  a la localidad. 

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (18) ◽  
pp. 6322
Peeraya Sripian ◽  
Muhammad Nur Adilin Mohd Anuardi ◽  
Jiawei Yu ◽  
Midori Sugaya

Recently, robot services have been widely applied in many fields. To provide optimum service, it is essential to maintain good acceptance of the robot for more effective interaction with users. Previously, we attempted to implement facial expressions by synchronizing an estimated human emotion on the face of a robot. The results revealed that the robot could present different perceptions according to individual preferences. In this study, we considered individual differences to improve the acceptance of the robot by changing the robot’s expression according to the emotion of its interacting partner. The emotion was estimated using biological signals, and the robot changed its expression according to three conditions: synchronized with the estimated emotion, inversely synchronized, and a funny expression. During the experiment, the participants provided feedback regarding the robot’s expression by choosing whether they “like” or “dislike” the expression. We investigated individual differences in the acceptance of the robot expression using the Semantic Differential scale method. In addition, logistic regression was used to create a classification model by considering individual differences based on the biological data and feedback from each participant. We found that the robot expression based on inverse synchronization when the participants felt a negative emotion could result in impression differences among individuals. Then, the robot’s expression was determined based on the classification model, and the Semantic Differential scale on the impression of the robot was compared with the three conditions. Overall, we found that the participants were most accepting when the robot expression was calculated using the proposed personalized method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-55
Ni Made Sintya Rani ◽  
Ni Kadek Sri Ebtha Yuni

Salah satu masalah dalam kegiatan konstruksi adalah risiko keterlambatan proyek konstruksi. Proyek The Himana Condotel terjadi beberapa kendala yang mengakibatkan beberapa pelaksanaan pekerjaannya tidak sesuai dengan schedule. Dilakukan analysis faktor-faktor risiko terhadap keterlambatan untuk mengetahui faktor risiko dominan dan solusinya. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dan menggunakan kuesioner dan wawancara. Responden diambil berdasarkan kriteria yaitu responden memegang peranan penting pada proyek konstruksi The Himana Condotel. Dari data tersebut ditentukan frekuensi dan konsekuensi terjadinya risiko dengan menggunakan semantic differential scale pada kuesioner, diperoleh faktor risiko dominan berdasarkan table risk rating dengan level risiko tertinggi. Setelah diperoleh variable faktor risiko dominan dan uraian risikonya, maka dapat ditentukan tindakan mitigasi yang dapat disarankan. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh 5 variabel faktor risiko keterlambatan proyek The Himana Condotel yaitu dari aspek perencanaan, aspek Dokumen pekerjaan dan kontrak, aspek pelaksanaan, aspek sumber daya dan aspek lingkungan. Dari kelima aspek tersebut diuraikan menjadi 48 uraian risiko. Risiko dominan yang diperoleh berdasarkan presentase tingkat risiko diperoleh tingkat risiko tinggi dengan nilai 36%. Dari kelima aspek variable faktor risiko keterlambatan seluruhnya terdapat risiko tinggi dan uraian risiko yang memiliki tingkat risiko tinggi ada sebanyak 17 uraian risiko. Hal-hal yang disarankan untuk mitigasi risiko dominan yang dilakukan adalah dengan lebih banyak berkoordinasi antara pihak-pihak yang terkait, penyusunan penjadwalan dan perencanaan secara lebih terperinci, teknis pelaksanaan dilapangan khususnya dokumen pekerjaan baik BQ, kontrak, RKS lebih diperhatikan, meningkatkan ketepatan pelaksanaan pekerjaan sesuai dengan yang telah direncanakan.

2021 ◽  
Chih-Chin Chou ◽  
John Keegan ◽  
Nicole Ditchman ◽  
Fong Chan ◽  
Kanako Iwanaga ◽  

2020 ◽  
pp. 016402752096361
Christopher Holmberg ◽  
Axel Wolf ◽  
Camilla Eide ◽  
Franziska Großschädl ◽  
Gerhilde Schüttengruber ◽  

This study validated a Swedish translation of the Aging Semantic Differential Scale (ASD, 32-items) distributed online. Translation and back-translation were conducted. A convenience sample of nursing students completed the online questionnaire (N = 292) in spring 2020. Confirmatory factor analysis tested a validated four-factor structure consisting of 26 items, and the reliability and validity of the scale were tested. The Swedish version of the ASD was found to be reliable and valid. Model fit indices, internal reliability, and scale validity were acceptable. Construct validity was verified, and mean differences were observed, in accord with previous research regarding participants’ age, sex, clinical experience, and personal relationships with older individuals. The findings provide cross-cultural validation of the ASD by extending its international use. The validation of an online version expands data collection flexibility. As this modified instrument required only 26 items, it may be beneficial for use in future studies and practical settings.

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