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lightning activity
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Atmosphere ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 76
Jorge A. Amador ◽  
Dayanna Arce-Fernández

Lightning activity has been recognized to have, historically, social and environmental consequences around the globe. This work analyzes the space-time distribution of lightning-densities (D) in an extended Central America region (ECA). World Wide Lightning Location Network data was analyzed to link D with dominant climate patterns over the ECA for 2012–2020. D associated with cold surges entering the tropics dominate during boreal winter. The highest D (hot-spots) was found to agree well with previously known sites, such as the “Catatumbo” in Venezuela; however, D was lower here due to different detection efficiencies. Previously reported hot-spots showed strong continental signals in CA; however, in this work, they were over the oceans near to coastlines, especially in the eastern tropical Pacific (ETP). Most cold-spots, implying a minimum of vulnerability to human impacts and to some industries, were situated in the Caribbean Sea side of Central America. The Mid-Summer-Drought and the Caribbean-Low-Level-Jet (CLLJ) markedly reduced the D during July-August. The CLLJ in the central CS and across the Yucatan and the southern Gulf of Mexico acts as a lid inhibiting convection due to its strong vertical shear during the boreal summer. The CLLJ vertical wind-shear and its extension to the Gulf of Papagayo also diminished convection and considerably decreased the D over a region extending westward into the ETP for at least 400–450 km. A simple physical mechanism to account for the coupling between the CLLJ, the MSD, and lightning activity is proposed for the latter region.

2021 ◽  
Lena D. Tarabukina ◽  
Vladimir I. Kozlov

2021 ◽  
Hikari Fukuda ◽  
Rachel Albrecht

2021 ◽  
Hikari Fukuda ◽  
Rachel Albrecht

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (23) ◽  
pp. 18065-18086
Luiz A. T. Machado ◽  
Marco A. Franco ◽  
Leslie A. Kremper ◽  
Florian Ditas ◽  
Meinrat O. Andreae ◽  

Abstract. This study evaluates the effect of weather events on the aerosol particle size distribution (PSD) at the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory (ATTO). This research combines in situ measurements of PSD and remote sensing data of lightning density, brightness temperature, cloud top height, cloud liquid water, and rain rate and vertical velocity. Measurements were obtained by scanning mobility particle sizers (SMPSs), the new generation of GOES satellites (GOES-16), the SIPAM S-band radar and the LAP 3000 radar wind profiler recently installed at the ATTO-Campina site. The combined data allow exploring changes in PSD due to different meteorological processes. The average diurnal cycle shows a higher abundance of ultrafine particles (NUFP) in the early morning, which is coupled with relatively lower concentrations in Aitken (NAIT) and accumulation (NACC) mode particles. From the early morning to the middle of the afternoon, an inverse behavior is observed, where NUFP decreases and NAIT and NACC increase, reflecting a typical particle growth process. Composite figures show an increase of NUFP before, during and after lightning was detected by the satellite above ATTO. These findings strongly indicate a close relationship between vertical transport and deep convective clouds. Lightning density is connected to a large increase in NUFP, beginning approximately 100 min before the maximum lightning density and reaching peak values around 200 min later. In addition, the removal of NACC by convective transport was found. Both the increase in NUFP and the decrease in NACC appear in parallel with the increasing intensity of lightning activity. The NUFP increases exponentially with the thunderstorm intensity. In contrast, NAIT and NACC show a different behavior, decreasing from approximately 100 min before the maximum lightning activity and reaching a minimum at the time of maximum lightning activity. The effect of cloud top height, cloud liquid water and rain rate shows the same behavior, but with different patterns between seasons. The convective processes do not occur continually but are probably modulated by gravity waves in the range of 1 to 5 h, creating a complex mechanism of interaction with a succession of updrafts and downdrafts, clouds, and clear-sky situations. The radar wind profiler measured the vertical distribution of the vertical velocity. These profiles show that downdrafts are mainly located below 10 km, while aircraft observations during the ACRIDICON–CHUVA campaign had shown maximum concentrations of ultrafine particles mainly above 10 km. Our study opens new scientific questions to be evaluated in order to understand the intricate physical and chemical mechanisms involved in the production of new particles in Amazonia.

Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (11) ◽  
pp. 1506
Tair Plotnik ◽  
Colin Price ◽  
Joydeb Saha ◽  
Anirban Guha

This paper investigates the influence of tropical cyclones on water vapor concentrations in the upper atmosphere above these storms. We use independent data sets of tropical storm intensity, water vapor and lightning activity to investigate this relationship. Water vapor in the upper troposphere is a key greenhouse gas, with direct impacts on surface temperatures. Both the amount and altitude of water vapor impact the radiative balance and the greenhouse effect of the atmosphere. The water vapor enters the upper troposphere through deep convective storms, often associated with lightning activity. The intensity of the lightning activity represents the intensity of the convection in these storms, and hence the amount of water vapor transported aloft. In this paper, we investigate the role of tropical cyclones on the contribution of water vapor to the upper atmosphere moistening. Tropical cyclones are the largest most intense storms on Earth and can last for up to two weeks at a time. There is also evidence that the intensity of tropical cyclones is increasing, and will continue to increase, due to global warming. In this study we find that the maximum moistening of the upper atmosphere occurs at the 200 hPa level (~12 km altitude), with a lag of 1–2 days after the maximum sustained winds in the tropical cyclone. While the water vapor peaks after the maximum of the storm intensity, the lightning activity peaks before the maximum intensity of the storms, as shown previously. We show here that the absolute amount of water vapor in the upper troposphere above tropical storms increases linearly with the intensity of the storms. For every 10 hPa decrease in the minimum pressure of tropical storms, the specific humidity increases around 0.2 g/kg at the 200 hPa level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 893 (1) ◽  
pp. 012009
A A Azani ◽  
D A Pratama ◽  
N Kusumawardani ◽  
I Rusmala ◽  
D Septiadi

Abstract This study aimed to analyze the spatial and temporal lightning distribution in North Sulawesi. The general meteorological condition of North Sulawesi has also been considered to identify the cause of the lightning occurrence. Lightning activity over North Sulawesi has been investigated using lightning data from Winangun Geophysical Station during 2019-2020. The result shows that in the land area of North Sulawesi, the highest lightning density occurred in the Tomohon regions due to its topographical features. Overall, the flash density over the land area is higher than the sea area due to its high atmospheric instability. The maximum flash density does not occur during the wet periods, but it occurs during September - October – November, which has a high surface temperature over this region. It is also known that shearline and low-pressure areas contribute to the high lightning occurrence in October 2019, while La Nina in the Pacific Ocean influences lightning activity in July 2020

Forecasting ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 695-715
Nikolay Baranovskiy

Forest fires from lightnings create a tense situation in various regions of states with forested areas. It is noted that in mountainous areas this is especially important in view of the geophysical processes of lightning activity. The aim of the study is to develop a deterministic-probabilistic approach to predicting forest fire danger due to lightning activity in mountainous regions. To develop a mathematical model, the main provisions of the theory of probability and mathematical statistics, as well as the general theory of heat transfer, were used. The scientific novelty of the research is due to the complex use of probabilistic criteria and deterministic mathematical models of tree ignition by a cloud-to-ground lightning discharge. The paper presents probabilistic criteria for predicting forest fire danger, taking into account the lightning activity, meteorological data, and forest growth conditions, as well as deterministic mathematical models of ignition of deciduous and coniferous trees by electric current of a cloud-to-ground lightning discharge. The work uses synthetic data on the discharge parameters and characteristics of the forest-covered area, which correspond to the forest fire situation in the Republic of Altay and the Republic of Buryatia (Russian Federation). The dependences of the probability for occurrence of forest fires on various parameters have been obtained.

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