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spectral frequency
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2021 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 195-206
Lorenz J. Dirksmeyer ◽  
Aly Marnach ◽  
Daniel Schmiech ◽  
Andreas R. Diewald

Abstract. With a radar working in the 24 GHz ISM-band in a frequency modulated continuous wave mode the major vital signs heartbeat and respiration rate are monitored. The observation is hereby contactless with the patient sitting straight up in a distance of 1–2 m to the radar. Radar and sampling platform are components developed internally in the university institution. The communication with the radar is handled with MATLAB via TCP/IP. The signal processing and real-time visualization is developed in MATLAB, too. Cornerstone of this publication are the wavelet packet transformation and a spectral frequency estimation for vital sign calculation. The wavelet transformation allows a fine tuning of frequency subspaces, separating the heartbeat signal from the respiration and more important from noise and other movement. Heartbeat and respiration are monitored independently and compared to parallel recorded ECG-data.

2021 ◽  
John Myers ◽  
Elliot H Smith ◽  
Marcin Leszczynski ◽  
James O'Sullivan ◽  
Guy M McKhann ◽  

Neuronal coherence is thought to be a fundamental mechanism of communication in the brain, where synchronized field potentials coordinate synaptic and spiking events to support plasticity and learning. Although the spread of field potentials has garnered great interest, little is known about the spatial reach of phase synchronization, or neuronal coherence. Functional connectivity between different brain regions is known to occur across long distances, but the locality of coherence within a brain region is understudied. Here we used simultaneous recordings from electrocorticography (ECoG) grids and high-density microelectrode arrays to estimate the spatial reach of neuronal coherence and spike-field coherence (SFC) across frontal, temporal, and occipital cortices during cognitive tasks in humans. We observed the strongest coherence within a 2-3 cm distance from the microelectrode arrays, potentially defining an effective range for local communication. This range was relatively consistent across brain regions, spectral frequencies, and cognitive tasks. The magnitude of coherence showed power law decay with increasing distance from the microelectrode arrays, where the highest coherence occurred between ECoG contacts, followed by coherence between ECoG and deep cortical LFP, and then SFC (i.e., ECoG > LFP > SFC). The spectral frequency of coherence also affected its magnitude. Alpha coherence (8-14 Hz) was generally higher than other frequencies for signals nearest the microelectrode arrays, whereas delta coherence (1-3 Hz) was higher for signals that were farther away. Action potentials in all brain regions were most coherent with the phase of alpha oscillations, which suggests that alpha waves could play a larger, more spatially local role in spike timing than other frequencies. These findings provide a deeper understanding of the spatial and spectral dynamics of neuronal coherence, further advancing knowledge about how activity propagates across the human brain.

2021 ◽  
P Charantej Reddy ◽  
V S S Prabhu Tej ◽  
Aditya Siripuram ◽  
Brad Osgood

2021 ◽  
Verena R. Sommer ◽  
Luzie Mount ◽  
Sarah Weigelt ◽  
Markus Werkle-Bergner ◽  
Myriam C. Sander

The human brain encodes information in neural activation patterns. While standard approaches to analyzing neural data focus on brain (de-)activation (e.g., regarding the location, timing, or magnitude of neural responses), multivariate neural pattern similarity analyses target the informational content represented by neural activity. In adults, a number of representational properties have been identified that are linked to cognitive performance, in particular the stability, distinctiveness, and specificity of neural patterns. However, although growing cognitive abilities across childhood suggest advancements in representational quality, developmental studies still rarely utilize information-based pattern similarity approaches, especially in electroencephalography (EEG) research. Here, we provide a comprehensive methodological introduction and step-by-step tutorial for pattern similarity analysis of spectral (frequency-resolved) EEG data including a publicly available pipeline and sample dataset with data from children and adults. We discuss computation of single-subject pattern similarities and their statistical comparison at the within-person to the between-group level as well as the illustration and interpretation of the results. This tutorial targets both novice and more experienced EEG researchers and aims to facilitate the usage of spectral pattern similarity analyses, making these methodologies more readily accessible for (developmental) cognitive neuroscientists.

2021 ◽  
A.R. Segerdahl ◽  
Y. Kong ◽  
I. Ho ◽  
I Tracey

AbstractArterial spin labelling (ASL) FMRI is a powerful tool to noninvasively image tonic and ongoing pain states in both healthy participants and patients. We used ASL to image the neural correlates of extended, parametrically modulated mechanical pain in healthy human participants. The aims of this study were to: i) assess if force-calibrated pin-prick probes could safely and robustly evoke tonic mechanical pain; ii) determine the neural correlates of the parametric changes in both the “force” of the stimulus and the “intensity” of the perception that this elicits using ASL; and iii) provide an initial assessment of the capacity for ALFF to differentiate painful versus non-painful tonic stimuli based on changes in the dynamics of the evoked signal. Our data confirm that it is possible to employ a stimulus force-locked design to induce robust, well maintained ongoing mechanical pain and to observe significant changes in rCBF relative to underlying component processes such as monitoring graded changes in the force applied to the skin (dACC, aMCC, pMCC, PCC, SI, SII, putamen, thalamus and the insula (anterior and posterior subsections); ipsilateral amygdala and hypothalamus; and the contralateral DLPFC) and tracking changes in the perceived intensity of the experience (: bilateral dACC, aMCC, pMCC, PCC, thalamus, SII and the cerebellum; and contralateral SI, insula (including the dpIns). Further exploration of the data using analyses targeting the spectral frequency aspects of the rCBF signal observed reveals that a collection of regions (e.g. the contralateral VLPFC, inferior frontal gyrus, insula (anterior, mid and posterior subsections), SII, putamen, OFC, amygdala, and the hippocampus) exhibit unique perfusion dynamics during extended painful stimulation compared to non-painful ‘touch’. Results from this study provide further validation for the application of ASL to image experimental pain in healthy human subjects while interrogation of the data offers unique insight into the dynamic signal changes underlying the perception of a tonic mechanical pain experience.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Mahmoud M. A. Eid ◽  
Ahmed Nabih Zaki Rashed ◽  
Tahesin Samira Delwar ◽  
Abrar Siddique ◽  
Jee Youl Ryu

Abstract This study has simulated the raised cosine, linear, cubic measured pulses numerically with electrical jitter amplitude variations impact on fiber communication systems. The max Q factor, total electrical power variations against electrical jitter amplitude variations are demonstrated for various pulse configurations. The Q factor and signal power amplitude variations versus the time period with the spectral frequency are clarified based on various pulse configurations with an optimum amplitude jitter of 0.1 unit interval (UI). The total electrical power after the avalanche photodiode (APD) photodetector is measured numerically based on various pulse configurations with an optimum amplitude jitter of 0.1 UI.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Prince Mensah Osei ◽  
Reginald Djimatey ◽  
Anokye M. Adam

This paper employs the threshold cointegration methodology to assess the long- and short-run dynamics of asymmetric adjustment between economic policy uncertainty (EPU) of China-India, China-Japan, China-Korea, India-Japan, India-Korea, and Japan-Korea pairs using monthly EPU data ranging from January 1997 to April 2020. The relationship between the EPU pairs is examined in terms of Engle-Granger and threshold cointegrations. The findings provide evidence of long-run threshold cointegration and that the adjustments towards the long-run equilibrium position are asymmetric in the short run for the China-India and India-Japan EPU pairs in M-TAR specification with nonzero threshold values. Also, the results suggest a unidirectional causal relationship between China-India, China-Japan, and India-Korea EPU pairs in the long and short run using the spectral frequency domain causality approach. However, a bidirectional causal relationship between China-Korea, India-Japan, and Japan-Korea pairs exists in the long and short run. Therefore, the findings provide some clues to economic policymakers within the Asian subregion for possible policy uncertainty synergies and spillovers among the Asian countries.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Braden Walsh ◽  
Velio Coviello ◽  
Lucia Capra ◽  
Jonathan Procter ◽  
Victor Márquez-Ramirez

Lahar monitoring on active volcanoes is challenging, and the ever changing environment leads to inconsistent results that hamper a warning systems ability to characterize the flow event properly. Therefore, more data, new methods, and the use of different sensors needs to be tested, which could lead to improvements in warning capabilities. Here, we present data from a 3-component broadband seismometer and video camera installed 3 m from the Lumbre channel on Volcán de Colima, Mexico to understand rheology differences within multiple lahar events that occurred in late 2016. We examine differences in frequency and directionality from each seismic component. Results indicate an increase in peak frequency above background in each component when a lahar nears the sensor, and a decrease in overall peak frequency when transitioning from a streamflow to a higher concentration flow. The seismic frequency distribution for the cross-channel component for the streamflow has a wider range compared with the lahar events. In contrast, the peak spectral frequency of the streamflow is narrower in comparison to the lahar events in the flow parallel and vertical directions. Estimated directionality ratios (cross-channel signal divided by flow parallel signal) yielded further evidence for a rheologic change between streamflow and lahars. Directionality ratios >1 were calculated for each lahar, and <1 for streamflow. Finally, we demonstrate from component analyses that channelization or freedom of movement in the cross-channel, bedload transport in the flow parallel, and bed composition in the vertical directions are possibly the main drivers in the peak spectral frequency output of lahars. The results described here indicate that using all three components may provide important information about lahar dynamics, which may be useful for automatic detection and warning systems, and using all three components should be encouraged.

Chao Jiang ◽  
Wencai Liu ◽  
Youwei Liu ◽  
Xinjun Wu

The time-of-flight (TOF) of the electromagnetic acoustic transducer (EMAT) echo signal can be used to measure the steel plate thickness. There are two ways to obtain the TOF, which are measure the peak to peak time in the time domain and calculate the echo frequency in the frequency domain. In this paper, a simplified signal model is proposed based on the analysis of received signals. Further, the relationship between the echo signal and excitation signal is considered. The echo signal is separated when the asynchronous demodulation method is applied to the received signal, and the thickness of steel plate can be calculated according to the peak spectral frequency in the low frequency band. The simplified model and signal processing method are verified by the experiment, and the results show that the model is reasonable and the accuracy of the signal processing method is high.

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