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2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Gema Sukmawati Suryadi ◽  
Antinah Latif ◽  
Alfredo .

Quality control is an important factor for the industry because continuously control process in production will be able to detect abnormalities results quickly, so that it can be anticipated immediately. This study aims to determine how the quality control process has been implemented, what printing problems often occur, and what activities have been carried out to control the production quality of Trobos Live Stock magazine at PT Aksara Grafika Pratama. This research method is descriptive with direct observation of the production process at PT Aksara Grafika Pratama. Descriptive method has been used by direct observation of the production process at PT Aksara Grafika Pratama. Data analysis was carried out using the p-chart control chart analysis method of the production quantity and misprint of Trobos Live Stock Magazine in January - December 2019. The results showed that the total production of Trobos Live Stock Magazine by PT Aksara Grafika Pratama in 2019 was 225,521 sheets with 7,178 misprints, and the average proportion of damaged products was 0.030. The proportion of damaged production in April and May occupied the highest position, namely 0.045 and 0.049, exceeding the UCL (Upper Control Limit) control limit. However, in the production process the following month the damage to production is within control limits, which indicates that the production department has carried out the maximum evaluation and repair. Misprints that occur in the production process of Trobos Live Stock Magazine include Scumming, Ghosting, and no images or text appearing in certain parts. Quality control activities carried out by PT Aksara Grafika Pratama to reduce the level of damage to production include implementing a layered system such as directly monitoring the production process, always carrying out maintenance on machines and assigning special experts to repair machines, as well as placing experienced workers to minimize possible error rate during the production process.Keywords — Quality Control, Diagrams Control p-chart, Statistical Assistance Tools

2021 ◽  
Vol 2123 (1) ◽  
pp. 012017
A I Jaya ◽  
T R Aulia ◽  
F D Putri ◽  
T Rakhmawati

Abstract In monitoring network anomaly, the traditional T 2 chart can be an alternative owing to its ability to capture the network anomaly. However, the new problem emerges in consequence of the hardship of the network traffic data to satisfy the multivariate normal distribution assumption in Hotelling’s T 2 chart. As a result, many false alarms will be found during the monitoring process. In this work, the combination between Hotelling’s T 2 control chart and the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is utilized to observe the network traffic data. The PCA is used to minimize the data dimension which can reduce computational time. Meanwhile, the Kernel Density approach is employed in estimating the control limit of the non-normal process. The proposed method is applied to the famous KDD99 dataset, and its performance is compared with the other methods. Compared to the other charts, the proposed control chart yields a higher detection accuracy with a lower false alarm rate. Moreover, the proposed control chart also produces a faster computational time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 678-684
Jakub Lewandowski ◽  
Stanisław Młynarski ◽  
Robert Pilch ◽  
Maksymilian Smolnik ◽  
Jan Szybka ◽  

The aim of the work was to develop a method of verification of the preventive renewal strategies, which enables a simulation evaluation of the effects of the application of a specific schedule of inspections of parts that are important in the operation of complex renewable technical objects. Using it requires having an already established schedule of inspections, and the result of applying the method is determined by indicators that assess the usefulness of the strategy, even before implementation. The developed computational tool was used to evaluate the renewal strategy of the current collector contact plates. Based on the real operational data, several renewal intervals were considered, determining the frequency of events involving the plate covering a specific mileage, from exceeding the wear control limit value to the next inspection (replacement). The proposed verification method is an important tool for testing and planning technical inspections for systems and elements with planned wear, and parts are periodically replaced.

2021 ◽  
FE. Universitas Andi Djemma

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengendalian kualitas untuk mengurangi produk cacat pada PT. Asera Tirta Posidonia Kota Palopo. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan pada PT. Asera Tirta Posidonia Kota Palopo dengan data yang digunakan yakni data sekunder. Permasalahan yang ada dalam penelitian ini akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif yaitu metode dengan cara mengumpulkan data dan mendeskriptifkan atau menjelaskan data-data tersebut berdasarkan kriteria-kriteria umum yang berlaku dan hal-hal yang ditemukan di lapangan. Dari hasil yang didapatkan bahwa pengendalian biaya kualitas untuk mengurangi produk cacat PT. Asera Tirta Posidonia Kota Palopo menggunakan analisis menghitung total biaya kualitas dan jumah optimal, menghitung total produk cacat/rusak, menghitung garis pusat Central Line (CL), menghitung batas kendali bawah atau Upper Control Limit (UCL), dan menghitung batas kendali bawah atau lower control limit (LCL) menunjukkan bahwa biaya kualitas yang tinggi mampu mengurangi produk cacat PT. Asera Tirta Posidonia Kota Palopo untuk tahun 2016 dengan total biaya kualitas Rp 27.854.052 dan jumlah produksi optimal sebesar 696.379 perdos setiap bulan.

2021 ◽  
Sidney C Ontai ◽  
Fernando Valerio Pascua ◽  
Li Zeng ◽  
Miguel Sierra Hoffman ◽  
Vincent VanBuren ◽  

INTRODUCTION: Within 2 months of first detection of SARS-CoV-2 in Honduras, its government promoted nationwide implementation of multi-drug COVID-19 inpatient and outpatient treatment protocols. This was associated with a case fatality rate decrease from 9.33% to 2.97%. No decrease was seen in Mexico, a similar Latin American country that did not introduce multi-drug treatment protocols at that time. OBJECTIVE: The primary objective of the study was to use statistical process control to assess the likelihood that the decrease in case fatality rate in Honduras was due to chance, using Mexico as a control country. METHODS: Fourteen day running average COVID-19 case fatality rates in Honduras and Mexico were used to create Shewhart control charts during the first 6 months of the epidemic. The date of implementation in Honduras of the inpatient and outpatient multi-drug COVID-19 protocols were plotted on control charts, with a Mexican COVID-19 case fatality control chart for comparison. RESULTS: The case fatality rate for COVID-19 in Honduras dropped below the lower control limit 9 days after implementation of an inpatient and outpatient multi-drug therapeutic protocol, from an average 9.33% case fatality rate to 5.01%. The Honduran COVID-19 case fatality rate again dropped below the lower control limit to 2.97%, 17 days after launching a substantial government program to make the protocol medications accessible to underserved areas. Shewhart control chart plots of case fatality rates in Honduras suggest a plausible temporal association between the implementation dates of both the initial protocol implementation on May 3, 2020, and the outreach effort on June 10, 2020, and statistically significant control chart anomalies. No control chart anomalies were seen during that time in Mexico. CONCLUSION: Decreases in COVID-19 case fatality rates in Honduras were associated with both the initial publication a multi-drug COVID-19 therapeutic protocol and a subsequent outreach program.

2021 ◽  
Vol 891 ◽  
pp. 167-173
Jadesupa Palrungsri ◽  
Parames Chutima

An automobile company in this research faced the consistency problem from the chemical concentration in degreasing bath which was one of the stages in the pretreatment process. The problem came from the proportion of total alkaline (T.Al) lower than the lower control limit (LCL) which was set at 18.2 points during February – May 2020. This resulted in the low values of Cp and Cpk, i.e. 0.83 and 0.51, respectively. To remedy the problem, Six Sigma (DMAIC) was applied to improve the process stability. The cause and effect matrix was used to analyse the potential causes of problems and prioritise the causes to solve. It was found that four (causes) factors were solved by auto titration and feeding controller installation to reduce variance and increase stability. Another one factor, quality of water, was improved by adding a check item to monitor and collect data during the initial implementation stage. The result after improvement showed that Cp and Cpk were increased to 1.82 and 1.52 in August 2020, respectively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-34
Riani Shifa Rahmadani ◽  

Abstract. Statistical Proses Control (SPC) is application of method in statistics on measurements and analysis variation in proses. Shewhart control chart is ussually used as a device in SPC. In practice, the parameters prosses are usually unknown. The parameters prosses is estimated using data often from the previous processes, ARL of the control chart with estimated parameters as called as unconditional ARL. Goedhart et al propose a new correction factor to improve unconditional ARL such data unconditional ARL close to the expected ARL. In this articel we apply the correction factor of Goedhart to brix’s data of PT. XXX. We offten the obtained the upper control limit is 39.51, the lower control limit is 36.87 with mean 38.19 applying this control limit to brix’s data results that the proses is under control. Abstrak. Statistical Proses Control (SPC) merupakan penerapan metode statistik dalam pengukuran dan analisis variasi proses. Alat yang sering digunakan dalam metode SPC yaitu diagram kendali Shewhart. Dalam praktiknya, parameter proses biasanya tidak diketahui. Parameter proses tersebut biasanya diestimasi melalui data yang diperoleh dari proses sebelumnya, ARL untuk diagram kendali dengan parameter yang diestimasi dinamakan ARL unconditional. Goedhart dkk mengusulkan faktor koreksi baru untuk meningkatkan ARL unconditional yang memiliki ekspetasi sebesar ARL yang diharapkan. Dalam artikel ini kami menerapkan faktor koreksi Goedhart terhadap data brix PT. XXX dan diperoleh batas kendali atas 39.51, batas kendali bawah 36.87 dengan rata-rata 38.19 Dari implementasi diagram kendali terhadap data kekentalan diperoleh bahwa proses terkendali.

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