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limestone assimilation
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Geology ◽  
2022 ◽  
Michele Lustrino ◽  
Natascia Luciani ◽  
Vincenzo Stagno ◽  
Silvia Narzisi ◽  
Matteo Masotta ◽  

In this experimental study, we documented the formation of strongly ultrabasic and ultracalcic melts through the interaction of melilititic and basanitic melts with calcite. Three strongly to moderately SiO2-undersaturated volcanic rocks from the Bohemian Massif (central Europe) were mixed with 10, 30, and 50 wt% CaCO3 and melted at 1100, 1200, and 1300 °C at 2 kbar to evaluate the maximum amount of carbonate that can be assimilated by natural ultrabasic melts at shallow depths. Experiments revealed a surprisingly complete dissolution of the CaCO3, only rarely reaching carbonate saturation, with typical liquidus phases represented by olivine, spinel, melilite, and clinopyroxene. Only in the runs with the most SiO2-undersaturated compositions did abundant monticellite form instead of clinopyroxene. For all starting mixtures, strongly ultrabasic (SiO2 down to 15.6 wt%), lime-rich (CaO up to 43.6 wt%), ultracalcic (CaO/Al2O3 up to ~27) melt compositions were produced at 1200 and 1300 °C, with up to ~25 wt% dissolved CO2. When present, quenched olivine showed much higher forsterite content (Fo95–97) than olivine in the natural samples (Fo79–85). The two major results of this study are (1) silicate-carbonatite melt compositions do not necessarily imply the existence of carbonatitic components in the mantle, because they are also produced during limestone assimilation, and (2) Fo-rich olivines cannot be used to infer any primitive character of the melt nor high potential temperature (Tp).

2020 ◽  
Vol 208 ◽  
pp. 103256
Michele Lustrino ◽  
Sara Ronca ◽  
Antonio Caracausi ◽  
Claudio Ventura Bordenca ◽  
Samuele Agostini ◽  

2007 ◽  
Vol 155 (6) ◽  
pp. 719-738 ◽  
Giada Iacono Marziano ◽  
Fabrice Gaillard ◽  
Michel Pichavant

2000 ◽  
Vol 64 (4) ◽  
pp. 625-639 ◽  
F. Castorina ◽  
F. Stoppa ◽  
A. Cundari ◽  
M. Barbieri

AbstractNew Sr-Nd isotope data were obtained from Late Pleistocene carbonatite-kamafugite associations from the Umbria-Latium Ultra-Alkaline District of Italy (ULUD) with the aim of constraining their origin and possible mantle source(s). This is relevant to the origin and evolution of ultrapotassic (K/Na ≫2) and associated rocks generally, notably the occurrences from Ugandan kamafugites,Western Australian lamproites and South African orangeites. The selected ULUD samples yielded 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd ranging from 0.7100 to 0.7112 and from 0.5119 to 0.5121 respectively, similar to cratonic potassic volcanic rocks with higher Rb/Sr and lower Sm/Nd ratios than Bulk Earth. Silicate and carbonate fractions separated from melilitite are in isotopic equilibrium, supporting the view that they are cogenetic. The ULUD carbonatites yielded the highest radiogenic Sr so far reported for carbonatites. In contrast, sedimentary limestones from ULUD basement formations are lower in radiogenic Sr, i.e. 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70745–0.70735. The variation trend of ULUD isotopic compositions is similar to that reported for Ugandan kamafugites and Western Australian lamproites and overlaps the values for South African orangeites in the εSr-εNd diagram. A poor correlation between Sr/Nd and 87Sr/86Sr ratios in ULUD rocks is inconsistent with a mantle source generated by subduction-driven processes, while the negligible Sr and LREE in sedimentary limestones from the ULUD region fail to account for a hypothetical limestone assimilation process. The Nd model ages of 1.5–1.9 Ga have been inferred for a possible metasomatic event, allowing further radiogenic evolution of the source, a process which may have occurred in isolation until eruption time. While the origin of this component remains speculative, the Sr-Nd isotope trend is consistent with a simple mixing process involving an OIB-type mantle and a component with low εNd and high εSr.

1980 ◽  
Vol 43 (330) ◽  
pp. 797-807 ◽  
C. K. Baker ◽  
Philippa M. Black

SummarySmall-scale assimilation of limestone during the intrusion of an olivine basalt feeder dyke into an Eocene argillaceous, siliceous biomicrite in the Tokatoka area has resulted in the incorporation of large amounts of calcium into the parent magma. Initial effects of assimilation have caused partial resorption of the early-formed igneous mineralogy and the precipitation of calcic, iron-rich clinopyroxenes (ferrosahlite to hedenbergite), wollastonite, schorlomite, and pyrrhotine. Pyroxene compositions show a trend of strong enrichment in Catschermak and ferrosilite components. Derivative hydrothermal solutions, rich in Ca, Si, Al and alkalis have precipitated and altered anhydrous phases to tobermorite, thomsonite, prehnite, pectolite, cebollite, hydrogrossular, gismondine, analcime, Sr- and Ba-bearing zeolites, and calcite.Modelling of the basalt-limestone assimilation process by least-squares mixing methods has shown that the observed chemical variation can largely be accounted for by the dilution of the basalt with up to 30 wt. % decarbonated limestone. Desilication of the liquid, a result of this dilution effect, has been accommodated in the chemistry of the early-formed mineralogy rather than by the crystallization of minerals characteristic of an undersaturated rock type.Contemporaneous with the intrusion of the basalt was the high-temperature contact metamorphism of the limestone. This produced assemblages of rankinite, kilchoanite, larnite, spurrite, grossular, and tobermorite. Subsequent injection of the basalt and hybrid phases into fractures has resulted in the alteration of the primary metamorphic assemblage to wollastonite, scawtite, foshagite, hydrogrossular, calcite, and vaterite.

The Tertiary dolerite plug at Carneal cuts basalt lavas and incorporates blocks of chalk and flint from underlying Cretaceous rocks. Assimilation by the dolerite of the pure limestone and flint took place under the very rare highest-temperature, low-pressure conditions. Only about twenty-five examples of the resulting metamorphosed and metasomatized rocks are known in the world, few fully described. The rock suite enables the conditions and mechanisms of assimilation to be deduced. The pressure, about 200 x 10 5 Pa (200 bar), and the temperature, estimated as 1050-1100 °C, produced an exomorphic suite of larnite, spinel, merwinite, spurrite, scawtite and related assemblages, with wollastonite, quartz, plagioclase, hydrogrossular, xonotlite and related minerals representing flint. Complementary desilication of the igneous rocks gives the endomorphic suite of pyroxene-rich dolerite, pyroxenite, titanaugitemelilite-rock and aegirine- and nepheline-bearing types. Chemical analyses o titanaugite, sahlite, melilite, wollastonite and the main rock types are provided and optical and other properties of the minerals. Two related mechanisms of limestone assimilation occurred. Most of the rocks resulted from the incorporation of the chalk in the olivine-dolerite magma, paradoxically, the addition of 18-26 % CaO to the dolerite magma so lowers the silica ratio that 17-18% additional S i0 2 is required to produce the endomorphic hybrids, with the complementary exomorphic suite. The second mechanism, a metasomatic replacement, preserves existing mineral (and fossil) textures. Mineral textures and the preservation of a cyclostome bryozoan now composed of wollastonite (by silicification of calcite) show the metasomatism to have been a tranquil process despite the high temperature. To produce the vein assemblage of merwinite, hydrogrossular and melilite, this mechanism required 63 % CaO and 23 % H 2 0 , an addition which is only slightly more hydrous than calcium hydroxide. These mechanisms are evidence for the production of peralkaline rocks by limestone assimilation but only on a very small scale. The retrograde phase of metamorphism produced minerals in order of approximately increasing water content, including xonotlite, bicchulite (a new mineral), thomsonite, tobermorite, tacharanite and plombierite.

Nature ◽  
1964 ◽  
Vol 204 (4963) ◽  
pp. 1053-1054 ◽  

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