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sources of capital
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2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 20-27
Ibrahim Dahiru Idriss ◽  
Ngohi Bukar Umar

Abstract The study was an opinion survey that investigated the influence of covid-19 pandemic on the economy of Tokumbo vehicles trade in Borno State, Nigeria. Population of the study comprised of all fairly used secondhand car dealers in the State. However, 150 Tokumbo car dealers constituted the sample. Purposive and stratified random sampling techniques were used in selecting sample. Researchers designed 18 items Structured Interview Schedule (SIS) tagged “Car Dealers Interview Schedule (CDIS)” and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) were the instruments used to elicit data for the study. The CDIS was divided into two parts (A & B). Part A collected information on demographic characteristics of the respondents while Part B elicited data on sources of capital for the Tokumbo dealers, brand of Tokumbo vehicles and the influence of covid-19 pandemic on Tokumbo trade in Borno State, Nigeria. The CDIS was validated by three experts in the field of Business Administration of the University of Maiduguri, Borno State and a coefficient of 0.74 was obtained using Cronbach alpha reliability method for the internal consistency which was considered relevant and adequate for the study.  Descriptive statistics of frequency counts, percentage and bar graph were used in analyzing data collected for the study. Three objectives and three research questions piloted the study.  Results of the study revealed loan and personal savings as some of the sources of capital for dealers in Tokumbo vehicles in Borno State. Toyota, Volkswagen, Honda, Mercedes Benz and Peugeot were some of the brands of Tokumbo cars in the study area while rent, loan repayment and gross reduction in sales were some of the effects of covid-19 pandemic on the trade in Tokumbo vehicles in Borno State, Nigeria. Based on the findings, implications for counselling, conclusions and recommendations were made.

2021 ◽  
Vol 06 (10) ◽  
Kristine Wambui Maina ◽  

While airline profitability has remained a challenge over several years, the weakest performance identified by IATA reports was from airlines in Africa and Latin America. The main objective of this study was to determine the effect of leverage, liquidity, and asset tangibility on firm profitability of flag carriers in Africa. Stratified random sampling technique adopted reduced the working population of 23 firms to 4 firms namely Kenya Airways, Ethiopian Airways, Air Mauritius and South African Airways. Data was collected from each airline’s website over a thirteen-year period between 2005–2017. The findings were that leverage had a significant effect that was either positive or negative depending on whether debt is financed by equity or by assets implying that airline managers should endeavour to target cost-efficient sources of capital. Liquidity and asset tangibility were observed to have no significant effect and had little to no explanatory power on financial performance in the selected African airlines. The study recommends implementing a collaborative effort using a tri-partite debt covenant between airline managers, lenders of capital and government. African governments and local lenders should step in to support their Flag carriers by reducing the gaps and costs associated with acquisition of debt and other sources of capital. Airline managers on their part should manage resources efficiently and be held accountable with periodic audits to ensure they are invested in sustainable levels of their airline’s profitability.

2021 ◽  
Thomas Abell ◽  
Arndt Husar ◽  
Lim May-Ann

New enterprises that produce digital solutions for businesses, public institutions, civil society, and consumers play a vital role in shaping digital economies. These dynamic start-ups most effectively integrate leading talent and sources of capital. They are driven by an urgency to succeed quickly—if they do not, they will then seek to deploy skills and resources more effectively. Governments need to establish or refine policies and mechanisms that foster vibrant start-up ecosystems, enabled by foundational technologies such as cloud computing. This paper provides an overview of the opportunities and challenges involved and suggests how policymakers can help start-ups make the most of cloud-computing technologies.

2021 ◽  
pp. 095001702110185
Florence Villesèche ◽  
Evis Sinani

The enduring lack of diversity in the corporate elite continues to attract attention from scholars and practitioners. However, the issue of representation or ‘body count’ – in particular for women – tends to dominate the discussion and overshadows social-relational dimensions. Adopting a network perspective, this article investigates how gender and nationality interact with human and social capital (i.e. director capital), explaining why particular directors hold more influential positions in the corporate elite. Findings from Swiss data show that some specific aspects of human and social capital matter more than others for being an influential director and that, ceteris paribus, Swiss citizens benefit most from both sources of capital. The discussion engages with the implications of our findings on current approaches intended to increase the numbers of appointments of ‘diverse’ directors, and how these are expected to change the corporate elite and the related job market in the longer term.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-31
Vu Thi Duyen ◽  
I. A. Larionova

Evaluation of effi ciency of exploiting capital is an important part of a company’s economic activity. A reasonably formed system for monitoring effi ciency of exploiting the capital will provide the company with appropriate basis for managerial decision-making such as adjustment of scale and structure of investment and choice of sources of capital. When considering measures aimed at eliminating negative phenomena influencing the efficiency of exploiting business capital it is essential to use a complex of various analysis patterns to make perfect managerial decisions. The authors examine a complex of individual indicators which to their mind are essential to be used in analyzing efficiency of exploiting business capital in coal and mineral industry of Vietnam. The calculations revealed that a number of individual indicators which characterize efficiency of exploiting business capital for particular enterprises within the corporation of coal and mineral industry of Vietnam were significantly different from the average and showed considerable fluctuation. Therefore, development of measures to eliminate negative phenomena influencing the efficiency of exploiting business capital should include calculating both individual indicators and a generalized indicator (the evaluation vector) which could be used to study the character of their fluctuation as well as the values of the parameters under consideration.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-119
Mutia Pamikatsih ◽  
Elok Ainur Latif

            The micro-agriculture sector is considered not bankable, which makes farmes look for sources of capital from the pengijon system. BMW aims to provide access to capital for the small community as well as provide guidance to micro-entrepreneurs. Based on the results of research on the salam contract, micro waqfbanks will help solve problems faced by farmers and micro waqf banks can maximize their role in community empowerment, especially the poor who are categorized economi cally active working poor and lower income communities. __________________________________________________________________ Sektor pertanian mikro dianggap tidak bankable sehingga membuat petani mencari sumber pemodalan dari sistem pengijon. BMW bertujuan menyediakan akses modal bagi masayarakat kecil serta melakukan pembinaaan kepada pelaku usaha mikro. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian akad salam pada bank wakaf mikro akan membantu menyelesaikan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh petani dan Bank wakaf mikro dapat memaksimalkan perannya dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat, terutama masyarakat miskin yang berkatagori economically active working poor dan masyarakat lower income

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Andi Rahmat Heriawan

This study focused to conduct a comparative study of the legal form about individual company (Sole Proprietorship) and a Cooperative. This research using Normative legal research to examine legal rules related to corporate law in a country. The legal form of an individual company (sole proprietorship) is contained in the Laos "Enterprise Law" which was amended in 2013. Meanwhile, the cooperative in Laos is based on the "Enterprise Law", but the implementing regulations are subject to the "Decree On Cooperative" provisions, was made in 2009. The legal form of an individual company (sole proprietorship) in Indonesia is in Law No.3 of 1982, while cooperatives are contained in Law No.17 of 2017 concerning Cooperatives. The result of the research is that there are some fairly basic differences between individual companies (Sole Proprietorship) and Cooperative in Indonesia and Laos. This research have several comparative indicators can include the legal basis, company business activities, sources of capital, profits, losses, tax systems, and financing systems.

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