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textual approach
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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 346-353
Adibah Sulaiman ◽  
Mohamad Zulfazdlee Abul Hassan Ashari ◽  
Ezad Azraai Jamsari ◽  
Raja Muhammad Imran Raja Abdul Aziz ◽  

Distinguished Muslim scholars in the past and at present time have given a great emphasis on the importance of adab (Islamic ethics) in a believers life. Due to global ever-changing progress and development in terms of advanced technologies, almost all aspects of human beings life are considerably affected. In education, the teaching and learning process has evolved accordingly where users have, eagerly or unwillingly, accepted online learning as part of teaching and learning strategies. This situation has created worries among those who uphold the conventional Islamic corpus approach and those who support todays need in education. Therefore, the objective of this study is to examine the concept of adab of the learned and the learner from the viewpoint of Imam al-Nawawi to provide a fundamental guideline for the online learning educators and novices. A deductive textual approach is used to achieve the purpose. It can be concluded that the narrative of adab for the learned and the learner is undeniably apparent which may benefit users of online learning. It is suggested that a further study may analyze this subject matter in-depth to provide clear adab-based teaching and learning strategies for Muslim users in particular.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 213
Berbahana Pandu Mau

Abstract Altruistic Behavior of the Main Figure in the Novel Bekisar Merah by Ahmad Tohari. The purpose of this study is to obtain a description of the altruistic behavior of the main character in Ahmad Tohari's Bekisar Merah novel. Specifically, the purpose of this study is to describe the altruistic behavior of the main character in the context of social and kinship norms. The analysis used as the basis for this research is literary psychology. This theory focuses on the textual approach, namely the literary psychology approach that addresses the psychological aspects of characters in literary works. This theory is used to analyze and describe the altruistic behavior of the main character in the novel Bekisar Merah. The results of this study indicate that altruistic behavior in the novel Bekisar Merah is represented in the figure of Lasi as the axis of storytelling. This altruistic behavior is evidenced by the actions of the Lasi character in helping other characters in a pure, sincere manner, without expecting anything in return (benefit) for himself. This behavior is manifested in the form of altruistic behavior in the context of social norms and in the context of kinship norms. Altruistic behavior of the main character in the context of social norms found only four aspects of motivation to help, namely: (1) the presence of a model, (2) the presence of other people, (3) helping people they like, and (4) the presence of a mood. The altruistic behavior of the main character in the context of kinship norms is found in three motivations to help, namely (1) aspects of relative protection (kin altruism), (2) biological altruism, and (3) aspects of sexual orientation. Key Words: behavior, altruistic, character, bekisar merahAbstrak Perilaku Altruistik Tokoh Utama dalam Novel Bekisar Merah Karya Ahmad Tohari. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan perilaku altruistik tokoh utama dalam konteks norma sosial dan kekerabatan. Analisis yang digunakan sebagai dasar dalam penelitian ini adalah psikologi sastra. Teori ini menitikberatkan pada pendekatan tekstual, yaitu pendekatan psikologi sastra yang membahas aspek psikologi tokoh dalam karya sastra. Teori ini digunakan untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan perilaku altruistik tokoh utama novel Bekisar Merah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perilaku altruistik dalam novel Bekisar Merah terwakilkan dalam sosok Lasi sebagai poros penceritaan. Perilaku altruistik ini dibuktikan melalui tindakan tokoh Lasi dalam menolong tokoh lain secara murni, tulus, tanpa mengharapkan balasan (manfaat) apa pun untuk dirinya. Perilaku tersebut terwujud dalam bentuk perilaku altruistik dalam konteks Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra dan Pembelajarannya Vol 11, No 2, Oktober 2021 ISSN 2089-0117 (Print) Page 213 - 223 ISSN 2580-5932 (Online) 214 ǀ Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra dan Pembelajarannya norma sosial dan dalam konteks norma kekerabatan. Perilaku altruistik tokoh utama dalam konteks norma sosial hanya ditemukan empat aspek motivasi untuk menolong, yaitu: (1) adanya model, (2) adanya kehadiran orang lain, (3) menolong orang yang disukai, dan (4) adanya suasana hati. Perilaku altruistik tokoh utama dalam konteks norma kekerabatan ditemukan dalam tiga motivasi untuk menolong, yaitu (1) aspek perlindungan kerabat (kin altruism), (2) aspek biologik (biological altruism), dan (3) aspek orientasi seksual. Kata-kata kunci: perilaku, altruistik, tokoh, bekisar merah

Anastasiia Plakhtii

The purpose of this article is to analyze the lexical means of verbalization of the subconcept “THE BRITISH” in the Russian belles-lettres. The problem of national identity is closely related to the problem of national stereotype. The stereotype, including the national one, is closely related to the linguistic factor and has a discursive nature. According to S. Filyushkina, the national stereotype also creates its own special, verbalized reality, reflecting the nation’s ideas about itself or about another, very biased as a rule. These ideas have a collective character and are inherited by the individual due to education, the influence of the environment and public opinion. From the standpoint of the textual approach, the analysis of the linguistic embodiment of the kernel and the near periphery of the modern Russian literature of various periods (over 1000 samples). Verbalization of the image of the British in the artistic picture of the world is carried out using such frames as character, appearance, clothing, behavior. The appearance of the British is often assessed negatively. In terms of character, behavior and clothing, the British are divided into gentlemen and non-gentlemen. The former receive either a positive or an ironic assessment, the latter – more often negative, sometimes ironic. The good manners of the English are highlighted, especially in the process of their meal. English speech and pronunciation are also important from the point of view of authors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 242-251
Aidatul Chusna

Social media enables its users to participate in creating and sharing media contents through their accounts; thus, it gives opportunity to gain popularity for anyone, including celebrity.  This paper is aimed at revealing celebrities’ strategy to increase and maintain their popularity by constructing self-image through social media. Videos from Baim Paula youtube channel are selected as the main data of the analysis, considering Baim Wong’s success as celebrity and content creator. Using textual approach, the vidoes created and shared are analized as a cultural text which demonstrates celebrities’ self-representation in social media. The result shows that Baim Wong performs various self- images through his videos contents. His prank videos indirectly indicate authenticity and honesty entitled to Baim Wong’s image, as a strategy to create closeness to his fans. He also construcs an altruistic persona by giving presents and/or money to his pranked targets. Another self-representation is seen in videos about his daily activities with family and friends. Through these videos, Baim Wong constructs his image as a family man. The persona performed in social media has successfully attracted more fans/ subscribers and enhanced his fame. Subsequently, it generates profit not only from his YouTube channel, but also from advertising agencies and TV stations that hire him.

Organization ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 135050842110417
Jasmin Mahadevan

Intercultural training is common practice in many organizations. By cross-cultural management scholars, intercultural training is often critiqued as overly simplistic. The argument is that intercultural trainers lack sophisticated cross-cultural management knowledge. Based on 6 years of ethnographic and auto-ethnographic research, I argue that such a categorical rejection of intercultural training practice as inferior functions as a closure mechanism towards higher scholarly relevance: The problem is not that intercultural training practice is overly simplistic but rather that cross-cultural management scholars fail to consider the actual processes of how intercultural training emerges in a certain (simplistic) and not in another (sophisticated) shape. What is required, is thus an investigation of the actual contexts, actors and chains of events, and of the power-relations underlying them, that bring a certain reality into being. To achieve this goal, I propose a practice approach to genealogy (based on Foucault) which I apply to rich auto-ethnographic and ethnographic material. In doing so, I work with ethnographic material in novel ways and move beyond a previously held, more structuralist, archival and textual approach to genealogy. Exemplifying the benefits of genealogy, I show how intercultural training is implicated by other, more intertwined and local, power-effects than those considered by academia, such as intersections of gender (women trainers), job precariousness, dominant male professionalism, organizational pressures and personal agendas. In walking the reader through the construction of a sample genealogy, I provide academics with a concrete approach of how to challenge taken-for-granted scholarly assumptions and make more impactful contributions to practice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 115
Leen Arkhagha ◽  
Yousef Awad

This article adopts a literary analytical approach to illuminate the use of magical realism in the contemporary Anglophone Arab narrative of Leila Aboulela’s Bird Summons (2019). The study follows a methodology which combines two critical approaches to magical realism: first, a textual approach, and then a contextual one. Accordingly, the study uses key magical realist elements in Bird Summons to delineate the poetics of magical realism within the narrative, before determining the context in which magical realism functions in the narrative. Simultaneously, the study benefits from Christopher Warnes’s two strands of magical realism, ‘faith-based magical realism’ and ‘irreverent magical realism’ in providing a coherent basis for the use of magical realism in the text. This study aims at examining the significance of the magical realist narrative in articulating Arab British identity in Bird Summons. The analysis will interpret the role of magical realism in conveying and undermining the dominant ethnic and racial discourses which shape Arab British identities in Britain. The study’s findings demonstrate how the use of magical realism in the examined Anglophone Arab novel reinforces the fictional purposes of Aboulela as a hyphenated Arab, as it allows her to undermine dominant discourses on hyphenated Arab identities. At the same time, the use of magical realism allows Aboulela to (re)construct Arab British identities within her novel, apart from essentialist views of identity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Muhammad Fajri

<p>This paper describes the development of the study of the Quran in Indonesia. Through historical-analytical approach, it shows that since the arrival of Islam in Indonesia, the study of the Quran has always been developing. They were starting from oral translation until the birth of interpretive products with various dynamics in them. The research question is, what are the forms of the dynamics of the study of the Quran in Indonesia. This study shows that the study of the Quran in Indonesia is moving dynamically, especially in terms of language characters and paradigms. The languages and characters used vary, ranging from Arabic and Arabic script to local-national languages and scripts (Indonesian and Latin characters), such as <em>jawi, lontara</em>, and <em>pegon</em>. Furthermore, the paradigm is also dynamic, such as textual and contextual approaches. The textual approach has characteristics dealing with the linguistic area and historical context of the Quran, not touching the context in which the Quranic verse is studied. Then the contextual approach, which is not only a linguistic aspect but also pays attention to the context both when the Quran was revealed and the context in which the Quran lives, to see the universal meaning of the Quran. In Indonesia, contextual approaches have started in the reformative or modern-contemporary era, at the end of the 20th century AD, and have developed until now<em>.</em></p><p><em>Tulisan ini menjelaskan tentang perkembangan kajian </em><em>a</em><em>l</em><em> </em><em>Quran di Indonesia. Melalui pendekatan historis-analitis</em><em> </em><em>dapat diketahui bahwa s</em><em>ejak masuknya Islam ke Indonesia, kajian al Quran selalu mengalami perkembangan. Berawal dari terjemahan secara lisan, hingga lahirnya produk-produk tafsir dengan berbagai dinamika di dalamnya. Pertanyaan yang ingin dijawab dalam penelitian ini adalah terkait apa saja bentuk dinamika kajian al Quran yang terjadi di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kajian al Quran di Indonesia bergerak dinamis, terutama dalam aspek bahasa-aksara dan paradigma.  Bahasa dan aksara yang dipakai beragam, mulai dari bahasa dan aksara Arab sampai pada bahasa dan aksara lokal-nasional (bahasa Indonesia dan aksara latin), seperti aksara jawi, lontara, dan pegon. Sedangkan paradigmapun juga dinamis, yaitu pendekatan tekstual dan kontekstual.  Pendekatan tekstual memiliki karaktersitik berkutat pada wilayah linguistik dan konteks sejarah al Quran, tidak menyinggung konteks di mana ayat al Quran itu dikaji. Kemudian pendekatan kontekstual yang tidak hanya aspek linguistiknya saja, tetapi juga memerhatikan konteks saat al Quran itu diturunkan maupun konteks dimana al Quran itu hidup  untuk melihat makna universal al Quran. </em><em>Di I</em><em>ndonesia, Pendekataan kontekstual sudah mulai terjadi di era reformatif atau modern-kontemporer</em><em>, </em><em>akhir abad ke-20 M</em><em> dan berkembang sampai sekarang.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (19) ◽  
pp. 89
Spyridon Chairetis

This paper examines how Greek television fiction introduced and represented lesbian characters during primetime. Drawing on feminist and queer theory and taking the codes and conventions of the comedy genre into account, the paper reveals Greek comedy’s elusive and ambiguous stances towards heteronormativity. By applying a qualitative textual approach, the paper argues that despite their subversive potentialities, the television shows in question (re)produce cultural stereotypes about lesbian identity, invest in queerbaiting strategies and play down the transgressive elements of certain lesbian characters. Despite this critique, the paper stresses the importance of recording, archiving, and further exploring such ephemeral moments in television history in understanding how small national television industries as well as audiences have engaged with the visual representation of gender and sexual diversity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 103
Rudy Wiratama

Pakubuwana IV (reigned 1788-1820) despite of his popularity in political history and literature, also considered a founder of the iconography and performance principles of Surakartanese style wayang kulit (shadow puppet) as written in the pengětan (i.e. “memorial”) texts, particularly in Surakarta version. The pengětan text genre as a literary work was rarely studied and only taken for granted by the puppeteers in Java because of its legitimative and semi-mythological nature. It leads to an uncertainty about the facts contained inside and causing a dispute in the society. This article would objectively discover about “how was the real influence of Pakubuwana IV in the Surakartanese style wayang kulit’s history and development?” and “did pengětan text were able to provide objective facts in minor field of historiography, including art history?”  This article aims to discover the real influence of Pakubuwana IV in Surakarta-style wayang kulit history and development through textual approach using pengětan texts comparison as the its method, along with contextual approach with the contemporary wayang artefacts. The result of this research shows that Pakubuwana IV gave a crucial contribution in Surakarta-style wayang kulit. On the other hand, critical readings of pengětan manuscripts are needed to analyze the historical and political nature on its narrative so it could give a much comprehensive facts dealing with art and culture historiography.

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