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book value
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Dr. S. Kamalasaravanan ◽  
Dr. M. Bhuvaneswari ◽  
Ms. V. Kanimozhi ◽  
Mr. S. Saravanan

All investment is the allocation of money to assets that are expected to yield some gain over a period of time. One of the best high risk and return investments was buying shares in stock exchange. Through these fundamental and technical analysis helps to reduce the risk. The fundamental analysis is used to understand the trend and growth of the economic, industry and company. For this analysis investor used many tools like EPS, PE ratio, Book value, ROE, etc. The technical analysis is used to understand price moment of the stocks and index. For this analysis investor used many tools like Trend, Support and Resistance, RSI, MACD, etc. From this study investors can able to understand and find low risk stocks in Nifty Private Bank. There is no analysis tools and strategy to find the risk free stock. This analysis helps to find the profitable stocks in Nifty Private Bank.

Among Makarti ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Astohar Astohar ◽  
Sinta Ratna Pratiwi

Hasil penelitian terdahulu menunjukkan terjadi gap pengaruh antara non performing loan (NPL) dan net interest margin (NIM) terhadap return saham. Selain itu juga ada rekomendasi untuk membuat model penelitian factor – factor yang mempengaruhi return saham perbankan yang go public secara bertingkat (Struktural). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 43 perbankan go public. Besar sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 35 bank dengan metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling, sehingga jumlah observasi sebanyak 210 observasi. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah menggunakan persamaan regresi linier berganda dan sobel test (uji mediasi). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ­non performing loan (NPL) terbukti mempunyai pengaruh negative dan signifikan terhadap price book to value (PBV) dan return saham. Net interest margin (NIM) terbukti mempunyai pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Price book to value (PBV) dan return saham. Price to book value mampu memediasi pengaruh net interest margin (NIM) terhadap return saham perbankan yang go public di Indonesia akan tetapi tidak mampu memediasi pada variable non performing loan (NPL)

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-197
Sulis Tiono ◽  
Bambang Sugeng Dwiyanto

Stock price fluctuations are natural and almost occur in all companies in various sectors, including companies in the oil mining sector so that price changes affect the company's financial performance and stock prices which can be analyzed fundamentally using financial ratios to aspects in the financial statements. The framework of this research is to analyze the effect of financial ratios on stock prices. The population and sample used are oil mining sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2014-2018. The sampling method used is purposive sampling or judgmental sampling. Sources of data used are secondary data in the form of financial statements. The tool used for data collection is through the method of observation and analysis of the company's financial statements. The results showed, based on the t test value, stock prices were positively influenced by Return on Equity (ROE), Book Value (BV) and Price to Book Value (PBV), while negatively influenced by Debt To Equity Ratio (DER) and Net Profit. Margins (NPM). Based on the F test value, stock prices are positively influenced by ROE, DER, NPM, Earnings Per Share (EPS), BV, and PBV. Based on the coefficient of determination test (R2), stock prices are strongly influenced by ROE, DER, NPM, BV, and PBV by 91.5% and influenced by other variables by 8.5%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Mustaruddin Saleh ◽  

The study was conducted to evaluate and analyze the factors that influence the value of the company, using 3 (three) alternative regression models, namely the stock market value; share price to book value; and the rate of return as a proxy for company value. Using the stratified random sampling technique, 22 companies were listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange over a 10-year period from 2009 to 2018. The appropriate panel data estimation method for analyzing the regression model in this study used the fixed effect model (FEM). Regression results show that the variable of debt to total asset (DAR), return of asset (ROA) and gross profit margin (GPM) significantly influenced the value of the company measured by price to book value (PBV) as the dependent variable. For further research has to pay attention to differences in industry characteristics and also consider to use of other variables, such as age the company and the level of risk of the company that measures with the market model, so that it is possible to get better estimation results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-105
Iin Tamarisa ◽  
Mukhzarudfa Mukhzarudfa ◽  
Wiralestari Wiralestari

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh return on assets (ROA), debt to equity ratio (DER), non performing loan (NPL), good corporate governance (GCG) terhadap return saham dimoderasi oleh price book value (PBV). Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) periode 2015-2019. Pemilihan sampel ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda dan Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) dengan prosedur statistik menggunakan software SPSS versi 25. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan return on assets (ROA), debt to equity ratio (DER), non performing loan (NPL), good corporate governance (GCG) berpengaruh terhadap return saham. Berdasarkan hasil uji interaksi MRA, price book value (PBV) dapat memoderasi pengaruh return on assets (ROA), debt to equity ratio (DER), non performing loan (NPL), good corporate governance (GCG).

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
Ming Chen

The purpose of this study is to test empirically whether the size of the board of commissioners can moderate the broad relationship of intellectual capital disclousure to firm value. In this study, the size of board of commissioners is measured by the nymber of commissioners is measured by the number of commissioners in the company. Intellectual capital dislosure is measured by the ICD Index which consists of 25 items. Meanwhil, the company value uses price book value. The sample of this research is banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2016 to 2020. This study uses the MRA model and uses SPSS as a testing tool

2021 ◽  
pp. jpm.2021.1.322
Feifei Li

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 2785-2796
Ines Ghazouani ◽  
Nadia Basty

This study investigates the impact of banks' diversified income structure on profitability among Tunisian banks during 2010-2018. We examine banks’ profitability using accounting and market measures as relevant indicators. We focus on each category of non-interest income separately rather than on non-interest income as an overall measure to provide a clearer analysis helping bank managers assess relevant strategies, and show that income structure diversification enhances banks’ profitability, albeit with their mixed effects. The empirical analysis of panel data indicates that Tunisian bank’s market-to-book value is very sensitive to all types of non-interest income. Banking activity diversification improves stock market profitability particularly in large banks and a safe macroeconomic environment. However, only fees and commissions incomes increase Tunisian banks’ assets profitability. Positive fees and commissions incomes’ effect is more pronounced for large banks and in a deflationary environment. We conclude by recommending to Tunisian banks, the diversification of their activities and the search for non-interest income while trying to control the costs of adopting these innovations, to take the necessary precautions, and to develop their personal skills.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-128
Irvan Liunardi Senjaya

This research is aimed at analyzing the valuation of BUMN shares with the dividend discounted model and economic value added model. This study is also aimed to teach early or novice investors about financial statement analysis, which contains information about companies' finances and companies' actions in the following years. Financial statement analysis is not limited to the Price-to-Earnings Ratio (P/E Ratio) and Price-to-Book Value (PBV). There are various analyses that can be used, such as the dividend discounted model aiming to find the company's intrinsic value and economic value added aiming to find economic value that will benefit investors. For this research, the researchers need 12 state-owned-enterprises (SOEs) to be used as samples and secondary data. The data used for this research are financial statements (2015-2019 period) and dividends per share (2015-2019 period). The data used were obtained before the event of CoVID-19. The results show that from the dividend discounted model and economic value added, 7 out of 12 SOEs are undervalued and have economic value for investors.             

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