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Vladislav Zamaldinov ◽  
Daiki Horiguchi

The article examines the structural features of neologisms associated with coronavirus pandemic based on the texts of mass media and Internet communication. The paper uses such research methods as the continuous sampling method, the general scientific descriptive and analytical method, the methods of word-formation, structural and semantic analysis of neologisms. The authors analyzed the nominal derivatives of conventional (addition, prefix, suffixation, affixation) and occasional (inter-word overlap, graphic hybridization, substitution derivation) methods of word formation in media texts. The key elements of the sociocultural space (virus, quarantine, coronavirus, masks, etc.) that evoke negative associations in the addressee are identified. Having found and analysed nominations with the corona component, the researchers proved that this element tends to demonstrate the features of prefixoid. Neologisms with corona component are critical phenomena, negative changes in the economy, tourism, politics; they denote the living conditions that have developed during the coronavirus infection, etc. It is shown that the vocabulary of the modern Russian language is actively replenished with verbal neologisms, which areused to add expressiveness to media text; they correlate with actual phenomena of public life. The authors conclude that "coronavirus" neologisms participate in creating the expressiveness of the text, reflect reality, and allow journalists to deliver their own opinion. The results of the conducted research contribute to word-formation neology, media linguistics, can be useful to students of philological specialties, lecturers and tutors, as well as to anyone interested in active processes, which occur in the modern Russian language.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
A. P. Rasenchuk ◽  
V. Yu. Yukhnovskyi

The results of the study of the fractional composition, structure and formation of forest litter in water protection pine plantations, which grow in the predominant moist forest vegetation conditions of Zhytomyr Polissia, are presented. The age range of stands varies between 18 and 85 years. It is established that water-protected pine stands in wet hygrotopes accumulate significant reserves of forest litter, which ranges from 33.0 t/ha in young plantations 77.0 t/ha in mature stands. The distribution of forest litter throughout area in most stands is uniform, although in young plantations its greater share is accumulated between rows. In terms of composition, the forest litter of pure pines is characterized by a medium dense structure, and in pines with an admixture of deciduous species, the litter is usually loose, due to the presence of annual fallen leaves in its upper horizon. The thickness of forest litter between rows of young plantations varies within and 2.6-2.9 cm without its clear distribution on the horizons. In medieval plantations, the horizons of the litter are already clearly distinguished. The total thickness of the litter is 4.0–4.3 cm. In the pre mature and mature pine stands the thickness of the forest litter profile varies between 6.0–6.3 cm. In the stands of older age groups the forest litter has mainly a three-layer structure. The trend of intensive accumulation of forest litter in the conditions of wet boreal and sub boreal conditions with the age of maturity is revealed. In pre mature plantations, the accumulation of litter slows down and in mature plantations; the processes of accumulation and decomposition of litter are leveled. The tendency of predominance of the active part and, accordingly, reduction of the inactive fraction of litter in the pre mature and mature plantations of wet sub boreal site compared to boreal conditions is indicated, which indicates more active processes of mineralization of litter in wet subboreal conditions.

2021 ◽  
pp. 139-158
E. V. Shchenikova ◽  
E. A. Zhdanova

We consider non-derivatives of the holophrastic type (holofrasemes), which are reduced to a generalized word-formation model «S1 + zhe/zh + S2». The relevance of the study is due to the noticeable productivity of this model in the informal segment of the Runet — a dynamically developing system that clearly reflects many active processes in the Russian national language and is capable of influencing the speech practice of native speakers in other communicative environments. Various approaches to understanding the method of creating the considered non-derivatives are indicated, as well as to the interpretation of the term “holophrasis”. Particular attention is paid to the lexemes yazhemat and onizhedeti, that have become entrenched in the Internet discourse, which can be regarded as the conceptual and structural basis of the model under consideration. The novelty of the research is seen in the detailed typologization of holophrasemes — the model representatives on a number of structural and functional-semantic grounds. The types of such units are presented by objects and grounds of nomination, by the degree of connectivity of the components. Varieties of the generalized model are given, distinguished by the morphological (and in some cases, syntactic) expression of the producing units; groups of structural and semantic anomalies accompanying the creation of holophrastic derivatives are considered. The questions about the inclusion of holophrasemes in derivational processes as producing words, as well as about the morphemization of components like yazhe, tyzhe are touched upon.

N. M. Danilchuk ◽  
L. I. Boyko

The content of the main pigments of photosynthesis in the leaves of species of the genus Betula L. was determined. It is shown that the largest number of pigments during the growing season accumulate large-leaved birches pubescens and B. pendula. Until the end of the vegetation period, there will be a number of carotenoidsin the leaves of all studied birches, while more active processes are accumulated in the leaves of small-leaved birches B. fusca and B. humilis.

2021 ◽  
Daria A. Egorova ◽  
Andrey A. Solovyev ◽  
Nikita B. Polyakov ◽  
Ksenya A. Danilova ◽  
Anastasya A. Scherbakova ◽  

Extracellular matrix plays a pivotal role in biofilm biology. Despite importance of matrix proteins as potential targets for development of antibacterial therapeutics little is known about matrix proteomes. While P. aeruginosa is one of the most important pathogens with emerging antibiotic resistance only few studies are devoted to matrix proteomes and there are no studies describing matrix proteome for any clinical isolates. As matrix responsible for some extracellular functions, it is expected that protein composition should be different in comparison with embedded in biofilm cells and this difference reflects possible active processes in matrix. Here we report the first matrix proteome for clinical isolate of P. aeruginosa in comparison with embedded cells. We have identified the largest number of proteins in matrix among all published studies. Ten proteins were unique for matrix and not present inside cells, but most of these proteins do not have well described function with respect to extracellular component of biofilm. Functional classification of enriched in matrix proteins resulted in several bioprocess groups of proteins. Top three groups were: oxidation-reduction processes, nucleoside metabolism and fatty acid synthesis. Finally, we discuss obtained data in prism of possible directions for antibiofilm therapeutic development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-28
Yevgeniya A. Zhuravleva ◽  
Atirkul E. Agmanova

The diversity and specificity of cultures and languages of ethnic groups, living on the territory of Kazakhstan, create a special socio-cultural context of the Eurasian space, demonstrating the model of modern interethnic linguistic and socio-cultural interaction. Uniqueness of social and communicative space of the country, characterized by the dominance of the state Kazakh and Russian languages - languages of two large ethnic groups - against a background of great linguistic diversity, determines the significance of the study of their interaction and mutual influence in the context of a multicultural society. This paper analyzes the issues of language interaction in polyethnic state, forms and methods of foreign language influence on Russian language. The issues of learning and functioning of the Russian language are considered as a native and as a second languauge. Active processes due to features of the interaction of the Kazakh and Russian languages are analyzed as 1) speech activity of ethnic Russians; 2) Russian speech of other ethnic groups; 3) learning and using Russian language by repatriates-Kazakhs and foreign citizens.

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
pp. 179-192

Исследование выполнено в русле актуального антропоцентрического направления в лингвистике и связано с изучением активных процессов в современном русском языке, отражающих динамику русского национального менталитета и русской языковой картины мира. В статье рассматривается такое глубинное свойство русской речи, как эмоциональность, которая проявляется в языковых ка-тегориях оценочности и интенсивности.Цель исследования – установление связи между категориями оценочности и интенсивности на материале словообразовательных и лексико-семантических единиц из лексикографических источ-ников и медийных текстов.В результате исследования охарактеризованы словообразовательные и лексико-семантические интенсификаторы в функционально-прагматическом аспекте. К словообразовательным интенси-фикаторам относятся словообразовательные аффиксы, аффиксоиды (в основном размерно-оценоч-ной семантики) и отдельные способы словообразования (в частности некоторые разновидности способа сложения). К лексическим интенсификаторам относятся отдельные виды лексем: оценочно универсальные интенсификаторы; интенсификаторы, тяготеющие к выражению положительной или отрицательной оценки (в определенном контексте); интенсификаторы, выражающие (по сво-ей семантике) положительную или отрицательную оценку. В статье показано такое расширение функционального диапазона интенсификаторов, как оценочная амбивалентность размерно-оце-ночных аффиксов, оксюморонность и амбивалентность лексических интенсификаторов.Одним из векторов развития лексических интенсификаторов является синтагматическое рас-ширение, в результате которого в речи возникают и закрепляются всё новые словосочетания, не соответствующие традиции употребления и нарушающие сложившиеся правила лексической со-четаемости, закрепленные в словарях. Расширение сочетаемости служит условием семантических и оценочных трансформаций интенсификатора. Употребление интенсификатора в оценочно дис-сонирующем окружении выполняет в тексте определенные прагматические и стилистические цели (повышение экспрессивности текста, создание эффекта оксюморона, иронии или шутки). При этом обилие таких употреблений в медийных, художественных тестах и в разговорной речи, а также по-вторяемость моделей синтагматического смещения говорит о динамике развития оценки в классе лексических интенсификаторов в русском языке новейшего периода. Оценочное расширение, когда «положительно ориентированные» интенсификаторы вторгаются в зону негативных явлений, и на-оборот, негативные характеристики – в зону явлений позитивных, рассматривается как тенденция к снятию оценочных ограничений и к универсализации оценки.Явления, описанные в статье, в целом показывают развитие семантической категории интенсив-ности в русском языке XXI века, находящее выражение в динамике таких ее составляющих, как способы словообразования, словообразовательные единицы, лексические единицы.The research is based on the current anthropocentric trend in linguistics and is related to the study of active processes in the modern Russian language reflecting the dynamics of the Russian national mentality and the Russian linguistic image of the world. The paper considers such a deep property of Russian speech as emotionality, which is manifested in the language categories of evaluation and intensity.The purpose of the research is to establish the relationship between the categories of evaluation and intensity based on the material of word-building and lexical-semantic units from lexicographic sources and media texts.As a result of the research, word-building and lexical-semantic intensifiers are characterized in the functional-pragmatic aspect. Word-building intensifiers include word-formative affixes, affixoids (mainly of dimensional-evaluative semantics), and various means of word-building (in particular, some varieties of composition). Lexical intensifiers include certain types of lexemes: evaluative universal intensifiers; intensifiers that tend to express positive or negative evaluation (in a certain context); intensifiers that express (by their semantics) positive or negative evaluation. The paper shows such an extension of the functional range of intensifiers as the estimated ambivalence of dimensional-evaluative affixes, oxymoron quality, and the ambivalence of lexical intensifiers.One of the vectors of the development of lexical intensifiers is syntagmatic expansion, which results in emerging in speech and fixing new word combinations that do not correspond to the tradition of usage and violate the established rules of lexical compatibility fixed in dictionaries. The combinability extension serves as a condition for semantic and evaluative transformations of the intensifier. The use of an intensifier in an evaluative dissonant environment fulfils certain pragmatic and stylistic goals in the text (increasing the expressiveness of the text, creating the effect of an oxymoron, irony, or joke). The abundance of such instances of use in media texts, literary works, and spoken language as well as the repeatability of syntagmatic bias models indicates the dynamics of evaluation in the class of lexical intensifiers in the Russian language of the modern period. Evaluation expansion, when “positively oriented” intensifiers invade the zone of negative phenomena, and vice versa, negative characteristics in the zone of positive phenomena, is considered as a tendency to remove evaluation restrictions and to universalize evaluation.The phenomena described in the paper generally show the development of the semantic category of intensity in the Russian language of the 21st century, which is expressed in the dynamics of its components, such as word-building means, word-building units, and lexical units.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 839-854
V. V. Gavrilyuk ◽  
T. V. Gavrilyuk

The article considers the social self-identification of the Russian working youth and its class identity. The relevance of the topic is due to the need to search for basic indicators of the identity of the working class in the post-industrial era as connected with the fundamental differences between wage labour in the service sectors from the labour of industrial workers. The article presents an overview of contemporary concepts of multiple and fragmented identity, outlines the main vectors of controversy in the debates on identification processes and identity politics in contemporary societies; describes the basic features of the identification of the working class in the post-industrial era - the nature and content of labour; ownership of property and participation in the management of the enterprise. The contemporary working class is defined as a nonhomogeneous entity with internal differentiation determined by such factors as the form of employment, sphere of employment, income level, lifestyle and cultural capital. The empirical part of the research was implemented in the Ural Federal District in 2018 based on the mass and expert surveys. The results of the study prove that there are active processes of class formation in the Russian society; therefore, we need to revive the class approach to the description of the social structure. More than 50% of young people from the traditional industrial working class still identify themselves as members of this social group, while the same applies only to every third worker of routine service; and identification with the middle class loses popularity. The empirical data show the paradoxical nature of the working-class thinking and the instability of its basic orientations. The contradictory assessments and statements of the respondents confirm the vagueness of their class consciousness and the instability of their class identity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
pp. 600-609
Svitlana Tulchynska ◽  
Oleksandr Solosich ◽  
Maksym Marych ◽  
Nataliia Marusiak ◽  
Oksana Lashuk

Within the article, a methodical approach to assessing economic security of regional economic systems in the context of digitalization, which is built using a systems approach, is proposed. The sequence of stages of the economic security assessment of regional economic systems in the conditions of digitalization is offered. To assess security of economic systems, it is justified to use the method of the hierarchical cluster analysis, which involves initial consideration of each of the objects as a separate cluster and then to combine them according to the similarity criterion until two final clusters are formed. The approbation of the offered methodical approach to the analysis of economic safety of economic systems in the conditions of active processes of digitization on an example of the regions of Ukraine is carried out.

Elena I. Golovanova ◽  

This article considers the active processes occurring in the Russian language during the coronavirus pandemic. Specific changes in the vocabulary are described, new phenomena in lexical semantics in various spheres of communication are identified. Primary attention is given to the changes in the active vocabulary of the literary language, the sources of new words, and the assimilation of foreign borrowings that are highly relevant for communication in this period. According to the author, the most important processes taking place in the Russian language include intellectualization of the common literary language, i.e. the introduction of highly specialized terms of medicine, virology, and immunotherapy (saturation, contagiousness, antibodies, etc.); activation of a number of words due to the current events (regime, quarantine, vaccine, etc.) and expansion of their collocations; active derivational processes in the course of assimilation of loan words (covid, coronavirus, pandemic, etc.) and adaptation of existing words to the new reality (remote working, distance learning, etc.); actualization of individual lexical and grammatical categories of words (substantivized adjectives and nouns ending in -tion); dynamic processes in lexical semantics (semantic neologisms, enantiosemy); formation of multicomponent synonym sets and variants of nomination (covid, coronavirus, new coronavirus infection, etc.); widespread use of figurative names (red zone, peak in morbidity, immune response, viral load, second wave, etc.). Concrete examples show that the new reality has expanded the range of social practices, whose language reflects the values and pragmatic attitudes characteristic of the current moment.

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