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software interface
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T. L. Choon ◽  
L. C. Ho ◽  
U. Ujang ◽  
T. A. Chin ◽  
N. S. Azri ◽  

Abstract. Cadastral fabric is perceived as a feasible solution to improve the speed, efficiency and quality of the cadastral measurement data to implement Positional Accuracy Improvement (PAI) and to support Coordinated Cadastral System (CCS) and Dynamic Coordinated Cadastral System (DCCS) in Malaysia. In light of this, this study aims to propose a system to upgrade the positional accuracy of the existing cadastral system through the utilisation of the cadastral fabric system. A comprehensive investigation on the capability of the proposed system is carried out. A total of four evaluation aspects is incorporated in the study to investigate the feasibility and capability of the software, viz. performance of geodetic least squares adjustment, quality assurance techniques, supporting functions, and user friendliness. This study utilises secondary data obtained from the Department of Surveying and Mapping Malaysia (DSMM). The test area is coded as Block B21701 which is located in Selangor, Malaysia. Results show that least square adjustment for the entire network is completed in a timely manner. Various quality assurance techniques are implementable, namely error ellipses, magnitude of correction vectors and adjustment trajectory, as well as inspection of adjusted online bearings. In addition, the system supports coordinate versioning, coordinates of various datum or projection. Last but not least, user friendliness of the system is identified through the software interface, interaction and automation functions. With that, it is concluded that the proposed system is highly feasible and capable to create a Cadastral Fabric to improve the positional accuracy of existing cadastral system used in Malaysia.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 100-105
Aleksey Skrypnikov ◽  
Vladimir Denisenko ◽  
Oksana Stukalo ◽  
M. Krasyuk ◽  
V. Toropcev

In the realities of the pandemic, chat bots have become indispensable helpers. They do not need a lot of resources and constant human control. A method of interacting with social networks through a specialized software interface Web API, which is the basis of the REST architecture, is considered. The basic structure of requests for receiving and sending data to servers is presented. On the example of the implementation of a chatbot for vk.com, capable of automating a dialogue with users, the main design stages are presented, including the requirements for the implementation and operation mode based on the client-server architecture, implementation and testing. The project server is implemented on a Raspberry Pi4 single-board computer. Demonstrated code for performing basic queries and implemented a Long Polling approach to continuously track and distribute user messages. Methods were formed to obtain the necessary resources from the server, to declare a new resource on the server, to update information on the server, and to delete certain objects from the database. The result was a patented software product "Intelligent assistant of VSUIT for social networks".

2022 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
Nisa Rubina Pereira Souto Rosa ◽  
Maria Alice dos Santos Curado ◽  
Maria Adriana Pereira Henriques

Resumo Objetivo analisar a percepção dos pais sobre as práticas de educação em saúde desenvolvidas pelos enfermeiros na Unidade Neonatal que facilitaram a aquisição de competências parentais para uma tomada de decisão fundamentada. Método estudo exploratório e descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa. Participaram 13 pais com filhos internados, pela primeira vez, em uma Unidade Neonatal portuguesa. Os dados foram colhidos entre fevereiro e agosto de 2020, por meio de grupos focais, processados no software Interface de R pour Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionneires, através da Classificação Hierárquica Descendente e da Análise de Similitude. Resultados da Classificação Hierárquica Descendente, emergiram quatro classes: “Necessidades de informação”, “Lacunas na informação”, “Disponibilidade para informar”; “Práticas facilitadoras da educação em saúde”. Conclusão e implicações para a prática os pais consideraram como práticas facilitadoras da educação em saúde a tecnologia digital aliada à disponibilidade dos enfermeiros para informar e explicar, bem como propiciar um ambiente empático e informal. Tal resultado pode subsidiar o desenvolvimento de intervenções de enfermagem de educação em saúde para pais na Unidade Neonatal, com recurso à tecnologia digital.

Oleksandr Bondarenko ◽  
Anton Smagliy

The article describes the method of calculating the aerodynamic loads of the aircraft, which can be programmed within the graphic user interface. The method uses statistical data of typical aerodynamic profiles flow in wind tunnels and mathematical expressions that describe the known laws of aerohydromechanics. The graphic user interface is tested by a model of the famous Ukrainian aircraft A32 that manufactured by Aeropract company. A surface model of the aircraft for modeling consists of the theoretical surface for the wing and the fuselage. A comparison of the formula’s calculation in the graphical interface and finite element calculations is given. The software interface is built in C #.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 119
Cristina Bayón ◽  
Gabriel Delgado-Oleas ◽  
Leticia Avellar ◽  
Francesca Bentivoglio ◽  
Francesco Di Tommaso ◽  

Recent advances in the control of overground exoskeletons are being centered on improving balance support and decreasing the reliance on crutches. However, appropriate methods to quantify the stability of these exoskeletons (and their users) are still under development. A reliable and reproducible balance assessment is critical to enrich exoskeletons’ performance and their interaction with humans. In this work, we present the BenchBalance system, which is a benchmarking solution to conduct reproducible balance assessments of exoskeletons and their users. Integrating two key elements, i.e., a hand-held perturbator and a smart garment, BenchBalance is a portable and low-cost system that provides a quantitative assessment related to the reaction and capacity of wearable exoskeletons and their users to respond to controlled external perturbations. A software interface is used to guide the experimenter throughout a predefined protocol of measurable perturbations, taking into account antero-posterior and mediolateral responses. In total, the protocol is composed of sixteen perturbation conditions, which vary in magnitude and location while still controlling their orientation. The data acquired by the interface are classified and saved for a subsequent analysis based on synthetic metrics. In this paper, we present a proof of principle of the BenchBalance system with a healthy user in two scenarios: subject not wearing and subject wearing the H2 lower-limb exoskeleton. After a brief training period, the experimenter was able to provide the manual perturbations of the protocol in a consistent and reproducible way. The balance metrics defined within the BenchBalance framework were able to detect differences in performance depending on the perturbation magnitude, location, and the presence or not of the exoskeleton. The BenchBalance system will be integrated at EUROBENCH facilities to benchmark the balance capabilities of wearable exoskeletons and their users.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (23) ◽  
pp. 8144
Hsiao-Hsien Lin ◽  
Chih-Chien Shen ◽  
I-Cheng Hsu ◽  
Pei-Yi Wu

Using Meizhou City as an example, the aim of this study was to verify whether e-bike sharing systems can improve the convenience of engaging in leisure and tourism activities in cities, and thus increase residents’ well-being. First, quantitative research was carried out to collect data on users’ opinions. Then, qualitative research was carried out to obtain the opinions of experts. Finally, the investigation was conducted using multivariate review analysis. The results of the research showed that e-bikes should be classified based on electric quantity, the rental fee should be charged based on mileage, and the relevant corporate information should be integrated. It is also necessary to develop a software interface with functions for users to rent e-bikes and search for information related to consumption, leisure, and travel activities, and make promotion plans. Finally, people need to be encouraged to cycle to obtain the benefits of leisure and exercise. In this manner, the convenience of participation in leisure and tourism activities can be increased, people’s physical and mental health will be substantially improved, and the happiness index of the people and the city will increase.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (9 (113)) ◽  
pp. 17-29
Andrii Sahun ◽  
Vladyslav Khaidurov ◽  
Valeriy Lakhno ◽  
Ivan Opirskyy ◽  
Vitalii Chubaievskyi ◽  

This paper analyzes ways to improve the cryptographic strength of the symmetric block cipher RC5. The task to enhance the stability of the classic RC5 cipher is explained by the fact that it is part of various open cryptographic libraries and is frequently used in practice. Several methods have been considered, applying which theoretically contributes to improving the stability of cryptographic transformations. It is found that unlike other alternatives (increasing the number of rounds, the length of the key, and the encryption block), the use of nonlinear shift functions does not increase the computational complexity of the RC5 algorithm. The study result has helped build an analytical model that was implemented in the form of the MATLAB (USA) software application. The software interface provides the ability to manually change the encryption parameters of the RC5 crypto algorithm. The resulting upgrade of the RC5 crypto algorithm has been tested on different sets of input data during encryption and decryption. The resulting modification also does not lead to an increase in the calculation time but makes it possible to improve the resistance to hacking the encrypted data by several orders of magnitude (210), provided that differential analysis methods are used and the number of rounds is 14. For one of the nonlinear functions used, resistance to the differential cryptoanalysis used increased by 212 times already in the eleventh round of encryption. The reliability of the improved cryptosystem has been confirmed by the absence of statistical correlation between the blocks of incoming messages and output blocks, the absence of collisions at which it is possible to obtain the same sequences of bits at the output with different messages at the input. The resulting algorithm could be applied in computer systems with low computing performance

2021 ◽  
Shaoyan Gong ◽  
Chenghao Wang ◽  
Xiaolong Zhang ◽  
Shan Liu ◽  
Weihua Xu ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Ricardo Mendes de Souza ◽  
Rildécio Medeiros Filho ◽  
Darlyane De Lima e Silva ◽  
Cláudia Cristiane Filgueira Martins Rodrigues ◽  
Pétala Tuani Candido de Oliveira Salvador

O Programa Nacional de Segurança do Paciente prioriza em suas diretrizes a inclusão do tema nos currículos dos cursos de formação em saúde de nível técnico, superior e de pós-graduação, além da promoção de capacitação continuada para gestores e profissionais de saúde em segurança do paciente. Neste estudo, destaca-se a relevância desta reflexão no âmbito dos cursos de formação de gestores em saúde como mecanismo de subsidiar a profissionalização de gestores qualificados com a compreensão sobre qualidade em saúde e segurança do paciente. Essa pesquisa objetivou desvelar a concepção de docentes e discentes de Gestão Hospitalar sobre a segurança do paciente. Trata-se de estudo descritivo, transversal, de abordagem qualitativa, com a participação de dezenove docentes e doze discentes. Os dados decorrentes dos questionários de caracterização foram tabulados e analisados a partir de estatística descritiva simples. Já os dados textuais provenientes das entrevistas foram transcritos e analisados com suporte do software Interface de R pour Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionneires (IRAMUTEQ). Foram analisadas seis classes que emergiram das entrevistas com os sujeitos de pesquisa, cinco acerca das ações para a segurança do paciente – trabalho em equipe, processo de cuidado, cuidado multiprofissional, integração da gestão e cultura de segurança – e uma sobre as concepções sobre a segurança do paciente. Concluiu-se que a segurança do paciente deve perpassar por todos os profissionais, especialmente o gestor, que planejará recursos para que essas ações aconteçam. Assim, como estratégia, apresenta-se a capacitação dos gestores em saúde como caminho para fortalecer a cultura de segurança.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 481-489
Carolina Avance Assef ◽  
Danielle dos Santos Cutrim Garros ◽  
Jáima Pinheiro de Oliveira ◽  
Aila Narene Dahwache Criado Rocha

Introdução: A população brasileira vem mantendo tendência de envelhecimento, resultando em alterações nos aspectos físicos e cognitivos do indivíduo. Algumas dessas alterações podem diminuir a perda da oralidade e levar a dificuldade de interação do indivíduo com o coletivo. Objetivo: Buscamos identificar de que maneira a Comunicação Suplementar e Alternativa (CSA) vem sendo relacionada com o público idoso em produções científicas e como objetivo específico, buscou-se relações entre o uso de recursos de CSA e as atividades de vida diária (AVD) nesta população. Método: O levantamento de artigos foi realizado em quatro bases de dados (Scielo, BDTD, BIREME e PubMed). Foram incluídos somente estudos que apresentavam intervenções com o uso de CSA que envolvessem a população idosa e as AVD. A qualidade metodológica das investigações foi avaliada por meio do check-list PRISMA, sendo registrado no PROSPERO-International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews e para análise dos dados, foi utilizado o software Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires (IRaMuTeQ®). Resultados: Ao final das buscas foram obtidos um total de três artigos para compor o corpus de análise da revisão e todos foram avaliados com alta qualidade metodológica. As intervenções utilizadas nos estudos foram: confecções de álbuns e pranchas de CSA e livros de memória. Conclusão: Ao final da revisão ficou evidenciado que a CSA teve um impacto significativo para diferentes sujeitos, com diferentes intervenções que compuseram os estudos aqui apresentados.

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