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2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 220-243
Riaz A. Khan ◽  
Azra J. Khan

Abstract Endothelins (ETs), which are multi-functional-peptides with potential for antagonist-based-therapy in various physiological-malfunctionings, including cardiovascular, nephrological, oncologic, and diabetic conditions, may produce newer chemical entities and drug leads. The present study deals with molecular-modeling of the ETs’ sub-types, ET-I, II, and III to find the structure property-relationship (SPR) of the ETs, and individual fragments derived from the ET sub-type ET-I. The ETs peptidic tails’ amino acid (AA) sequence’s structural differences and similarities, various dissected fragments of the ET-I, and SPR comparison with the sarafotoxin-6b (SRT-6b), a structurally-related snake-venom, showed points of dissimilarities for their structural specifications, geometric disposition, and physico-chemical properties. The generation of miniaturized (shortened sequence) peptides towards offering peptidomimetic compounds of near- and far-values compared SPR with estimations for log P, hydration energy, and other molecular and quantitative structure activity relationship (QSAR) were based on random and ordered-fragments derived from the original ET-I AA’s sequence, and sequential distance changes in the original ET-I sequence’s chain of 1–21 AA. The feasibility of alternate and bond length parameters-based possible cysteine–cysteine cyclizations, sequence homology, AA’s positional demarcation, and presence/absence of cysteines, homology-based basic non-cysteine and cysteines-AA based cyclization, total structure and fragments end-to-end cyclizations, and geometrical analogy-based miniaturized sequence of the shorter AAs from the original ET-I sequence, together with mutated replacements with naturally constituent AAs of the ETs, and SRT-6 sequences were utilized. The major findings of the fragmented sequences, and sequences at par with the original ETs to provide structures similar to the size, volume and with molecular and electronic properties of electrostatic potential and total charge density distribution, crucial factors in receptor bindings were investigated. The SPRs, molecular properties, and QSAR values were estimated to compare and validate the findings with the known homologous compounds, ET-I, and its known and potent antagonists. The study resulted in leads of smaller and larger sizes of peptide-based compounds which may have prospects as potent antagonist and in future needs their bioactivity evaluations after the synthesis. Moreover, approach to plausible vesiculation of the ETs, and the involved processes and structural requirements, together with the molecular interactions in settling a nano-vesicle of the peptidic structure with a possible mechanism is also suggested.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (5) ◽  
pp. 346-353
E. V. Naidenova ◽  
M. Yu. Kartashov ◽  
K. S. Zakharov ◽  
A. P. Shevtsova ◽  
M. G. Diallo ◽  

Introduction. Acute febrile diseases kill more than 250,000 people annually in West Africa. Malaria and typhoid fever traditionally occupy most of the total structure of registered fevers. However, these data do not fully reflect the true overall disease patterns in the West African region. This is due to the fact that diagnosis is mainly based on the clinical signs of the infectious process, suggesting that a certain number of diseases may be caused by arboviruses. The detection of specific antibodies (ABs) to infectious pathogens in the blood sera of residents of a particular area is a reliable indicator of the circulation of these pathogens in a particular territory.The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of antibodies to a number of arboviruses: Dengue (DENV), West Nile (WNV) (family Flaviviridae), Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (orthonairo)virus (CCHFV), Batai (Batai virus), Bhanja (BHAV) (order Bunyavirales), Chikungunya (CHIKV), and Sindbis (SINV) (family Togaviridae) in the population of the Republic of Guinea.Material and methods. In total, a panel of 2,620 blood serum samples from people living in all landscape and geographical areas of Guinea was collected for the study. Detection of IgG antibodies was performed using an enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA).Results. In total, ABs to Batai virus were detected in 144 samples (5.5%), BHAV in 58 (2.2%), WNV in 892 (34.0 %), DENV in 659 (25.2 %), CCHFV in 58 (2.2 %), CHIKV in 339 (12.9 %), and SINV in 52 samples (2.0 %).Discussion. The obtained results indicate serological evidence of the spectrum of arboviruses in the population of all landscape and geographical zones of the Republic of Guinea, confirming their active circulation in this territory.Conclusion. Given the high epidemiological significance of arbovirus infectious diseases, it is an urgent task to continue studying its share in the structure of febrile diseases in the territory of the Republic of Guinea.

2021 ◽  
Andrzej Ziółkowski ◽  
Paweł Fuć ◽  
Aleks Jagielski ◽  
Maciej Bednarek

The share of road transport accounts for more than 85% of the total structure of freight transportation. In this process, mainly motor vehicles are used to carry out the freight work. In addition to them, forklifts are also used, whose task is to load and unload goods. These vehicles are categorized as NRMM (Non-Road Mobile Machinery). Forklift trucks have internal combustion or electric drive. The paper presents an analysis of the emission of pollutants and fuel consumption from forklift trucks equipped with diesel and LPG power. The study uses the author's test taking into account the raising/lowering of a pallet, a loaded and unloaded run. The measurements were made in the warehouse and outside the warehouse using the Porstable Emission Measurement System (PEMS) equipment. The aim was to show the influence of loading conditions on the emission of pollutants and fuel consumption.

Sergey Petrovich Armakov

According to the literature, about 3% of the world's population suffers from psoriasis; the highest prevalence is observed in the countries of Western Europe and Scandinavia, while this disease is less common among representatives of the Mongoloid and Negroid races. In different countries, the proportion of psoriasis is from 10 to 40% in the total structure of skin diseases. This pathological process has a multifactorial nature; it is based on hyperproliferation of keratinocytes with impaired differentiation, which clinically manifests itself in the form of damage to the skin, nails and joints. Psoriasis is one of the most common dermatoses; men and women suffer from it equally often. The triggering factor for the development of psoriasis can be a psychoemotional stressful situation, as well as the impact of other environmental factors, including hypothermia, trauma, infections, and taking certain medications. As a result of exposure to provoking endogenous and exogenous factors, autoimmune mechanisms, which are based on increased activity of T cells, are triggered. About 70% of psoriasis patients have mild to moderate severity of the disease. Despite the wide range of drugs used to treat psoriasis, they do not demonstrate high efficiency, and the prevalence of this pathology is growing every year. The existing methods of treatment help to cope with exacerbations and relieve inflammation, however, it is impossible to completely cure this disease, and the risk of relapse always remains. One of the tasks of doctors involved in the treatment of psoriasis is not only to reduce the severity of symptoms, but also to teach a patient suffering from psoriasis to live a full life and not depend to a large extent on the manifestations of the disease and the opinions of others.

Victor A. Dubrovsky ◽  

“Wave-piercing” super-planing trimaran with air-born unloading, WPT, is developing of “wave-piercing” catamaran, WPC, for twice bigger achievable speeds. As all fast vessels, WPT needs for minimal weight of hull structures. Using of pre-stressed structures is a novel method of hull weight decreasing. An example of such structure of WPT begins from external load estimation. And the scheme of pre-stressed structure is selected: two pairs of steel ropes along and across the WPT above-water structure. Than method of pre-strength is selected: constant or varied forces. Varied external loads define the need of varied pre-stress control. Estimation of the corresponded system weight: total structure of above-water platform can be decreased at about 20%. The method can be applied for airplane wings too.

2021 ◽  
Rongchao Jin ◽  
Li Tang ◽  
Along Ma ◽  
Cheng Zhang ◽  
Xuguang Liu ◽  

Rongchao Jin ◽  
Li Tang ◽  
Along Ma ◽  
Cheng Zhang ◽  
Xuguang Liu ◽  

2021 ◽  
Touafchia Boutheyna ◽  
Kadi Zahia ◽  
Redjaimia Lilia ◽  
Rached-Kanouni Malika

The objective of this study is the rational management of forest ecosystems for sustainable conservation of floristic biodiversity. Two types of analysis are carried out: structural analysis and analysis of the main species. A total of 22 families were identified, divided among 32 species. The dominant woody species are Quercus suber and Quercus canariensis. Fagaceae is the most represented family. The average values of species richness and Shannon diversity index are 4 ± 1.8 and 0.9 ± 0.30 species/plot respectively. The average density of woody species in the Oueld Bechih forest was 158 ± 28 tree/ha with an average basal area of 32.67 ± 0.74m²/ha. The height structure shows that trees in height classes is ≥ 6 has very high density, evidence of almost no natural regeneration. The total structure indicates that larger trees are more abundant. In effect, this work provides a database for the forest, but it represents only one facet to be considered in protecting and restoring it.

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