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story drift
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Bayi Bage

Abstract: ETABS Stand for Extended Three-Dimensional Analysis of Building systems. ETABS integrates every aspect of the engineering design process. In the present situations of construction industry, the buildings that are being constructed are gaining significance, in general those with the best possible outcomes which are referred to members like beams and columns in multi storeys R.C structures. This paper deals with the seismic analysis of regular B+G+26 story building with shear wall and G+B+10 Story building with different irregular shapes considering different shapes of shear wall at different locations has been carried out. Which can be done in ETABS taking all the considerations regarding codes and other factors into account. All the buildings were analyzed with the same method as stated in IS 1893-Part-1:2016. The effect of shear walls on lateral capacity of the building are examined because the seismic analysis of a frame depends upon the location and symmetry of shear wall. Present study shows the shear wall improves not only the lateral stiffness and strength capacity but also the displacement capacity of structure. Comparison of results been done of different models by comparing the parameters such as story drift, story displacement, story stiffness and base reaction. Therefore, as far as possible irregularities in a building must be avoided. But, if irregularities have to be introduced for any reason, they must be designed properly following the conditions of IS 13920:1993. The complex shaped buildings are now days getting popular, but they carry a risk of sustaining damages during earthquakes. Keywords ETABS Software; IS Code 1892-Part-1:2016; IS Code 13920:1993; IS Code 875-Part-1 and Part-2

Buildings ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 66
Zin Zin Tun ◽  
Anat Ruangrassamee ◽  
Qudeer Hussain

Buildings located in coastal regions are prone to tsunami dangers, which often carry debris in the form of shipping containers and boats. This paper presents an approach for the design of fender structures to minimize debris impacts on buildings. The impact of shipping containers, which are categorized as large debris, is considered in the study. Since the weights of shipping containers are standardized, the impact energy can be related to other debris. For a fender structure, cone-type rubber fenders are used to resist the impact of the shipping container. Various fender reactions are considered as parameters to study the efficiency of the fenders. The displacement-controlled nonlinear static analysis is carried out to determine the building capacity. The energy approach for shipping container impact is used to evaluate the resistance of the building. Capacity curves, energy absorptions, inter-story drift ratios of the buildings with and without a fender structure, and the efficiency of the fender are presented. The buildings with a fender structure can absorb the energy from the impact of a loaded shipping container. Conversely, the building without a fender structure cannot resist the impact of a loaded shipping container. From the obtained results, a recommendation is given for buildings with a fender structure. The hydrodynamic force on the fender structure is transferred to the main building through the fender. Hence, the yield force of the fenders affects the performance of the main building that must be considered in the design.

Somasundhara Naathan M ◽  
Dr Ramadevi K

Construction of building requires proper planning and management. Buildings are subjected to various loads such as dead load, live load, wind load and seismic load. Seismic load has extreme adverse effect on building so it is necessary to perform seismic analysis. This paper explains about the response of building when it is subjected to seismic load, this response can be shown by story drift and base shear. Behavior of buildings with stub columns is analyzed and the results are compared with buildings without stub columns. Seismic analysis has been performed on (G+7) buildings located in seismic zones 2,3,4&5 using ETABS software. Analysis has been performed according to IS 1893:PartI (2002).The storey drift and design base shear are evaluated and compared. Pushover analysis was performed and the results were compared.

2021 ◽  
Emad A. Elhout

Abstract In design steel frames, combining semi-rigid and rigid connections can result in better structural performance, particularly in seismic locations. In this study, the effects of semi-rigid beam-to-column connections located on the seismic performance of steel frame structures are investigated. The analysis uses six and twelve-story moment resisting steel frames (MRSF) with rigid, semi-rigid, and dual beam-column connections. These frames are designed according to the Egyptian design codes. Drain-2Dx computer program and seven earthquake ground motions are used in the non-linear dynamic analysis. The rotational stiffness of beam-to-column connections is indicated through the end fixity factors with a value equal to 0.6. The performances of these frames are evaluated through the roof drift ratio (RDR), the maximum story drift ratios (SDR), and the maximum column axial compression force (MACF). The results indicated that the quantities of fundamental periods, roof drift ratio, the story drift ratio, and the column axial compression force are related to stiffness, rigidity, and the number of semi-rigid connections in steel frames.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (12) ◽  
pp. 172
Paraskevi K. Askouni ◽  
George A. Papagiannopoulos

This paper investigates the seismic behavior of a class of mixed reinforced concrete­–­steel buildings. In particular, mixed buildings constructed by r/c (reinforced concrete) at their lower story(ies) and structural steel at their upper story(ies) are studied from the viewpoint of their wide application in engineering praxis. The need to investigate the seismic behavior for this type of mixed buildings arises from the fact that the existent literature is small and that modern seismic codes do not offer specific seismic design recommendations for them. To study the seismic behavior of mixed r/c-steel buildings, a 3-D numerical model is employed and five realistic r/c-steel mixed buildings are simulated. Two cases of the support condition, i.e., fixed or pinned, of the lowest steel story to the upper r/c one are examined. The r/c and steel parts of the mixed buildings are initially designed as separate structures by making use of the relevant seismic design guidelines of Eurocode 8, and then the seismic response of these buildings is computed through non-linear time-history analyses. The special category of near-fault seismic motions is selected in these time-history analyses to force the mixed r/c-steel buildings under study to exhibit a strong non-linear response. Seismic response indices in terms of inter-story drift ratio, residual inter-story drift ratio and peak floor absolute accelerations are computed. The maximum values of these indices are discussed by comparing the two aforementioned kinds of support conditions and checking the satisfaction of specific seismic performance limits. Conclusions regarding the expected seismic behavior of mixed r/c-steel buildings under near-fault seismic motions are drawn. Finally, the need to introduce specific design recommendations for mixed r/c-steel buildings in modern seismic codes is stressed.

Naveed Ahmad ◽  
Arifullah ◽  
Babar Ilyas ◽  
Sida Hussain

Experimental and numerical studies are presented evaluating the efficacy of a recycling technique applied to a 1:3 reduced scale damaged RC frame. The crumbled concrete at the beam-column connections was replaced with new high-strength concrete. Epoxy mortar was applied at the interface to secure bonding between the old and new concrete. Additionally, the connections were provisioned with steel haunches, applied below and above the beams. The retrofitted frame was tested under quasi-static cyclic loads. The lateral resistance-displacement hysteretic response of the tested frame was obtained to quantify hysteretic damping, derive the lateral resistance-displacement capacity curve, and develop performance levels. The technique improved the response of the frame; exhibiting an increase in the lateral stiffness, resistance and post-yield stiffness of the frame in comparison to the undamaged original frame. This good behaviour is attributed to the steel haunches installed at connections. A representative numerical model was calibrated in the finite element program SeismoStruct. A set of spectrum compatible ground motions were input to the numerical model for response history analysis. The story drift demands were computed for both the design basis and maximum considered earthquakes. Moreover, the technique was extended to a five-story frame, which was evaluated through nonlinear static pushover and response history analyses. Overstrength factor WR = 4.0 is proposed to facilitate analysis and preliminary design of steel haunches and anchors for retrofitting the low-/mid-rise RC frames.

Mr. Nitish A. Mohite

Abstract: In the study, three dimensional analytical models of G+20 story buildings have been generated and analysed using CSI ETABS software version 2016. The earthquake zone III in India is considered for buildings during analysis. Here, the analysis and design is done of G+20 story building with flat slab(with drops) and conventional slab system. In earthquake zone the displacement and drift of the structures will be more so to have more stiffness to the structure shear wall is to be provided therefore a study is made by comparing between conventional slab & flat slab (with drops) building. Comparison of various parameters like story drift, story displacement, story stiffness and time period is done. The equivalent static method is used to design and analyze the structures, as categorized by Indian Standard Code for earthquake resistant structures. The study shows that story drift is 10% more in conventional slab as compared to flat slab; story displacements is observed linearly increasing with height of the building and is 11% more in conventional slab as compared to flat slab . Keywords: Equivalent Static Method, Flat Slab, ETABS 2016, story displacement, story stiffness, story drift, time period

Buildings ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 593
Ali M. Memari ◽  
Nicholas Simmons ◽  
Ryan L. Solnosky

Curtain wall glazing systems are a major part of a building due to the multiple roles they have, including occupant protection against environmental effects and the transfer of loads to the structural system. From a structural perspective, limited analytical guidelines and methods exist to aid designers in their determination of the curtain wall performance without extensive simulation or laboratory testing. This study takes experimental data from full-scale, “unitized”, four-sided structural sealant glazing (4SSG) curtain wall system mockups featuring a re-entrant corner subjected to cyclic racking displacements in accordance with the American Architectural Manufacturers Association AAMA 501.6 protocol to derive and establish equations that predict the relative displacements of the glass relative to the glazing frame, based on the amount of inter-story drift. Through derivation and testing, sealant cohesive failure and glass cracking were identified as limit states and corresponding drift levels were determined to control many of the equations. Displacements from the newly derived equations were correlated to the effective shear strain value experienced by the structural silicone in the mockup concurrently with the curtain wall’s drift capacity. This paper provides detailed derivation of the kinematic equations for possible use by glazing design professionals. Such equations can help designers to more easily predict the drifts that cause damage to such systems by manual calculations without the need for expensive mockup testing or time-intensive computer models.

2021 ◽  
Omid Karimzade Soureshjani ◽  
Gholamreza Nouri

Abstract A mainshock is usually accompanied by a group of ground motions. In many design codes, the effects of the seismic sequences have been neglected or underestimated. Aftershocks can increase structural damage or even cause failure. The current study evaluated the seismic behavior of a rehabilitated and as-built RC structure under real scaled mainshock-aftershocks using nonlinear analysis. Verification was done in two modes. The inter-story drift ratio, maximum residual, and relative displacements were studied. The seismic study of the as-built structure showed that the residual displacement grew, on average, more than 90% under the mainshock-aftershock sequence compared to the mainshock-only record. A beam-column bonded CFRP rehabilitation strategy using six layers of T-700 CFRP was chosen based on the specific performance level. The strategy showed the ability to transfer the plastic strain from the columns to the beams, which could be considered as a change from a weak column-strong beam concept to a strong column-weak beam concept. Compared to the as-built structure under the seismic sequences, the rehabilitated structure showed an average growth of 78% in the first-story drift ratio, which was significant. Unlike the as-built structure, seismic sequences caused no growth drift in the rehabilitated structure. It also was observed that the ratio of aftershock PGA to mainshock PGA could have an intensive effect on the seismic behavior of both rehabilitated and as-built structures.

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