In this paper, a Junctionless Accumulation Mode Ferroelectric Field Effect Transistor (JAM-FE-FET) has been proposed and assessed in terms of RF/analog specifications for varied channel lengths through simulations using TCAD Silvaco ATLAS simulator, using the Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) recombination, ferro, Lombardi CVT, fermi and LK models. Major analog metrics like transconductance (gm), intrinsic gain (AV), output conductance (gd), and early voltage (VEA) are obtained for the JAM-FE-FET arrangement. The proposed structure shows an improvement in parameters like gm, Ion/Ioff, Av, TGF by 6.82%, 27.95%, 5.2%, 38.83% respectively. Further, frequency analysis of the proposed device is performed and several critical RF parameters like fT, TFP, GFP, and GTFP have been observed to be enhanced by 6.89%, 11.38%, 13.65%, 12.01% respectively. Thus, the Junctionless accumulation mode ferroelectric FET (JAM-FE-FET) arrangement has been found to have superior analog and RF performance when compared to Junctionless ferroelectric FET(JL-FE-FET). As a result, the JAM-FE-FET device presented here can be contemplated a good contender for applications in high-frequency systems.