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damping coefficient
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О.В. Шереметьева

В работе используется маломодовая модель αΩ-динамо для моделирования режимов генерации магнитного поля при незначительных изменениях поля скорости вязкой жидкости. В рамках этой модели интенсивность α-эффекта регулируется процессом с памятью, который вводится в магнитогидродинамическую систему (МГД-система) как аддитивная поправка в виде функционала Z(t) от энергии поля. В качестве ядра J(t) функционала Z(t) выбрана функция, определяющая затухающие колебания с варьируемым коэффициентом затухания и постоянной частотой затухания, принятой равной единице. Исследование поведения магнитного поля проводится на больших временных масштабах, поэтому для численных расчётов используется перемасштабированная и обезразмеренная МГД-система, где в качестве единицы времени принято время диссипации магнитного поля (104 лет). Управляющими параметрами системы выступают число Рейнольдса и амплитуда α-эффекта, в которых заложена информация о крупномасштабном и турбулентном генераторах. Результаты численного моделирования режимов генерации магнитного поля при различных значениях коэффициента затухания и постоянной частоте затухания отражены на фазовой плоскости управляющих параметров. В работе исследуется вопрос о динамике изменения картины на фазовой плоскости в зависимости от значения коэффициента затухания. Проводится сравнение с результатами, полученными ранее при постоянной интенсивности α-эффекта и при изменении интенсивности α — эффекта, которое определялось функционалом Z(t) с показательным ядром и аналогичными значениями коэффициента затухания. In this paper, we use a low-mode αΩ-dynamo model to simulate the modes of magnetic field generation with insignificant changes in the velocity field of a viscous fluid. Within the framework of this model, an additive correction is introduced into the magnetohydrodynamic system to control the intensity of the α-effect in the form of a function Z(t) from the field energy. As the kernel J(t) of the function Z(t) is chosen the function that determines damped oscillations with the different values of the damping coefficient and a constant damping frequency taken equal to one. The study of the magnetic field behavior is carried out on a large time scales, therefore, for numerical calculations, a rescaled and dimensionless MHD-system is used, where the time of the magnetic field dissipation (104 years) is accepted as the unit of time. The main parameters of the system are the Reynolds number and the amplitude of the α-effect, which contains information about the large-scale and turbulent generators, respectively. According to the results of numerical simulation, an increase in the values of the damping coefficient is characterized an increase in the inhibition effect of the process Z(t) on the α-effect and decrease of the magnetic field divergence region on the plane of the main parameters.

Jishnu Chandran R. ◽  
A. Salih

Hydraulic surges are transient events frequently observed in various industrial and laboratory flow situations. Understanding surge physics and its accurate numerical prediction is crucial to the safety of flow systems. The maximum accuracy achievable for transient surge simulations is limited by the inefficiencies in the mathematical models used. In this work, we propose a mathematical model that incorporates an adaptive damping technique for the accurate prediction of hydraulic surges. This model also takes the compressibility effects in the liquid during the surge process into account. The novel approach of using the local pressure fluctuation data from the flow to adjust the unsteady friction for controlling the dissipation is introduced in this paper. The adaptive-dissipation is actualized through a unique 'variable pressure wave damping coefficient' function definition. Numerical simulation of three different valve-induced surge experiments demonstrates the reliability and robustness of the mathematical model. Numerical results from the proposed model show an excellent match with the experimental data by closely reproducing both the frequency and the amplitude of transient pressure oscillations. A comparative study explains the improvement in the simulation accuracy achieved by replacing the constant damping coefficient with the proposed variable coefficient. The superiority of the new model with the adaptive damping capability over the similar models in literature and those used in commercial software packages is also well established through this study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Huiyong Zhao ◽  
Baohua Wang ◽  
Genfu Chen

AbstractThe rotational hydraulic damper has advantages in the design and control of rotational machines. This paper presents a novel hydraulic rotational damper with the characteristic of adjusting the damping coefficient. It is composed of a shell, a gap, a rotor shaft, sliding vanes, a valve, and a motor, just like a combination of a sliding pump system and a valve driven by a motor. A new cam ring slot designed to guide the radial motion of sliding vanes could reduce friction resistance force, which will also benefit the design of the sliding pump. The damping coefficient model of this damper is established based on dynamic analysis. Series of numerical simulations validate the impact of factors on the damping coefficient. Frictional resistances have little influence on the damping coefficient during most conditions. The total coefficient is positively correlative with the angular velocity and the valve angle. Therefore, changing the valve angle according to the rotor shaft’s angular speed could adjust the damping coefficient.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Yandong Liu ◽  
Xianying Feng ◽  
Yanfei Li ◽  
Jiajia Lu ◽  
Zhe Su

AbstractThe flow state of oil film in the hydrostatic lead screw directly affects the transmission performance of the screw pair. The static and dynamic characteristics of a new type of double driven hydrostatic screw-nut pair (DDHSNP) are studied under different motion modes. The boundary condition of navier slip model is introduced into the lubricating mathematical model of DDHSNP, and the influences of boundary slip on the axial bearing capacity, axial stiffness and damping coefficient in micro scale are researched by finite difference method. The results show that when the motor runs at high speed (the rotating speed range of the screw and nut driven motor is 1000–9000 rpm), the existence of boundary slip leads to a improvement of the axial bearing capacity and stiffness coefficient of DDHSNP in the case of single-drive operation and dual-drive differential feed (the range of rotation difference is 10–100 rpm), which is more obvious under the single-drive mode. The increase rate of stiffness coefficient induced by boundary slip is much larger than that of bearing capacity. In addition, the boundary slip has little effect on the damping coefficient of DDHSNP in either single drive operation or dual drive differential operation.

Circulation ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 144 (Suppl_2) ◽  
Jose Julio Gutiérrez ◽  
Mikel Leturiondo ◽  
Koldo Redondo ◽  
James K Russell ◽  

Aim: The relationship between force and depth during manual chest compressions depends on the patient and on the dynamics with which the rescuer applies the force. Force-depth models with many fitting parameters have been proposed making physical interpretation complicated. The aim of this work was to design a simpler force-depth model, accommodating anticipated differences in compression and recoil phases. Materials and Methods: Force and acceleration signals were extracted from out-of-hospital-cardiac arrest (OHCA) defibrillator recordings (TVF&R, OR, USA), equipped with CPR technology. Compression depth and velocity signals were computed from acceleration. We analyzed intervals of 20-s within the 1st min of chest compressions. Our model decomposes the applied force as the sum of an elastic and a damped term, considering different damping coefficients for the compression and recoil phases. Coefficient of elasticity was calculated at the instant of maximum compression depth (null velocity) and damping coefficients at the instants of maximum compression and recoil velocities. The estimated depth signal is shown in the figure. The goodness of the model was assessed through the determination coefficient R 2 . Results: We analyzed 1,074 compressions from 30 OHCA recordings. Median (IQR) compression depth was 4.6 (4.0-5.4) cm; compression rate was 107 (102–113) cpm; coefficient of elasticity was 100.67 (78.95–125.01) N/cm; compression damping coefficient was 2.57 (1.84–3.29) N/(cm/s) and recoil damping coefficient was 3.59 (2.58–4.90) N/(cm/s). Median R 2 was 0.993 (0.984–0.996). Conclusions: This model, derived using fewer parameters, could help with the interpretation of the mechanical properties of the chest during CPR. It may also be useful for the assessment of inter-patient differences with age, sex, and body constitution, as well as of the evolution of elasticity and damping of patient’s chest during the course of resuscitation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Zibo Wang ◽  
Zhe Kan ◽  
Mengyan Shen

AbstractIntense femtosecond laser irradiation reshapes gold nanorods, resulting in a persistent hole in the optical absorption spectrum of the nanorods at the wavelength of the laser. Single-pulse hole-burning experiments were performed in a mixture of nanorods with a broad absorption around 800 nm with a 35-fs laser with 800 nm wavelength and 6 mJ/pulse. A significant increase in hole burning width at an average fluence of 106 J/m2 has been found, suggesting a tripled damping coefficient of plasmon. This shows that the surface plasmonic effect still occurs at extremely high femtosecond laser fluences just before the nanorods are damaged and the remaining 10% plasmonic enhancement of light is at the fluence of 106 J/m2, which is several orders of magnitude higher than the damage threshold of the gold nanorods. Plasmon–photon interactions may also cause an increase in the damping coefficient.

Fluids ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
pp. 394
Dimitris Gkiolas ◽  
Dimitrios Mathioulakis

The aerodynamic behavior of a pitching NACA 64418 rectangular wing was experimentally studied in a subsonic wind tunnel. The wing had a chord c = 0.5 m, a span which covered the distance between the two parallel tunnel walls and an axis of rotation 0.35 c far from the leading edge. Based on pressure distribution and flow visualization, intermittent flow separation (double stall) was revealed near the leading edge suction side when the wing was stationary, at angles higher than 17° and Re = 0.5 × 106. Under pitching oscillations, aerodynamic loads were calculated by integrating the output data of fast responding surface pressure transducers for various mean angles of attack (αm (max) = 15°), reduced frequencies (kmax = 0.2) and angle amplitudes Δα in the interval [2°, 8°]. The impact of the above parameters up to Re = 0.75 × 106 on the cycle-averaged lift and pitching moment loops is discussed and the cycle aerodynamic damping coefficient is calculated. Moreover, the boundaries of the above parameters are defined for the case that energy is transferred from the flow to the wing (negative aerodynamic damping coefficient), indicating the conditions under which aeroelastic instabilities are probable to occur.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2076 (1) ◽  
pp. 012118
Penghui Zhao ◽  
Peng Wu ◽  
Shuai Zhang ◽  
Ning Wang ◽  
Yan Li ◽  

Abstract As a clean and effective renewable energy source, PV has been widely used in power systems. The application of VSG technology can effectively improve the system inertia reduction problem caused by the grid connection of PV and energy storage units. The virtual inertia and damping coefficient in VSG control have the unique advantages of being flexible and controllable. This paper designs a control strategy in which the virtual inertia and damping coefficient can be flexibly adjusted according to the system frequency, which further improves the operating performance of the PV and energy storage units based on VSG control. The frequency quality of the system is maintained. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed flexible parameter adjustment strategy was verified through the simulation platform, which played a role in popularizing the application of the proposed strategy in engineering.

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