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tourist center
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Olesia Dolynska

The directions of perspective development of the territorial organization of the regional tourist complex of Khmelnytsky region are analyzed. As part of the regional tourist complex of Khmelnytsky region, we have identified point elements of the territorial structure: 2 bifunctional tourist nodes; 10 bifunctional tourist centers; 1 monofunctional tourist center; 17 bifunctional tourist points; 18 monofunctional tourist points. Four clusters are distinguished. The most complex territorial formations in the regional tourist complex of Khmelnytsky region are Khmelnytsky and Kamyanets-Podilsky bifunctional dispersed bushes. The main branch directions of perspective development of tourist activity of Khmelnytsky region are considered. As part of the improvement of the territorial organization of the regional tourist complex, it is necessary to pay attention first of all to the intensification of activities to complete the formation of existing tourist dispersed bushes. It is necessary to promote the establishment of Kamyanets-Podilsky as a tourist «superpoint» of the national level. It is advisable to form on the basis of this city a complex dispersed tourist bush, which should take a leading position in the development of tourism in the Khmelnytsky region. In order to reduce the polarization of the tourist regional complex, to promote the completion of the formation of tourist scattered bushes in other areas of the region. Of particular importance is its development on the basis of the regional center, which has the most favorable transport and geographical position in the region. It is expedient to build a primary network of tourist points and centers in the most promising 13 rural settlements, as well as to create two tourist clusters (Medzhibizh and Sataniv). Of particular importance is the development of a network of agricultural settlements, which will attract existing from the monuments of nature, history and culture. Thus, on the one hand, it is necessary to promote the establishment of Kamyanets-Podilsky as a tourist "superpoint" of the national level. It is advisable to form on the basis of this city a complex dispersed tourist bush, which should take a leading position in the development of tourism in the Khmelnytsky region. On the other hand, in order to reduce the polarization of the tourist regional complex, it is advisable to help complete the formation of tourist scattered bushes in other areas of the region. Of particular importance in this context is its development on the basis of the regional center, which has the most favorable transport and geographical position in the region. Also expedient, in our opinion, is the development of the primary network of tourist points and centers in the most promising 13 rural settlements, as well as the creation of two tourist clusters on the basis of the villages of Medzhibizh and Sataniv. Of particular importance in this context is the development of a network of agro-villages, which will involve in tourism activities of national importance monuments of nature, history, culture, as well as partially relevant monuments of local importance in the Khmelnytsky region. Key words: development, territorial organization, regional tourist complex, Khmelnytsky region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 933 (1) ◽  
pp. 012013
E R Sihayuardhi ◽  
W Brontowiyono ◽  
F B Maziya ◽  
L Hakim

Abstract In early March 2020, a pandemic disrupted human activities, especially in the Yogyakarta Urban Area. The area is experiencing development or becoming a tourist center in the Province of the Special Region of Yogyakarta. With these developments, this study would carry out data processing related to air quality, remove it comparing the concentration of SO2, CO, and NO2 parameters before the pandemic in 2019 and after the pandemic in 2020. The results of this study are that the ambient air quality in urban areas Yogyakarta tends to experience a decline and the monitoring locations are located around industries and major road junctions. So, the mapping of ambient air quality itself can facilitate visualization research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 1264
Chrisna Erlangga Surbakti ◽  
Deozzy Anugerah Pratama ◽  
Ferdyan Asgar

Indonesia is a country that is a tourist center for foreigners from various countries. This is supported because Indonesia has a wealth and stunning natural charm that makes Indonesia an attraction to become a tourist destination. Seeing this potential, the Indonesian government facilitates access to enter the country of Indonesia. But in reality, the kindness of the Indonesian government was abused by these foreigners. Many of the immigration violations they committed while in Indonesia, such as staying beyond a predetermined time limit or often called Overstay. In handling these cases, the government made various efforts in dealing with the problem of immigration violations. Supervision of foreigners is a form of effort by the government in terms of handling Overstay cases carried out by foreigners in Indonesia. In its implementation, the government also enforces the law against foreigners who commit Overstay violations so as to reduce the number of violations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 126-131
Maciej TARKOWSKI ◽  
Marcin POŁOM ◽  

Identification of the role of the waterbus system in the development of tourism in a large coastal city – a tourist center of international importance. Cartographic materials, qualitative and quantitative data on the waterbus system, spatial development and tourist traffic were used. Quantitative temporal and spatial analyses were conducted, including GIS analyses. Service of the tourist traffic is the dominant function of the waterbus in Gdańsk. This is determined by three categories of factors: (i) the seasonal nature of the system and a low level of integration with the public transport system; (ii) low potential demand for transport services due to the fact that most of the stops are far away from large residential or work centers; (iii) proximity of most of the city’s main tourist attractions to the stops. The obtained results are helpful in programming the development of public transport systems, especially in large tourist coastal cities. The conditions of spatial development are of key importance for shaping the dominant function of the waterbus.

M. Baymukhamed ◽  
M.B. Glaudinova ◽  

The article presents the basics of architectural and planning organizations and the peculiarities of the formation of an ethnocultural tourist center. The analysis of existing facilities of the CIS countries was carried out. On the examples of the survey of tourist complexes and objects of ethno-aul, cultural-tourist and regional, the architectural and functional aspects of the organization of modern ethno-cultural cities and ethno-cultural tourist complexes are revealed. As a result of the research, modern tourist centers were studied.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Andreas Kelmens Suban Mukin

Abstract: The Trans Jogja bus stop has an important role as a transitional space between the outer space and the Trans Jogja bus. The Malioboro 2 bus stop is one of the Trans Jogja shelters which is located on Malioboro Street. The existence of a bus stop located in the tourist center of Yogyakarta has caused this bus stop to have a high level of activity with a variety of varied user backgrounds. The research uses qualitative methods with data collection methods. by conducting field observations, interview documentation and using the Behavior Mapping method with place center mapping techniques to determine the behavior patterns of bus stop users. The behavior pattern of the users of the Malioboro 2 bus stop is influenced by several factors, namely: The temperature of the waiting room, the length of the waiting duration and the density level in the waiting room of the Malioboro stop 2Abstrak: Halte Trans Jogja memiliki peran penting sebagai ruang transisi yang antara ruang luar menuju ke dalam bus Trans Jogja. Halte malioboro 2 merupakan salah satu halte Trans Jogja yang yang berada pada jalan malioboro, keberadaan halte yang terletak pada pusat wisata kota Yogyakarta menyebabkan halte ini memiliki tingkat aktivitas yang tinggi dengan berbagai macam latar belakang pengguna yang bervariasi. penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan metode yang digunakan dalam proses pengumpulan data pada lapangan melakukan observasi lapangan, dokumentasi wawancara dan menggunakan metode Behavior Mapping dengan teknik Place Center Mapping untuk mengetahui pola perilaku pengguna halte bus. Pola perilaku pengguna halte malioboro 2 dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yaitu: Tingkat suhu ruang tunggu, lamanya durasi menunggu dan tingkat kepadatan pada ruang tunggu halte malioboro 2.

S Shevchenko ◽  
P Baranov ◽  
R.S Kirin

Purpose. Analysis of world experience in using the aesthetic potential of exploited mineral deposits, taking into account environmental problems and comparison with the opportunities that arise in the development of iron ore deposits in Kryvbas, to create a powerful multifunctional museum and tourist center. Method. The work uses general scientific research methods - empirical and theoretical (analysis, generalization, comparison, explanation). Part of the work is based on the results of previous studies. Results. It is shown that the ecological situation in Kryvbas due to the active development of iron ore deposits requires the restoration of a favorable geological environment through special investment projects, taking into account the aesthetic and ecological components. Decorative jespilites are considered as one of the most attractive aesthetic aspects of iron ore deposits and the possibility of creating highly artistic products that can reveal not only the beauty of this gem, but also recreate the history, geology, culture of this industrial center with vivid artistic images. In comparison with well-known world analogues, it is shown that Kryvbas as a unique region has all the necessary components to create a powerful cultural and educational museum (business center), which will attract interested tourists, including foreign ones, and eventually gain the status of a cultural monument. world recognition. Scientific novelty. The key aesthetic aspect is revealed and the realization of investment projects on restoration of the sustainable ecological environment on the exploited iron ore deposits of Kryvbas is substantiated taking into account the world tendencies and experience in this sphere. Practical significance. Examples of realization of world-famous ecological and aesthetic developments in the mining and geological field are given, decorative and artistic properties of jespilite in products and sketch projects are shown, comparison of Kryvbas potential with the operating cultural and educational center on the basis of Wieliczka mine (Poland) is made.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 450-461
R.O. Kalov ◽  
T.Kh. Toguzaev

Subject. Like any other industry, tourism has its own contradictions, which, if not comprehended, will inhibit the construction of the tourism and recreation sector, which would be adequate to available resources and prevent eliminating adverse effects of such natural management as much as possible. Objectives. In this study, we contemplate on the role of the recreation sector in the socio-economic development of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic at a new crucial point of its history when a new owner assumes the office at AO Kurort Elbrus, the main mountainous tourist complex in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. We examine the nature of current drastic changes in the management of AO Kurort Elbrus, conduct the economic analysis of trends in the financing activity of the company for the recent five years, and make a preliminary forecast of possible implications of changes in the ownership of Kurort Elbrus. Methods. We used the methods of statistical, predictive, logic analyses, and field study. Results. Due to the quick change in the ownership structure of the main mountainous tourist center in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, it is necessary to revise current processes in terms of possible implications of the analyzable case for the republican economy. Current trends in the management of the tourist center cannot be definitely evaluated. Certainly, the possibility of new financial injections into the sector may seemingly contribute to the development. However, the fact that the would-be investor chose the upper reaches of the Baksan Valley as a target for investment will ignite the controversial reaction of the mountainous community. Conclusions and Relevance. Currently, the region of Elbrus concentrates interests of legal private landlords and owners of tourist infrastructure, public property and specially protected natural areas. This is the land where contradictory functions of land overlap. The tourism authorities' decision to quickly change the owner in this environmentally and economically complicated area raise much doubt.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Nofriani Fajrah ◽  
Sri Zetli

Batam is developing into a tourism city, however, Batam tourism has not been supported by the souvenir center to sell local people's work. There are several tourist center areas in Batam, but they have not specifically sold special souvenirs from Batam. This study aims to determine the right location for a typical souvenir center of Batam based on a decision analysis of the factors of tourist interest. The method used in this study is the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) by using six variables of tourist interests, which were obtained from previous studies, namely the existence of a tourist center, accessibility, accommodation, transportation, culinary services and the availability of souvenir products. The six variables are paired with the five tourist center areas in Batam, which are obtained based on the results of the researcher's field survey. The decision analysis was carried out by three respondents who are relevant to this study, namely the government, small and medium enterprises, and academics who have expertise in the relevant fields. Based on the research results, it was found that the right location for a typical souvenir center of Batam, Nagoya. This is because Nagoya is the iconic center of Batam with the biggest shopping mall, so tourists will definitely visit Nagoya as an experience of traveling to Batam to buy various kinds of souvenir products from food, drinks, clothes, bags, shoes, perfume and various other accessories. Based on this research, it can be concluded that the existence of an important souvenir center is considered by stakeholders in developing tourism in Batam, so that the local culture of Batam is better known by tourists by buying typical Batam souvenirs at souvenir centers and can also improve the economy of the local population by producing Batam souvenirs

Anita Rahmawati

The community service program is carried out in Ngadinegaran, Mantrijeron, DIY.  Mantrijeron Urban Village is in the Mantrijeron sub-district area with an area of ​​2.61 km2. Kampung Ngadinegaran is part of the tourist center in the city of Yogyakarta, with high population and during holidays the road conditions also become very crowded and even congestion often occurs. This highly congested traffic condition often causes accidents due to lack of knowledge of traffic safety. The target of this activity is to improve understanding, awareness and knowledge of traffic safety, so that the number of accidents that occur will be reduced. The method in this commuty service is to provide socialization about the importance of traffic safety . The result of socialization shows that the community is very interested in this activity and they want to get more information about traffic safety education regularly because this activity can improve the awareness about traffic safety.

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