Problem setting. Nowadays one of the little-studied forms of atypical employment in the science of labor law is on-call work. At the end of 2020, the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine prepared a draft Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Labor Code of Ukraine to regulate some non-standard forms of employment”, which proposed the construction of a zero-hours contract. This was the second “attempt” to introduce the construction of such an employment contract. If we analyze the definition and content of the zero-hours contract contained in the project, we can see that it does not apply to the contract with zero working hours, nor to the contract “minimum-maximum”. This raises a number of questions about its legal regulation and its applicability in practice.
Analysis of resent researches and publications. The legal regulation of atypical employment has been analysed by S. Golovin, I. Kiselev, A. Lushnikov, M. Lushnikova, D. Morozov, O. Motsna, N. Nikitina, O. Protsevskyy, O. Rymkevych, V. Soifer, O. Yaroshenko. At the same time, the scientific literature has not yet developed uniform approaches to defining on-call work, the agreements that apply to it, and possible ways of its legal regulation.
Аrticle’s main body. “On-call work” is a generalizing concept in relation to both “zero hours” and “minimummaximum” contracts. Based on the etymological meaning of the word “challenge” – a request or demand to appear somewhere, “work on call implies that the employee performs labor functions only when he is invited (called) by the employer. What the minimum-maximum and zero-hour contracts have in common is that the employer has no obligation to hire the employee. The zero-hours contract, which was presented in the draft, does not fully apply to contracts with zero working hours, nor to contracts “minimum-maximum”, and in our opinion, its legal structure needs careful refinement.
Conclusions and prospects for the development. In modern conditions, a contract on call can be attractive only to people who are unstable to work (for example, students, retirees, housewives) or those who are looking for an additional source of income. Therefore, we believe that the developers of regulations that will regulate the relations arising from non-standard forms of employment, it would be more appropriate to pay attention to the contract “minimum-maximum”, which is a more optimal form for regulating work on call. The introduction of a domestic employment contract on call will contribute to the legalization of this type of labor relations, while, in our opinion, the protective function of labor law should remain a priority in relation to the economic function.