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2022 ◽  
Vol 66 (9-10) ◽  
pp. 24-29
E. V. Golubkina ◽  
V. M. Sorokin ◽  
B. N. Levitan ◽  
A. R. Umerova ◽  
N. V. Kamneva

Background. Helicobacter pylori-associated chronic gastritis (CG), being a very heterogeneous group, still does not have a divisin based on Helicobacter pylori (Hp) genotyping data, which could predict the clinical form of CG.The aim of the study is to search for the prevalence of the cagA gene or any allelic combination of the vacA gene, or stable combinations of cagA and any allelic combination of vacA genes in Hp isolates from patients with mild and severe CG, as well as patients with peptic ulcer disease (PUD).Methods. Hp isolates from gastrobiopsy specimens were genotyped for cagA and vacA allelic combinations (s1m1, s2m1, s1m2, s2m2). The difference in the occurrence of vacA allelic combinations was assessed by Mann–Whitney U test; the conjunction of cagA and vacA allelic combinations was assessed by the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (rs).Results. The cagA gene was found in more than half of all cases, both in patients with ulcer and in patients with CG (mild and severe). The incidence of vacAs1m1 (the most virulent allelic combination) showed no significant differences in all forms of gastritis and in PUD; the correlation between cagA and vacAs1m1 was significant in all groups of patients, rs ranged from 0.57 to 0.72. In patients with mild CG, an abundance of non-virulent allelic combination vacAs2m2 was observed, which was significantly different from its occurrence both in patients with severe CG and in patients with ulcer; the joint occurrence of vacAs2m2 and cagA in patients with mild CG was chaotic (rs=-0.13; P=0.40).Conclusion. In mild CG, despite the absence of significant differences in cagA and vacAs1m1 (when compared with severe CG and ulcer disease), strains with a non-virulent allelic combination vacAs2m2 were significantly dominant; therefore, the detection of this particular allelic combination of vacA speaks in favor of a mild course of CG.

2021 ◽  
pp. 103-127
Nuel Belnap ◽  
Thomas MÜller ◽  
Tomasz Placek

The focus of this chapter is modal correlations, rigorously analysed in terms of BST transitions. In the simplest case, two transitions are modally correlated if each is possible, but their joint occurrence is not possible. The chapter singles out a class of “interesting” modal correlations, called modal funny business, and offers two approaches to them. On the first analysis, a set of basic transition exhibits modal funny business if it is combinatorially consistent but not consistent as a whole. The other approach draws on explanation: in a set of transitions harboring modal funny business there is no pair of blatantly inconsistent transitions that could explain why the whole set is inconsistent. These two analyses yield precise definitions of combinatorial and explanatory funny business. The main result consists of theorems showing that the two concepts are co-extensive, which stresses the stability of the notion of modal funny business.

Minerals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 1411
Filip Kovár ◽  
Lucie Bartoňová

Separation of coal ash into magnetic and non-magnetic fractions facilitates their utilization when processed separately. Due to desulphurization additives added to coal during the fluidised-bed combustion, non-magnetic fractions often contain elevated CaO levels (while magnetic concentrates are typically rich in Fe2O3). Both CaO and Fe2O3 are known for their ability to bind As during the combustion, whose distribution is a crucial parameter in terms of proper utilization of these fractions. Therefore, the study deals with the As partitioning within magnetic and non-magnetic fractions of fluidized-bed coal combustion ashes. Two different (successive) procedures of dry magnetic separation were used to separate each ash into strongly magnetic, less magnetic, and a non-magnetic fraction. Due to their optimal utilization, the concentrations of As and other target elements in these fractions were evaluated and compared. Magnetic concentrates from the first separation step (in vibrofluidized state) contained 60–70% Fe2O3, magnetic concentrates separated manually out of the residues after the first separation contained 26–41% Fe2O3, and the non-magnetic residues contained 2.4–3.5% Fe2O3. Arsenic levels were the highest in the non-magnetic residues and gradually decreased with the increasing Fe2O3 content in the magnetic fractions. The dominant As association in the studied samples was to CaO (r = +0.909) and with SO3 (r = +0.906) whereas its joint occurrence with Fe2O3 was improbable (r = −0.834).

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Barbara Kriletić ◽  
Morana Vuković ◽  
Mario Carić

Here we present six adult patellae with superolateral concave defects observed amongst the remains of at least 28 individuals retrieved from four Late Iron Age burials from Kneževići hillfort - Malo Libinje, Croatia. The right patella of an adult individual displays a rough-edged concave defect on superolateral side of the bone called bipartite patella. Other five patellae show concave defects with smooth edges also located on superolateral side; a defect known as vastus notch. Though physically similar, the two conditions are etiologically distinct. A large amount of observed cases of vastus notch in this assemblage may indicate that these individuals frequently performed activities involving kneeling and/or squatting. This is the first documented case of joint occurrence of bipartite patella and vastus notch in a Croatian skeletal assemblage, but also the largest amount of patellae with vastus notch in an archaeological population from Croatia recorded so far.

2021 ◽  
Qing Liu ◽  
Hanqing Xu ◽  
Jun Wang

Abstract. The co-occurrence of storm tide and rainstorm during tropical cyclones (TCs) can lead to compound flooding in low-lying coastal regions. The assessment of TC compound flood risk can provide vital insight for research on coastal flooding prevention. This study investigates TC compound flooding by constructing a storm surge model and overland flooding model using Delft3D Flexible Mesh (DFM), illustrating the serious consequences from the perspective of storm tide. Based on the probability distribution of storm tide, this study regards TC1415 as the 100-year event, TC6311 as the 50-year event, TC8616 as the 25-year event, TC8007 as the 10-year event, and TC7109 as the 5-year event. The results indicate that the coastal area is a major floodplain, primarily due to storm tide, with the inundation severity positively correlated with the height of the storm tide. For 100-year TC event, the inundation area with a depth above 1.0 m increases by approximately 2.5 times when compared with 5-year TC event. The comparison of single-driven flood (storm tide flooding and rainstorm inundation) and compound flood hazards shows that simply accumulating every single-driven flood hazard to define the compound flood hazard may cause underestimation. For future research on compound flooding, copula function can be adopted to investigate the joint occurrence of storm tide and rainstorm to reveal the severity of extreme TC flood hazards.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Burak Alparslan Eroğlu ◽  
Ayşe Özgür Pehlivan

Abstract Unfortunately, time series problems do not appear in data singly. We focus on the joint occurrence of nonstationarity, seasonality and bounded data. Seasonal unit root tests and bounded unit root tests already exist in the literature, yet when all these issues are combined their performance needs improvement. That is why we offer a testing procedure for bounded seasonal unit root processes. The combination of these tests is not straightforward as the nonlinearity coming from bounds causes the limiting distribution of the proposed test statistic to be multivariate Brownian motion while the others have univariate distributions. The simulation exercises reveal that the existing tests, which ignores the presence of bounds or seasonality, suffer significant size problems. Our statistic removes the size distortions and also maintain satisfactory power performance.

2021 ◽  
Xiaokang Wu ◽  
Yangyang Xu ◽  
Rajesh Kumar ◽  
Mary Barth ◽  
Chenrui Diao ◽  

<p>Extreme heat occurrence worldwide has increased in the past decades. Greenhouse gas emissions, if not abated aggressively, will lead to large increases in frequency and intensity of heat extremes. At the same time, many cities are facing severe air pollution problems featuring high‐PM episodes that last from days to weeks. Based on a high‐resolution decadal‐long model simulation using a state‐of‐the‐science regional chemistry‐climate model that is bias corrected against reanalysis, here we show that when daily average wet‐bulb temperature of 25 °C is taken as the threshold for severe health impacts, heat extremes frequency averaged over South Asia increases from 45 ± 5 days/year in 1997–2004 to 78 ± 3 days/year in 2046–2054 under RCP8.5 scenario. With daily averaged PM<sub>2.5</sub> surface concentration of 60 μg/m<sup>3</sup> defined as the threshold for such “unhealthy” extremes, high‐PM extremes would occur 132 ± 8 days/year in the Decade 2050 under RCP8.5. Even more concerning, due to the potential health impacts of two stressors acting in tandem, is the joint occurrence of the heatwave and high‐PM hazard (HHH), which would have substantial increases of 175% in frequency and 79% in duration. This is in contrast to the 73–76% increase for heatwave or high PM when assessed individually. The fraction of land exposed to prolonged HHH increases by more than tenfold in 2050. The alarming increases in just a few decades pose great challenges to adaptation and call for more aggressive mitigation. For example, under a lower emission pathway, the frequency of HHH will only increase by 58% with a lower frequency of high‐PM extremes.</p>

2021 ◽  
Paula Camus ◽  
Ivan D. Haigh ◽  
Ahmed Nasr ◽  
Thomas Wahl ◽  
Stephen E. Darby ◽  

Abstract. In coastal regions, floods can arise through a combination of multiple drivers, including direct surface run- off, river discharge, storm surge and waves. In this study, we analyse compound flood potential in Europe caused by these four main flooding sources using state-of-the-art databases with homogenous forcing (i.e., ERA5). First, we perform an analysis to assess the sensitivity of the compound flooding potential to several factors: 1) sampling method; 2) time window to select the concurrent event of the conditioned driver; 3) dependence metrics; 4) wave-driven sea level definition. We observe higher correlation coefficients using annual maxima than peaks over threshold. Regarding the other factors, our results show similar spatial distributions of the compound flooding potential. Second, the dependence between the pairs of drivers using the Kendall's rank correlation coefficient and the joint occurrence are synthesized for coherent patterns of compound flooding potential using a clustering technique. This quantitative multi-driver assessment not only distinguishes where overall compound flooding potential is the highest, but also discriminates which driver combinations are more likely to contribute to compound flooding. We identify hotspots of compound flooding potential located along the southern coast of the North Atlantic Ocean and the northern coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Natalia Zeber-Lubecka ◽  
Ewa E. Hennig

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT) are endocrine disorders that commonly occur among young women. A higher prevalence of HT in women with PCOS, relative to healthy individuals, is observed consistently. Combined occurrence of both diseases is associated with a higher risk of severe metabolic and reproductive complications. Genetic factors strongly impact the pathogenesis of both PCOS and HT and several susceptibility loci associated with a higher risk of both disorders have been identified. Furthermore, some candidate gene polymorphisms are thought to be functionally relevant; however, few genetic variants are proposed to be causally associated with the incidence of both disorders together.

Rashad Sh. Mammadly ◽  
Ramiz A. Eminov ◽  
Hikmat H. Asadov ◽  

The relevance and the possibility of introducing an additional information attribute in the study of the viscosity of degraded oil are considered. The method for the formation of this attribute is presented – logarithmic index of relative viscosity (γ). Taking into account the known interrelationships of individual processes occurring with oil in the aquatic environment, it is shown that with a certain dynamics of mutual changes in fractional portions Fem and Fev the introduced indicator reaches its minimum. An example of using the proposed indicator in assessing the level of pollution of the surface layer of the atmosphere with vapor of light fractions during oil spill is given. Thus, the minimum γ indicates the joint occurrence of evaporation and emulsification processes, in the absence of a minimum γ only the evaporation process takes place. At minimum γ based on the results of previous studies, a qualitative conclusion can be drawn about the high degree of pollution of the near-surface layer of the atmosphere. To quantify such pollution, you can use the data obtained previously during similar studies for a particular type of oil.

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