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frequency spectrum
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Yong Wang ◽  
Hongjian Ni ◽  
Ruihe Wang ◽  
Bin Huang ◽  
Shubin Liu ◽  

Extensive studies have been carried out on cutting rock with a PDC cutter, but cutting rock assisted by impact force is rarely studied. In this paper, cutting rock using conical and cylindrical PDC cutters assisted by impact force were researched with the explicit dynamic model. The laws of cutting rock using a cylindrical cutter assisted by impact force are the same as those of a conical cutter. There are thresholds of impact frequency and amplitude when they are single variables. When impact frequency is lower than the threshold frequency, the impact frequency is the dominant frequency in the frequency spectrum of weight on bit (WOB), and the amplitude of dominant frequency and removal volume decreases with the increase of impact frequency. When the impact frequency is higher than the threshold frequency, there is no dominant frequency in the frequency spectrum of WOB, and the removal volume behaves the same. When the impact force is lower than the threshold amplitude, there is no dominant frequency in the frequency spectrum of WOB, and it does not affect the removal volume but the removal volume is positively correlated with the impact amplitude. When the impact amplitude is higher than the threshold amplitude, the removal volume is also positively correlated with the impact amplitude, and the removal volume assisted by low-frequency (20 Hz and 40 Hz) impact force is higher. The frequency threshold and amplitude threshold of the conical cutter are smaller than those of the cylindrical cutter. Although the cutting depth and removal volume of the conical cutter are lower than those of the cylindrical cutter, the amplifications of cutting depth and removal volume of the conical cutter are higher than those of the cylindrical cutter when assisted by impact force.

V. S. Lazorenko ◽  
О. V. Plygunov

The article presents scientific and technical proposals on the possibility of joint use of radio frequency spectrum of the fifth-generation mobile radio communication means and existing departmental radio-electronic facilities. On the basis of the load analysis, using the method of theoretical assessment of electromagnetic compatibility, the norms of territorial diversion between radio means are obtained. On the basis of the results of the calculations, it is possible to determine the subbands in which the joint use of radio means is possible, subject to optimization of the frequency-territorial plan and implementation of technical and organizational measures to ensure electromagnetic compatibility.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-87
О. Lymar ◽  

The frequency spectrum of plane vibrations of an elastic plate separating a two-layer ideal fluid with a free surface in a rectangular channel is investigated analytically and numerically. For an arbitrary fixing of the contours of a rectangular plate, it is shown that the frequency spectrum of the problem under consideration consists of two sets of frequencies describing the vibrations of the free surface of the liquid and the elastic plate. The equations of coupled vibrations of the plate and the fluid are presented using a system of integro-differential equations with the boundary conditions for fixing the contours of the plate and the condition for the conservation of the volume of the fluid. When solving a boundary value problem for eigenvalues, the shape of the plate deflection is represented by the sum of the fundamental solutions of a homogeneous equation for a loose plate and a partial solution of an inhomogeneous equation by expanding in terms of eigenfunctions of oscillations of an ideal fluid in a rectangular channel. The frequency equation of free compatible vibrations of a plate and a liquid is obtained in the form of a fourth-order determinant. In the case of a clamped plate, its simplification is made and detailed numerical studies of the first and second sets of frequencies from the main mechanical parameters of the system are carried out. A weak interaction of plate vibrations on vibrations of the free surface and vice versa is noted. It is shown that with a decrease in the mass of the plate, the frequencies of the second set increase and take the greatest value for inertialess plates or membranes. A decrease in the frequencies of the second set occurs with an increase in the filling depth of the upper liquid or a decrease in the filling depth of the lower liquid. Taking into account two terms of the series in the frequency equation, approximate formulas for the second set of frequencies are obtained and their efficiency is shown. With an increase in the number of terms in the series of the frequency equation, the previous roots of the first and second sets are refined and new ones appear.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 27-40
Sinin Hamdan ◽  
Ahmad Faudzi Musib ◽  
Marini Sawawi ◽  
Saiful Hairi Othman ◽  

This work evaluates four violins from three distinct manufacturers, notably Eurostring, Stentor, and Suzuki, using a scientific approach. Eurostring1 and Eurostring2 were the names given to the two Eurostring units. The purpose of this study is to identify elements in various violins that could be used as tools for selecting a pleasantsounding violin by having them classified by a professional violinist. The signal’s time varying frequency was evaluated using a frequency spectrum and a time frequency plane, and the combination of frequency spectrum and time frequency domain is utilised. PicoScope oscilloscopes and Adobe Audition version 3 were used to record the acoustic spectra in terms of time and frequency. The time frequency plane is identified, and time frequency analysis (TFA) is produced by Adobe Audition spectrograms. The sound was processed in order to generate Fast Fourier Transform analysis: Fourier spectra (using PicoScope) and spectrograms (using Adobe Audition). Fourier spectra identify the intensity of the fundamental frequency and the harmonic spectra of the overtone frequencies. The highest frequencies that can be read are up to and including the 9th overtone. All violins have a constant harmonic overtone pattern with an uneven acoustic spectrum pattern. Eurostring1 showed inconsistent signal in the string G with 6th and 7th overtone missing, whereas Eurostring2 lack of the 6th overtone. Among the string D, only Eurostring1 display an exponential decay for the overtone. All the string A except for Suzuki showed nice and significant peak of fundamental and overtone. Stentor displays up to the 5th overtone. Among the string E, Suzuki showed inconsistent harmonic peak intensity. TFA revealed that the fundamental frequency of string E for Eurostring1 was lower than the first overtone. Only Eurostring1 has an uneven decay for the overtone frequency, whereas Eurostring2 exhibits a large exponential decay for the overtone frequency.

Pavel Akimov ◽  
Leonid Lyakhovich

As is known, targeted regulation of the frequency spectrum of natural vibrations of elastic systems with a finite number of degrees of mass freedom can be performed by introducing additional generalized constraints and generalized kinematic devices. Each targeted generalized constraint increases, and each generalized kinematic device reduces the value of only one selected natural frequency to a predetermined value, without changing the remaining natural frequencies and all forms of natural vibrations (natural modes). To date, for some elastic systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom of masses, in which the directions of mass movement are parallel and lie in the same plane, special methods have been already developed for creating additional constraints and generalized kinematic devices that change the frequency spectrum of natural vibrations in a targeted manner. In particular, a theory and an algorithm for the creation of targeted generalized constraints and generalized kinematic devices have been developed for rods. It was previously proved that the method of forming a matrix of additional stiffness coefficients, specifying targeted generalized constraint, in the problem of natural vibrations of rods can also be applied to solving a similar problem for elastic systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom, in which the directions of mass movement are parallel, but do not lie in the same plane. In particular, such systems include plates. The distinctive paper shows that the method of forming a matrix for taking into account the action of additional inertial forces, specifying targeted kinematic devices in the problem of natural vibrations of rods can also be applied to solving a similar problem for elastic systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom, in which the directions of mass movement are parallel, but do not lie in the same plane. However, the algorithms for the creation of targeted generalized kinematic devices developed for rods based on the properties of rope polygons cannot be used without significant changes in a similar problem for plates. The method of creation of computational schemes of kinematic devices that precisely change the frequency spectrum of natural vibrations of elastic plates with a finite number of degrees of mass freedom is a separate problem and will be considered in a subsequent paper.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Jaroslaw Gielniak ◽  
Magdalena Czerniak

This work refers to the criterion values used to assess the state of the active part of the transformer based on the analysis of the effective value of the total vibration acceleration and the frequency spectrum. It was proved in the work that the criteria values should be differentiated for transformers of different rated power. Transformers with lower rated power are characterized by lower RMS values of vibration acceleration than units with higher rated power, which cannot remain without impact on the criteria values. Trend analysis of the total aRMS values may reveal increasing defects before the currently applicable criteria values are exceeded. In addition, the influence of the position of the sensor on the frequency spectrum of the obtained signals was analyzed. It was proved that the sensors should be mounted in the middle of the transformer tank, between its lower part and the cover. The dependence of RMS value of vibration acceleration on no-load losses was also determined for transformers of different types but the same rated power. This relationship will not have a large share in the total vibrations of the transformer, due to slight changes in the value of aRMS occurring for all analyzed units.

2021 ◽  
Vitaly V. Boronoev ◽  
Vyacheslav D. Ompokov ◽  
Nataly V. Pupysheva ◽  
Irina V. Naguslaeva

2021 ◽  
Vol 155 (A3) ◽  
G Barbaro ◽  
G Foti ◽  
G Malara

The correct estimation of set-up is very important to evaluate coastal hazard and to design coastal structures. In this paper, we derived a mathematical expression for wave set-up in the context of random waves. The solution to this expression assumes straight, parallel depth contours and constant average flow parameters in the longshore direction. We then investigated the effect of different types of sea state taking account of different frequency spectrum and spreading function assumed in the expression on estimates of wave set-up. We found the set-up was highly influenced by the frequency spectrum used. Finally, we applied this expression to estimate set-up values at locations in Italy and in the United States using buoy data provided by ISPRA (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale) and NDBC (National Data Buoy Centre).

Patrick Bueno Lamas ◽  
Rodrigo Nicoletti

Abstract Modal spacing (band gaps) in the frequency spectrum of rotating machines can be imposed by geometric periodicity. By designing the rotor with a geometry that repeats periodically, we can impose to the vibration response of the rotor a modal "gap" considerably large, where no resonances appear. In this work, we consider that the rotating elements of the machine (e.g. the stages or the impellers) are the periodic elements of the rotor. In this disk-like configuration of the rotor, the system can present band gaps due to two different reasons: due to matching between the number of disks and the eigenmode wavenumber (usually in slender rotors); due to the presence of local-mode shapes (usually in large rotors). Analytical modeling of the system is presented, whose approximated solution can be used to predict the start and stop frequencies of the band gaps. It is also shown the limitations in band gap formation when the rotor is not perfectly periodic (quasi-periodic geometry). In this case, disk positioning plays an important role in the band gap formation.

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