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2021 ◽  
Peter Maher ◽  
Carl Nelson ◽  
David Dockweiler

Abstract Running two compression set tools in a single wellbore clean out string, typically a bypass tool and negative test packer, has been a significant industry challenge to operate reliably. The need for running these types of tools is generally driven by the need to perform a negative test on a liner top and achieve high flow rates necessary to hydraulically remove debris from the well. Combining these operations into a single run is an increasingly common method to reduce rig time and cost for the operator. Tools to perform this type of operation are generally available from many service providers, however difficulties and challenges arise when trying to manipulate two different tools in the same string that function by the same compression set method. These operations do have a history that is partially successful, however on a long term basis reliability is generally considered poor by most operators, as a failure to manipulate the tools correctly can result in a failed run and a trip out of the hole. This paper discusses the development and successful field deployment of a system of two compression set tools to address this specific challenge while improving reliability over existing solutions.

Nurul Faeizah Husin ◽  
Hairulliza Mohamad Judi ◽  
Siti Aishah Hanawi

Technology integration involves a combination of applications, media, systems, approaches and techniques guided by information and communication technology to increase student engagement and effectiveness of learning comprehension. Programming learning encounters a specific challenge related to students’ limited opportunities in dealing with real cases leading to inconsistent development of their interests and potentials. The integration of technology has a potential to provide a solution to this problem, but insuitable use of technology hinders students to gain meaningful learning and develop confidence in solving problems. This study develops a framework in the implementation of technology integration to promote meaningful learning for undergraduate students of programming courses. The study also measures the level of frequency and use of technology integration in meaningful learning of programming courses. The study identifies five main elements through literature to develop a framework namely learning technology, skills, application of technology, meaningful learning and contextual learning. Next, the measurement of the level of frequency and use of technology integration involves a sample of 109 undergraduate students in a programming course through stratified random sampling. The research framework is expected to provide guidance on the implementation of technology integration in meaningful programming learning and to measure the relevant elements. The findings of the study are expected to help educators and administrators to adopt and improve technology integration in meaningful learning for programming courses.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Rachel M. Lofthouse ◽  
Anthea Rose ◽  
Ruth Whiteside

PurposeThe research demonstrates the role of activity systems based in Cultural Historical Activity Theory as a means of analysing characteristics and efficacy of specific provisions of coaching in education.Design/methodology/approachThree examples of coaching in education were selected, involving 51 schools in England. The three examples were re-analysed using activity systems. This drew on existing evaluation evidence, gathered through interviews, questionnaires, focus groups and recordings of coaching.FindingsIn each example, the object of the coaching was to address a specific challenge to secure the desired quality of education. Using activity systems it is possible to demonstrate that coaching has a range of functions (both intended and consequential). The individual examples illustrate the potential of coaching to support change in complex and diverse education settings.Research limitations/implicationsThe use of existing data from evaluations means that direct comparisons between examples are not made. While data were collected throughout the duration of each coaching programme no follow-up data was available.Practical implicationsThe analysis of the examples of coaching using activity systems provides evidence of the efficacy of specific coaching provision in achieving individually defined objectives related to sustaining and improving specific educational practices.Originality/valueThe research offers insights into how coaching in education might be better tuned to the specific needs of contexts and the challenges experienced by the individuals working in them. In addition, it demonstrates the value of activity systems as an analytical tool to make sense of coaching efficacy.

2021 ◽  
pp. 154-165
Ana Cristina Torres ◽  
Angélica Monteiro ◽  
Ana Mouraz

The transition from emergency remote teaching schemes to effective online learning ones has posed just as much similar as specific challenges to different countries and regions during school closures of the COVID-19 pandemic first wave. In Portugal, the specific challenge of a notably aged teaching workforce that admits being underprepared for pedagogically meaningful use of digital technologies in education has become more evident. Focusing on the views of seven interviewed schools’ headteachers, this paper presents and discusses the reported facilitators and barriers/constraints of their schools’ transition from emergency remote teaching to online learning, during the first pandemic wave and relates those factors with the particular issues of veteran teachers’ engagement with online learning. The paper introduces the rekindle+50 project under which the data collection and analysis took place and underlines the extreme importance of continued investment in teacher professional development and collaboration to enhance more effective use of online learning tools and platforms in times of uncertainty.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-54
Hidayati Hidayati ◽  
Winarini Wilman Mansoer

KATA KUNCI KEYWORDS ABSTRAK COVID 19, perawat, stress kerja Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi dan bertujuan untuk memahami pengalaman perawat di ruang intensif yang rentan mengalami distres psikologis dan bagaimana mereka memaknai pengalamannya. Masih sedikit penelitian yang mencoba untuk menggali lebih dalam mengenai kondisi psikologis perawat dilihat dari sisi subjektif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam terhadap tiga orang perawat yang sedang atau pernah bekerja di ruang intensif. Satu perawat ditugaskan Ruang Isolasi COVID 19 yang pernah bertugas di ruang intensif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan beberapa tema yang sama antar partisipan terkait dengan pengalaman mereka di ruang intensif dan ruang isolasi COVID 19 seperti adanya rasa cemas, pekerjaan yang melelahkan. Tema yang muncul sebagian besar mengandung emosi negatif dan distres psikologis yang dialami selama bertugas dalam konteks yang beragam antar partisipan. Terlepas dari emosi negatif, partisipan masih terdapat sikap positif yang menjadi motivasi mereka untuk tetap mengabdi. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan secara spesifik tantangan unik yang dialami oleh partisipan dan dampaknya terhadap kesehatan mental mereka yang tidak dapat dijelaskan melalui penelitian kuantitatif. ABSTRACT This study uses a phenomenological approach and aims to perceive nurses' experiences in the intensive room which has vulnerable to have psychological distress and how they interpret their experiences. There are limited studies that reveal about psychological distress from nurse’s subjective view. Data is collected through a depth of interviews with three new nurses, who are on duty in intensive care room and a nurse in the COVID 19 Isolation Room, who has also served in the ICU. The result of this study shows some similar themes about their experiences in intensive care and COVID 19 isolation room such as anxiety and exhausting job. Majority of theme contain negative emotion and psychological distress while on duty in special context among participants. Regardless negative emotion dominated, positive attitude that encourage instrinsic motivation to serve patiens live. The study revealed specific challenge and experience among participants and how affect their mental health which not revealed from quantitative study.

2021 ◽  
Lena Klever ◽  
Pascal Mamassian ◽  
Jutta Billino

Visual perception is not only shaped by sensitivity, but also by confidence, i.e. the ability to estimate the accuracy of a visual decision. There is robust evidence that younger observers have access to a reliable measure of their own uncertainty when making visual decisions. This metacognitive ability might be challenged during aging due to increasing sensory noise and decreasing cognitive control resources. We investigated age effects on visual confidence using a confidence forced-choice paradigm. We determined discrimination thresholds for trials in which perceptual judgements were indicated as confident and for those in which they were declined as confident. Younger adults (19-38 years) showed significantly lower discrimination thresholds than older adults (60-78 years). In both age groups, perceptual performance was linked to confidence judgements, but overall results suggest reduced confidence efficiency in older adults. However, we observed substantial variability of confidence effects across all particpants. This variability was closely linked to individual differences in cognitive control capacities, i.e. executive function. Our findings provide evidence for age-related differences in meta-perceptual efficiency that present a specific challenge to perceptual performance in old age. We propose that these age effects are primarily mediated by cognitive control resources, supporting their crucial role for metacognitive efficiency.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-26
Gerald Lang

The Introduction identifies the 1976 symposium between Bernard Williams and Thomas Nagel as the key moment in the development of the contemporary wide-ranging debate on moral luck. Despite Nagel’s proposal to proceed with an account of luck that can straddle the gap between ethics and epistemology, it is argued that the sort of luck relevant to moral and political philosophy need not be identical with the sort of luck pressed into service by epistemologists. The ‘Lack of Control Account’ of luck will serve adequately for normative issues, even if it leaves theoretical philosophers dissatisfied. Nagel’s familiar taxonomy of types of moral luck is outlined: resultant luck, circumstantial luck, constitutive luck, and causal luck. The treatment of moral luck in this book prescinds from any detailed engagement with issues of free will and responsibility, and also issues of blameworthiness and responsibility. Different views can be taken about these various issues, but the specific challenge of moral luck will still await resolution. That challenge is fundamentally distributive in character, and is typically focused on the apparatus of the pairwise comparison. The anti-luckist programme in normative ethics objects to different assignments of blameworthiness to agents whose acts turn out differently due to luck. The problem here lies with that prior investment in the pairwise comparison. That contention will be pursued across the early chapters of the book.

2021 ◽  
Meor M. Meor Hashim ◽  
M. Hazwan Yusoff ◽  
M. Faris Arriffin ◽  
Azlan Mohamad ◽  
Tengku Ezharuddin Tengku Bidin ◽  

Abstract The restriction or inability of the drill string to reciprocate or rotate while in the borehole is commonly known as a stuck pipe. This event is typically accompanied by constraints in drilling fluid flow, except for differential sticking. The stuck pipe can manifest based on three different mechanisms, i.e. pack-off, differential sticking, and wellbore geometry. Despite its infrequent occurrence, non-productive time (NPT) events have a massive cost impact. Nevertheless, stuck pipe incidents can be evaded with proper identification of its unique symptoms which allows an early intervention and remediation action. Over the decades, multiple analytical studies have been attempted to predict stuck pipe occurrences. The latest venture into this drilling operational challenge now utilizes Machine Learning (ML) algorithms in forecasting stuck pipe risk. An ML solution namely, Wells Augmented Stuck Pipe Indicator (WASP), is developed to tackle this specific challenge. The solution leverages on real-time drilling database and supplementary engineering design information to estimate proxy drilling parameters which provide active and impartial pattern recognition of prospective stuck pipe events. The solution is built to assist Wells Real Time Centre (WRTC) personnel in proactively providing a holistic perspective in anticipating potential anomalies and recommending remedial countermeasures before incidents happen. Several case studies are outlined to exhibit the impact of WASP in real-time drilling operation monitoring and intervention where WASP is capable to identify stuck pipe symptoms a few hours earlier and provide warnings for stuck pipe avoidance. The presented case studies were run on various live wells where restrictions are predicted stands ahead of the incidents. Warnings and alarms were generated, allowing further analysis by the personnel to verify and assess the situation before delivering a precautionary procedure to the rig site. The implementation of the WASP will reduce analysis time and provide timely prescriptive action in the proactive real-time drilling operation monitoring and intervention hub, subsequently creating value through cost containment and operational efficiency.

2021 ◽  
pp. 178359172098769
Hugo J. Fuentes ◽  
Gustavo Mendoza ◽  
Miguel A. Montoya ◽  
Ismael Aguilar

A specific challenge related to infrastructure creation that is faced by several countries has to do with the lack of participation to an optimal level of subnational governments in the development of Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects which, in turn, could offset the existing infrastructure limitations. In this article, we analyze the Mexican case, whose main feature is that, despite implementing the PPP scheme for almost 10 years and having technical assistance from international organizations to establish the required institutional framework (i.e. legal and technical dimensions), local governments have not been able to create the necessary competencies to carry out this type of project. In order to assess local governments on this subject, we conducted an analysis based on the model designed by the OECD in relation to the execution of PPP projects. A proposal to explain the lack of local government participation in PPP schemes, rests on the foundations of so-called “subnational authoritarianism.”

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 546-570
Fiammetta Salmoni

Il 9 aprile 2020, a Bruxelles, l’Eurogruppo ha raggiunto l’accordo sintetizzato nel Report on the comprehensive economic policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic, nel quale si dichiara che “è necessaria una strategia coordinata e globale per far fronte alle esigenze dell’emergenza sanitaria, sostenere le attività economiche e preparare il terreno per la ripresa”, una strategia che “dovrebbe combinare iniziative a breve, medio e lungo termine, tenendo conto delle ricadute e delle interconnessioni” tra le diverse economie degli Stati dell’Eurozona, considerando altresì la “necessità di preservare lafiducia e la stabilità”. Tra queste iniziative, si distingue, per la sua rilevanza, ma anche per la sua problematicità e la conflittualità che ha scatenato tra le forze politiche nazionali e finanche all’interno della stessa maggioranza di governo, il ricorso al Meccanismo europeodi stabilità (MES) sotto la forma di una speciale linea di credito, denominata Pandemic Crisis Support (PCS), che dovrebbe basarsi sull’esistente Enhanced Conditions Credit Line (ECCL) e “adjusted in light of this specific challenge, as a relevant safeguard foreuro area Member States affected by this external shock”.

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