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noise model
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2022 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Yiwei Hu ◽  
Chengan He ◽  
Valentin Deschaintre ◽  
Julie Dorsey ◽  
Holly Rushmeier

Procedural modeling is now the de facto standard of material modeling in industry. Procedural models can be edited and are easily extended, unlike pixel-based representations of captured materials. In this article, we present a semi-automatic pipeline for general material proceduralization. Given Spatially Varying Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions (SVBRDFs) represented as sets of pixel maps, our pipeline decomposes them into a tree of sub-materials whose spatial distributions are encoded by their associated mask maps. This semi-automatic decomposition of material maps progresses hierarchically, driven by our new spectrum-aware material matting and instance-based decomposition methods. Each decomposed sub-material is proceduralized by a novel multi-layer noise model to capture local variations at different scales. Spatial distributions of these sub-materials are modeled either by a by-example inverse synthesis method recovering Point Process Texture Basis Functions (PPTBF) [ 30 ] or via random sampling. To reconstruct procedural material maps, we propose a differentiable rendering-based optimization that recomposes all generated procedures together to maximize the similarity between our procedural models and the input material pixel maps. We evaluate our pipeline on a variety of synthetic and real materials. We demonstrate our method’s capacity to process a wide range of material types, eliminating the need for artist designed material graphs required in previous work [ 38 , 53 ]. As fully procedural models, our results expand to arbitrary resolution and enable high-level user control of appearance.

2022 ◽  
Daniel Bramich ◽  
Monica Menendez ◽  
Lukas Ambühl

<div>Understanding the inter-relationships between traffic flow, density, and speed through the study of the fundamental diagram of road traffic is critical for traffic modelling and management. Consequently, over the last 85 years, a wealth of models have been developed for its functional form. However, there has been no clear answer as to which model is the most appropriate for observed (i.e. empirical) fundamental diagrams and under which conditions. A lack of data has been partly to blame. Motivated by shortcomings in previous reviews, we first present a comprehensive literature review on modelling the functional form of empirical fundamental diagrams. We then perform fits of 50 previously proposed models to a high quality sample of 10,150 empirical fundamental diagrams pertaining to 25 cities. Comparing the fits using information criteria, we find that the non-parametric Sun model greatly outperforms all of the other models. The Sun model maintains its winning position regardless of road type and congestion level. Our study, the first of its kind when considering the number of models tested and the amount of data used, finally provides a definitive answer to the question ``Which model for the functional form of an empirical fundamental diagram is currently the best?''. The word ``currently'' in this question is key, because previously proposed models adopt an inappropriate Gaussian noise model with constant variance. We advocate that future research should shift focus to exploring more sophisticated noise models. This will lead to an improved understanding of empirical fundamental diagrams and their underlying functional forms.</div><div><br></div><div>Accepted by IEEE Transactions On Intelligent Transportation Systems on 14th Dec 2021<br></div><br>

2022 ◽  
Hanwen Zhang ◽  
Zhen Qin ◽  
Yichao Zhang ◽  
Dajiang Chen ◽  
Ji Gen ◽  

Abstract The Gaussian noise model has been chosen for underwater information sensing tasks under substantial interference for most of the research at present. However, it often contains a strong impact and does not conform to the Gaussian distribution. In this paper, a practical underwater information sensing system is proposed based on intermittent chaos under the background of Lévy noise. In this system, a novel Lévy noise model is presented to describe the underwater natural environment interference and estimate its parameters, which can better describe the impact characteristics of the underwater environment. Then an underwater environment sensing method of dual-coupled intermittent chaotic Duffing oscillator is improved by using the variable step-size method and scale transformation. The simulation results show that the method can sense weak signals and estimate their frequencies under the background of strong Lévy noise, and the estimation error is as low as 0.03%. Compared with the intermittent chaos of the single Duffing oscillator and the intermittent chaotic Duffing of double coupling, the minimum SNR ratio threshold has been reduced by 11.5dB and 6.9dB, respectively, and the computational cost significantly reduced, and the sensing efficiency is significantly improved.

2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-129
Mark T. Richardson ◽  
David R. Thompson ◽  
Marcin J. Kurowski ◽  
Matthew D. Lebsock

Abstract. Upcoming spaceborne imaging spectrometers will retrieve clear-sky total column water vapour (TCWV) over land at a horizontal resolution of 30–80 m. Here we show how to obtain, from these retrievals, exponents describing the power-law scaling of sub-kilometre horizontal variability in clear-sky bulk planetary boundary layer (PBL) water vapour (q) accounting for realistic non-vertical sunlight paths. We trace direct solar beam paths through large eddy simulations (LES) of shallow convective PBLs and show that retrieved 2-D water vapour fields are “smeared” in the direction of the solar azimuth. This changes the horizontal spatial scaling of the field primarily in that direction, and we address this by calculating exponents perpendicular to the solar azimuth, that is to say flying “across” the sunlight path rather than “towards” or “away” from the Sun. Across 23 LES snapshots, at solar zenith angle SZA = 60∘ the mean bias in calculated exponent is 38 ± 12 % (95 % range) along the solar azimuth, while following our strategy it is 3 ± 9 % and no longer significant. Both bias and root-mean-square error decrease with lower SZA. We include retrieval errors from several sources, including (1) the Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation (EMIT) instrument noise model, (2) requisite assumptions about the atmospheric thermodynamic profile, and (3) spatially nonuniform aerosol distributions. By only considering the direct beam, we neglect 3-D radiative effects such as light scattered into the field of view by nearby clouds. However, our proposed technique is necessary to counteract the direct-path effect of solar geometries and obtain unique information about sub-kilometre PBL q scaling from upcoming spaceborne spectrometer missions.

Aerospace ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Grazia Piccirillo ◽  
Nicole Viola ◽  
Roberta Fusaro ◽  
Luigi Federico

One of the most critical regulatory issues related to supersonic flight arises from limitations imposed by community noise acceptability. The most efficient way to ensure that future supersonic aircraft will meet low-noise requirements is the verification of noise emissions from the early stages of the design process. Therefore, this paper suggests guidelines for the Landing and Take-Off (LTO) noise assessment of future civil supersonic aircraft in conceptual design. The supersonic aircraft noise model is based on the semi-empirical equations employed in the early versions of the Aircraft NOise Prediction Program (ANOPP) developed by NASA, whereas sound attenuation due to atmospheric absorption has been considered in accordance with SAE ARP 866 B. The simulation of the trajectory leads to the prediction of the aircraft noise level on ground in terms of several acoustic metrics (LAmax, SEL, PNLTM and EPNL). Therefore, a dedicated validation has been performed, selecting the only available supersonic aircraft of the Aircraft Noise and Performance database (ANP), that is, the Concorde, through the matching with Noise Power Distance (NPD) curves for LAmax and SEL, obtaining a maximum prediction error of ±2.19%. At least, an application to departure and approach procedures is reported to verify the first noise estimations with current noise requirements defined by ICAO at the three certification measurement points (sideline, flyover, approach) and to draw preliminary considerations for future low-noise supersonic aircraft design.

2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (01) ◽  
pp. P01018
R. Acciarri ◽  
B. Baller ◽  
V. Basque ◽  
C. Bromberg ◽  
F. Cavanna ◽  

Abstract The liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) detector technology has an excellent capability to measure properties of low-energy neutrinos produced by the sun and supernovae and to look for exotic physics at very low energies. In order to achieve those physics goals, it is crucial to identify and reconstruct signals in the waveforms recorded on each TPC wire. In this paper, we report on a novel algorithm based on a one-dimensional convolutional neural network (CNN) to look for the region-of-interest (ROI) in raw waveforms. We test this algorithm using data from the ArgoNeuT experiment in conjunction with an improved noise mitigation procedure and a more realistic data-driven noise model for simulated events. This deep-learning ROI finder shows promising performance in extracting small signals and gives an efficiency approximately twice that of the traditional algorithm in the low energy region of ∼0.03–0.1 MeV. This method offers great potential to explore low-energy physics using LArTPCs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 1-28
Jie Qiao ◽  
Ruichu Cai ◽  
Kun Zhang ◽  
Zhenjie Zhang ◽  
Zhifeng Hao

Identification of causal direction between a causal-effect pair from observed data has recently attracted much attention. Various methods based on functional causal models have been proposed to solve this problem, by assuming the causal process satisfies some (structural) constraints and showing that the reverse direction violates such constraints. The nonlinear additive noise model has been demonstrated to be effective for this purpose, but the model class does not allow any confounding or intermediate variables between a cause pair–even if each direct causal relation follows this model. However, omitting the latent causal variables is frequently encountered in practice. After the omission, the model does not necessarily follow the model constraints. As a consequence, the nonlinear additive noise model may fail to correctly discover causal direction. In this work, we propose a confounding cascade nonlinear additive noise model to represent such causal influences–each direct causal relation follows the nonlinear additive noise model but we observe only the initial cause and final effect. We further propose a method to estimate the model, including the unmeasured confounding and intermediate variables, from data under the variational auto-encoder framework. Our theoretical results show that with our model, the causal direction is identifiable under suitable technical conditions on the data generation process. Simulation results illustrate the power of the proposed method in identifying indirect causal relations across various settings, and experimental results on real data suggest that the proposed model and method greatly extend the applicability of causal discovery based on functional causal models in nonlinear cases.

2021 ◽  
Ahmad Tanha

This paper addresses probabilistic shaping (PS) which has been a latest key technique to approach capacity of fiber-optic channels. We investigate the impact of PS on nonlinear interference (NLI), including self channel interference (SCI), cross channel interference (XCI), and multi channel interference (MCI) for a polarization multiplexed 16*ary quadrature amplitude modulation format in a wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) system. To this end, we consider performing PS in two scenarios: (i) Solely on the channel of interest and (ii) over all C-band WDM channels of a fiber-optic link by analyzing the effective signal to noise ratio and symbol error rate. It is demonstrated that using the enhanced Gaussian noise model with merely 10% overhead in the first scenario, the applied PS scheme increases the SCI and the total experienced NLI by about 19.23%, and 6.6%, respectively. Interestingly, despite enhancing the NLI in this scenario, the simulated PS technique leads to about 47.6% increase in the transmission reach. In the second scenario, the numerical results show increase of the SCI, XCI, and total NLI around 19.8%, 23.34%, and 20.2%, respectively, but resulting in an increase of 32.3% in the transmission reach.<br>

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