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International Journal of Science and Research Archive
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Published By GSC Online Press


2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 171-178
Uchenna Nwanodi Nwankwo ◽  
Obioma Kenechukwu Agwa

Biofuel serves as an alternative energy to the common fossil fuels currently in use globally and are drawing increasing attention worldwide as substitutes for petroleum-derived transportation fuels to help address challenges associated with petroleum derived fuels. Third generation biofuels, also termed advanced biofuels, are produced from fast growing microalgae and are potential replacements for conventional fuels. The growth and biomass production of these microalgae is dependent on the conditions they are cultivated such as pH and Salinity. Cassava waste mixtures were cultivated on Chlorella vulgaris stock culture at different concentration ratio at ambient temperature, natural light and dark conditions at 670nm absorbance for 14 days. Optimum growth was obtained at 160:40 for cassava peel water to cassava waste water CP:CW. pH variations 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 8.5 and 9.0 were checked to determine the optimum pH for the growth and biomass production of Chlorella vulgaris on the optimum cassava waste mixture concentration. It revealed that at pH 6.5, optimal growth and biomass production was achieved, minimal growth was observed at pH 8.0 while minimal biomass was produced at pH 9.0. Salinity variations of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 mg/l were used to determine the growth response and biomass production of Chlorella vulgaris. It revealed that salinity variation at 10ppm will be necessary for highest growth on the cassava waste as well as in biomass production. The use of optimal pH and salinity can significantly increase biomass production thus enhancing biofuel production.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 165-170
Arnis En Yulia ◽  
Murniati ◽  
Isna Rahma Dini ◽  
Laila Manja

This study aims to determine the effect of the combination of AB mix nutrients with liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) of tofu liquid waste on the growth and yield of lettuce plants and to obtain the best combination for the growth and yield of lettuce hydroponically. This study used a non-factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD), consisting of a comparison of nutritional treatments, namely: N1 = 100% AB mix + 0% LOF of liquid waste tofu, N2= 75% AB mix + 25% LOF of tofu liquid waste, N3= 50% AB mix + 50% LOF of tofu liquid waste, N4= 25% AB mix + 75 % LOF of tofu liquid waste, N5= 100% LOF of waste liquid tofu which consists of 4 replications. Parameters observed were plant height, number of leaves, leaf length, leaf width, root length, fresh weight, root volume and weight fit for consumption. The results showed that the administration of 50% AB mix + 50% LOF of tofu liquid waste and 25% AB mix + 75% LOF of tofu liquid waste showed results that tended to be the same but the results of the combination of 75% AB mix + 25% LOF of tofu liquid waste were higher. On the parameters of the number of leaves is 11.12 strands, fresh weight is 66.40 g and suitable weight for consumption is 58.31 g.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 185-187
Michael John Dochniak

Viral infections are a natural and inevitable part of life. In healthy individuals, mortality increases when the body’s innate immune system quickly activates, creating a cytokine storm. A rapid and excessive release of cytokines into the bloodstream can cause acute respiratory distress syndrome and death. This communication proposes inhibiting cytokine storm development through forced atopy. Hyper-allergenic skin cream therapy stimulates adaptive immunity to support innate immunity before acute infection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 157-164
Fahim Aslam

Studies over the past decade have shown that medical waste generated has increased significantly and will continue to increase with the pandemic. To identify solutions to solve this global issue, the assignment focuses on defining the existing waste management practices followed in developing countries and highlights specific challenges faced. The purpose of this assignment is to identify ways where healthcare organizations can improve the overall medical waste management (MWM) process and create awareness among co-workers. The assignment is divided into three main components where critical analysis of primary research, policy for waste management and use of IT/IS tools were analyzed. Three articles analyzed in this assignment were published in high impact journals/international reports between 2014-2018. Findings from the primary research were obtained using a Likert-scale questionnaire from 156 healthcare institutions, the results indicated that MWM practices followed in healthcare institutions are impacted by three factors, awareness of staff, technological availability and attitudes of top-board management. The three factors had a p-value of 0.00 in the correlation analysis carried out indicating a highly significant relationship between them. Integrated sustainable waste management model following the GWMO (Global Waste Management Outlook) framework was identified to be most adaptable method. The advantage of this model is such that it can be remodeled based on the country’s requirement with the help of digital tools and country-level indicators. The use of IT/IS tools were critically analyzed in the last article with use of GIS integrated real-time waste management system being identified as the most feasible option, where using online tracking systems and smart bins the type of waste and quantities produced can be measured and provide real time updates to local authorities to ensure safe waste management practices are followed. Recommendations from the assignment identifies that countries needs to conduct a preliminary analysis of types of medical waste being generated in healthcare institutions to provide a better understanding of types of hazardous waste exposed to the environment. Additionally, frequent training workshops needs to be conducted to ensure the management and staff understand the importance of MWM.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-124
Andrew Phillips ◽  
Anita Wong ◽  
Grace Chen ◽  
Jacob LaSalle ◽  
Jonathann Kuo

This One month safety study addresses any potential risks behind the use of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell extracellular vesicle isolate product (ExoFlo Direct Biologics) as a treatment for cervical and lumbar radiculopathy. Ten healthy adults were treated with ExoFlo injections for cervical radiculopathy (n=5) and lumbar radiculopathy (n=5). Follow up occurred twenty-four hours, three days, one week, three weeks and one month post injection. By the one month follow-up, the average patient improved 55% in BPI, 55.2% in QD, 25.4% in UEFS, 19.75% in ODI and 26% in LEFS. There were no complications or adverse events by the end of the study and no patient exhibited worsening radiculopathy. Patients will continue to be followed for at least six months post injection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 136-148
Hapsoh ◽  
Wawan ◽  
Arnis En Yulia ◽  
Isna Rahma Dini ◽  
Fhingky Olivia Tiara Sakti

Rice plant is paddy producing plant needed by most of Indonesians as staple food. Sei Geringging Village in Kampar District, Kampar Kiri Sub-District had technically irrigated field on peat land and peat buried. Farmers on Sei Geringging Village farmed 2 kinds of rice which were prime variety and local variety. Most of prime variety farmed was Inpari 9 and the local variety was Mentik Wangi. Farmers on Sei Geringging Village had been farming the rice without knowing which variety had been best to farm on peat land and on peat buried that the yield had not been optimal. This research aimed to know the comparison of maximum growth and production rate of Inpari 9 and Mentik Wangi variety rice on peat land and peat buried. This research was done by a survey with descriptive method .Treatment combination was repeatedly done 4 times resulting 16 unit trial squares. Each square had 5 sample plants. Best growth was on peat land that planted with the Inpari 9 variety and on peat buried was planted with Mentik Wangi variety resulting yield of 4,20 ton.ha-1

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 188-197
Honoré Ubald M Adande ◽  
Pauline Houdagba, Rodrigue C Landeou ◽  
Expédit W Vissin

Water is the source of life. It is essential for the survival of all living things. However, its alteration becomes harmful to humans. In Cotonou, the main city of Benin, the quality of drinking water is worrying because of many factors such as environmental pollution and poor hygiene around water sources. In fact, poorly ecological management methods of household waste pose risks of contamination of soil and water resources. This study aims to assess the quality of domestic water for households in the city of Cotonou. The methodology adopted is summed up in a physico-chemical and microbiological analysis of thirty water samples taken from households in the 13 districts of the city of Cotonou. The results obtained at the physicochemical level show that, apart from the waters of SONEB at the source, whose turbidity (5.6 NTU) complies with the standard which is 5 NTU, that of other sources is much greater than Standard. This indicates the presence of suspended solids in the water that may harbor microorganisms harmful to humans. With regard to microbiological quality, all the water sampled at household level contains E.Coli, the number of which is much higher than the Benin standard which sets at 0/1 ml of water. In addition, the water sampled from the wells contains high numbers of fecal coliforms. As for SONEB water, the presence of coliforms was determined but with lower numbers than well water (50 / ml at household level and 2 / ml at source level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-118
Sreeshyla HS ◽  
Hegde Usha ◽  
Srinivas J ◽  
Priyanka Nitin ◽  
Premalatha BR

Oral exfoliative cytology is one of the easy, simple, economical and non-cumbersome diagnostic adjunct. It involves examining the exfoliated buccal cells for alterations in cellular and nuclear features. It offers the advantage of being useful in less resource setting areas. Though associated with many false results, the newer technological advancements have proven its diagnostic efficiency. Oral exfoliative cytology can readily be used as adjunct to disease diagnosis, however, it cannot replace biopsy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 106-114
Konstantinos Moutaftsis ◽  
Evgenia Trevlaki ◽  
Anna Chalkia ◽  
Konstantinos Chandolias ◽  
Emmanouil Trevlakis ◽  

Hippotherapy is used in physiotherapy as a treatment that takes advantage of the unique characteristics of the horses' walk impulses and triggers movement responses in patients sitting on the horse's back. The research evidence for application of hippotherapy at people with neurological deficits and disabilities is sparse. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic and inflammatory disease that affects the neurons of the Central Nervous System. The aim of this review article was to presents the effect of hippotherapy at people with MS. PubMed, Science Direct, Pedro, Total and National Institute Hi.K.E.R., and Google Scholar were searched from 2005 to 2021. Out of 271 studies, 14 were included. The results showed that hippotherapy has a positive impact on the motor function, the walking cycle, the endurance, the balance, and the orthostatic control of people with MS. Further research must be done in a greater scale and investigate the way hippotherapy affects the quality of life, the self-confidence and the social inclusion of people with MS. In summary, the application of hippotherapy in people with MS contributes positively to the progression of the disease and enhances the functionality of individuals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 149-156
Gbaguidi Ahotondji Bertin ◽  
Avocefohoun Sako Alphonse ◽  
Gbaguidi Nonvignon Magloire ◽  
Komahoue Komabou Fulbert ◽  
Youssao Abdou Karim Alassane ◽  

The thickness of the endometrium is also an important parameter in the clinical management of women. It is often influenced by several parameters which are important to determine. This is why the present study looked at the factors that influence the variation in the thickness of the endometrium of women in Lokossa in the Republic of Benin. This descriptive, prospective and cross-sectional study concerns 166 women aged 15 to 40 in Lokossa. Ultrasound examination measured the thickness of the endometrium on the longitudinal section through the suprapubic route. Anthropometric parameters were taken by other equipment from each woman. Analysis of one-way proc glm ANOVA variants and Student-Newman-Keuls (SNK) tests identified factors associated with variation in endometrial thickness in women. At the end of the study, the minimum, average and maximum values ​​of the thickness of the endometrium obtained are respectively Vm = 3.50 mm, VMoy = 6.73 ± 1.38 mm, MV = 10.00 mm during the pre-ovulatory phase, Vm = 7.30 mm, MV avg = 10.75 ± 2.11 mm, MV = 16.00 mm during the post-ovulatory period. There is an association between the thickness of the endometrium and parameters such as age, weight, Body Mass Index, parity. BMI has been found to be associated with changes in endometrial thickness. And this variation in the thickness of the endometrium of the woman's uterus is related to the number of deliveries. Thus, the higher the number of childbirth, the greater the thickness of the endometrium deprived.

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