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Uchenye zapiski St. Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics
Latest Publications





Published By Saint-Petersburg University Of Management Technologies And Economics - UMTE


E. V. Chirkunova

Translating a text, especially when it comes to fiction, one of the main problems is to find appropriate and qualitative methods of translating culture-determined words. Therefore, a number of decisions made by the translator defines how a given text will be perceived by readers of a different culture. This article presents a comparative analysis of the culture-specific vocabulary of the original Russian text and the text of the translation, followed by the identification of vocabulary features given in the original text and the methods of its translation into English.

L. V. Yakovleva ◽  
I. A. Tkacheva

The article expresses the position of the authors that role-playing games in foreign language classes are not just collective entertainment, but act as an effective way to solve a wide variety of training tasks — from the development of elementary speech skills to the formation of skills conducting an independent conversation. Playful activity helps not only to intensify the speech-thinking activity of students, with its with the help of the teacher recreates the atmosphere of communication, close to real communication situation, introduces students to the realities socio-cultural environment in which they are located, which is undoubtedly positively affects the adaptation of students to stay at border.

V. A. Koleno ◽  
E. V. Filatova

This article describes the concept of gamification and the features of its application in the educational process. The advantages and disadvantages of the method, the influence of games on students are highlighted.

A. V. Diehl

This research is devoted to the study of the linguo-cognitive specifics of the linguistic nominations of manifestations of love in the poem “La steaua” by M. Eminescu. The study of linguistic representations of the concept of love as multifaceted and ambiguous from the point of view of its emotional nature of feelings on the material of a poetic work is interdisciplinary by its nature, being at the junction of such scientific disciplines as: cognitive linguistics, literature and psycholinguistics. The purpose of the study is to identify and study the verbalized fragments of the image “love” in the poem “La steaua” by M. Eminescu and to establish their associative-figurative potential. To achieve the above-mentioned goal, a number of tasks were outlined: to identify and classify the key conceptual dominants of the poem “La steaua” by M. Eminescu; to establish the structure and semantic content of the image of love in the poem by describing its frame structure; to determine the individual author’s specificity of the interpretation of the artistic image of love on the material of the analyzed poem. As a result of our research, we identify frame structures that are activated by verbal units and convey a specific stereotypical situation. We come to the conclusion that the features of the verbal embodiment of frame structures are directly related to the individual author’s perception of the image of love, his personal and emotional characteristics, as well as culturally determined associations with the concept of love.

E. N. Taistova

The article is devoted to the transmission of the realities of the dystopia “1984” by J. Orwell. The concept of “realia” and the problem of its translation were examined in the article. The paper also presents the analysis of the realia transmissed by V. P. Golysheva and L. D. Bershidsky into Russian and their partial interpretation.

A. A. Naymushina

The article examines the penetration of Anglicisms into the Russian language through youth slang. The reasons for the emergence and functioning of youth slang as a separate sociolect are also considered.

I. A. Karpovich ◽  
Iu. V. Koroleva

In recent years, the problem of self-regulation of educational activity has become an urgent subject of psychological and pedagogical research. This is due to the fact that self-regulation is one of the most important factors that ensure the effectiveness of students’ educational performance, especially while studying distantly. This paper is devoted to the description of the methodology for assessing students’ self-regulation, successfully tested in the process of teaching foreign languages at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

A. G. Antonchik ◽  
U. A. Fedotova

The article presents a comparative analysis of American and British political texts, aimed to reveal the content of speech tactics and strategies, and to comment on their functional purpose. Special attention is paid to the issues of using the means of speech expressiveness, among which key words and metaphors are highlighted. This study is based on the texts of the inaugural speeches of American presidents (George W. Bush, Barak H. Obama, Donald J. Trump, Joe R. Biden) and British prime ministers (Tony Blair, David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson), published on the official websites of the US and UK administrations.

T. A. Ivanchenko

The article is devoted to the study of errors and inaccuracies made by machine translation systems. The reasons for the appearance of errors of various types in the texts of machine translations of German-language articles of well-known mass media into Russian, made by popular translation programs, are analyzed. A classification of errors is given. The lexical-semantic and lexical-stylistic, normative-usual, grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors are highlighted. Typical “weaknesses” of machine translation from German into Russian are revealed, which should be paid attention to during post-editing of the text of such a translation. It is pointed out that the analysis of typical errors in automatic translation can also be taken into account in the process of improving the algorithm of their work by the developers of machine translation systems.

E. A. Efimova

This article discusses the use of speech therapy rhythmics in order to correct speech disorders in preschoolers with an erased form of dysarthria. In the course of this work were in s manifest features of tempo-rhythmic organization of speech of children with the erased form of dysarthria; the positive influence of speech therapy rhythmics on children of this category is described and examples of effective exercises in the process of its use are given.

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