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Published By Altai State University

1560-7267, 1560-7259

Turczaninowia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 99-107
Elena Yu. Zykova ◽  
Tatyana V. Pankova ◽  
Maria N. Lomonosova

Chromosome numbers (2n) of 15 invasive and potentially invasive plant species from the families Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Malvaceae, Onagraceae, Papaveraceae, Plantaginaceae, Poaceae, Polygonaceae, Portulacaceae, and Rosaceae are reported on the samples collected in the Republic of Altai. To determine the chromosome number (ploidy level), the method of direct counting was used. Among studied species, chromosome complements for Persicaria orientalis (2n = 22), Potentilla norvegica (2n = 42), Veronica persica (2n = 28) were first examined from Russia; for Papaver rhoeas (2n = 14) and Rumex obtusifolius (2n = 20) – from Asian part of Russia; for Bromus squarrosus (2n = 14), Cosmos bipinnatus (2n = 24), and Eriochloa villosa (2n = 54) – from Siberia. Abutilon theophrasti (2n = 42) and Lepidium densiflorum (2n = 32) were first studied from Western Siberia; Epilobium ciliatum subsp. adenocaulon (2n = 36), Portulaca oleracea (2n = 36), Spergularia rubra (2n = 36), and Xanthium strumarium (2n = 36) – from the Republic of Altai. Common distribution and the history of floristic findings of these species in the Republic of Altai are given. Previously published data on chromosome numbers from Russia are cited.

Turczaninowia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 131-139
Sergey V. Smirnov ◽  
Aleksey A. Kechaykin ◽  
Vladislav S. Tenigin ◽  
Ilja A. Shestakov ◽  
Alexander I. Shmakov

The article presents new data on the distribution in the territory of Western Altai of 20 species of vascular plants from the families Asteraceae, Betulaceae, Boraginaceae, Crassulaceae, Huperziaceae, Grossulariaceae, Lamiaceae, Onagraceae, Orchidaceae, Papaveraceae, Polygonaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rosaceae, Saxifragaceae и Violaceae. All of them were collected in the highlands of the Korgon Range within the Altai Territory. Of these, Potentilla crebridens is reported for the first time for the Altai Territory and Western Altai; for other species, new localities are indicated. For the first time for the Korgon Range within the Altai Territory, Saxifraga terektensis, Viola tigirekica are presented, and the exact location of Potentilla nivea is noted. New localities of rare and protected species were discovered: Callianthemum sajanense, Huperzia appressa, Pyrethrum alatavicum, Saussurea baicalensis, Scutellaria altaica. For each species, the general distribution, ecology data are given, for some species, notes on the difference and differentiation of them from the closest taxa are indicated. If necessary, the locations of the species previously registered in the Western Altai are indicated. For the species included in the “Red Data Book of the Altai Territory”, we provide an information on the approximate number of individuals in the found populations. Based on the analysis of herbarium material, we exclude Potentilla nervosa from the list of flora of the Altai Territory.

Turczaninowia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 12-22
Olga E. Valuyskikh ◽  
Dmitry M. Shadrin

The aim of our work was to obtain chloroplast (trnH-psbA) and nuclear (ITS1-ITS2) DNA nucleotide sequences and identify the phylogenetic position of Phlojodicarpus villosus (Apiaceae). This species of vascular plants is represented in the Urals by isolated relic populations and is included in the regional Red Data Books. There is no data on P. villosus nucleotide sequences in the international open genetic databases. We studied two herbarium specimens of P. villosus, one collected from the Ural part of its range in the Komi Republic (Northern Urals) and the second collected from the main part of its range in the Magadan Region (Kolyma Highlands). Combining nuclear and chloroplast markers made it possible to reliably determine phylogenetic position of P. villosus within the tribe Selineae (subfamily Apioideae, family Apiaceae). We found ITS1-ITS2 and trnH-psbA nucleotide sequences to be sufficiently informative to identify specimens of this genus. High polymorphism of P. villosus sequences obtained from different parts of its range (Northern Urals and Kolyma Highlands) and the presence of evolutionary events (deletions) require more detail study of P. villosus and other Phlojodicarpus taxa by DNA barcoding methods.

Turczaninowia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 47-53
Dilip Kumar Roy ◽  
Rikertre Lytan ◽  
David Lalsama Biate ◽  
Nripemo Odyuo

The monotypic ginger genus Stadiochilus R. M. Sm. with S. burmanicus R. M. Sm. earlier known from Myanmar is reported here as a new record for India from the state of Nagaland. A detailed taxonomic description along with photographic illustrations of S. burmanicus is given. For conservation purposes, the IUCN status of this species has been evaluated as Endangered. The present field study ascertained that extraction of timber and non-timber forest products, forest fires and shifting cultivation are the major threats to the species in the locality in Nagaland reported here.

Turczaninowia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 123-130
Irina N. Shekhovtsova ◽  
Nikolay N. Lashchinskiy ◽  
Sergey V. Shekhovtsov

While performing vegetation surveys in the southern part of the Lena delta, a new species of Carex from section Phacocystis has been found. Morphologically, Carex delongii sp. nov. is most close to C. cespitosa and C. minuta but differs from the former in smaller inflorescences, shorter pistillate spikes, narrow and soft leaves, oblong-ovoid (vs. ovoid) utricles; from the latter, it is distinguished by having smaller spikes and larger utricles. This relationship is also confirmed by molecular data. A detailed description of Carex delongii, its comparison with related species, illustrations, characteristics of habitat and phylogenetic position are reported.

Turczaninowia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 168-185
Andrey V. Chkalov

Descriptions and illustrations of the key morphological characters for six new species of Alchemilla ser. Calycinae (A. bezengiensis, A. kazbekensis, A. longipedicellata, A. muldaschevii, A. pseudotranscaucasica, A. ptyschensis) are presented. A. bezengiensis (A. aggr. ellenbergiana) differs from related species by hairy stems throughout and/or densely hairy hypanthia, and/or hairy lower leaf surface. A. kazbekensis (A. aggr. dura) is formally close to A. ser. Elatae by having patent indumentum of stems and petioles that differs it from all other Calycinae. A. longipedicellata (A.aggr. abchasica) is distinguished from most members of the aggregate by fewer leaf lobes and/or glabrous hypanthia, from other Calycinae – by numerous teeth of leaf blades and/or slightly dissected leaves. The three last species belong to A. aggr. transcaucasica being quite similar by appearance. A. muldaschevii differs from relatives by having entirely glabrous stems and orbicular upper radical leaves with overlapped basal lobes. A. pseudotranscaucasica, in comparison with others, has evenly hairy leaves beneath and stems hairy throughout, but glabrous hypanthia. A. ptyschensis is distinguished from other species of the aggregate by stems hairy only at the lowermost internode; from other Calycinae – besides the stem indumentum by longer truncate leaf lobes and glabrous at the base main veins of leaf blades.

Turczaninowia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 140-156
Irina A. Likhanova ◽  
Galina V. Zheleznova

We have identified the diversity of secondary communities formed instead of earlier agricultural lands (middle and south taiga subzones of the European North-East of Russia). The work describes 8 associations, 2 subassociations of the classes Papaveretea rhoeadis, Artemisietea vulgaris,Epilobietea angustifolii, Molinio–Arrhenatheretea, Vaccinio–Piceetea. 3 associations (Urtico dioicae–Chamaenerietum angustifolii, Centaureo phrygiae–Dactyletum glomeratae, Deschampsio cespitosae–Salicetum capreae), 1 subassociation (Galeopsietum bifidae galeopsietosum speciosae)were fixed for the first time. We noted a replacement of segetal communities (subass. Galeopsietum bifidae galeopsietosum speciosae) by meadow communities (аss. Centaureo phrygiae–Dactyletum glomeratae) through the domination stage of Cirsium setosum and Elytrigia repens (аss. Cirsio setosi–Elytrigietum repentis). Favorable conditions for development of woody plants (small size of study area, its close position to forest ecosystems, poorly sodded soil) respond for replacement of meadow succession stage by young woody plants towards the second decade of succession. Earlier agricultural lands are an appropriated place for formation of birch forests with a well-developed undergrowth of Salix caprea and herb layer of meadow and forest edge plants (аss. Deschampsio cespitosae–Salicetum capreae). Big-size study areas with a well-formed grass stand are dominated by meadow communities towards the second succession decade even in case of no haying. The highly competitive nitrophytes as Heracleum sosnowskyi, Chamaenerion angustifolium, Anthriscus sylvestris form the following communities as аss. Urtico dioicae–Heracleetum sosnowskyi, аss. Urtico dioicae–Chamaenerietum angustifolii, аss. Symphyto officinalis–Anthriscetum sylvestris. Being highly competitive, these species lead to degradation of first-formed meadow communities.

Turczaninowia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 58-72
Aleksey A. Kechaykin ◽  
Alexander I. Shmakov ◽  
Frank Müller ◽  
Michail V. Skaptsov ◽  
Aleksey V. Vaganov ◽  

Based on morphological characters, a new species Potentilla friesenii collected from alpine belt of Kuraisky Ridge (Altai Mts.) is described. The novelty belongs to Potentilla sect. Chrysanthae; it is most closely related to P. asiatica but differs from the latter by styles not or somewhat widened and smooth to slightly verrucose (vs. always somewhat widened and strongly verrucose) at base as well as the presence of numerous violet glands on sepals. Stability of these differences are confirmed by several years of observation in the wild and in introduction. Illustration of the new species, image of its type specimen, and distribution map are adduced; the area of P. asiatica within Altai Mts. is also presented. A novel morphological feature separating P. asiatica and P. chrysantha is found: staminal ring in P. asiatica (as well as in the new species) is dark violet while it is pale in P. chrysantha. The name P. asiatica is lectotypified.

Turczaninowia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 186-201
Zoya V. Kozhevnikova

The article provides information on twelve new species of alien plants for the flora of the Primorye Territory, assesses the prospects for their further settlement. Data on new and confirmed localities of the adventive species of vascular plants rare for the regional flora are also provided, including the growth of Myosoton aquaticum confirmed by herbarium collections on the territory of the Russian Far East for a number of years in the only location.

Turczaninowia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 157-167
Igor G. Krinitsyn ◽  
Nikolay G. Prilepsky

The article reports on a find of a new plant native to the flora of central European Russia – Botrychium lanceolatum (S. G. Gmel.) Ångstr., which was discovered during a survey of a 60-year-old clearcut in the course of floristic work on the territory of M. G. Sinitsyn “Kologrivskiy Les” State Nature Reserve (the Kostroma Region). Collection and determination were carried out by the author of the article I. G. Krinitsyn. For the Kostroma Region, the species was not indicated in any floristic checklist. Herbarium specimens of the aboveground part of the sporophyte are kept in the Herbarium of the Kostroma State University and the “Kologrivskiy Les” State Nature Reserve Herbarium, as well as transferred to the Herbarium of the Altai State University (ALTB). B. lanceolatum is a relict species of the forest zone of the Holarctic with a fragmented range mainly in the subarctic, northern temperate zone and in the mountains of the warm temperate zone of Eurasia and North America. In Russia, it is sporadically found in the forest zone from the Murmansk and Leningrad Regions to Kamchatka and Sakhalin, inclusively; it enters the Arctic on the Chukchi Peninsula. The species is rare throughout its range; the populations are represented by single individuals. It is included in many regional Red Data Books of the Russian Federation. B. lanceolatum became the fifth species of the Botrychiaceae Nakai family in the pteridoflora of the Kostroma Region (and the middle zone of European Russia as a whole). In the Kostroma Region, the species is located on the extreme southern border of the range in the middle zone of the European part of Russia. The population of B. lanceolatum at the time of the discovery was represented by 4 individuals in different ontogenetic states. The data on the new location and phytocenotic conditions of growth of the species are given; a brief morphological description and information on the dynamics of the population are presented.

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