Objectives Bedside lung ultrasound has been indispensable during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, allowing us to rapidly assess critically unwell patients. We demonstrate the unique application of contrast-enhanced ultrasound with the aim of further understanding this disease. Methods Patient demographics were recorded alongside recent cross-sectional imaging and inflammatory markers. Ultrasound was conducted by experienced operators in a portable setting. Conventional six-point lung ultrasound method was used to evaluate B-lines, small (subpleural) consolidation and the pleura. Areas of small consolidation were targeted after intravenous administration of ultrasound contrast. Results The areas of small consolidations, a potential sign of pneumonia on B-mode lung ultrasound, usually enhance on contrast-enhanced ultrasound. Our study revealed these areas to be avascular, indicating an underlying thrombotic/infarction process. Findings were present in 100% of the patients we examined. We have also shown that the degree of infarction correlates with CT severity (r = 0.4) and inflammatory markers, and that these areas improve as patients recover. Conclusions We confirmed the theory of immune thrombus by identifying the presence of microthrombi in the lungs of 100% of our patients, despite 79% having had a recent negative CT pulmonary angiogram study. contrast-enhanced ultrasound can be utilised to add confidence to an uncertain COVID-19 diagnosis and for prognosticating and monitoring progress in confirmed COVID-19 patients. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound is clearly very different to CT, the gold standard, and while there are specific pathologies that can only be detected on CT, contrast-enhanced ultrasound has many advantages, most notability the ability to pick up microthrombi at the periphery of the lungs.